# Default configuration for the Perl Module::Build # build system. variables: # To install perl distributions into the correct location # in our chroot we need to set PREFIX to / # in the configure-commands. # # The mapping between PREFIX and the final installation # directories is complex and depends upon the configuration # of perl see, # https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/perl/INSTALL#Installation-Directories # and ExtUtil::MakeMaker's documentation for more details. configure: | perl Build.PL --prefix "%{install-root}%{prefix}" perl-build: ./Build perl-install: ./Build install config: # Commands for configuring the software # configure-commands: - | %{configure} # Commands for building the software # build-commands: - | %{perl-build} # Commands for installing the software into a # destination folder # install-commands: - | %{perl-install} # Commands for stripping debugging information out of # installed binaries # strip-commands: - | %{strip-binaries}