# # Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library. If not, see . # # Authors: # Tristan Van Berkom """ Element - Base element class ============================ .. _core_element_abstract_methods: Abstract Methods ---------------- For loading and configuration purposes, Elements must implement the :ref:`Plugin base class abstract methods `. .. _core_element_build_phase: Build Phase ~~~~~~~~~~~ The following methods are the foundation of the element's *build phase*, they must be implemented by all Element classes, unless explicitly stated otherwise. * :func:`Element.configure_sandbox() ` Configures the :class:`.Sandbox`. This is called before anything else * :func:`Element.stage() ` Stage dependencies and :class:`Sources ` into the sandbox. * :func:`Element.prepare() ` Call preparation methods that should only be performed once in the lifetime of a build directory (e.g. autotools' ./configure). **Optional**: If left unimplemented, this step will be skipped. * :func:`Element.assemble() ` Perform the actual assembly of the element Miscellaneous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Miscellaneous abstract methods also exist: * :func:`Element.generate_script() ` For the purpose of ``bst source checkout --include-build-scripts``, an Element may optionally implement this. Class Reference --------------- """ import os import re import stat import copy import warnings from collections import OrderedDict import contextlib from contextlib import contextmanager from functools import partial from itertools import chain import string from typing import cast, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Set from pyroaring import BitMap # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from . import _yaml from ._variables import Variables from ._versions import BST_CORE_ARTIFACT_VERSION from ._exceptions import BstError, LoadError, ImplError, SourceCacheError from .exceptions import ErrorDomain, LoadErrorReason from .utils import FileListResult, BST_ARBITRARY_TIMESTAMP from . import utils from . import _cachekey from . import _site from ._platform import Platform from .node import Node from .plugin import Plugin from .sandbox import SandboxFlags, SandboxCommandError from .sandbox._config import SandboxConfig from .sandbox._sandboxremote import SandboxRemote from .types import CoreWarnings, Scope, _CacheBuildTrees, _KeyStrength from ._artifact import Artifact from .storage.directory import Directory from .storage._filebaseddirectory import FileBasedDirectory from .storage._casbaseddirectory import CasBasedDirectory from .storage.directory import VirtualDirectoryError if TYPE_CHECKING: from .node import MappingNode, ScalarNode, SequenceNode from .types import SourceRef from typing import Tuple # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from .sandbox import Sandbox from .source import Source from ._context import Context from ._loader.metaelement import MetaElement from ._project import Project # pylint: enable=cyclic-import class ElementError(BstError): """This exception should be raised by :class:`.Element` implementations to report errors to the user. Args: message: The error message to report to the user detail: A possibly multiline, more detailed error message reason: An optional machine readable reason string, used for test cases collect: An optional directory containing partial install contents temporary: An indicator to whether the error may occur if the operation was run again. """ def __init__( self, message: str, *, detail: str = None, reason: str = None, collect: str = None, temporary: bool = False ): super().__init__(message, detail=detail, domain=ErrorDomain.ELEMENT, reason=reason, temporary=temporary) self.collect = collect class Element(Plugin): """Element() Base Element class. All elements derive from this class, this interface defines how the core will be interacting with Elements. """ # The defaults from the yaml file and project __defaults = None # A hash of Element by MetaElement __instantiated_elements = {} # type: Dict[MetaElement, Element] # A list of (source, ref) tuples which were redundantly specified __redundant_source_refs = [] # type: List[Tuple[Source, SourceRef]] BST_ARTIFACT_VERSION = 0 """The element plugin's artifact version Elements must first set this to 1 if they change their unique key structure in a way that would produce a different key for the same input, or introduce a change in the build output for the same unique key. Further changes of this nature require bumping the artifact version. """ BST_STRICT_REBUILD = False """Whether to rebuild this element in non strict mode if any of the dependencies have changed. """ BST_FORBID_RDEPENDS = False """Whether to raise exceptions if an element has runtime dependencies. """ BST_FORBID_BDEPENDS = False """Whether to raise exceptions if an element has build dependencies. """ BST_FORBID_SOURCES = False """Whether to raise exceptions if an element has sources. """ BST_RUN_COMMANDS = True """Whether the element may run commands using Sandbox.run. """ BST_ELEMENT_HAS_ARTIFACT = True """Whether the element produces an artifact when built. """ def __init__(self, context: "Context", project: "Project", meta: "MetaElement", plugin_conf: Dict[str, Any]): self.__cache_key_dict = None # Dict for cache key calculation self.__cache_key = None # Our cached cache key super().__init__(meta.name, context, project, meta.provenance, "element") # Ensure the project is fully loaded here rather than later on if not meta.is_junction: project.ensure_fully_loaded() self.project_name = self._get_project().name self.normal_name = _get_normal_name(self.name) """A normalized element name This is the original element without path separators or the extension, it's used mainly for composing log file names and creating directory names and such. """ # Direct runtime dependency Elements self.__runtime_dependencies = [] # type: List[Element] # Direct build dependency Elements self.__build_dependencies = [] # type: List[Element] # Direct build dependency subset which require strict rebuilds self.__strict_dependencies = [] # type: List[Element] # Direct reverse build dependency Elements self.__reverse_build_deps = set() # type: Set[Element] # Direct reverse runtime dependency Elements self.__reverse_runtime_deps = set() # type: Set[Element] self.__build_deps_without_strict_cache_key = None # Number of build dependencies without a strict key self.__runtime_deps_without_strict_cache_key = None # Number of runtime dependencies without a strict key self.__build_deps_without_cache_key = None # Number of build dependencies without a cache key self.__runtime_deps_without_cache_key = None # Number of runtime dependencies without a cache key self.__build_deps_uncached = None # Build dependencies which are not yet cached self.__runtime_deps_uncached = None # Runtime dependencies which are not yet cached self.__updated_strict_cache_keys_of_rdeps = False # Whether we've updated strict cache keys of rdeps self.__ready_for_runtime = False # Whether the element and its runtime dependencies have cache keys self.__ready_for_runtime_and_cached = False # Whether all runtime deps are cached, as well as the element self.__cached_remotely = None # Whether the element is cached remotely # List of Sources self.__sources = [] # type: List[Source] self.__sources_vdir = None # Directory with staged sources self.__weak_cache_key = None # Our cached weak cache key self.__strict_cache_key = None # Our cached cache key for strict builds self.__artifacts = context.artifactcache # Artifact cache self.__sourcecache = context.sourcecache # Source cache self.__is_resolved = False # Whether the source is fully resolved or not self.__assemble_scheduled = False # Element is scheduled to be assembled self.__assemble_done = False # Element is assembled self.__pull_done = False # Whether pull was attempted self.__cached_successfully = None # If the Element is known to be successfully cached self.__has_all_sources_in_source_cache = None # If the sources are known to be successfully cached self.__has_all_sources_cached = False # Whether all sources have a local copy of their respective sources self.__splits = None # Resolved regex objects for computing split domains self.__whitelist_regex = None # Resolved regex object to check if file is allowed to overlap self.__tainted = None # Whether the artifact is tainted and should not be shared self.__artifact_files_required = False # Whether artifact files are required in the local cache self.__build_result = None # The result of assembling this Element (success, description, detail) self._build_log_path = None # The path of the build log for this Element # Artifact class for direct artifact composite interaction self.__artifact = None # type: Optional[Artifact] self.__strict_artifact = None # Artifact for strict cache key self.__meta_kind = meta.kind # The kind of this source, required for unpickling # the index of the last source in this element that requires previous # sources for staging self.__last_source_requires_previous_ix = None self.__batch_prepare_assemble = False # Whether batching across prepare()/assemble() is configured self.__batch_prepare_assemble_flags = 0 # Sandbox flags for batching across prepare()/assemble() # Collect dir for batching across prepare()/assemble() self.__batch_prepare_assemble_collect = None # type: Optional[str] # Callbacks self.__can_query_cache_callback = None # Callback to PullQueue/FetchQueue self.__buildable_callback = None # Callback to BuildQueue self._depth = None # Depth of Element in its current dependency graph self._resolved_initial_state = False # Whether the initial state of the Element has been resolved # Ensure we have loaded this class's defaults self.__init_defaults(project, plugin_conf, meta.kind, meta.is_junction) # Collect the composited variables and resolve them variables = self.__extract_variables(project, meta) variables["element-name"] = self.name self.__variables = Variables(variables) # Collect the composited environment now that we have variables unexpanded_env = self.__extract_environment(project, meta) self.__variables.expand(unexpanded_env) self.__environment = unexpanded_env.strip_node_info() # Collect the environment nocache blacklist list nocache = self.__extract_env_nocache(project, meta) self.__env_nocache = nocache # Grab public domain data declared for this instance unexpanded_public = self.__extract_public(meta) self.__public = self.__expand_splits(unexpanded_public) self.__dynamic_public = None # Collect the composited element configuration and # ask the element to configure itself. self.__config = self.__extract_config(meta) self.__variables.expand(self.__config) self._configure(self.__config) # Extract remote execution URL if meta.is_junction: self.__remote_execution_specs = None else: self.__remote_execution_specs = project.remote_execution_specs # Extract Sandbox config self.__sandbox_config = self.__extract_sandbox_config(context, project, meta) def __lt__(self, other): return self.name < other.name ############################################################# # Abstract Methods # ############################################################# def configure_sandbox(self, sandbox: "Sandbox") -> None: """Configures the the sandbox for execution Args: sandbox: The build sandbox Raises: (:class:`.ElementError`): When the element raises an error Elements must implement this method to configure the sandbox object for execution. """ raise ImplError("element plugin '{kind}' does not implement configure_sandbox()".format(kind=self.get_kind())) def stage(self, sandbox: "Sandbox") -> None: """Stage inputs into the sandbox directories Args: sandbox: The build sandbox Raises: (:class:`.ElementError`): When the element raises an error Elements must implement this method to populate the sandbox directory with data. This is done either by staging :class:`.Source` objects, by staging the artifacts of the elements this element depends on, or both. """ raise ImplError("element plugin '{kind}' does not implement stage()".format(kind=self.get_kind())) def prepare(self, sandbox: "Sandbox") -> None: """Run one-off preparation commands. This is run before assemble(), but is guaranteed to run only the first time if we build incrementally - this makes it possible to run configure-like commands without causing the entire element to rebuild. Args: sandbox: The build sandbox Raises: (:class:`.ElementError`): When the element raises an error By default, this method does nothing, but may be overriden to allow configure-like commands. """ def assemble(self, sandbox: "Sandbox") -> str: """Assemble the output artifact Args: sandbox: The build sandbox Returns: An absolute path within the sandbox to collect the artifact from Raises: (:class:`.ElementError`): When the element raises an error Elements must implement this method to create an output artifact from its sources and dependencies. """ raise ImplError("element plugin '{kind}' does not implement assemble()".format(kind=self.get_kind())) def generate_script(self) -> str: """Generate a build (sh) script to build this element Returns: A string containing the shell commands required to build the element BuildStream guarantees the following environment when the generated script is run: - All element variables have been exported. - The cwd is `self.get_variable('build-root')/self.normal_name`. - $PREFIX is set to `self.get_variable('install-root')`. - The directory indicated by $PREFIX is an empty directory. Files are expected to be installed to $PREFIX. If the script fails, it is expected to return with an exit code != 0. """ raise ImplError("element plugin '{kind}' does not implement write_script()".format(kind=self.get_kind())) ############################################################# # Public Methods # ############################################################# def sources(self) -> Iterator["Source"]: """A generator function to enumerate the element sources Yields: The sources of this element """ for source in self.__sources: yield source def dependencies(self, scope: Scope, *, recurse: bool = True, visited=None) -> Iterator["Element"]: """dependencies(scope, *, recurse=True) A generator function which yields the dependencies of the given element. If `recurse` is specified (the default), the full dependencies will be listed in deterministic staging order, starting with the basemost elements in the given `scope`. Otherwise, if `recurse` is not specified then only the direct dependencies in the given `scope` will be traversed, and the element itself will be omitted. Args: scope: The scope to iterate in recurse: Whether to recurse Yields: The dependencies in `scope`, in deterministic staging order """ # The format of visited is (BitMap(), BitMap()), with the first BitMap # containing element that have been visited for the `Scope.BUILD` case # and the second one relating to the `Scope.RUN` case. if not recurse: result: Set[Element] = set() if scope in (Scope.BUILD, Scope.ALL): for dep in self.__build_dependencies: if dep not in result: result.add(dep) yield dep if scope in (Scope.RUN, Scope.ALL): for dep in self.__runtime_dependencies: if dep not in result: result.add(dep) yield dep else: def visit(element, scope, visited): if scope == Scope.ALL: visited[0].add(element._unique_id) visited[1].add(element._unique_id) for dep in chain(element.__build_dependencies, element.__runtime_dependencies): if dep._unique_id not in visited[0] and dep._unique_id not in visited[1]: yield from visit(dep, Scope.ALL, visited) yield element elif scope == Scope.BUILD: visited[0].add(element._unique_id) for dep in element.__build_dependencies: if dep._unique_id not in visited[1]: yield from visit(dep, Scope.RUN, visited) elif scope == Scope.RUN: visited[1].add(element._unique_id) for dep in element.__runtime_dependencies: if dep._unique_id not in visited[1]: yield from visit(dep, Scope.RUN, visited) yield element else: yield element if visited is None: # Visited is of the form (Visited for Scope.BUILD, Visited for Scope.RUN) visited = (BitMap(), BitMap()) else: # We have already a visited set passed. we might be able to short-circuit if scope in (Scope.BUILD, Scope.ALL) and self._unique_id in visited[0]: return if scope in (Scope.RUN, Scope.ALL) and self._unique_id in visited[1]: return yield from visit(self, scope, visited) def search(self, scope: Scope, name: str) -> Optional["Element"]: """Search for a dependency by name Args: scope: The scope to search name: The dependency to search for Returns: The dependency element, or None if not found. """ for dep in self.dependencies(scope): if dep.name == name: return dep return None def node_subst_vars(self, node: "ScalarNode") -> str: """Replace any variables in the string contained in the node and returns it. **Warning**: The method is deprecated and will get removed in the next version Args: node: A ScalarNode loaded from YAML Returns: The value with all variables replaced Raises: :class:`.LoadError`: When the node doesn't contain a string or a variable was not found. **Example:** .. code:: python # Expect a string 'name' in 'node', substituting any # variables in the returned string name = self.node_subst_vars(node.get_scalar('name')) """ # FIXME: remove this warnings.warn( "configuration is now automatically expanded, this is a no-op and will be removed.", DeprecationWarning ) return node.as_str() def node_subst_sequence_vars(self, node: "SequenceNode[ScalarNode]") -> List[str]: """Substitute any variables in the given sequence **Warning**: The method is deprecated and will get removed in the next version Args: node: A SequenceNode loaded from YAML Returns: The list with every variable replaced Raises: :class:`.LoadError` """ # FIXME: remove this warnings.warn( "configuration is now automatically expanded, this is a no-op and will be removed.", DeprecationWarning ) return node.as_str_list() def compute_manifest( self, *, include: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None, orphans: bool = True ) -> str: """Compute and return this element's selective manifest The manifest consists on the list of file paths in the artifact. The files in the manifest are selected according to `include`, `exclude` and `orphans` parameters. If `include` is not specified then all files spoken for by any domain are included unless explicitly excluded with an `exclude` domain. Args: include: An optional list of domains to include files from exclude: An optional list of domains to exclude files from orphans: Whether to include files not spoken for by split domains Yields: The paths of the files in manifest """ self.__assert_cached() return self.__compute_splits(include, exclude, orphans) def get_artifact_name(self, key: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Compute and return this element's full artifact name Generate a full name for an artifact, including the project namespace, element name and cache key. This can also be used as a relative path safely, and will normalize parts of the element name such that only digits, letters and some select characters are allowed. Args: key: The element's cache key. Defaults to None Returns: The relative path for the artifact """ if key is None: key = self._get_cache_key() assert key is not None return _compose_artifact_name(self.project_name, self.normal_name, key) def stage_artifact( self, sandbox: "Sandbox", *, path: str = None, include: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None, orphans: bool = True ) -> FileListResult: """Stage this element's output artifact in the sandbox This will stage the files from the artifact to the sandbox at specified location. The files are selected for staging according to the `include`, `exclude` and `orphans` parameters; if `include` is not specified then all files spoken for by any domain are included unless explicitly excluded with an `exclude` domain. Args: sandbox: The build sandbox path: An optional sandbox relative path include: An optional list of domains to include files from exclude: An optional list of domains to exclude files from orphans: Whether to include files not spoken for by split domains Raises: (:class:`.ElementError`): If the element has not yet produced an artifact. Returns: The result describing what happened while staging .. note:: Directories in `dest` are replaced with files from `src`, unless the existing directory in `dest` is not empty in which case the path will be reported in the return value. **Example:** .. code:: python # Stage the dependencies for a build of 'self' for dep in self.dependencies(Scope.BUILD): dep.stage_artifact(sandbox) """ if not self._cached(): detail = ( "No artifacts have been cached yet for that element\n" + "Try building the element first with `bst build`\n" ) raise ElementError("No artifacts to stage", detail=detail, reason="uncached-checkout-attempt") # Time to use the artifact, check once more that it's there self.__assert_cached() with self.timed_activity("Staging {}/{}".format(self.name, self._get_brief_display_key())): # Disable type checking since we can't easily tell mypy that # `self.__artifact` can't be None at this stage. files_vdir = self.__artifact.get_files() # type: ignore # Hard link it into the staging area # vbasedir = sandbox.get_virtual_directory() vstagedir = vbasedir if path is None else vbasedir.descend(*path.lstrip(os.sep).split(os.sep), create=True) split_filter = self.__split_filter_func(include, exclude, orphans) result = vstagedir.import_files( files_vdir, filter_callback=split_filter, report_written=True, can_link=True ) return result def stage_dependency_artifacts( self, sandbox: "Sandbox", scope: Scope, *, path: str = None, include: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None, orphans: bool = True ) -> None: """Stage element dependencies in scope This is primarily a convenience wrapper around :func:`Element.stage_artifact() ` which takes care of staging all the dependencies in `scope` and issueing the appropriate warnings. Args: sandbox: The build sandbox scope: The scope to stage dependencies in path An optional sandbox relative path include: An optional list of domains to include files from exclude: An optional list of domains to exclude files from orphans: Whether to include files not spoken for by split domains Raises: (:class:`.ElementError`): If any of the dependencies in `scope` have not yet produced artifacts, or if forbidden overlaps occur. """ ignored = {} overlaps = OrderedDict() # type: OrderedDict[str, List[str]] files_written = {} # type: Dict[str, List[str]] for dep in self.dependencies(scope): result = dep.stage_artifact(sandbox, path=path, include=include, exclude=exclude, orphans=orphans) if result.overwritten: for overwrite in result.overwritten: # Completely new overwrite if overwrite not in overlaps: # Find the overwritten element by checking where we've # written the element before for elm, contents in files_written.items(): if overwrite in contents: overlaps[overwrite] = [elm, dep.name] else: overlaps[overwrite].append(dep.name) files_written[dep.name] = result.files_written if result.ignored: ignored[dep.name] = result.ignored if overlaps: overlap_warning = False warning_detail = "Staged files overwrite existing files in staging area:\n" for f, elements in overlaps.items(): overlap_warning_elements = [] # The bottom item overlaps nothing overlapping_elements = elements[1:] for elm in overlapping_elements: element = cast(Element, self.search(scope, elm)) if not element.__file_is_whitelisted(f): overlap_warning_elements.append(elm) overlap_warning = True warning_detail += _overlap_error_detail(f, overlap_warning_elements, elements) if overlap_warning: self.warn( "Non-whitelisted overlaps detected", detail=warning_detail, warning_token=CoreWarnings.OVERLAPS ) if ignored: detail = "Not staging files which would replace non-empty directories:\n" for key, value in ignored.items(): detail += "\nFrom {}:\n".format(key) detail += " " + " ".join(["/" + f + "\n" for f in value]) self.warn("Ignored files", detail=detail) def integrate(self, sandbox: "Sandbox") -> None: """Integrate currently staged filesystem against this artifact. Args: sandbox: The build sandbox This modifies the sysroot staged inside the sandbox so that the sysroot is *integrated*. Only an *integrated* sandbox may be trusted for running the software therein, as the integration commands will create and update important system cache files required for running the installed software (such as the ld.so.cache). """ bstdata = self.get_public_data("bst") environment = self.get_environment() if bstdata is not None: with sandbox.batch(SandboxFlags.NONE): for command in bstdata.get_str_list("integration-commands", []): sandbox.run(["sh", "-e", "-c", command], 0, env=environment, cwd="/", label=command) def stage_sources(self, sandbox: "Sandbox", directory: str) -> None: """Stage this element's sources to a directory in the sandbox Args: sandbox: The build sandbox directory: An absolute path within the sandbox to stage the sources at """ self._stage_sources_in_sandbox(sandbox, directory) def get_public_data(self, domain: str) -> "MappingNode[Any, Any]": """Fetch public data on this element Args: domain: A public domain name to fetch data for Returns: .. note:: This can only be called the abstract methods which are called as a part of the :ref:`build phase ` and never before. """ if self.__dynamic_public is None: self.__load_public_data() # Disable type-checking since we can't easily tell mypy that # `self.__dynamic_public` can't be None here. data = self.__dynamic_public.get_mapping(domain, default=None) # type: ignore if data is not None: data = data.clone() return data def set_public_data(self, domain: str, data: "MappingNode[Any, Any]") -> None: """Set public data on this element Args: domain: A public domain name to fetch data for data: The public data dictionary for the given domain This allows an element to dynamically mutate public data of elements or add new domains as the result of success completion of the :func:`Element.assemble() ` method. """ if self.__dynamic_public is None: self.__load_public_data() if data is not None: data = data.clone() self.__dynamic_public[domain] = data # type: ignore def get_environment(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Fetch the environment suitable for running in the sandbox Returns: A dictionary of string key/values suitable for passing to :func:`Sandbox.run() ` """ return self.__environment def get_variable(self, varname: str) -> Optional[str]: """Fetch the value of a variable resolved for this element. Args: varname: The name of the variable to fetch Returns: The resolved value for *varname*, or None if no variable was declared with the given name. """ # Flat is not recognized correctly by Pylint as being a dictionary return self.__variables.flat.get(varname) # pylint: disable=no-member def batch_prepare_assemble(self, flags: int, *, collect: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Configure command batching across prepare() and assemble() Args: flags: The sandbox flags for the command batch collect: An optional directory containing partial install contents on command failure. This may be called in :func:`Element.configure_sandbox() ` to enable batching of all sandbox commands issued in prepare() and assemble(). """ if self.__batch_prepare_assemble: raise ElementError("{}: Command batching for prepare/assemble is already configured".format(self)) self.__batch_prepare_assemble = True self.__batch_prepare_assemble_flags = flags self.__batch_prepare_assemble_collect = collect def get_logs(self) -> List[str]: """Obtain a list of log file paths Returns: A list of log file paths """ return cast(Artifact, self.__artifact).get_logs() ############################################################# # Private Methods used in BuildStream # ############################################################# # _new_from_meta(): # # Recursively instantiate a new Element instance, its sources # and its dependencies from a meta element. # # Args: # meta (MetaElement): The meta element # task (Task): A task object to report progress to # # Returns: # (Element): A newly created Element instance # @classmethod def _new_from_meta(cls, meta, task=None): if not meta.first_pass: meta.project.ensure_fully_loaded() if meta in cls.__instantiated_elements: return cls.__instantiated_elements[meta] element = meta.project.create_element(meta, first_pass=meta.first_pass) cls.__instantiated_elements[meta] = element # Instantiate sources and generate their keys for meta_source in meta.sources: meta_source.first_pass = meta.is_junction source = meta.project.create_source(meta_source, variables=element.__variables, first_pass=meta.first_pass) redundant_ref = source._load_ref() element.__sources.append(source) # Collect redundant refs which occurred at load time if redundant_ref is not None: cls.__redundant_source_refs.append((source, redundant_ref)) # Instantiate dependencies for meta_dep in meta.dependencies: dependency = Element._new_from_meta(meta_dep, task) element.__runtime_dependencies.append(dependency) dependency.__reverse_runtime_deps.add(element) no_of_runtime_deps = len(element.__runtime_dependencies) element.__runtime_deps_without_strict_cache_key = no_of_runtime_deps element.__runtime_deps_without_cache_key = no_of_runtime_deps element.__runtime_deps_uncached = no_of_runtime_deps for meta_dep in meta.build_dependencies: dependency = Element._new_from_meta(meta_dep, task) element.__build_dependencies.append(dependency) dependency.__reverse_build_deps.add(element) if meta_dep in meta.strict_dependencies: element.__strict_dependencies.append(dependency) no_of_build_deps = len(element.__build_dependencies) element.__build_deps_without_strict_cache_key = no_of_build_deps element.__build_deps_without_cache_key = no_of_build_deps element.__build_deps_uncached = no_of_build_deps element.__preflight() if task: task.add_current_progress() return element # _clear_meta_elements_cache() # # Clear the internal meta elements cache. # # When loading elements from meta, we cache already instantiated elements # in order to not have to load the same elements twice. # This clears the cache. # # It should be called whenever we are done loading all elements in order # to save memory. # @classmethod def _clear_meta_elements_cache(cls): cls.__instantiated_elements = {} # _get_redundant_source_refs() # # Fetches a list of (Source, ref) tuples of all the Sources # which were loaded with a ref specified in the element declaration # for projects which use project.refs ref-storage. # # This is used to produce a warning @classmethod def _get_redundant_source_refs(cls): return cls.__redundant_source_refs # _reset_load_state() # # This is called by Pipeline.cleanup() and is used to # reset the loader state between multiple sessions. # @classmethod def _reset_load_state(cls): cls.__instantiated_elements = {} cls.__redundant_source_refs = [] # _cached(): # # Returns: # (bool): Whether this element is already present in # the artifact cache # def _cached(self): if not self.__artifact: return False return self.__artifact.cached() # _cached_remotely(): # # Returns: # (bool): Whether this element is present in a remote cache # def _cached_remotely(self): if self.__cached_remotely is None: self.__cached_remotely = self.__artifacts.check_remotes_for_element(self) return self.__cached_remotely # _get_build_result(): # # Returns: # (bool): Whether the artifact of this element present in the artifact cache is of a success # (str): Short description of the result # (str): Detailed description of the result # def _get_build_result(self): if self.__build_result is None: self.__load_build_result() return self.__build_result # __set_build_result(): # # Sets the assembly result # # Args: # success (bool): Whether the result is a success # description (str): Short description of the result # detail (str): Detailed description of the result # def __set_build_result(self, success, description, detail=None): self.__build_result = (success, description, detail) # _cached_success(): # # Returns: # (bool): Whether this element is already present in # the artifact cache and the element assembled successfully # def _cached_success(self): # FIXME: _cache() and _cached_success() should be converted to # push based functions where we only update __cached_successfully # once we know this has changed. This will allow us to cheaply check # __cached_successfully instead of calling _cached_success() if self.__cached_successfully: return True if not self._cached(): return False success, _, _ = self._get_build_result() if success: self.__cached_successfully = True return True else: return False # _cached_failure(): # # Returns: # (bool): Whether this element is already present in # the artifact cache and the element did not assemble successfully # def _cached_failure(self): if not self._cached(): return False success, _, _ = self._get_build_result() return not success # _buildable(): # # Returns: # (bool): Whether this element can currently be built # def _buildable(self): if not (self._has_all_sources_in_source_cache() or self._has_all_sources_cached()): return False if not self.__assemble_scheduled: return False return self.__build_deps_uncached == 0 # _get_cache_key(): # # Returns the cache key # # Args: # strength (_KeyStrength): Either STRONG or WEAK key strength # # Returns: # (str): A hex digest cache key for this Element, or None # # None is returned if information for the cache key is missing. # def _get_cache_key(self, strength=_KeyStrength.STRONG): if strength == _KeyStrength.STRONG: return self.__cache_key else: return self.__weak_cache_key # _can_query_cache(): # # Returns whether the cache key required for cache queries is available. # # Returns: # (bool): True if cache can be queried # def _can_query_cache(self): # cache cannot be queried until strict cache key is available return self.__strict_cache_key is not None # _initialize_state() # # Compute up the elment's initial state. Element state contains # the following mutable sub-states: # # - Source state # - Artifact cache key # - Source key # - Integral component of the cache key # - Computed as part of the source state # - Artifact state # - Cache key # - Must be known to compute this state # - Build status # - Artifact state # - Must be known before we can decide whether to build # # Note that sub-states are dependent on each other, and changes to # one state will effect changes in the next. # # Changes to these states can be caused by numerous things, # notably jobs executed in sub-processes. Changes are performed by # invocations of the following methods: # # - __update_resolved_state() # - Computes the state of all sources of the element. # - __update_cache_keys() # - Computes the strong and weak cache keys. # - _update_artifact_state() # - Computes the state of the element's artifact using the # cache key. # - _schedule_assembly_when_necessary() # - Schedules assembly of an element, iff its current state # allows/necessitates it # - __update_cache_key_non_strict() # - Sets strict cache keys in non-strict builds # - Some non-strict build actions can create artifacts # compatible with strict mode (such as pulling), so # this needs to be done # # When any one of these methods are called and cause a change, # they will invoke methods that have a potential dependency on # them, causing the state change to bubble through all potential # side effects. # # *This* method starts the process by invoking # `__update_resolved_state()`, which will cause all necessary state # changes. Other functions should use the appropriate methods and # only update what they expect to change - this will ensure that # the minimum amount of work is done. # def _initialize_state(self): assert not self._resolved_initial_state, "_initialize_state() should only be called once" self._resolved_initial_state = True # This will update source state, and for un-initialized # elements recursively initialize anything else (because it # will become considered outdated after source state is # updated). # # FIXME: Currently this method may cause recursion through # `self.__update_strict_cache_key_of_rdeps()`, since this may # invoke reverse dependencies' cache key updates # recursively. This is necessary when we update keys after a # pull/build, however should not occur during initialization # (since we will eventualyl visit reverse dependencies during # our initialization anyway). self.__update_resolved_state() # _get_display_key(): # # Returns cache keys for display purposes # # Returns: # (str): A full hex digest cache key for this Element # (str): An abbreviated hex digest cache key for this Element # (bool): True if key should be shown as dim, False otherwise # # Question marks are returned if information for the cache key is missing. # def _get_display_key(self): context = self._get_context() dim_key = True cache_key = self._get_cache_key() if not cache_key: cache_key = "{:?<64}".format("") elif cache_key == self.__strict_cache_key: # Strong cache key used in this session matches cache key # that would be used in strict build mode dim_key = False length = min(len(cache_key), context.log_key_length) return (cache_key, cache_key[0:length], dim_key) # _get_brief_display_key() # # Returns an abbreviated cache key for display purposes # # Returns: # (str): An abbreviated hex digest cache key for this Element # # Question marks are returned if information for the cache key is missing. # def _get_brief_display_key(self): _, display_key, _ = self._get_display_key() return display_key # _tracking_done(): # # This is called in the main process after the element has been tracked # def _tracking_done(self): # Tracking may change the sources' refs, and therefore the # source state. We need to update source state. self.__update_resolved_state() # Check whether sources are now cached. # This is done here so that we don't throw an exception trying to show the pipeline at the end # This has for side-effect to cache this fact too, which will change the object's state. # This is done here rather than later so we can validate that the sources are valid locally self._has_all_sources_in_source_cache() self._has_all_sources_cached() # _track(): # # Calls track() on the Element sources # # Raises: # SourceError: If one of the element sources has an error # # Returns: # (list): A list of Source object ids and their new references # def _track(self): refs = [] for index, source in enumerate(self.__sources): old_ref = source.get_ref() new_ref = source._track(self.__sources[0:index]) refs.append((source._unique_id, new_ref)) # Complimentary warning that the new ref will be unused. if old_ref != new_ref and self._get_workspace(): detail = ( "This source has an open workspace.\n" + "To start using the new reference, please close the existing workspace." ) source.warn("Updated reference will be ignored as source has open workspace", detail=detail) return refs # _prepare_sandbox(): # # This stages things for either _shell() (below) or also # is used to stage things by the `bst artifact checkout` codepath # @contextmanager def _prepare_sandbox(self, scope, shell=False, integrate=True, usebuildtree=False): # bst shell and bst artifact checkout require a local sandbox. with self.__sandbox(None, config=self.__sandbox_config, allow_remote=False) as sandbox: sandbox._usebuildtree = usebuildtree # Configure always comes first, and we need it. self.__configure_sandbox(sandbox) # Stage what we need if shell and scope == Scope.BUILD: self.stage(sandbox) else: # Stage deps in the sandbox root with self.timed_activity("Staging dependencies", silent_nested=True): self.stage_dependency_artifacts(sandbox, scope) # Run any integration commands provided by the dependencies # once they are all staged and ready if integrate: with self.timed_activity("Integrating sandbox"): for dep in self.dependencies(scope): dep.integrate(sandbox) yield sandbox # _stage_sources_in_sandbox(): # # Stage this element's sources to a directory inside sandbox # # Args: # sandbox (:class:`.Sandbox`): The build sandbox # directory (str): An absolute path to stage the sources at # def _stage_sources_in_sandbox(self, sandbox, directory): # Stage all sources that need to be copied sandbox_vroot = sandbox.get_virtual_directory() host_vdirectory = sandbox_vroot.descend(*directory.lstrip(os.sep).split(os.sep), create=True) self._stage_sources_at(host_vdirectory, usebuildtree=sandbox._usebuildtree) # _stage_sources_at(): # # Stage this element's sources to a directory # # Args: # vdirectory (:class:`.storage.Directory`): A virtual directory object to stage sources into. # usebuildtree (bool): use a the elements build tree as its source. # def _stage_sources_at(self, vdirectory, usebuildtree=False): context = self._get_context() # It's advantageous to have this temporary directory on # the same file system as the rest of our cache. with self.timed_activity("Staging sources", silent_nested=True), utils._tempdir( dir=context.tmpdir, prefix="staging-temp" ) as temp_staging_directory: import_dir = temp_staging_directory if not isinstance(vdirectory, Directory): vdirectory = FileBasedDirectory(vdirectory) if not vdirectory.is_empty(): raise ElementError("Staging directory '{}' is not empty".format(vdirectory)) # Check if we have a cached buildtree to use if usebuildtree: import_dir = self.__artifact.get_buildtree() if import_dir.is_empty(): detail = "Element type either does not expect a buildtree or it was explictily cached without one." self.warn("WARNING: {} Artifact contains an empty buildtree".format(self.name), detail=detail) # No cached buildtree, stage source from source cache else: # Assert sources are cached assert self._has_all_sources_in_source_cache() if self.__sources: sourcecache = context.sourcecache # find last required source last_required_previous_ix = self.__last_source_requires_previous() import_dir = CasBasedDirectory(context.get_cascache()) try: for source in self.__sources[last_required_previous_ix:]: source_dir = sourcecache.export(source) import_dir.import_files(source_dir) except SourceCacheError as e: raise ElementError("Error trying to export source for {}: {}".format(self.name, e)) except VirtualDirectoryError as e: raise ElementError( "Error trying to import sources together for {}: {}".format(self.name, e), reason="import-source-files-fail", ) self.__sources_vdir = import_dir # incremental builds should merge the source into the last artifact before staging last_build_artifact = self.__get_last_build_artifact() if last_build_artifact: self.info("Incremental build") last_sources = last_build_artifact.get_sources() import_dir = last_build_artifact.get_buildtree() import_dir._apply_changes(last_sources, self.__sources_vdir) # Set update_mtime to ensure deterministic mtime of sources at build time with utils._deterministic_umask(): vdirectory.import_files(import_dir, update_mtime=BST_ARBITRARY_TIMESTAMP) # Ensure deterministic owners of sources at build time vdirectory.set_deterministic_user() # _set_artifact_files_required(): # # Mark artifact files for this element and its runtime dependencies as # required in the local cache. # def _set_artifact_files_required(self, scope=Scope.RUN): if self.__artifact_files_required: # Already done return self.__artifact_files_required = True # Request artifact files of runtime dependencies for dep in self.dependencies(scope, recurse=False): dep._set_artifact_files_required(scope=scope) # _artifact_files_required(): # # Returns whether artifact files for this element have been marked as required. # def _artifact_files_required(self): return self.__artifact_files_required # __should_schedule() # # Returns: # bool - Whether the element can be scheduled for a build. # def __should_schedule(self): # We're processing if we're already scheduled, we've # finished assembling or if we're waiting to pull. processing = self.__assemble_scheduled or self.__assemble_done or self._pull_pending() # We should schedule a build when return ( # We're not processing not processing and # We have figured out the state of our artifact self.__artifact and # And we're not cached yet not self._cached() ) # _schedule_assembly_when_necessary(): # # This is called in the main process before the element is assembled # in a subprocess. # def _schedule_assembly_when_necessary(self): # FIXME: We could reduce the number of function calls a bit by # factoring this out of this method (and checking whether we # should schedule at the calling end). # # This would make the code less pretty, but it's a possible # optimization if we get desperate enough (and we will ;)). if not self.__should_schedule(): return self.__assemble_scheduled = True # Requests artifacts of build dependencies for dep in self.dependencies(Scope.BUILD, recurse=False): dep._schedule_assembly_when_necessary() # Once we schedule an element for assembly, we know that our # build dependencies have strong cache keys, so we can update # our own strong cache key. self.__update_cache_key_non_strict() # _assemble_done(): # # This is called in the main process after the element has been assembled. # # This will result in updating the element state. # # Args: # successful (bool): Whether the build was successful # def _assemble_done(self, successful): assert self.__assemble_scheduled self.__assemble_scheduled = False self.__assemble_done = True self.__strict_artifact.reset_cached() if successful: # Directly set known cached status as optimization to avoid # querying buildbox-casd and the filesystem. self.__artifact.set_cached() self.__cached_successfully = True else: self.__artifact.reset_cached() # When we're building in non-strict mode, we may have # assembled everything to this point without a strong cache # key. Once the element has been assembled, a strong cache key # can be set, so we do so. self.__update_cache_key_non_strict() self._update_ready_for_runtime_and_cached() if self._get_workspace() and self._cached(): assert utils._is_main_process(), "Attempted to save workspace configuration from child process" # # Note that this block can only happen in the # main process, since `self._cached_success()` cannot # be true when assembly is successful in the task. # # For this reason, it is safe to update and # save the workspaces configuration # key = self._get_cache_key() workspace = self._get_workspace() workspace.last_build = key self._get_context().get_workspaces().save_config() # _assemble(): # # Internal method for running the entire build phase. # # This will: # - Prepare a sandbox for the build # - Call the public abstract methods for the build phase # - Cache the resulting artifact # # Returns: # (int): The size of the newly cached artifact # def _assemble(self): # Assert call ordering assert not self._cached_success() context = self._get_context() with self._output_file() as output_file: # Explicitly clean it up, keep the build dir around if exceptions are raised os.makedirs(context.builddir, exist_ok=True) with utils._tempdir( prefix="{}-".format(self.normal_name), dir=context.builddir ) as rootdir, self.__sandbox( rootdir, output_file, output_file, self.__sandbox_config ) as sandbox: # noqa # Let the sandbox know whether the buildtree will be required. # This allows the remote execution sandbox to skip buildtree # download when it's not needed. buildroot = self.get_variable("build-root") cache_buildtrees = context.cache_buildtrees if cache_buildtrees != _CacheBuildTrees.NEVER: always_cache_buildtrees = cache_buildtrees == _CacheBuildTrees.ALWAYS sandbox._set_build_directory(buildroot, always=always_cache_buildtrees) if not self.BST_RUN_COMMANDS: # Element doesn't need to run any commands in the sandbox. # # Disable Sandbox.run() to allow CasBasedDirectory for all # sandboxes. sandbox._disable_run() # By default, the dynamic public data is the same as the static public data. # The plugin's assemble() method may modify this, though. self.__dynamic_public = self.__public.clone() # Call the abstract plugin methods # Step 1 - Configure self.__configure_sandbox(sandbox) # Step 2 - Stage self.stage(sandbox) try: if self.__batch_prepare_assemble: cm = sandbox.batch( self.__batch_prepare_assemble_flags, collect=self.__batch_prepare_assemble_collect ) else: cm = contextlib.suppress() with cm: # Step 3 - Prepare self.__prepare(sandbox) # Step 4 - Assemble collect = self.assemble(sandbox) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return self.__set_build_result(success=True, description="succeeded") except (ElementError, SandboxCommandError) as e: # Shelling into a sandbox is useful to debug this error e.sandbox = True self.__set_build_result(success=False, description=str(e), detail=e.detail) self._cache_artifact(sandbox, e.collect) raise else: return self._cache_artifact(sandbox, collect) def _cache_artifact(self, sandbox, collect): context = self._get_context() buildresult = self.__build_result publicdata = self.__dynamic_public sandbox_vroot = sandbox.get_virtual_directory() collectvdir = None sandbox_build_dir = None sourcesvdir = None cache_buildtrees = context.cache_buildtrees build_success = buildresult[0] # cache_buildtrees defaults to 'auto', only caching buildtrees # when necessary, which includes failed builds. # If only caching failed artifact buildtrees, then query the build # result. Element types without a build-root dir will be cached # with an empty buildtreedir regardless of this configuration. if cache_buildtrees == _CacheBuildTrees.ALWAYS or ( cache_buildtrees == _CacheBuildTrees.AUTO and (not build_success or self._get_workspace()) ): try: sandbox_build_dir = sandbox_vroot.descend( *self.get_variable("build-root").lstrip(os.sep).split(os.sep) ) sandbox._fetch_missing_blobs(sandbox_build_dir) except VirtualDirectoryError: # Directory could not be found. Pre-virtual # directory behaviour was to continue silently # if the directory could not be found. pass sourcesvdir = self.__sources_vdir if collect is not None: try: collectvdir = sandbox_vroot.descend(*collect.lstrip(os.sep).split(os.sep)) sandbox._fetch_missing_blobs(collectvdir) except VirtualDirectoryError: pass # ensure we have cache keys self.__update_cache_key_non_strict() with self.timed_activity("Caching artifact"): artifact_size = self.__artifact.cache(sandbox_build_dir, collectvdir, sourcesvdir, buildresult, publicdata) if collect is not None and collectvdir is None: raise ElementError( "Directory '{}' was not found inside the sandbox, " "unable to collect artifact contents".format(collect) ) return artifact_size def _get_build_log(self): return self._build_log_path # _fetch_done() # # Indicates that fetching the sources for this element has been done. # # Args: # fetched_original (bool): Whether the original sources had been asked (and fetched) or not # def _fetch_done(self, fetched_original): self.__has_all_sources_in_source_cache = True if fetched_original: self.__has_all_sources_cached = True for source in self.__sources: source._fetch_done(fetched_original) # _pull_pending() # # Check whether the artifact will be pulled. If the pull operation is to # include a specific subdir of the element artifact (from cli or user conf) # then the local cache is queried for the subdirs existence. # # Returns: # (bool): Whether a pull operation is pending # def _pull_pending(self): if self._get_workspace(): # Workspace builds are never pushed to artifact servers return False # Check whether the pull has been invoked with a specific subdir requested # in user context, as to complete a partial artifact pull_buildtrees = self._get_context().pull_buildtrees if self.__strict_artifact: if self.__strict_artifact.cached() and pull_buildtrees: # If we've specified a subdir, check if the subdir is cached locally # or if it's possible to get if self._cached_buildtree() or not self._buildtree_exists(): return False elif self.__strict_artifact.cached(): return False # Pull is pending if artifact remote server available # and pull has not been attempted yet return self.__artifacts.has_fetch_remotes(plugin=self) and not self.__pull_done # _pull_done() # # Indicate that pull was attempted. # # This needs to be called in the main process after a pull # succeeds or fails so that we properly update the main # process data model # # This will result in updating the element state. # def _pull_done(self): self.__pull_done = True # Artifact may become cached after pulling, so let it query the # filesystem again to check self.__strict_artifact.reset_cached() self.__artifact.reset_cached() # We may not have actually pulled an artifact - the pull may # have failed. We might therefore need to schedule assembly. self._schedule_assembly_when_necessary() # If we've finished pulling, an artifact might now exist # locally, so we might need to update a non-strict strong # cache key. self.__update_cache_key_non_strict() self._update_ready_for_runtime_and_cached() # _pull(): # # Pull artifact from remote artifact repository into local artifact cache. # # Returns: True if the artifact has been downloaded, False otherwise # def _pull(self): context = self._get_context() # Get optional specific subdir to pull and optional list to not pull # based off of user context pull_buildtrees = context.pull_buildtrees # Attempt to pull artifact without knowing whether it's available pulled = self.__pull_strong(pull_buildtrees=pull_buildtrees) if not pulled and not self._cached() and not context.get_strict(): pulled = self.__pull_weak(pull_buildtrees=pull_buildtrees) if not pulled: return False # Notify successfull download return True def _skip_source_push(self): if not self.__sources or self._get_workspace(): return True return not (self.__sourcecache.has_push_remotes(plugin=self) and self._has_all_sources_in_source_cache()) def _source_push(self): # try and push sources if we've got them if self.__sourcecache.has_push_remotes(plugin=self) and self._has_all_sources_in_source_cache(): for source in self.sources(): if not self.__sourcecache.push(source): return False # Notify successful upload return True # _skip_push(): # # Determine whether we should create a push job for this element. # # Returns: # (bool): True if this element does not need a push job to be created # def _skip_push(self): if not self.__artifacts.has_push_remotes(plugin=self): # No push remotes for this element's project return True # Do not push elements that aren't cached, or that are cached with a dangling buildtree # ref unless element type is expected to have an an empty buildtree directory if not self._cached_buildtree() and self._buildtree_exists(): return True # Do not push tainted artifact if self.__get_tainted(): return True return False # _push(): # # Push locally cached artifact to remote artifact repository. # # Returns: # (bool): True if the remote was updated, False if it already existed # and no updated was required # def _push(self): self.__assert_cached() if self.__get_tainted(): self.warn("Not pushing tainted artifact.") return False # Push all keys used for local commit via the Artifact member pushed = self.__artifacts.push(self, self.__artifact) if not pushed: return False # Notify successful upload return True # _shell(): # # Connects the terminal with a shell running in a staged # environment # # Args: # scope (Scope): Either BUILD or RUN scopes are valid, or None # mounts (list): A list of (str, str) tuples, representing host/target paths to mount # isolate (bool): Whether to isolate the environment like we do in builds # prompt (str): A suitable prompt string for PS1 # command (list): An argv to launch in the sandbox # usebuildtree (bool): Use the buildtree as its source # # Returns: Exit code def _shell(self, scope=None, *, mounts=None, isolate=False, prompt=None, command=None, usebuildtree=False): with self._prepare_sandbox(scope, shell=True, usebuildtree=usebuildtree) as sandbox: environment = self.get_environment() environment = copy.copy(environment) flags = SandboxFlags.INTERACTIVE | SandboxFlags.ROOT_READ_ONLY # Fetch the main toplevel project, in case this is a junctioned # subproject, we want to use the rules defined by the main one. context = self._get_context() project = context.get_toplevel_project() shell_command, shell_environment, shell_host_files = project.get_shell_config() if prompt is not None: environment["PS1"] = prompt # Special configurations for non-isolated sandboxes if not isolate: # Open the network, and reuse calling uid/gid # flags |= SandboxFlags.NETWORK_ENABLED | SandboxFlags.INHERIT_UID # Apply project defined environment vars to set for a shell for key, value in shell_environment.items(): environment[key] = value # Setup any requested bind mounts if mounts is None: mounts = [] for mount in shell_host_files + mounts: if not os.path.exists(mount.host_path): if not mount.optional: self.warn("Not mounting non-existing host file: {}".format(mount.host_path)) else: sandbox.mark_directory(mount.path) sandbox._set_mount_source(mount.path, mount.host_path) if command: argv = command else: argv = shell_command self.status("Running command", detail=" ".join(argv)) # Run shells with network enabled and readonly root. return sandbox.run(argv, flags, env=environment) # _open_workspace(): # # "Open" a workspace for this element # # This requires that a workspace already be created in # the workspaces metadata first. # def _open_workspace(self): context = self._get_context() workspace = self._get_workspace() assert workspace is not None # First lets get a temp dir in our build directory # and stage there, then link the files over to the desired # path. # # We do this so that force opening workspaces which overwrites # files in the target directory actually works without any # additional support from Source implementations. # os.makedirs(context.builddir, exist_ok=True) with utils._tempdir(dir=context.builddir, prefix="workspace-{}".format(self.normal_name)) as temp: for source in self.sources(): source._init_workspace(temp) # Now hardlink the files into the workspace target. utils.link_files(temp, workspace.get_absolute_path()) # _get_workspace(): # # Returns: # (Workspace|None): A workspace associated with this element # def _get_workspace(self): workspaces = self._get_context().get_workspaces() return workspaces.get_workspace(self._get_full_name()) # _write_script(): # # Writes a script to the given directory. def _write_script(self, directory): with open(_site.build_module_template, "r") as f: script_template = f.read() variable_string = "" for var, val in self.get_environment().items(): variable_string += "{0}={1} ".format(var, val) script = script_template.format( name=self.normal_name, build_root=self.get_variable("build-root"), install_root=self.get_variable("install-root"), variables=variable_string, commands=self.generate_script(), ) os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) script_path = os.path.join(directory, "build-" + self.normal_name) with self.timed_activity("Writing build script", silent_nested=True): with utils.save_file_atomic(script_path, "w") as script_file: script_file.write(script) os.chmod(script_path, stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IREAD) # Returns the element whose sources this element is ultimately derived from. # # This is intended for being used to redirect commands that operate on an # element to the element whose sources it is ultimately derived from. # # For example, element A is a build element depending on source foo, # element B is a filter element that depends on element A. The source # element of B is A, since B depends on A, and A has sources. # def _get_source_element(self): return self # _cached_buildtree() # # Check if element artifact contains expected buildtree. An # element's buildtree artifact will not be present if the rest # of the partial artifact is not cached. # # Returns: # (bool): True if artifact cached with buildtree, False if # element not cached or missing expected buildtree. # Note this only confirms if a buildtree is present, # not its contents. # def _cached_buildtree(self): if not self._cached(): return False return self.__artifact.cached_buildtree() # _buildtree_exists() # # Check if artifact was created with a buildtree. This does not check # whether the buildtree is present in the local cache. # # Returns: # (bool): True if artifact was created with buildtree, False if # element not cached or not created with a buildtree. # def _buildtree_exists(self): if not self._cached(): return False return self.__artifact.buildtree_exists() # _cached_logs() # # Check if the artifact is cached with log files. # # Returns: # (bool): True if artifact is cached with logs, False if # element not cached or missing logs. # def _cached_logs(self): return self.__artifact.cached_logs() # _fetch() # # Fetch the element's sources. # # Raises: # SourceError: If one of the element sources has an error # def _fetch(self, fetch_original=False): previous_sources = [] fetch_needed = False if self.__sources and not fetch_original: for source in self.__sources: if self.__sourcecache.contains(source): continue # try and fetch from source cache if not source._is_cached() and self.__sourcecache.has_fetch_remotes(): if self.__sourcecache.pull(source): continue fetch_needed = True # We need to fetch original sources if fetch_needed or fetch_original: for source in self.sources(): if not source._is_cached(): source._fetch(previous_sources) previous_sources.append(source) self.__cache_sources() # _calculate_cache_key(): # # Calculates the cache key # # Returns: # (str): A hex digest cache key for this Element, or None # # None is returned if information for the cache key is missing. # def _calculate_cache_key(self, dependencies): # No cache keys for dependencies which have no cache keys if None in dependencies: return None # Generate dict that is used as base for all cache keys if self.__cache_key_dict is None: # Filter out nocache variables from the element's environment cache_env = {key: value for key, value in self.__environment.items() if key not in self.__env_nocache} project = self._get_project() self.__cache_key_dict = { "core-artifact-version": BST_CORE_ARTIFACT_VERSION, "element-plugin-key": self.get_unique_key(), "element-plugin-name": self.get_kind(), "element-plugin-version": self.BST_ARTIFACT_VERSION, "sandbox": self.__sandbox_config.get_unique_key(), "environment": cache_env, "public": self.__public.strip_node_info(), } self.__cache_key_dict["sources"] = [] for source in self.__sources: self.__cache_key_dict["sources"].append( {"key": source._get_unique_key(), "name": source._get_source_name()} ) self.__cache_key_dict["fatal-warnings"] = sorted(project._fatal_warnings) cache_key_dict = self.__cache_key_dict.copy() cache_key_dict["dependencies"] = dependencies return _cachekey.generate_key(cache_key_dict) # Check if sources are cached, generating the source key if it hasn't been def _has_all_sources_in_source_cache(self): if self.__has_all_sources_in_source_cache is not None: return self.__has_all_sources_in_source_cache if self.__sources: sourcecache = self._get_context().sourcecache # Go through sources we'll cache generating keys for ix, source in enumerate(self.__sources): if not source._key: if source.BST_REQUIRES_PREVIOUS_SOURCES_STAGE: source._generate_key(self.__sources[:ix]) else: source._generate_key([]) # Check all sources are in source cache for source in self.__sources: if not sourcecache.contains(source): return False self.__has_all_sources_in_source_cache = True return True # _has_all_sources_resolved() # # Get whether all sources of the element are resolved # def _has_all_sources_resolved(self): return self.__is_resolved # _has_all_sources_cached() # # Get whether all the sources of the element have their own cached # copy of their sources. # def _has_all_sources_cached(self): if not self.__has_all_sources_cached: self.__has_all_sources_cached = all(source._is_cached() for source in self.__sources) return self.__has_all_sources_cached def _should_fetch(self, fetch_original=False): """ return bool of if we need to run the fetch stage for this element Args: fetch_original (bool): whether we need to original unstaged source """ if fetch_original: return not self._has_all_sources_cached() return not self._has_all_sources_in_source_cache() # _set_can_query_cache_callback() # # Notify the pull/fetch queue that the element is potentially # ready to be processed. # # Set the _can_query_cache_callback - the _can_query_cache_callback is # invoked when an element becomes able to query the cache. That is, # the (non-workspaced) element's strict cache key has been calculated. # However, if the element is workspaced, we also invoke this callback # once its build has been scheduled - this ensures that the workspaced # element does not get blocked in the pull queue. # # Args: # callback (callable) - The callback function # def _set_can_query_cache_callback(self, callback): self.__can_query_cache_callback = callback # _set_buildable_callback() # # Notifiy the build queue that the element is potentially ready # to be processed # # Set the _buildable_callback - the _buildable_callback is invoked when # an element is marked as "buildable". That is, its sources are consistent, # its been scheduled to be built and all of its build dependencies have # had their cache key's calculated and are cached. # # Args: # callback (callable) - The callback function # def _set_buildable_callback(self, callback): self.__buildable_callback = callback # _set_depth() # # Set the depth of the Element. # # The depth represents the position of the Element within the current # session's dependency graph. A depth of zero represents the bottommost element. # def _set_depth(self, depth): self._depth = depth # _update_ready_for_runtime_and_cached() # # An Element becomes ready for runtime and cached once the following criteria # are met: # 1. The Element has a strong cache key # 2. The Element is cached (locally) # 3. The runtime dependencies of the Element are ready for runtime and cached. # # These criteria serve as potential trigger points as to when an Element may have # become ready for runtime and cached. # # Once an Element becomes ready for runtime and cached, we notify the reverse # runtime dependencies and the reverse build dependencies of the element, decrementing # the appropriate counters. # def _update_ready_for_runtime_and_cached(self): if not self.__ready_for_runtime_and_cached: if self.__runtime_deps_uncached == 0 and self._cached_success() and self.__cache_key: self.__ready_for_runtime_and_cached = True # Notify reverse dependencies for rdep in self.__reverse_runtime_deps: rdep.__runtime_deps_uncached -= 1 assert not rdep.__runtime_deps_uncached < 0 # Try to notify reverse dependencies if all runtime deps are ready if rdep.__runtime_deps_uncached == 0: rdep._update_ready_for_runtime_and_cached() for rdep in self.__reverse_build_deps: rdep.__build_deps_uncached -= 1 assert not rdep.__build_deps_uncached < 0 if rdep.__buildable_callback is not None and rdep._buildable(): rdep.__buildable_callback(rdep) rdep.__buildable_callback = None # _get_args_for_child_job_pickling(self) # # Return data necessary to reconstruct this object in a child job process. # # Returns: # (str, dict): A tuple of (meta_kind, state), where a factory can use # `meta_kind` to create an instance of the same type as `self`. `state` # is what we want `self.__dict__` to be restored to after instantiation # in the child process. # def _get_args_for_child_job_pickling(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() # These are called in the main process to notify the scheduler about # certain things. They carry a reference to the scheduler, which we # don't want in the child process, so clear them. # # Note that this method of referring to members is error-prone in that # a later 'search and replace' renaming might miss these. Guard against # this by making sure we are not creating new members, only clearing # existing ones. # assert "_Element__can_query_cache_callback" in state state["_Element__can_query_cache_callback"] = None assert "_Element__buildable_callback" in state state["_Element__buildable_callback"] = None return self.__meta_kind, state def _walk_artifact_files(self): yield from self.__artifact.get_files().walk() # _get_artifact() # # Return the Element's Artifact object # # Returns: # (Artifact): The Artifact object of the Element # def _get_artifact(self): assert self.__artifact, "{}: has no Artifact object".format(self.name) return self.__artifact # _add_build_dependency() # # Add a build dependency to the Element # # Args: # (Element): The Element to add as a build dependency # def _add_build_dependency(self, dependency): self.__build_dependencies.append(dependency) ############################################################# # Private Local Methods # ############################################################# # __update_resolved_state() # # Updates source's resolved state # # An element's source state must be resolved before it may compute # cache keys, because the source's ref, whether defined in yaml or # from the workspace, is a component of the element's cache keys. # def __update_resolved_state(self): for source in self.__sources: if not source.is_resolved(): break else: self.__is_resolved = True self.__update_cache_keys() # __get_dependency_refs() # # Retrieve the artifact refs of the element's dependencies # # Args: # scope (Scope): The scope of dependencies # # Returns: # (list [str]): A list of refs of all dependencies in staging order. # def __get_dependency_refs(self, scope): return [ os.path.join(dep.project_name, _get_normal_name(dep.name), dep._get_cache_key()) for dep in self.dependencies(scope) ] # __get_last_build_artifact() # # Return the Artifact of the previous build of this element, # if incremental build is available. # # Returns: # (Artifact): The Artifact of the previous build or None # def __get_last_build_artifact(self): workspace = self._get_workspace() if not workspace: # Currently incremental builds are only supported for workspaces return None if not workspace.last_build: return None artifact = Artifact(self, self._get_context(), strong_key=workspace.last_build) if not artifact.cached(): return None if not artifact.cached_buildtree(): return None if not artifact.cached_sources(): return None # Don't perform an incremental build if there has been a change in # build dependencies. old_dep_refs = artifact.get_dependency_refs(Scope.BUILD) new_dep_refs = self.__get_dependency_refs(Scope.BUILD) if old_dep_refs != new_dep_refs: return None return artifact # __configure_sandbox(): # # Internal method for calling public abstract configure_sandbox() method. # def __configure_sandbox(self, sandbox): self.__batch_prepare_assemble = False self.configure_sandbox(sandbox) # __prepare(): # # Internal method for calling public abstract prepare() method. # def __prepare(self, sandbox): self.prepare(sandbox) # __preflight(): # # A internal wrapper for calling the abstract preflight() method on # the element and its sources. # def __preflight(self): if self.BST_FORBID_RDEPENDS and self.BST_FORBID_BDEPENDS: if any(self.dependencies(Scope.RUN, recurse=False)) or any(self.dependencies(Scope.BUILD, recurse=False)): raise ElementError( "{}: Dependencies are forbidden for '{}' elements".format(self, self.get_kind()), reason="element-forbidden-depends", ) if self.BST_FORBID_RDEPENDS: if any(self.dependencies(Scope.RUN, recurse=False)): raise ElementError( "{}: Runtime dependencies are forbidden for '{}' elements".format(self, self.get_kind()), reason="element-forbidden-rdepends", ) if self.BST_FORBID_BDEPENDS: if any(self.dependencies(Scope.BUILD, recurse=False)): raise ElementError( "{}: Build dependencies are forbidden for '{}' elements".format(self, self.get_kind()), reason="element-forbidden-bdepends", ) if self.BST_FORBID_SOURCES: if any(self.sources()): raise ElementError( "{}: Sources are forbidden for '{}' elements".format(self, self.get_kind()), reason="element-forbidden-sources", ) try: self.preflight() except BstError as e: # Prepend provenance to the error raise ElementError("{}: {}".format(self, e), reason=e.reason, detail=e.detail) from e # Ensure that the first source does not need access to previous soruces if self.__sources and self.__sources[0]._requires_previous_sources(): raise ElementError( "{}: {} cannot be the first source of an element " "as it requires access to previous sources".format(self, self.__sources[0]) ) # Preflight the sources for source in self.sources(): source._preflight() # __assert_cached() # # Raises an error if the artifact is not cached. # def __assert_cached(self): assert self._cached(), "{}: Missing artifact {}".format(self, self._get_brief_display_key()) # __get_tainted(): # # Checkes whether this artifact should be pushed to an artifact cache. # # Args: # recalculate (bool) - Whether to force recalculation # # Returns: # (bool) False if this artifact should be excluded from pushing. # # Note: # This method should only be called after the element's # artifact is present in the local artifact cache. # def __get_tainted(self, recalculate=False): if recalculate or self.__tainted is None: # Whether this artifact has a workspace workspaced = self.__artifact.get_metadata_workspaced() # Whether this artifact's dependencies have workspaces workspaced_dependencies = self.__artifact.get_metadata_workspaced_dependencies() # Other conditions should be or-ed self.__tainted = workspaced or workspaced_dependencies return self.__tainted # __use_remote_execution(): # # Returns True if remote execution is configured and the element plugin # supports it. # def __use_remote_execution(self): return bool(self.__remote_execution_specs) # __sandbox(): # # A context manager to prepare a Sandbox object at the specified directory, # if the directory is None, then a directory will be chosen automatically # in the configured build directory. # # Args: # directory (str): The local directory where the sandbox will live, or None # stdout (fileobject): The stream for stdout for the sandbox # stderr (fileobject): The stream for stderr for the sandbox # config (SandboxConfig): The SandboxConfig object # allow_remote (bool): Whether the sandbox is allowed to be remote # # Yields: # (Sandbox): A usable sandbox # @contextmanager def __sandbox(self, directory, stdout=None, stderr=None, config=None, allow_remote=True): context = self._get_context() project = self._get_project() platform = context.platform if self._get_workspace(): output_node_properties = ["mtime"] else: output_node_properties = None if directory is not None and allow_remote and self.__use_remote_execution(): self.info("Using a remote sandbox for artifact {} with directory '{}'".format(self.name, directory)) output_files_required = context.require_artifact_files or self._artifact_files_required() sandbox = SandboxRemote( context, project, directory, plugin=self, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, config=config, specs=self.__remote_execution_specs, output_files_required=output_files_required, output_node_properties=output_node_properties, ) yield sandbox elif directory is not None and os.path.exists(directory): platform = context.platform platform.check_sandbox_config(config) sandbox = platform.create_sandbox( context, project, directory, plugin=self, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, config=config, output_node_properties=output_node_properties, ) yield sandbox else: os.makedirs(context.builddir, exist_ok=True) # Recursive contextmanager... with utils._tempdir( prefix="{}-".format(self.normal_name), dir=context.builddir ) as rootdir, self.__sandbox( rootdir, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, config=config, allow_remote=allow_remote ) as sandbox: yield sandbox @classmethod def __compose_default_splits(cls, project, defaults, is_junction): element_public = defaults.get_mapping("public", default={}) element_bst = element_public.get_mapping("bst", default={}) element_splits = element_bst.get_mapping("split-rules", default={}) if is_junction: splits = element_splits.clone() else: assert project._splits is not None splits = project._splits.clone() # Extend project wide split rules with any split rules defined by the element element_splits._composite(splits) element_bst["split-rules"] = splits element_public["bst"] = element_bst defaults["public"] = element_public @classmethod def __init_defaults(cls, project, plugin_conf, kind, is_junction): # Defaults are loaded once per class and then reused # if cls.__defaults is None: defaults = Node.from_dict({}) if plugin_conf is not None: # Load the plugin's accompanying .yaml file if one was provided try: defaults = _yaml.load(plugin_conf, os.path.basename(plugin_conf)) except LoadError as e: if e.reason != LoadErrorReason.MISSING_FILE: raise e # Special case; compose any element-wide split-rules declarations cls.__compose_default_splits(project, defaults, is_junction) # Override the element's defaults with element specific # overrides from the project.conf if is_junction: elements = project.first_pass_config.element_overrides else: elements = project.element_overrides overrides = elements.get_mapping(kind, default=None) if overrides: overrides._composite(defaults) # Set the data class wide cls.__defaults = defaults # This will acquire the environment to be used when # creating sandboxes for this element # @classmethod def __extract_environment(cls, project, meta): default_env = cls.__defaults.get_mapping("environment", default={}) if meta.is_junction: environment = Node.from_dict({}) else: environment = project.base_environment.clone() default_env._composite(environment) meta.environment._composite(environment) environment._assert_fully_composited() return environment @classmethod def __extract_env_nocache(cls, project, meta): if meta.is_junction: project_nocache = [] else: project_nocache = project.base_env_nocache default_nocache = cls.__defaults.get_str_list("environment-nocache", default=[]) element_nocache = meta.env_nocache # Accumulate values from the element default, the project and the element # itself to form a complete list of nocache env vars. env_nocache = set(project_nocache + default_nocache + element_nocache) # Convert back to list now we know they're unique return list(env_nocache) # This will resolve the final variables to be used when # substituting command strings to be run in the sandbox # @classmethod def __extract_variables(cls, project, meta): default_vars = cls.__defaults.get_mapping("variables", default={}) if meta.is_junction: variables = project.first_pass_config.base_variables.clone() else: variables = project.base_variables.clone() default_vars._composite(variables) meta.variables._composite(variables) variables._assert_fully_composited() for var in ("project-name", "element-name", "max-jobs"): node = variables.get_node(var, allow_none=True) if node is None: continue provenance = node.get_provenance() if not provenance._is_synthetic: raise LoadError( "{}: invalid redefinition of protected variable '{}'".format(provenance, var), LoadErrorReason.PROTECTED_VARIABLE_REDEFINED, ) return variables # This will resolve the final configuration to be handed # off to element.configure() # @classmethod def __extract_config(cls, meta): # The default config is already composited with the project overrides config = cls.__defaults.get_mapping("config", default={}) config = config.clone() meta.config._composite(config) config._assert_fully_composited() return config # Sandbox-specific configuration data, to be passed to the sandbox's constructor. # @classmethod def __extract_sandbox_config(cls, context, project, meta): if meta.is_junction: sandbox_config = Node.from_dict({}) else: sandbox_config = project._sandbox.clone() # Get the platform to ask for host architecture platform = context.platform host_arch = platform.get_host_arch() host_os = platform.get_host_os() # The default config is already composited with the project overrides sandbox_defaults = cls.__defaults.get_mapping("sandbox", default={}) sandbox_defaults = sandbox_defaults.clone() sandbox_defaults._composite(sandbox_config) meta.sandbox._composite(sandbox_config) sandbox_config._assert_fully_composited() # Sandbox config, unlike others, has fixed members so we should validate them sandbox_config.validate_keys(["build-uid", "build-gid", "build-os", "build-arch"]) build_os = sandbox_config.get_str("build-os", default=None) if build_os: build_os = build_os.lower() else: build_os = host_os build_arch = sandbox_config.get_str("build-arch", default=None) if build_arch: build_arch = Platform.canonicalize_arch(build_arch) else: build_arch = host_arch return SandboxConfig( sandbox_config.get_int("build-uid", None), sandbox_config.get_int("build-gid", None), build_os, build_arch, ) # This makes a special exception for the split rules, which # elements may extend but whos defaults are defined in the project. # @classmethod def __extract_public(cls, meta): base_public = cls.__defaults.get_mapping("public", default={}) base_public = base_public.clone() base_bst = base_public.get_mapping("bst", default={}) base_splits = base_bst.get_mapping("split-rules", default={}) element_public = meta.public.clone() element_bst = element_public.get_mapping("bst", default={}) element_splits = element_bst.get_mapping("split-rules", default={}) # Allow elements to extend the default splits defined in their project or # element specific defaults element_splits._composite(base_splits) element_bst["split-rules"] = base_splits element_public["bst"] = element_bst element_public._assert_fully_composited() return element_public # Expand the splits in the public data using the Variables in the element def __expand_splits(self, element_public): element_bst = element_public.get_mapping("bst", default={}) element_splits = element_bst.get_mapping("split-rules", default={}) # Resolve any variables in the public split rules directly for domain, splits in element_splits.items(): splits = [self.__variables.subst(split.strip()) for split in splits.as_str_list()] element_splits[domain] = splits return element_public def __init_splits(self): bstdata = self.get_public_data("bst") splits = bstdata.get_mapping("split-rules") self.__splits = { domain: re.compile("^(?:" + "|".join([utils._glob2re(r) for r in rules.as_str_list()]) + ")$") for domain, rules in splits.items() } # __split_filter(): # # Returns True if the file with the specified `path` is included in the # specified split domains. This is used by `__split_filter_func()` to create # a filter callback. # # Args: # element_domains (list): All domains for this element # include (list): A list of domains to include files from # exclude (list): A list of domains to exclude files from # orphans (bool): Whether to include files not spoken for by split domains # path (str): The relative path of the file # # Returns: # (bool): Whether to include the specified file # def __split_filter(self, element_domains, include, exclude, orphans, path): # Absolute path is required for matching filename = os.path.join(os.sep, path) include_file = False exclude_file = False claimed_file = False for domain in element_domains: if self.__splits[domain].match(filename): claimed_file = True if domain in include: include_file = True if domain in exclude: exclude_file = True if orphans and not claimed_file: include_file = True return include_file and not exclude_file # __split_filter_func(): # # Returns callable split filter function for use with `copy_files()`, # `link_files()` or `Directory.import_files()`. # # Args: # include (list): An optional list of domains to include files from # exclude (list): An optional list of domains to exclude files from # orphans (bool): Whether to include files not spoken for by split domains # # Returns: # (callable): Filter callback that returns True if the file is included # in the specified split domains. # def __split_filter_func(self, include=None, exclude=None, orphans=True): # No splitting requested, no filter needed if orphans and not (include or exclude): return None if not self.__splits: self.__init_splits() element_domains = list(self.__splits.keys()) if not include: include = element_domains if not exclude: exclude = [] # Ignore domains that dont apply to this element # include = [domain for domain in include if domain in element_domains] exclude = [domain for domain in exclude if domain in element_domains] # The arguments element_domains, include, exclude, and orphans are # the same for all files. Use `partial` to create a function with # the required callback signature: a single `path` parameter. return partial(self.__split_filter, element_domains, include, exclude, orphans) def __compute_splits(self, include=None, exclude=None, orphans=True): filter_func = self.__split_filter_func(include=include, exclude=exclude, orphans=orphans) files_vdir = self.__artifact.get_files() element_files = files_vdir.list_relative_paths() if not filter_func: # No splitting requested, just report complete artifact yield from element_files else: for filename in element_files: if filter_func(filename): yield filename def __file_is_whitelisted(self, path): # Considered storing the whitelist regex for re-use, but public data # can be altered mid-build. # Public data is not guaranteed to stay the same for the duration of # the build, but I can think of no reason to change it mid-build. # If this ever changes, things will go wrong unexpectedly. if not self.__whitelist_regex: bstdata = self.get_public_data("bst") whitelist = bstdata.get_str_list("overlap-whitelist", default=[]) whitelist_expressions = [utils._glob2re(self.__variables.subst(exp.strip())) for exp in whitelist] expression = "^(?:" + "|".join(whitelist_expressions) + ")$" self.__whitelist_regex = re.compile(expression) return self.__whitelist_regex.match(os.path.join(os.sep, path)) # __load_public_data(): # # Loads the public data from the cached artifact # def __load_public_data(self): self.__assert_cached() assert self.__dynamic_public is None self.__dynamic_public = self.__artifact.load_public_data() def __load_build_result(self): self.__assert_cached() assert self.__build_result is None self.__build_result = self.__artifact.load_build_result() # __pull_strong(): # # Attempt pulling given element from configured artifact caches with # the strict cache key # # Args: # progress (callable): The progress callback, if any # subdir (str): The optional specific subdir to pull # excluded_subdirs (list): The optional list of subdirs to not pull # # Returns: # (bool): Whether or not the pull was successful # def __pull_strong(self, *, pull_buildtrees): weak_key = self._get_cache_key(strength=_KeyStrength.WEAK) key = self.__strict_cache_key if not self.__artifacts.pull(self, key, pull_buildtrees=pull_buildtrees): return False # update weak ref by pointing it to this newly fetched artifact self.__artifacts.link_key(self, key, weak_key) return True # __pull_weak(): # # Attempt pulling given element from configured artifact caches with # the weak cache key # # Args: # subdir (str): The optional specific subdir to pull # excluded_subdirs (list): The optional list of subdirs to not pull # # Returns: # (bool): Whether or not the pull was successful # def __pull_weak(self, *, pull_buildtrees): weak_key = self._get_cache_key(strength=_KeyStrength.WEAK) if not self.__artifacts.pull(self, weak_key, pull_buildtrees=pull_buildtrees): return False # extract strong cache key from this newly fetched artifact self._pull_done() # create tag for strong cache key key = self._get_cache_key(strength=_KeyStrength.STRONG) self.__artifacts.link_key(self, weak_key, key) return True # __cache_sources(): # # Caches the sources into the local CAS # def __cache_sources(self): if self.__sources and not self._has_all_sources_in_source_cache(): last_requires_previous = 0 # commit all other sources by themselves for ix, source in enumerate(self.__sources): if source.BST_REQUIRES_PREVIOUS_SOURCES_STAGE: self.__sourcecache.commit(source, self.__sources[last_requires_previous:ix]) last_requires_previous = ix else: self.__sourcecache.commit(source, []) # __last_source_requires_previous # # This is the last source that requires previous sources to be cached. # Sources listed after this will be cached separately. # # Returns: # (int): index of last source that requires previous sources # def __last_source_requires_previous(self): if self.__last_source_requires_previous_ix is None: last_requires_previous = 0 for ix, source in enumerate(self.__sources): if source.BST_REQUIRES_PREVIOUS_SOURCES_STAGE: last_requires_previous = ix self.__last_source_requires_previous_ix = last_requires_previous return self.__last_source_requires_previous_ix # __update_cache_keys() # # Updates weak and strict cache keys # # Note that it does not update *all* cache keys - In non-strict mode, the # strong cache key is updated in __update_cache_key_non_strict() # # If the element's is not resolved, this is # a no-op (since inconsistent elements cannot have cache keys). # # The weak and strict cache keys will be calculated if not already # set. # # The weak cache key is a cache key that doesn't change when its # runtime dependencies change, useful for avoiding full rebuilds # when one's dependencies guarantee stability across # versions. Changes in build dependencies still force a rebuild, # since those will change the built artifact directly. # # The strict cache key is a cache key that changes if any # dependency has changed. # def __update_cache_keys(self): if not self._has_all_sources_resolved(): # Tracking may still be pending return context = self._get_context() if self.__weak_cache_key is None: # Calculate weak cache key # # Weak cache key includes names of direct build dependencies # so as to only trigger rebuilds when the shape of the # dependencies change. # # Some conditions cause dependencies to be strict, such # that this element will be rebuilt anyway if the dependency # changes even in non strict mode, for these cases we just # encode the dependency's weak cache key instead of it's name. # dependencies = [ [e.project_name, e.name, e._get_cache_key(strength=_KeyStrength.WEAK)] if self.BST_STRICT_REBUILD or e in self.__strict_dependencies else [e.project_name, e.name] for e in self.dependencies(Scope.BUILD) ] self.__weak_cache_key = self._calculate_cache_key(dependencies) if self.__weak_cache_key is None: # Weak cache key could not be calculated yet, therefore # the Strict cache key also can't be calculated yet. return if self.__strict_cache_key is None: dependencies = [ [e.project_name, e.name, e.__strict_cache_key] if e.__strict_cache_key is not None else None for e in self.dependencies(Scope.BUILD) ] self.__strict_cache_key = self._calculate_cache_key(dependencies) if self.__strict_cache_key is not None: # In strict mode, the strong cache key always matches the strict cache key if context.get_strict(): self.__cache_key = self.__strict_cache_key # The Element may have just become ready for runtime now that the # strong cache key has just been set self.__update_ready_for_runtime() else: self.__update_strict_cache_key_of_rdeps() if self.__strict_cache_key is not None and self.__can_query_cache_callback is not None: self.__can_query_cache_callback(self) self.__can_query_cache_callback = None # If we've newly calculated a cache key, our artifact's # current state will also change - after all, we can now find # a potential existing artifact. if self.__weak_cache_key is not None or self.__strict_cache_key is not None: self.__update_artifact_state() # __update_artifact_state() # # Updates the data involved in knowing about the artifact corresponding # to this element. # # If the state changes, this will subsequently call # `self._schedule_assembly_when_necessary()` to schedule assembly if it becomes # possible. # # Element.__update_cache_keys() must be called before this to have # meaningful results, because the element must know its cache key before # it can check whether an artifact exists for that cache key. # def __update_artifact_state(self): context = self._get_context() if not self.__weak_cache_key: return if not context.get_strict() and not self.__artifact: # We've calculated the weak_key, so instantiate artifact instance member self.__artifact = Artifact(self, context, weak_key=self.__weak_cache_key) self._schedule_assembly_when_necessary() if not self.__strict_cache_key: return if not self.__strict_artifact: self.__strict_artifact = Artifact( self, context, strong_key=self.__strict_cache_key, weak_key=self.__weak_cache_key ) if context.get_strict(): self.__artifact = self.__strict_artifact self._schedule_assembly_when_necessary() else: self.__update_cache_key_non_strict() # __update_cache_key_non_strict() # # Calculates the strong cache key if it hasn't already been set. # # When buildstream runs in strict mode, this is identical to the # strict cache key, so no work needs to be done. # # When buildstream is not run in strict mode, this requires the artifact # state (as set in Element.__update_artifact_state()) to be set accordingly, # as the cache key can be loaded from the cache (possibly pulling from # a remote cache). # def __update_cache_key_non_strict(self): if not self.__strict_artifact: return # The final cache key can be None here only in non-strict mode if self.__cache_key is None: if self._pull_pending(): # Effective strong cache key is unknown until after the pull pass elif self._cached(): # Load the strong cache key from the artifact strong_key, _ = self.__artifact.get_metadata_keys() self.__cache_key = strong_key elif self.__assemble_scheduled or self.__assemble_done: # Artifact will or has been built, not downloaded dependencies = [[e.project_name, e.name, e._get_cache_key()] for e in self.dependencies(Scope.BUILD)] self.__cache_key = self._calculate_cache_key(dependencies) if self.__cache_key is None: # Strong cache key could not be calculated yet return # The Element may have just become ready for runtime now that the # strong cache key has just been set self.__update_ready_for_runtime() # Now we have the strong cache key, update the Artifact self.__artifact._cache_key = self.__cache_key # __update_strict_cache_key_of_rdeps() # # Once an Element is given its strict cache key, immediately inform # its reverse dependencies and see if their strict cache key can be # obtained # def __update_strict_cache_key_of_rdeps(self): if any( ( # If we've previously updated these we don't need to do so # again. self.__updated_strict_cache_keys_of_rdeps, # We can't do this until none of *our* rdeps are lacking a # strict cache key. not self.__runtime_deps_without_strict_cache_key == 0, # If we don't have a strict cache key we can't do this either. self.__strict_cache_key is None, ) ): return self.__updated_strict_cache_keys_of_rdeps = True # Notify reverse dependencies for rdep in self.__reverse_runtime_deps: rdep.__runtime_deps_without_strict_cache_key -= 1 assert not rdep.__runtime_deps_without_strict_cache_key < 0 if rdep.__runtime_deps_without_strict_cache_key == 0: rdep.__update_strict_cache_key_of_rdeps() for rdep in self.__reverse_build_deps: rdep.__build_deps_without_strict_cache_key -= 1 assert not rdep.__build_deps_without_strict_cache_key < 0 if rdep.__build_deps_without_strict_cache_key == 0: rdep.__update_cache_keys() # __update_ready_for_runtime() # # An Element becomes ready for runtime when: # # 1. The Element has a strong cache key # 2. The runtime dependencies of the Element are ready for runtime # # These criteria serve as potential trigger points as to when an Element may have # become ready for runtime. # # Once an Element becomes ready for runtime, we notify the reverse # runtime dependencies and the reverse build dependencies of the Element, # decrementing the appropriate counters. # def __update_ready_for_runtime(self): if any( ( # We're already ready for runtime; no update required self.__ready_for_runtime, # If not all our dependencies are ready yet, we can't be ready # either. not self.__runtime_deps_without_cache_key == 0, # If our cache state has not been resolved, we can't be ready. self.__cache_key is None, ) ): return self.__ready_for_runtime = True # Notify reverse dependencies for rdep in self.__reverse_runtime_deps: rdep.__runtime_deps_without_cache_key -= 1 assert not rdep.__runtime_deps_without_cache_key < 0 # If all of our runtimes have cache keys, we can calculate ours if rdep.__runtime_deps_without_cache_key == 0: rdep.__update_ready_for_runtime() for rdep in self.__reverse_build_deps: rdep.__build_deps_without_cache_key -= 1 assert not rdep.__build_deps_without_cache_key < 0 if rdep.__build_deps_without_cache_key == 0: rdep.__update_cache_keys() # If the element is cached, and has all of its runtime dependencies cached, # now that we have the cache key, we are able to notify reverse dependencies # that the element it ready. This is a likely trigger for workspaced elements. self._update_ready_for_runtime_and_cached() def _overlap_error_detail(f, forbidden_overlap_elements, elements): if forbidden_overlap_elements: return "/{}: {} {} not permitted to overlap other elements, order {} \n".format( f, " and ".join(forbidden_overlap_elements), "is" if len(forbidden_overlap_elements) == 1 else "are", " above ".join(reversed(elements)), ) else: return "" # _get_normal_name(): # # Get the element name without path separators or # the extension. # # Args: # element_name (str): The element's name # # Returns: # (str): The normalised element name # def _get_normal_name(element_name): return os.path.splitext(element_name.replace(os.sep, "-"))[0] # _compose_artifact_name(): # # Compose the completely resolved 'artifact_name' as a filepath # # Args: # project_name (str): The project's name # normal_name (str): The element's normalised name # cache_key (str): The relevant cache key # # Returns: # (str): The constructed artifact name path # def _compose_artifact_name(project_name, normal_name, cache_key): valid_chars = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + "-._" normal_name = "".join([x if x in valid_chars else "_" for x in normal_name]) # Note that project names are not allowed to contain slashes. Element names containing # a '/' will have this replaced with a '-' upon Element object instantiation. return "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(project_name, normal_name, cache_key)