# # Copyright (C) 2018 Codethink Limited # Copyright (C) 2019 Bloomberg LLP # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library. If not, see . # # Authors: # Tristan Van Berkom # Daniel Silverstone # James Ennis # Benjamin Schubert import datetime import sys from contextlib import ExitStack from collections import OrderedDict from collections.abc import Mapping from ruamel import yaml from ._exceptions import LoadError, LoadErrorReason from . cimport node from .node cimport MappingNode, ScalarNode, SequenceNode # These exceptions are intended to be caught entirely within # the BuildStream framework, hence they do not reside in the # public exceptions.py class YAMLLoadError(Exception): pass # Represents the various states in which the Representer can be # while parsing yaml. cdef enum RepresenterState: doc init stream wait_key wait_list_item wait_value ctypedef RepresenterState (*representer_action)(Representer, object) # Representer for YAML events comprising input to the BuildStream format. # # All streams MUST represent a single document which must be a Mapping. # Anything else is considered an error. # # Mappings must only have string keys, values are always represented as # strings if they are scalar, or else as simple dictionaries and lists. # cdef class Representer: cdef int _file_index cdef RepresenterState state cdef list output, keys # Initialise a new representer # # The file index is used to store into the Node instances so that the # provenance of the YAML can be tracked. # # Args: # file_index (int): The index of this YAML file def __init__(self, int file_index): self._file_index = file_index self.state = RepresenterState.init self.output = [] self.keys = [] # Handle a YAML parse event # # Args: # event (YAML Event): The event to be handled # # Raises: # YAMLLoadError: Something went wrong. cdef void handle_event(self, event) except *: if getattr(event, "anchor", None) is not None: raise YAMLLoadError("Anchors are disallowed in BuildStream at line {} column {}" .format(event.start_mark.line, event.start_mark.column)) cdef str event_name = event.__class__.__name__ if event_name == "ScalarEvent": if event.tag is not None: if not event.tag.startswith("tag:yaml.org,2002:"): raise YAMLLoadError( "Non-core tag expressed in input. " + "This is disallowed in BuildStream. At line {} column {}" .format(event.start_mark.line, event.start_mark.column)) cdef representer_action handler = self._get_handler_for_event(event_name) if not handler: raise YAMLLoadError( "Invalid input detected. No handler for {} in state {} at line {} column {}" .format(event, self.state, event.start_mark.line, event.start_mark.column)) # Cython weirdness here, we need to pass self to the function self.state = handler(self, event) # pylint: disable=not-callable # Get the output of the YAML parse # # Returns: # (Node or None): Return the Node instance of the top level mapping or # None if there wasn't one. cdef MappingNode get_output(self): if len(self.output): return self.output[0] return None cdef representer_action _get_handler_for_event(self, str event_name): if self.state == RepresenterState.wait_list_item: if event_name == "ScalarEvent": return self._handle_wait_list_item_ScalarEvent elif event_name == "MappingStartEvent": return self._handle_wait_list_item_MappingStartEvent elif event_name == "SequenceStartEvent": return self._handle_wait_list_item_SequenceStartEvent elif event_name == "SequenceEndEvent": return self._handle_wait_list_item_SequenceEndEvent elif self.state == RepresenterState.wait_value: if event_name == "ScalarEvent": return self._handle_wait_value_ScalarEvent elif event_name == "MappingStartEvent": return self._handle_wait_value_MappingStartEvent elif event_name == "SequenceStartEvent": return self._handle_wait_value_SequenceStartEvent elif self.state == RepresenterState.wait_key: if event_name == "ScalarEvent": return self._handle_wait_key_ScalarEvent elif event_name == "MappingEndEvent": return self._handle_wait_key_MappingEndEvent elif self.state == RepresenterState.stream: if event_name == "DocumentStartEvent": return self._handle_stream_DocumentStartEvent elif event_name == "StreamEndEvent": return self._handle_stream_StreamEndEvent elif self.state == RepresenterState.doc: if event_name == "MappingStartEvent": return self._handle_doc_MappingStartEvent elif event_name == "DocumentEndEvent": return self._handle_doc_DocumentEndEvent elif self.state == RepresenterState.init and event_name == "StreamStartEvent": return self._handle_init_StreamStartEvent return NULL cdef RepresenterState _handle_init_StreamStartEvent(self, object ev): return RepresenterState.stream cdef RepresenterState _handle_stream_DocumentStartEvent(self, object ev): return RepresenterState.doc cdef RepresenterState _handle_doc_MappingStartEvent(self, object ev): newmap = MappingNode.__new__(MappingNode, self._file_index, ev.start_mark.line, ev.start_mark.column, {}) self.output.append(newmap) return RepresenterState.wait_key cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_key_ScalarEvent(self, object ev): self.keys.append(ev.value) return RepresenterState.wait_value cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_value_ScalarEvent(self, object ev): key = self.keys.pop() ( self.output[-1]).value[key] = \ ScalarNode.__new__(ScalarNode, self._file_index, ev.start_mark.line, ev.start_mark.column, ev.value) return RepresenterState.wait_key cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_value_MappingStartEvent(self, object ev): cdef RepresenterState new_state = self._handle_doc_MappingStartEvent(ev) key = self.keys.pop() ( self.output[-2]).value[key] = self.output[-1] return new_state cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_key_MappingEndEvent(self, object ev): # We've finished a mapping, so pop it off the output stack # unless it's the last one in which case we leave it if len(self.output) > 1: self.output.pop() if type(self.output[-1]) is SequenceNode: return RepresenterState.wait_list_item else: return RepresenterState.wait_key else: return RepresenterState.doc cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_value_SequenceStartEvent(self, object ev): self.output.append(SequenceNode.__new__( SequenceNode, self._file_index, ev.start_mark.line, ev.start_mark.column, [])) ( self.output[-2]).value[self.keys[-1]] = self.output[-1] return RepresenterState.wait_list_item cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_list_item_SequenceStartEvent(self, object ev): self.keys.append(len(( self.output[-1]).value)) self.output.append(SequenceNode.__new__( SequenceNode, self._file_index, ev.start_mark.line, ev.start_mark.column, [])) ( self.output[-2]).value.append(self.output[-1]) return RepresenterState.wait_list_item cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_list_item_SequenceEndEvent(self, object ev): # When ending a sequence, we need to pop a key because we retain the # key until the end so that if we need to mutate the underlying entry # we can. key = self.keys.pop() self.output.pop() if type(key) is int: return RepresenterState.wait_list_item else: return RepresenterState.wait_key cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_list_item_ScalarEvent(self, object ev): ( self.output[-1]).value.append( ScalarNode.__new__(ScalarNode, self._file_index, ev.start_mark.line, ev.start_mark.column, ev.value)) return RepresenterState.wait_list_item cdef RepresenterState _handle_wait_list_item_MappingStartEvent(self, object ev): cdef RepresenterState new_state = self._handle_doc_MappingStartEvent(ev) ( self.output[-2]).value.append(self.output[-1]) return new_state cdef RepresenterState _handle_doc_DocumentEndEvent(self, object ev): if len(self.output) != 1: raise YAMLLoadError("Zero, or more than one document found in YAML stream") return RepresenterState.stream cdef RepresenterState _handle_stream_StreamEndEvent(self, object ev): return RepresenterState.init # Loads a dictionary from some YAML # # Args: # filename (str): The YAML file to load # shortname (str): The filename in shorthand for error reporting (or None) # copy_tree (bool): Whether to make a copy, preserving the original toplevels # for later serialization # project (Project): The (optional) project to associate the parsed YAML with # # Returns (dict): A loaded copy of the YAML file with provenance information # # Raises: LoadError # cpdef MappingNode load(str filename, str shortname=None, bint copy_tree=False, object project=None): cdef MappingNode data if not shortname: shortname = filename cdef str displayname if (project is not None) and (project.junction is not None): displayname = "{}:{}".format(project.junction.name, shortname) else: displayname = shortname cdef Py_ssize_t file_number = node._create_new_file(filename, shortname, displayname, project) try: with open(filename) as f: contents = f.read() data = load_data(contents, file_index=file_number, file_name=filename, copy_tree=copy_tree) return data except FileNotFoundError as e: raise LoadError("Could not find file at {}".format(filename), LoadErrorReason.MISSING_FILE) from e except IsADirectoryError as e: raise LoadError("{} is a directory. bst command expects a .bst file.".format(filename), LoadErrorReason.LOADING_DIRECTORY) from e except LoadError as e: raise LoadError("{}: {}".format(displayname, e), e.reason) from e # Like load(), but doesnt require the data to be in a file # cpdef MappingNode load_data(str data, int file_index=node._SYNTHETIC_FILE_INDEX, str file_name=None, bint copy_tree=False): cdef Representer rep try: rep = Representer(file_index) parser = yaml.CParser(data) try: while parser.check_event(): rep.handle_event(parser.get_event()) finally: parser.dispose() contents = rep.get_output() except YAMLLoadError as e: raise LoadError("Malformed YAML:\n\n{}\n\n".format(e), LoadErrorReason.INVALID_YAML) from e except Exception as e: raise LoadError("Severely malformed YAML:\n\n{}\n\n".format(e), LoadErrorReason.INVALID_YAML) from e if type(contents) != MappingNode: # Special case allowance for None, when the loaded file has only comments in it. if contents is None: contents = MappingNode.__new__(MappingNode, file_index, 0, 0, {}) else: raise LoadError("YAML file has content of type '{}' instead of expected type 'dict': {}" .format(type(contents[0]).__name__, file_name), LoadErrorReason.INVALID_YAML) # Store this away because we'll use it later for "top level" provenance node._set_root_node_for_file(file_index, contents) if copy_tree: contents = contents.clone() return contents ############################################################################### # Roundtrip code # Represent Nodes automatically def represent_mapping(self, MappingNode mapping): return self.represent_dict(mapping.value) def represent_scalar(self, ScalarNode scalar): return self.represent_str(scalar.value) def represent_sequence(self, SequenceNode sequence): return self.represent_list(sequence.value) yaml.RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(MappingNode, represent_mapping) yaml.RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(ScalarNode, represent_scalar) yaml.RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(SequenceNode, represent_sequence) # Represent simple types as strings def represent_as_str(self, value): return self.represent_str(str(value)) yaml.RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(type(None), represent_as_str) yaml.RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(int, represent_as_str) yaml.RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(float, represent_as_str) yaml.RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(bool, represent_as_str) yaml.RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(datetime.datetime, represent_as_str) yaml.RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(datetime.date, represent_as_str) # Always represent things consistently: yaml.RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(OrderedDict, yaml.SafeRepresenter.represent_dict) # Always parse things consistently yaml.RoundTripConstructor.add_constructor(u'tag:yaml.org,2002:int', yaml.RoundTripConstructor.construct_yaml_str) yaml.RoundTripConstructor.add_constructor(u'tag:yaml.org,2002:float', yaml.RoundTripConstructor.construct_yaml_str) yaml.RoundTripConstructor.add_constructor(u'tag:yaml.org,2002:bool', yaml.RoundTripConstructor.construct_yaml_str) yaml.RoundTripConstructor.add_constructor(u'tag:yaml.org,2002:null', yaml.RoundTripConstructor.construct_yaml_str) yaml.RoundTripConstructor.add_constructor(u'tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp', yaml.RoundTripConstructor.construct_yaml_str) # HardlineDumper # # This is a dumper used during roundtrip_dump which forces every scalar to be # a plain string, in order to match the output format to the input format. # # If you discover something is broken, please add a test case to the roundtrip # test in tests/internals/yaml/roundtrip-test.yaml # class HardlineDumper(yaml.RoundTripDumper): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): yaml.RoundTripDumper.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # For each of YAML 1.1 and 1.2, force everything to be a plain string for version in [(1, 1), (1, 2), None]: self.add_version_implicit_resolver( version, u'tag:yaml.org,2002:str', yaml.util.RegExp(r'.*'), None) # roundtrip_load() # # Load a YAML file into memory in a form which allows roundtripping as best # as ruamel permits. # # Note, the returned objects can be treated as Mappings and Lists and Strings # but replacing content wholesale with plain dicts and lists may result # in a loss of comments and formatting. # # Args: # filename (str): The file to load in # allow_missing (bool): Optionally set this to True to allow missing files # # Returns: # (Mapping): The loaded YAML mapping. # # Raises: # (LoadError): If the file is missing, or a directory, this is raised. # Also if the YAML is malformed. # def roundtrip_load(filename, *, allow_missing=False): try: with open(filename, "r") as fh: data = fh.read() contents = roundtrip_load_data(data, filename=filename) except FileNotFoundError as e: if allow_missing: # Missing files are always empty dictionaries return {} else: raise LoadError("Could not find file at {}".format(filename), LoadErrorReason.MISSING_FILE) from e except IsADirectoryError as e: raise LoadError("{} is a directory.".format(filename), LoadErrorReason.LOADING_DIRECTORY) from e return contents # roundtrip_load_data() # # Parse the given contents as YAML, returning them as a roundtrippable data # structure. # # A lack of content will be returned as an empty mapping. # # Args: # contents (str): The contents to be parsed as YAML # filename (str): Optional filename to be used in error reports # # Returns: # (Mapping): The loaded YAML mapping # # Raises: # (LoadError): Raised on invalid YAML, or YAML which parses to something other # than a Mapping # def roundtrip_load_data(contents, *, filename=None): try: contents = yaml.load(contents, yaml.RoundTripLoader, preserve_quotes=True) except (yaml.scanner.ScannerError, yaml.composer.ComposerError, yaml.parser.ParserError) as e: raise LoadError("Malformed YAML:\n\n{}\n\n{}\n".format(e.problem, e.problem_mark), LoadErrorReason.INVALID_YAML) from e # Special case empty files at this point if contents is None: # We'll make them empty mappings like the main Node loader contents = {} if not isinstance(contents, Mapping): raise LoadError("YAML file has content of type '{}' instead of expected type 'dict': {}" .format(type(contents).__name__, filename), LoadErrorReason.INVALID_YAML) return contents # roundtrip_dump() # # Dumps the given contents as a YAML file. Ideally the contents came from # parsing with `roundtrip_load` or `roundtrip_load_data` so that they will be # dumped in the same form as they came from. # # If `file` is a string, it is the filename to write to, if `file` has a # `write` method, it's treated as a stream, otherwise output is to stdout. # # Args: # contents (Mapping or list): The content to write out as YAML. # file (any): The file to write to # def roundtrip_dump(contents, file=None): with ExitStack() as stack: if type(file) is str: from . import utils f = stack.enter_context(utils.save_file_atomic(file, 'w')) elif hasattr(file, 'write'): f = file else: f = sys.stdout yaml.round_trip_dump(contents, f, Dumper=HardlineDumper)