.TH "BST" "1" "24-Jan-2019" "" "bst Manual" .SH NAME bst \- Build and manipulate BuildStream projects... .SH SYNOPSIS .B bst [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... .SH DESCRIPTION Build and manipulate BuildStream projects .PP Most of the main options override options in the user preferences configuration file. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-\-version\fP .PP .TP \fB\-c,\fP \-\-config FILE Configuration file to use .TP \fB\-C,\fP \-\-directory DIRECTORY Project directory (default: current directory) .TP \fB\-\-on\-error\fP [continue|quit|terminate] What to do when an error is encountered .TP \fB\-\-fetchers\fP INTEGER Maximum simultaneous download tasks .TP \fB\-\-builders\fP INTEGER Maximum simultaneous build tasks .TP \fB\-\-pushers\fP INTEGER Maximum simultaneous upload tasks .TP \fB\-\-network\-retries\fP INTEGER Maximum retries for network tasks .TP \fB\-\-no\-interactive\fP Force non interactive mode, otherwise this is automatically decided .TP \fB\-\-verbose\fP / \-\-no\-verbose Be extra verbose .TP \fB\-\-debug\fP / \-\-no\-debug Print debugging output .TP \fB\-\-error\-lines\fP INTEGER Maximum number of lines to show from a task log .TP \fB\-\-message\-lines\fP INTEGER Maximum number of lines to show in a detailed message .TP \fB\-\-log\-file\fP FILENAME A file to store the main log (allows storing the main log while in interactive mode) .TP \fB\-\-colors\fP / \-\-no\-colors Force enable/disable ANSI color codes in output .TP \fB\-\-strict\fP / \-\-no\-strict Elements must be rebuilt when their dependencies have changed .TP \fB\-o,\fP \-\-option OPTION VALUE Specify a project option .TP \fB\-\-default\-mirror\fP TEXT The mirror to fetch from first, before attempting other mirrors .TP \fB\-\-pull\-buildtrees\fP Include an element's build tree when pulling remote element artifacts .SH COMMANDS .PP \fBhelp\fP Print usage information See \fBbst-help(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBhelp\fP command. .PP \fBinit\fP Initialize a new BuildStream project See \fBbst-init(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBinit\fP command. .PP \fBbuild\fP Build elements in a pipeline See \fBbst-build(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBbuild\fP command. .PP \fBshow\fP Show elements in the pipeline See \fBbst-show(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBshow\fP command. .PP \fBshell\fP Shell into an element's sandbox environment See \fBbst-shell(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBshell\fP command. .PP \fBsource\fP Manipulate sources for an element See \fBbst-source(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBsource\fP command. .PP \fBworkspace\fP Manipulate developer workspaces See \fBbst-workspace(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBworkspace\fP command. .PP \fBartifact\fP Manipulate cached artifacts See \fBbst-artifact(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBartifact\fP command. .PP \fBfetch\fP COMMAND OBSOLETE - Fetch sources in a pipeline See \fBbst-fetch(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBfetch\fP command. .PP \fBtrack\fP COMMAND OBSOLETE - Track new source references See \fBbst-track(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBtrack\fP command. .PP \fBcheckout\fP COMMAND OBSOLETE - Checkout a built artifact See \fBbst-checkout(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBcheckout\fP command. .PP \fBpull\fP COMMAND OBSOLETE - Pull a built artifact See \fBbst-pull(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBpull\fP command. .PP \fBpush\fP COMMAND OBSOLETE - Push a built artifact See \fBbst-push(1)\fP for full documentation on the \fBpush\fP command.