.TH "BST TRACK" "1" "28-May-2017" "" "bst track Manual" .SH NAME bst\-track \- Track new source references .SH SYNOPSIS .B bst track [OPTIONS] TARGET .SH DESCRIPTION Consults the specified tracking branches for new versions available to build and updates the project with any newly available references. By default this will track sources for all dependencies of the specified target element. Specify `--deps` to control which sources to track:  none: No dependencies, just the element itself all: All dependencies .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-d,\fP \-\-deps [none|all] The dependencies to track (default: all) .TP \fB\-a,\fP \-\-arch TEXT The target architecture (default: x86_64) .TP \fB\-\-variant\fP TEXT A variant of the specified target