.TH "BST SOURCE FETCH" "1" "24-Jan-2019" "" "bst source fetch Manual" .SH NAME bst\-source\-fetch \- Fetch sources in a pipeline .SH SYNOPSIS .B bst source fetch [OPTIONS] [ELEMENTS]... .SH DESCRIPTION Fetch sources required to build the pipeline .PP Specifying no elements will result in fetching the default targets of the project. If no default targets are configured, all project elements will be fetched. .PP When this command is executed from a workspace directory, the default is to fetch the workspace element. .PP By default this will only try to fetch sources which are required for the build plan of the specified target element, omitting sources for any elements which are already built and available in the artifact cache. .PP Specify `--deps` to control which sources to fetch: .PP  none: No dependencies, just the element itself plan: Only dependencies required for the build plan all: All dependencies .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-\-except\fP PATH Except certain dependencies from fetching .TP \fB\-d,\fP \-\-deps [none|plan|all] The dependencies to fetch (default: plan) .TP \fB\-\-track\fP Track new source references before fetching .TP \fB\-J,\fP \-\-track\-cross\-junctions Allow tracking to cross junction boundaries