.TH "BST SHOW" "1" "13-Mar-2019" "" "bst show Manual" .SH NAME bst\-show \- Show elements in the pipeline .SH SYNOPSIS .B bst show [OPTIONS] [ELEMENTS]... .SH DESCRIPTION Show elements in the pipeline .PP Specifying no elements will result in showing the default targets of the project. If no default targets are configured, all project elements will be shown. .PP When this command is executed from a workspace directory, the default is to show the workspace element. .PP By default this will show all of the dependencies of the specified target element. .PP Specify `--deps` to control which elements to show: .PP  none: No dependencies, just the element itself plan: Dependencies required for a build plan run: Runtime dependencies, including the element itself build: Build time dependencies, excluding the element itself all: All dependencies .PP  FORMAT ~~~~~~ The --format option controls what should be printed for each element, the following symbols can be used in the format string: .PP  %{name} The element name %{key} The abbreviated cache key (if all sources are consistent) %{full-key} The full cache key (if all sources are consistent) %{state} cached, buildable, waiting or inconsistent %{config} The element configuration %{vars} Variable configuration %{env} Environment settings %{public} Public domain data %{workspaced} If the element is workspaced %{workspace-dirs} A list of workspace directories %{deps} A list of all dependencies %{build-deps} A list of build dependencies %{runtime-deps} A list of runtime dependencies .PP The value of the %{symbol} without the leading '%' character is understood as a pythonic formatting string, so python formatting features apply, examle: .PP  bst show target.bst --format \ 'Name: %{name: ^20} Key: %{key: ^8} State: %{state}' .PP If you want to use a newline in a format string in bash, use the '$' modifier: .PP  bst show target.bst --format \ $'---------- %{name} ----------\n%{vars}' .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-\-except\fP PATH Except certain dependencies .TP \fB\-d,\fP \-\-deps [none|plan|run|build|all] The dependencies to show (default: all) .TP \fB\-\-order\fP [stage|alpha] Staging or alphabetic ordering of dependencies .TP \fB\-f,\fP \-\-format FORMAT Format string for each element