.TH "BST SHELL" "1" "04-Jul-2017" "" "bst shell Manual" .SH NAME bst\-shell \- Shell into an element's sandbox environment .SH SYNOPSIS .B bst shell [OPTIONS] TARGET .SH DESCRIPTION Shell into an element's sandbox environment This can be used either to debug building or to launch test and debug successful build results. Use the --builddir option with an existing build directory or use the --scope option instead to create a new staging area automatically. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-b,\fP \-\-builddir DIRECTORY Existing build directory .TP \fB\-s,\fP \-\-scope [build|run] Specify element scope to stage .TP \fB\-a,\fP \-\-arch TEXT The target architecture (default: x86_64) .TP \fB\-\-variant\fP TEXT A variant of the specified target