.TH "BST CHECKOUT" "1" "26-Apr-2018" "" "bst checkout Manual" .SH NAME bst\-checkout \- Checkout a built artifact .SH SYNOPSIS .B bst checkout [OPTIONS] ELEMENT LOCATION .SH DESCRIPTION Checkout a built artifact to the specified location .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-f,\fP \-\-force Allow files to be overwritten .TP \fB\-f,\fP \-\-deps The dependencies to checkout (default: run) .TP \fB\-\-integrate\fP / \-\-no\-integrate Whether to run integration commands .TP \fB\-\-hardlinks\fP Checkout hardlinks instead of copies (handle with care) .TP \fB\-\-tar\fP Create a tarball from the artifact contents instead of a file tree. If LOCATION is '-', the tarball will be dumped to the standard output.