.TH "BST BUILD" "1" "12-Feb-2019" "" "bst build Manual" .SH NAME bst\-build \- Build elements in a pipeline .SH SYNOPSIS .B bst build [OPTIONS] [ELEMENTS]... .SH DESCRIPTION Build elements in a pipeline .PP Specifying no elements will result in building the default targets of the project. If no default targets are configured, all project elements will be built. .PP When this command is executed from a workspace directory, the default is to build the workspace element. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-\-all\fP Build elements that would not be needed for the current build plan .TP \fB\-\-track\fP PATH Specify elements to track during the build. Can be used repeatedly to specify multiple elements .TP \fB\-\-track\-all\fP Track all elements in the pipeline .TP \fB\-\-track\-except\fP PATH Except certain dependencies from tracking .TP \fB\-J,\fP \-\-track\-cross\-junctions Allow tracking to cross junction boundaries .TP \fB\-\-track\-save\fP Deprecated: This is ignored .TP \fB\-r,\fP \-\-remote TEXT The URL of the remote cache (defaults to the first configured cache)