Dependency model ================ Elements in the data model are related by their *dependencies*. In BuildStream, there are two types of relationship that an Element may have with a *dependency*, :ref:`build and runtime dependencies `. More often than not, an element will require its dependency both to *build* and also at *runtime*. Consider a simple build scenario where you want to build an application, which requires a service be present in order to function properly at *runtime*, a compiler that need only be present at *build time*, and a runtime environment or base system which must be required all the time: .. image:: images/arch-dependency-model.svg Note that in BuildStream we are only concerned with element level granularity in our dependency model, and there is no way to depend on only a part of an element's output *artifact*. Instead we can employ :mod:`compose ` and :mod:`filter ` elements in conjunction with :ref:`split rules ` to achieve sub artifact granularity at build and deploy time. When developing BuildStream, it is important to understand the distinction between dependency types and element :class:`Scope `, which acts as a selector of which elements to consider in the dependency graph of a given element when performing recursive activities. Scope ~~~~~ * **Scope.ALL** In the :func:`Scope.ALL ` scope, all elements are considered. This is used in some cases to forcefully fetch, pull or build all dependencies of a given element, even when not all of them are needed. This scope simply includes all of the dependencies, including the element itself. * **Scope.RUN** In the :func:`Scope.RUN ` scope, only elements which are required to run are considered, including the element itself. This is used when for example, launching a ``bst shell`` environment for the purpose of running, or in any case we need to consider which elements are required to run. .. image:: images/arch-dependency-model-runtime.svg :align: center * **Scope.BUILD** In the :func:`Scope.BUILD ` scope, only elements which are required to build are considered, *excluding* the element we intend to build. .. image:: images/arch-dependency-model-build.svg :align: center Note that build type dependencies are not transient, which is why the *Bootstrap* element is not selected when pulling in the *Compiler* to build the *Application*. Further, note that we still follow the *Compiler* dependency on the *Base Runtime*, this is because when we depend on an element for the purpose of *building*, we expect that element to *run* and as such we include all of the *runtime dependencies* of *build dependencies* when selecting the *Scope.BUILD* elements.