#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2016 Codethink Limited
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see .
# Authors:
# Tristan Van Berkom
import os
import multiprocessing # for cpu_count()
from collections import Mapping
from . import utils
from . import _cachekey
from . import _site
from . import _yaml
from ._profile import Topics, profile_start, profile_end
from ._exceptions import LoadError, LoadErrorReason
from ._options import OptionPool
# The base BuildStream format version
# This version is bumped whenever enhancements are made
# to the ``project.conf`` format or the format in general.
# The base BuildStream artifact version
# The artifact version changes whenever the cache key
# calculation algorithm changes in an incompatible way
# or if buildstream was changed in a way which can cause
# the same cache key to produce something that is no longer
# the same.
# The separator we use for user specified aliases
# Project()
# The Project Configuration
class Project():
def __init__(self, directory, context):
# The project name
self.name = None
# The project directory
self.directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
# Absolute path to where elements are loaded from within the project
self.element_path = None
self._context = context # The invocation Context
self._variables = {} # The default variables overridden with project wide overrides
self._environment = {} # The base sandbox environment
self._elements = {} # Element specific configurations
self._aliases = {} # Aliases dictionary
self._workspaces = {} # Workspaces
self._plugin_source_origins = [] # Origins of custom sources
self._plugin_element_origins = [] # Origins of custom elements
self._options = None # Project options, the OptionPool
self._cache_key = None
self._source_format_versions = {}
self._element_format_versions = {}
profile_start(Topics.LOAD_PROJECT, self.directory.replace(os.sep, '-'))
profile_end(Topics.LOAD_PROJECT, self.directory.replace(os.sep, '-'))
# translate_url():
# Translates the given url which may be specified with an alias
# into a fully qualified url.
# Args:
# url (str): A url, which may be using an alias
# Returns:
# str: The fully qualified url, with aliases resolved
# This method is provided for :class:`.Source` objects to resolve
# fully qualified urls based on the shorthand which is allowed
# to be specified in the YAML
def translate_url(self, url):
if url and _ALIAS_SEPARATOR in url:
url_alias, url_body = url.split(_ALIAS_SEPARATOR, 1)
alias_url = self._aliases.get(url_alias)
if alias_url:
url = alias_url + url_body
return url
# _load():
# Loads the project configuration file in the project directory.
# Raises: LoadError if there was a problem with the project.conf
def _load(self):
# Load builtin default
projectfile = os.path.join(self.directory, "project.conf")
config = _yaml.load(_site.default_project_config)
# Load project local config and override the builtin
project_conf = _yaml.load(projectfile)
_yaml.composite(config, project_conf)
# Element type configurations will be composited later onto element types,
# so we delete it from here and run our final assertion after.
self._elements = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'elements', default_value={})
config.pop('elements', None)
_yaml.node_validate(config, [
'element-path', 'variables',
'environment', 'environment-nocache',
'split-rules', 'elements', 'plugins',
'aliases', 'name',
'artifacts', 'options',
# The project name, element path and option declarations
# are constant and cannot be overridden by option conditional statements
self.name = _yaml.node_get(config, str, 'name')
self.element_path = os.path.join(
_yaml.node_get(config, str, 'element-path', default_value='.')
# Load project options
options_node = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'options', default_value={})
self._options = OptionPool(self.element_path)
# Collect option values specified in the user configuration
overrides = self._context._get_overrides(self.name)
override_options = _yaml.node_get(overrides, Mapping, 'options', default_value={})
# We're done modifying options, now we can use them for substitutions
# Now resolve any conditionals in the remaining configuration,
# any conditionals specified for project option declarations,
# or conditionally specifying the project name; will be ignored.
# Now all YAML composition is done, from here on we just load
# the values from our loaded configuration dictionary.
# Load artifacts pull/push configuration for this project
artifacts = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'artifacts', default_value={})
_yaml.node_validate(artifacts, ['url'])
self.artifact_url = _yaml.node_get(artifacts, str, 'url', default_value='') or None
# Workspace configurations
self._workspaces = self._load_workspace_config()
# Assert project version
format_version = _yaml.node_get(config, int, 'format-version', default_value=0)
if BST_FORMAT_VERSION < format_version:
major, minor = utils.get_bst_version()
raise LoadError(
"Project requested format version {}, but BuildStream {}.{} only supports up until format version {}"
.format(format_version, major, minor, BST_FORMAT_VERSION))
# Plugin origins and versions
origins = _yaml.node_get(config, list, 'plugins', default_value=[])
for origin in origins:
allowed_origin_fields = [
'origin', 'sources', 'elements',
'package-name', 'path',
allowed_origins = ['core', 'local', 'pip']
_yaml.node_validate(origin, allowed_origin_fields)
if origin['origin'] not in allowed_origins:
raise LoadError(
"Origin '{}' is not one of the allowed types"
# Store source versions for checking later
source_versions = _yaml.node_get(origin, Mapping, 'sources', default_value={})
for key, _ in _yaml.node_items(source_versions):
if key in self._source_format_versions:
raise LoadError(
"Duplicate listing of source '{}'".format(key))
self._source_format_versions[key] = _yaml.node_get(source_versions, int, key)
# Store element versions for checking later
element_versions = _yaml.node_get(origin, Mapping, 'elements', default_value={})
for key, _ in _yaml.node_items(element_versions):
if key in self._element_format_versions:
raise LoadError(
"Duplicate listing of element '{}'".format(key))
self._element_format_versions[key] = _yaml.node_get(element_versions, int, key)
# Store the origins if they're not 'core'.
# core elements are loaded by default, so storing is unnecessary.
if _yaml.node_get(origin, str, 'origin') != 'core':
self._store_origin(origin, 'sources', self._plugin_source_origins)
self._store_origin(origin, 'elements', self._plugin_element_origins)
# Source url aliases
self._aliases = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'aliases', default_value={})
# Load base variables
self._variables = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'variables')
# Add the project name as a default variable
self._variables['project-name'] = self.name
# Extend variables with automatic variables and option exports
self._variables['max-jobs'] = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# Export options into variables, if that was requested
for _, option in self._options.options.items():
if option.variable:
self._variables[option.variable] = option.get_value()
# Load sandbox configuration
self._environment = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'environment')
self._env_nocache = _yaml.node_get(config, list, 'environment-nocache')
# Load project split rules
self._splits = _yaml.node_get(config, Mapping, 'split-rules')
# _store_origin()
# Helper function to store plugin origins
# Args:
# origin (dict) - a dictionary indicating the origin of a group of
# plugins.
# plugin_group (str) - The name of the type of plugin that is being
# loaded
# destination (list) - A list of dicts to store the origins in
# Raises:
# LoadError if 'origin' is an unexpected value
def _store_origin(self, origin, plugin_group, destination):
expected_groups = ['sources', 'elements']
if plugin_group not in expected_groups:
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA,
"Unexpected plugin group: {}, expecting {}"
.format(plugin_group, expected_groups))
if plugin_group in origin:
origin_dict = _yaml.node_copy(origin)
plugins = _yaml.node_get(origin, Mapping, plugin_group, default_value={})
origin_dict['plugins'] = [k for k, _ in _yaml.node_items(plugins)]
for group in expected_groups:
if group in origin_dict:
del origin_dict[group]
if origin_dict['origin'] == 'local':
# paths are passed in relative to the project, but must be absolute
origin_dict['path'] = os.path.join(self.directory, origin_dict['path'])
# _list_workspaces()
# Generator function to enumerate workspaces.
# Yields:
# A tuple in the following format: (element, source, path).
def _list_workspaces(self):
for element, _ in _yaml.node_items(self._workspaces):
for source, _ in _yaml.node_items(self._workspaces[element]):
yield (element, int(source), self._workspaces[element][source])
# _get_workspace()
# Get the path of the workspace source associated with the given
# element's source at the given index
# Args:
# element (str) - The element name
# index (int) - The source index
# Returns:
# None if no workspace is open, the path to the workspace
# otherwise
def _get_workspace(self, element, index):
return self._workspaces[element][index]
except KeyError:
return None
# _set_workspace()
# Set the path of the workspace associated with the given
# element's source at the given index
# Args:
# element (str) - The element name
# index (int) - The source index
# path (str) - The path to set the workspace to
def _set_workspace(self, element, index, path):
if element.name not in self._workspaces:
self._workspaces[element.name] = {}
self._workspaces[element.name][index] = path
element._set_source_workspace(index, path)
# _delete_workspace()
# Remove the workspace from the workspace element. Note that this
# does *not* remove the workspace from the stored yaml
# configuration, call _save_workspace_config() afterwards.
# Args:
# element (str) - The element name
# index (int) - The source index
def _delete_workspace(self, element, index):
del self._workspaces[element][index]
# Contains a provenance object
if len(self._workspaces[element]) == 1:
del self._workspaces[element]
# _load_workspace_config()
# Load the workspace configuration and return a node containing
# all open workspaces for the project
# Returns:
# A node containing a dict that assigns projects to their
# workspaces. For example:
# amhello.bst: {
# 0: /home/me/automake,
# 1: /home/me/amhello
# }
def _load_workspace_config(self):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.directory, ".bst"), exist_ok=True)
workspace_file = os.path.join(self.directory, ".bst", "workspaces.yml")
open(workspace_file, "a").close()
except IOError as e:
raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.MISSING_FILE,
"Could not load workspace config: {}".format(e)) from e
return _yaml.load(workspace_file)
# _save_workspace_config()
# Dump the current workspace element to the project configuration
# file. This makes any changes performed with _delete_workspace or
# _set_workspace permanent
def _save_workspace_config(self):
os.path.join(self.directory, ".bst", "workspaces.yml"))
def _extract_plugin_paths(self, node, name):
if not node:
path_list = _yaml.node_get(node, list, name, default_value=[])
for i in range(len(path_list)):
path = _yaml.node_get(node, str, name, indices=[i])
yield path
# _get_cache_key():
# Returns the cache key, calculating it if necessary
# Returns:
# (str): A hex digest cache key for the Context
def _get_cache_key(self):
if self._cache_key is None:
# Anything that alters the build goes into the unique key
# (currently nothing here)
self._cache_key = _cachekey.generate_key({})
return self._cache_key