# # Copyright (C) 2016 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library. If not, see . # # Authors: # Tristan Van Berkom # System imports from collections import Mapping # BuildStream toplevel imports from .._exceptions import LoadError, LoadErrorReason from .. import _yaml # Local package imports from .types import Symbol, Dependency # LoadElement(): # # A transient object breaking down what is loaded allowing us to # do complex operations in multiple passes. # # Args: # node (dict): A YAML loaded dictionary # name (str): The element name # loader (Loader): The Loader object for this element # class LoadElement(): def __init__(self, node, filename, loader): # # Public members # self.node = node # The YAML node self.name = filename # The element name self.full_name = None # The element full name (with associated junction) self.deps = None # The list of Dependency objects # # Private members # self._loader = loader # The Loader object self._dep_cache = None # The dependency cache, to speed up depends() # # Initialization # if loader.project.junction: # dependency is in subproject, qualify name self.full_name = '{}:{}'.format(loader.project.junction.name, self.name) else: # dependency is in top-level project self.full_name = self.name # Ensure the root node is valid _yaml.node_validate(self.node, [ 'kind', 'depends', 'sources', 'sandbox', 'variables', 'environment', 'environment-nocache', 'config', 'public', 'description', ]) # Extract the Dependencies self.deps = _extract_depends_from_node(self.node) # depends(): # # Checks if this element depends on another element, directly # or indirectly. # # Args: # other (LoadElement): Another LoadElement # # Returns: # (bool): True if this LoadElement depends on 'other' # def depends(self, other): self._ensure_depends_cache() return self._dep_cache.get(other.full_name) is not None ########################################### # Private Methods # ########################################### def _ensure_depends_cache(self): if self._dep_cache: return self._dep_cache = {} for dep in self.deps: elt = self._loader.get_element_for_dep(dep) # Ensure the cache of the element we depend on elt._ensure_depends_cache() # We depend on this element self._dep_cache[elt.full_name] = True # And we depend on everything this element depends on self._dep_cache.update(elt._dep_cache) # _extract_depends_from_node(): # # Creates an array of Dependency objects from a given dict node 'node', # allows both strings and dicts for expressing the dependency and # throws a comprehensive LoadError in the case that the node is malformed. # # After extracting depends, the symbol is deleted from the node # # Args: # node (dict): A YAML loaded dictionary # # Returns: # (list): a list of Dependency objects # def _extract_depends_from_node(node): depends = _yaml.node_get(node, list, Symbol.DEPENDS, default_value=[]) output_deps = [] for dep in depends: dep_provenance = _yaml.node_get_provenance(node, key=Symbol.DEPENDS, indices=[depends.index(dep)]) if isinstance(dep, str): dependency = Dependency(dep, provenance=dep_provenance) elif isinstance(dep, Mapping): _yaml.node_validate(dep, ['filename', 'type', 'junction']) # Make type optional, for this we set it to None dep_type = _yaml.node_get(dep, str, Symbol.TYPE, default_value=None) if dep_type is None or dep_type == Symbol.ALL: dep_type = None elif dep_type not in [Symbol.BUILD, Symbol.RUNTIME]: provenance = _yaml.node_get_provenance(dep, key=Symbol.TYPE) raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA, "{}: Dependency type '{}' is not 'build', 'runtime' or 'all'" .format(provenance, dep_type)) filename = _yaml.node_get(dep, str, Symbol.FILENAME) junction = _yaml.node_get(dep, str, Symbol.JUNCTION, default_value=None) dependency = Dependency(filename, dep_type=dep_type, junction=junction, provenance=dep_provenance) else: index = depends.index(dep) p = _yaml.node_get_provenance(node, key=Symbol.DEPENDS, indices=[index]) raise LoadError(LoadErrorReason.INVALID_DATA, "{}: Dependency is not specified as a string or a dictionary".format(p)) output_deps.append(dependency) # Now delete "depends", we dont want it anymore del node[Symbol.DEPENDS] return output_deps