#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2017 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library. If not, see . # # Authors: # Tristan Van Berkom import datetime import os from collections import OrderedDict from contextlib import ExitStack from mmap import mmap import re import click from ruamel import yaml from . import Profile from .. import Element, Scope, Consistency from .. import _yaml from .. import __version__ as bst_version from .._exceptions import ImplError from .._message import MessageType from ..plugin import _plugin_lookup # These messages are printed a bit differently ERROR_MESSAGES = [MessageType.FAIL, MessageType.ERROR, MessageType.BUG] # Widget() # # Args: # content_profile (Profile): The profile to use for rendering content # format_profile (Profile): The profile to use for rendering formatting # # An abstract class for printing output columns in our text UI. # class Widget(): def __init__(self, content_profile, format_profile): # The content profile self.content_profile = content_profile # The formatting profile self.format_profile = format_profile # prepare() # # Gives the widget a chance to preflight the pipeline and # extract any information it needs from it before rendering. # # Args: # pipeline (Pipeline): The pipeline to process # def prepare(self, pipeline): pass # render() # # Renders a string to be printed in the UI # # Args: # message (Message): A message to print # # Returns: # (str): The string this widget prints for the given message # def render(self, message): raise ImplError("{} does not implement render()".format(type(self).__name__)) # Used to add spacing between columns class Space(Widget): def render(self, message): return ' ' # Used to add fixed text between columns class FixedText(Widget): def __init__(self, text, content_profile, format_profile): super(FixedText, self).__init__(content_profile, format_profile) self.text = text def render(self, message): return self.format_profile.fmt(self.text) # Used to add the wallclock time this message was created at class WallclockTime(Widget): def render(self, message): fields = [self.content_profile.fmt("{:02d}".format(x)) for x in [message.creation_time.hour, message.creation_time.minute, message.creation_time.second]] return self.format_profile.fmt(":").join(fields) # A widget for rendering the debugging column class Debug(Widget): def render(self, message): unique_id = 0 if message.unique_id is None else message.unique_id text = self.format_profile.fmt('pid:') text += self.content_profile.fmt("{: <5}".format(message.pid)) text += self.format_profile.fmt(" id:") text += self.content_profile.fmt("{:0>3}".format(unique_id)) return text # A widget for rendering the time codes class TimeCode(Widget): def __init__(self, content_profile, format_profile, microseconds=False): self.microseconds = microseconds super(TimeCode, self).__init__(content_profile, format_profile) def render(self, message): return self.render_time(message.elapsed) def render_time(self, elapsed): if elapsed is None: fields = [ self.content_profile.fmt('--') for i in range(3) ] else: hours, remainder = divmod(int(elapsed.total_seconds()), 60 * 60) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) fields = [ self.content_profile.fmt("{0:02d}".format(field)) for field in [hours, minutes, seconds] ] text = self.format_profile.fmt(':').join(fields) if self.microseconds: if elapsed is not None: text += self.content_profile.fmt(".{0:06d}".format(elapsed.microseconds)) else: text += self.content_profile.fmt(".------") return text # A widget for rendering the MessageType class TypeName(Widget): action_colors = { MessageType.DEBUG: "cyan", MessageType.STATUS: "cyan", MessageType.INFO: "magenta", MessageType.WARN: "yellow", MessageType.START: "blue", MessageType.SUCCESS: "green", MessageType.FAIL: "red", MessageType.ERROR: "red", MessageType.BUG: "red", } def render(self, message): return self.content_profile.fmt("{: <7}" .format(message.message_type.upper()), bold=True, dim=True, fg=self.action_colors[message.message_type]) # A widget for displaying the Element name class ElementName(Widget): def __init__(self, content_profile, format_profile): super(ElementName, self).__init__(content_profile, format_profile) # Pre initialization format string, before we know the length of # element names in the pipeline self.fmt_string = '{: <30}' def prepare(self, pipeline): longest_name = 0 for plugin in pipeline.dependencies(Scope.ALL, include_sources=True): longest_name = max(len(plugin.name), longest_name) # Put a cap at a specific width, usually some elements cause the line # to be too long, just live with the unaligned columns in that case longest_name = min(longest_name, 30) self.fmt_string = '{: <' + str(longest_name) + '}' def render(self, message): element_id = message.task_id or message.unique_id if element_id is None: return "" plugin = _plugin_lookup(element_id) name = plugin._get_full_name() # Sneak the action name in with the element name action_name = message.action_name if not action_name: action_name = "Main" return self.content_profile.fmt("{: >5}".format(action_name.lower())) + \ self.format_profile.fmt(':') + \ self.content_profile.fmt(self.fmt_string.format(name)) # A widget for displaying the primary message text class MessageText(Widget): def render(self, message): return message.message # A widget for formatting the element cache key class CacheKey(Widget): def __init__(self, content_profile, format_profile, err_profile): super(CacheKey, self).__init__(content_profile, format_profile) self.err_profile = err_profile self.key_length = 0 def prepare(self, pipeline): self.key_length = pipeline.context.log_key_length def render(self, message): element_id = message.task_id or message.unique_id if element_id is None or not self.key_length: return "" missing = False key = ' ' * self.key_length plugin = _plugin_lookup(element_id) if isinstance(plugin, Element): _, key, missing = plugin._get_full_display_key() if message.message_type in ERROR_MESSAGES: text = self.err_profile.fmt(key) else: text = self.content_profile.fmt(key, dim=missing) return text # A widget for formatting the log file class LogFile(Widget): def __init__(self, content_profile, format_profile, err_profile): super(LogFile, self).__init__(content_profile, format_profile) self.err_profile = err_profile self.logdir = '' def prepare(self, pipeline): # Hold on to the logging directory so we can abbreviate self.logdir = pipeline.context.logdir def render(self, message, abbrev=True): if message.logfile and message.scheduler: logfile = message.logfile if abbrev and self.logdir != "" and logfile.startswith(self.logdir): logfile = logfile[len(self.logdir):] logfile = logfile.lstrip(os.sep) if message.message_type in ERROR_MESSAGES: text = self.err_profile.fmt(logfile) else: text = self.content_profile.fmt(logfile, dim=True) else: text = '' return text class MessageOrLogFile(Widget): """ START and SUCCESS messages are expected to have no useful information in the message text, so we display the logfile name for these messages, and the message text for other types. """ def __init__(self, content_profile, format_profile, err_profile): super(MessageOrLogFile, self).__init__(content_profile, format_profile) self.message_widget = MessageText(content_profile, format_profile) self.logfile_widget = LogFile(content_profile, format_profile, err_profile) def render(self, message): # Show the log file only in the main start/success messages if message.logfile and message.scheduler and \ message.message_type in [MessageType.START, MessageType.SUCCESS]: text = self.logfile_widget.render(message) else: text = self.message_widget.render(message) return text # A widget for formatting a log line class LogLine(Widget): def __init__(self, content_profile, format_profile, success_profile, err_profile, detail_profile, indent=4, log_lines=10, message_lines=10, debug=False, message_format: str = None): super(LogLine, self).__init__(content_profile, format_profile) self.columns = [] self.success_profile = success_profile self.err_profile = err_profile self.detail_profile = detail_profile self.indent = ' ' * indent self.log_lines = log_lines self.message_lines = message_lines self.message_format = message_format self.space_widget = Space(content_profile, format_profile) self.logfile_widget = LogFile(content_profile, format_profile, err_profile) if debug: self.columns.extend([ Debug(content_profile, format_profile) ]) logfile_format = message_format self.logfile_variable_names = { "elapsed": TimeCode(content_profile, format_profile, microseconds=False), "elapsed-us": TimeCode(content_profile, format_profile, microseconds=True), "wallclock": WallclockTime(content_profile, format_profile), "key": CacheKey(content_profile, format_profile, err_profile), "element": ElementName(content_profile, format_profile), "action": TypeName(content_profile, format_profile), "message": MessageOrLogFile(content_profile, format_profile, err_profile) } logfile_tokens = self._parse_logfile_format(logfile_format, content_profile, format_profile) self.columns.extend(logfile_tokens) def _parse_logfile_format(self, format_string, content_profile, format_profile): logfile_tokens = [] while format_string: if format_string.startswith("%%"): logfile_tokens.append(FixedText("%", content_profile, format_profile)) format_string = format_string[2:] continue m = re.search(r"^%\{([^\}]+)\}", format_string) if m is not None: variable = m.group(1) format_string = format_string[m.end(0):] if variable not in self.logfile_variable_names: raise Exception("'{0}' is not a valid log variable name.".format(variable)) logfile_tokens.append(self.logfile_variable_names[variable]) else: m = re.search("^[^%]+", format_string) if m is not None: text = FixedText(m.group(0), content_profile, format_profile) format_string = format_string[m.end(0):] logfile_tokens.append(text) else: # No idea what to do now raise Exception("'{0}' could not be parsed into a valid logging format.".format(format_string)) return logfile_tokens def prepare(self, pipeline): for widget in self.columns: widget.prepare(pipeline) self.space_widget.prepare(pipeline) self.logfile_widget.prepare(pipeline) def render(self, message): # Render the column widgets first text = '' for widget in self.columns: text += widget.render(message) text += '\n' extra_nl = False # Now add some custom things if message.detail: # Identify frontend messages, we never abbreviate these frontend_message = not (message.task_id or message.unique_id) # Split and truncate message detail down to message_lines lines lines = message.detail.splitlines(True) n_lines = len(lines) abbrev = False if message.message_type not in ERROR_MESSAGES \ and not frontend_message and n_lines > self.message_lines: abbrev = True lines = lines[0:self.message_lines] else: lines[n_lines - 1] = lines[n_lines - 1].rstrip('\n') detail = self.indent + self.indent.join(lines) text += '\n' if message.message_type in ERROR_MESSAGES: text += self.err_profile.fmt(detail, bold=True) else: text += self.detail_profile.fmt(detail) if abbrev: text += self.indent + \ self.content_profile.fmt('Message contains {} additional lines' .format(n_lines - self.message_lines), dim=True) text += '\n' extra_nl = True if message.sandbox is not None: sandbox = self.indent + 'Sandbox directory: ' + message.sandbox text += '\n' if message.message_type == MessageType.FAIL: text += self.err_profile.fmt(sandbox, bold=True) else: text += self.detail_profile.fmt(sandbox) text += '\n' extra_nl = True if message.scheduler and message.message_type == MessageType.FAIL: text += '\n' text += self.indent + self.err_profile.fmt("Printing the last {} lines from log file:" .format(self.log_lines)) + '\n' text += self.indent + self.logfile_widget.render(message, abbrev=False) + '\n' text += self.indent + self.err_profile.fmt("=" * 70) + '\n' log_content = self.read_last_lines(message.logfile) log_content = self.indent + self.indent.join(log_content.splitlines(True)) text += self.detail_profile.fmt(log_content) text += '\n' text += self.indent + self.err_profile.fmt("=" * 70) + '\n' extra_nl = True if extra_nl: text += '\n' return text def read_last_lines(self, logfile): with ExitStack() as stack: # mmap handles low-level memory details, allowing for # faster searches f = stack.enter_context(open(logfile, 'r+')) log = stack.enter_context(mmap(f.fileno(), os.path.getsize(f.name))) count = 0 end = log.size() - 1 while count < self.log_lines and end >= 0: location = log.rfind(b'\n', 0, end) count += 1 # If location is -1 (none found), this will print the # first character because of the later +1 end = location # end+1 is correct whether or not a newline was found at # that location. If end is -1 (seek before beginning of file) # then we get the first characther. If end is a newline position, # we discard it and only want to print the beginning of the next # line. lines = log[(end + 1):].splitlines() return '\n'.join([line.decode('utf-8') for line in lines]).rstrip() # # A message to be printed at program startup, indicating # some things about user configuration and BuildStream version # and so on. # # Args: # pipeline (Pipeline): The pipeline to print the heading of # log_file (file): An optional file handle for additional logging # deps (list): Optional list of elements, default is to use the whole pipeline # styling (bool): Whether to enable ansi escape codes in the output # def print_heading(self, pipeline, log_file, deps=None, styling=False): context = pipeline.context project = pipeline.project starttime = datetime.datetime.now() text = '' # Main invocation context text += '\n' text += self.content_profile.fmt("BuildStream Version {}\n".format(bst_version), bold=True) values = OrderedDict() values["Session Start"] = starttime.strftime('%A, %d-%m-%Y at %H:%M:%S') values["Project"] = "{} ({})".format(project.name, project.directory) values["Targets"] = ", ".join([t.name for t in pipeline.targets]) text += self.format_values(values) # User configurations text += '\n' text += self.content_profile.fmt("User Configuration\n", bold=True) values = OrderedDict() values["Configuration File"] = \ "Default Configuration" if not context.config_origin else context.config_origin values["Log Files"] = context.logdir values["Source Mirrors"] = context.sourcedir values["Build Area"] = context.builddir values["Artifact Cache"] = context.artifactdir values["Strict Build Plan"] = "Yes" if context.get_strict() else "No" values["Maximum Fetch Tasks"] = context.sched_fetchers values["Maximum Build Tasks"] = context.sched_builders values["Maximum Push Tasks"] = context.sched_pushers values["Maximum Network Retries"] = context.sched_network_retries text += self.format_values(values) text += '\n' # Project Options values = OrderedDict() project.options.printable_variables(values) if values: text += self.content_profile.fmt("Project Options\n", bold=True) text += self.format_values(values) text += '\n' # Plugins text += self.format_plugins(project._element_factory.loaded_dependencies, project._source_factory.loaded_dependencies) # Pipeline state text += self.content_profile.fmt("Pipeline\n", bold=True) if deps is None: deps = pipeline.dependencies(Scope.ALL) text += self.show_pipeline(deps, context.log_element_format) text += '\n' # Separator line before following output text += self.format_profile.fmt("=" * 79 + '\n') click.echo(text, color=styling, nl=False, err=True) if log_file: click.echo(text, file=log_file, color=False, nl=False) # Print queue summaries at the end of a scheduler run # def print_summary(self, pipeline, scheduler, log_file, styling=False): # Early silent return if there are no queues, can happen # only in the case that the pipeline early returned due to # an inconsistent pipeline state. if scheduler.queues is None: return text = self.content_profile.fmt("Pipeline Summary\n", bold=True) values = OrderedDict() values['Total'] = self.content_profile.fmt(str(pipeline.total_elements)) values['Session'] = self.content_profile.fmt(str(pipeline.session_elements)) processed_maxlen = 1 skipped_maxlen = 1 failed_maxlen = 1 for queue in scheduler.queues: processed_maxlen = max(len(str(len(queue.processed_elements))), processed_maxlen) skipped_maxlen = max(len(str(len(queue.skipped_elements))), skipped_maxlen) failed_maxlen = max(len(str(len(queue.failed_elements))), failed_maxlen) for queue in scheduler.queues: processed = str(len(queue.processed_elements)) skipped = str(len(queue.skipped_elements)) failed = str(len(queue.failed_elements)) processed_align = ' ' * (processed_maxlen - len(processed)) skipped_align = ' ' * (skipped_maxlen - len(skipped)) failed_align = ' ' * (failed_maxlen - len(failed)) status_text = self.content_profile.fmt("processed ") + \ self.success_profile.fmt(processed) + \ self.format_profile.fmt(', ') + processed_align status_text += self.content_profile.fmt("skipped ") + \ self.content_profile.fmt(skipped) + \ self.format_profile.fmt(', ') + skipped_align status_text += self.content_profile.fmt("failed ") + \ self.err_profile.fmt(failed) + ' ' + failed_align values["{} Queue".format(queue.action_name)] = status_text text += self.format_values(values, style_value=False) click.echo(text, color=styling, nl=False, err=True) if log_file: click.echo(text, file=log_file, color=False, nl=False) def format_plugins(self, element_plugins, source_plugins): text = "" if not (element_plugins or source_plugins): return text text += self.content_profile.fmt("Loaded Plugins\n", bold=True) if element_plugins: text += self.format_profile.fmt(" Element Plugins\n") for plugin in element_plugins: text += self.content_profile.fmt(" - {}\n".format(plugin)) if source_plugins: text += self.format_profile.fmt(" Source Plugins\n") for plugin in source_plugins: text += self.content_profile.fmt(" - {}\n".format(plugin)) text += '\n' return text def format_values(self, values, style_value=True): text = '' max_key_len = 0 for key, value in values.items(): max_key_len = max(len(key), max_key_len) for key, value in values.items(): text += self.format_profile.fmt(" {}: {}".format(key, ' ' * (max_key_len - len(key)))) if style_value: text += self.content_profile.fmt(str(value)) else: text += str(value) text += '\n' return text def show_pipeline(self, dependencies, format_): report = '' p = Profile() for element in dependencies: line = format_ full_key, cache_key, dim_keys = element._get_full_display_key() line = p.fmt_subst(line, 'name', element._get_full_name(), fg='blue', bold=True) line = p.fmt_subst(line, 'key', cache_key, fg='yellow', dim=dim_keys) line = p.fmt_subst(line, 'full-key', full_key, fg='yellow', dim=dim_keys) consistency = element._get_consistency() if consistency == Consistency.INCONSISTENT: line = p.fmt_subst(line, 'state', "no reference", fg='red') else: if element._cached(): line = p.fmt_subst(line, 'state', "cached", fg='magenta') elif element._remotely_cached(): line = p.fmt_subst(line, 'state', "downloadable", fg='cyan') elif consistency == Consistency.RESOLVED: line = p.fmt_subst(line, 'state', "fetch needed", fg='red') elif element._buildable(): line = p.fmt_subst(line, 'state', "buildable", fg='green') else: line = p.fmt_subst(line, 'state', "waiting", fg='blue') # Element configuration if "%{config" in format_: config = _yaml.node_sanitize(element._Element__config) line = p.fmt_subst( line, 'config', yaml.round_trip_dump(config, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True)) # Variables if "%{vars" in format_: variables = _yaml.node_sanitize(element._Element__variables.variables) line = p.fmt_subst( line, 'vars', yaml.round_trip_dump(variables, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True)) # Environment if "%{env" in format_: environment = _yaml.node_sanitize(element._Element__environment) line = p.fmt_subst( line, 'env', yaml.round_trip_dump(environment, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True)) # Public if "%{public" in format_: environment = _yaml.node_sanitize(element._Element__public) line = p.fmt_subst( line, 'public', yaml.round_trip_dump(environment, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True)) # Workspaced if "%{workspaced" in format_: line = p.fmt_subst( line, 'workspaced', '(workspaced)' if element._get_workspace() else '', fg='yellow') # Workspace-dirs if "%{workspace-dirs" in format_: workspace = element._get_workspace() if workspace is not None: path = workspace.path.replace(os.getenv('HOME', '/root'), '~') line = p.fmt_subst(line, 'workspace-dirs', "Workspace: {}".format(path)) else: line = p.fmt_subst( line, 'workspace-dirs', '') report += line + '\n' return report.rstrip('\n')