image: cache: key: "$CI_JOB_NAME-" paths: - cache/ stages: - test - post variables: INTEGRATION_CACHE: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/cache/integration-cache" TEST_COMMAND: "tox -- --color=yes --integration" COVERAGE_PREFIX: "${CI_JOB_NAME}." ##################################################### # Test stage # ##################################################### # Run premerge commits # .tests-template: &tests stage: test before_script: # Diagnostics - mount - df -h script: - mkdir -p "${INTEGRATION_CACHE}" - useradd -Um buildstream - chown -R buildstream:buildstream . # Run the tests as a simple user to test for permission issues - su buildstream -c "${TEST_COMMAND}" except: - schedules artifacts: paths: - .coverage-reports tests-debian-9: image: <<: *tests tests-fedora-29: image: <<: *tests tests-fedora-30: image: <<: *tests tests-ubuntu-18.04: image: <<: *tests tests-unix: # Use fedora here, to ensure that we # can get rid of ostree - this is not possible with debian-8 image: <<: *tests variables: BST_FORCE_BACKEND: "unix" script: # We remove the Bubblewrap and OSTree packages here so that we catch any # codepaths that try to use them. Removing OSTree causes fuse-libs to # disappear unless we mark it as user-installed. - dnf mark install fuse-libs systemd-udev - dnf erase -y bubblewrap ostree # Since the unix platform is required to run as root, no user change required - ${TEST_COMMAND} # Automatically build documentation for every commit, we want to know # if building documentation fails even if we're not deploying it. docs: stage: test variables: BST_FORCE_SESSION_REBUILD: 1 script: - env BST_SOURCE_CACHE="$(pwd)/cache/integration-cache/sources" tox -e docs - mv doc/build/html public except: - schedules artifacts: paths: - public/ .overnight-tests: &overnight-tests-template stage: test image: variables: bst_ext_url: git+ bst_ext_ref: 0.16.0-0-gbe5683970abddbc4670592f79c473f4560b7be3a fd_sdk_ref: freedesktop-sdk-18.08.34-0-g9282304d0d932032b8297fb049f44d6a079dc2ea before_script: - pip3 install -r requirements/requirements.txt -r requirements/plugin-requirements.txt - pip3 install --no-index . - pip3 install --user -e ${bst_ext_url}@${bst_ext_ref}#egg=bst_ext - git clone - git -C freedesktop-sdk checkout ${fd_sdk_ref} # XXX TESTING DO NOT MERGE # # only: # - schedules overnight-tests: <<: *overnight-tests-template script: - make -C freedesktop-sdk tags: - overnight-tests overnight-tests-no-cache: <<: *overnight-tests-template script: - sed -i '/artifacts:/,+1 d' freedesktop-sdk/project.conf - make -C freedesktop-sdk tags: - overnight-tests # Check code quality with gitlab's built-in feature. # code_quality: image: docker:stable stage: test variables: DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 allow_failure: true services: - docker:stable-dind script: - export SP_VERSION=$(echo "$CI_SERVER_VERSION" | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\).*/\1-\2-stable/') - docker run --env SOURCE_CODE="$PWD" --volume "$PWD":/code --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock "$SP_VERSION" /code except: - schedules artifacts: paths: [gl-code-quality-report.json] ##################################################### # Post stage # ##################################################### analysis: stage: post script: - | pip3 install radon mkdir analysis - | echo "Calculating Maintainability Index" radon mi -s -j buildstream > analysis/mi.json radon mi -s buildstream - | echo "Calculating Cyclomatic Complexity" radon cc -a -s -j buildstream > analysis/cc.json radon cc -a -s buildstream - | echo "Calculating Raw Metrics" radon raw -s -j buildstream > analysis/raw.json radon raw -s buildstream except: - schedules artifacts: paths: - analysis/ # Collate coverage reports # coverage: stage: post coverage: '/TOTAL +\d+ +\d+ +(\d+\.\d+)%/' script: - cp -a .coverage-reports/ ./coverage-sources - tox -e coverage - cp -a .coverage-reports/ ./coverage-report dependencies: - tests-debian-9 - tests-fedora-29 - tests-fedora-30 - tests-ubuntu-18.04 - tests-unix except: - schedules # Deploy, only for merges which land on master branch. # pages: stage: post dependencies: - docs script: - find public/ artifacts: paths: - public/ only: # # FIXME: # # Ideally we want to publish to a different subdir of # pages depending on which stable branch we are building here, # not currently automatically supported but can be worked around. # # See # - master except: - schedules