image:${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION} cache: key: "$CI_JOB_NAME-" paths: - cache/ stages: - test - post - publish variables: # SAST related variables SAST_DISABLE_DIND: "true" SAST_GOSEC_LEVEL: 2 CI_PROJECT_REPOSITORY_LANGUAGES: "python" # Our own variables # Version of the docker images we should use for all the images. # This is taken from buildstream/buildstream-docker-images DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION: master-105233327 PYTEST_ADDOPTS: "--color=yes" INTEGRATION_CACHE: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/cache/integration-cache" PYTEST_ARGS: "--color=yes --integration -n 2" TEST_COMMAND: "tox -- ${PYTEST_ARGS}" EXTERNAL_TESTS_COMMAND: "tox -e py35-external,py36-external,py37-external -- ${PYTEST_ARGS}" COVERAGE_PREFIX: "${CI_JOB_NAME}." ##################################################### # Test stage # ##################################################### # Run premerge commits # .tests-template: &tests stage: test before_script: # Diagnostics - mount - df -h - tox --version script: - mkdir -p "${INTEGRATION_CACHE}" - useradd -Um buildstream - chown -R buildstream:buildstream . # Run the tests as a simple user to test for permission issues - su buildstream -c "${TEST_COMMAND}" - su buildstream -c "${EXTERNAL_TESTS_COMMAND}" after_script: except: - schedules artifacts: paths: - .coverage-reports tests-remote-execution: allow_failure: true image:${DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION} <<: *tests before_script: - dnf install -y docker docker-compose - docker-compose --file ${COMPOSE_MANIFEST} up --detach after_script: - docker-compose --file ${COMPOSE_MANIFEST} stop - docker-compose --file ${COMPOSE_MANIFEST} logs - docker-compose --file ${COMPOSE_MANIFEST} down services: - docker:stable-dind variables: DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375 DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 # Required to be able to connect to the docker daemon. See DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "" COMPOSE_MANIFEST: .gitlab-ci/buildgrid-compose.yml ARTIFACT_CACHE_SERVICE: http://docker:50052 REMOTE_EXECUTION_SERVICE: http://docker:50051 SOURCE_CACHE_SERVICE: http://docker:50052 PYTEST_ARGS: "--color=yes --remote-execution"