path: root/doc/source
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authorJames Ennis <>2019-09-12 15:48:44 +0100
committerbst-marge-bot <>2019-09-13 16:17:36 +0000
commit2b54ff7db5628b3074871136a651c3a2a6862b1e (patch)
tree08e4a6a49a2b63bdcbc96c6afe6d16957781f759 /doc/source
parent999650252df1813134da9f8ef2851fbfca25b3d0 (diff)
CONTRIBUTING.rst: Split up CONTRIBUTING into smaller files
Our contributing has got way too big. This patch aims to split it up into sensible files. These are found in "Further information". Closes #1116
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/source')
9 files changed, 1900 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/hacking/coding_guidelines.rst b/doc/source/hacking/coding_guidelines.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d1fca401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/hacking/coding_guidelines.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,891 @@
+.. _coding_guidelines:
+Coding guidelines
+This section discusses coding style and other guidelines for hacking
+on BuildStream. This is important to read through for writing any non-trivial
+patches and especially outlines what people should watch out for when
+reviewing patches.
+Much of the rationale behind what is layed out in this section considers
+good traceability of lines of code with *git blame*, overall sensible
+modular structure, consistency in how we write code, and long term maintenance
+in mind.
+Approximate PEP-8 Style
+Python coding style for BuildStream is approximately `pep8 <>`_.
+We have a couple of minor exceptions to this standard, we dont want to compromise
+code readability by being overly restrictive on line length for instance.
+The pep8 linter will run automatically when :ref:`running the test suite <contributing_testing>`.
+Line lengths
+Regarding laxness on the line length in our linter settings, it should be clarified
+that the line length limit is a hard limit which causes the linter to bail out
+and reject commits which break the high limit - not an invitation to write exceedingly
+long lines of code, comments, or API documenting docstrings.
+Code, comments and docstrings should strive to remain written for approximately 80
+or 90 character lines, where exceptions can be made when code would be less readable
+when exceeding 80 or 90 characters (often this happens in conditional statements
+when raising an exception, for example). Or, when comments contain a long link that
+causes the given line to to exceed 80 or 90 characters, we don't want this to cause
+the linter to refuse the commit.
+.. _contributing_documenting_symbols:
+Documenting symbols
+In BuildStream, we maintain what we call a *"Public API Surface"* that
+is guaranteed to be stable and unchanging across stable releases. The
+symbols which fall into this special class are documented using Python's
+standard *docstrings*, while all other internals of BuildStream are documented
+with comments above the related symbol.
+When documenting the public API surface which is rendered in the reference
+manual, we always mention the major version in which the API was introduced,
+as shown in the examples below. If a public API exists without the *Since*
+annotation, this is taken to mean that it was available since the first stable
+release 1.0.
+Here are some examples to get the hang of the format of API documenting
+comments and docstrings.
+**Public API Surface method**::
+ def frobnicate(self, source, *, frobilicious=False):
+ """Frobnicates this element with the specified source
+ Args:
+ source (Source): The Source to frobnicate with
+ frobilicious (bool): Optionally specify that frobnication should be
+ performed fribiliciously
+ Returns:
+ (Element): The frobnicated version of this Element.
+ *Since: 1.2*
+ """
+ ...
+**Internal method**::
+ # frobnicate():
+ #
+ # Frobnicates this element with the specified source
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # source (Source): The Source to frobnicate with
+ # frobilicious (bool): Optionally specify that frobnication should be
+ # performed fribiliciously
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # (Element): The frobnicated version of this Element.
+ #
+ def frobnicate(self, source, *, frobilicious=False):
+ ...
+**Public API Surface instance variable**::
+ def __init__(self, context, element):
+ = self._compute_name(context, element)
+ """The name of this foo
+ *Since: 1.2*
+ """
+.. note::
+ Python does not support docstrings on instance variables, but sphinx does
+ pick them up and includes them in the generated documentation.
+**Internal instance variable**::
+ def __init__(self, context, element):
+ = self._compute_name(context, element) # The name of this foo
+**Internal instance variable (long)**::
+ def __init__(self, context, element):
+ # This instance variable required a longer explanation, so
+ # it is on a line above the instance variable declaration.
+ = self._compute_name(context, element)
+**Public API Surface class**::
+ class Foo(Bar):
+ """The main Foo object in the data model
+ Explanation about Foo. Note that we always document
+ the constructor arguments here, and not beside the __init__
+ method.
+ Args:
+ context (Context): The invocation Context
+ count (int): The number to count
+ *Since: 1.2*
+ """
+ ...
+**Internal class**::
+ # Foo()
+ #
+ # The main Foo object in the data model
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # context (Context): The invocation Context
+ # count (int): The number to count
+ #
+ class Foo(Bar):
+ ...
+.. _contributing_class_order:
+Class structure and ordering
+When creating or modifying an object class in BuildStream, it is
+important to keep in mind the order in which symbols should appear
+and keep this consistent.
+Here is an example to illustrate the expected ordering of symbols
+on a Python class in BuildStream::
+ class Foo(Bar):
+ # Public class-wide variables come first, if any.
+ # Private class-wide variables, if any
+ # Now we have the dunder/magic methods, always starting
+ # with the __init__() method.
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ super().__init__()
+ # NOTE: In the instance initializer we declare any instance variables,
+ # always declare the public instance variables (if any) before
+ # the private ones.
+ #
+ # It is preferred to avoid any public instance variables, and
+ # always expose an accessor method for it instead.
+ #
+ # Public instance variables
+ #
+ = name # The name of this foo
+ #
+ # Private instance variables
+ #
+ self._count = 0 # The count of this foo
+ ################################################
+ # Abstract Methods #
+ ################################################
+ # NOTE: Abstract methods in BuildStream are allowed to have
+ # default methods.
+ #
+ # Subclasses must NEVER override any method which was
+ # not advertized as an abstract method by the parent class.
+ # frob()
+ #
+ # Implementors should implement this to frob this foo
+ # count times if possible.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # count (int): The number of times to frob this foo
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # (int): The number of times this foo was frobbed.
+ #
+ # Raises:
+ # (FooError): Implementors are expected to raise this error
+ #
+ def frob(self, count):
+ #
+ # An abstract method in BuildStream is allowed to have
+ # a default implementation.
+ #
+ self._count = self._do_frobbing(count)
+ return self._count
+ ################################################
+ # Implementation of abstract methods #
+ ################################################
+ # NOTE: Implementations of abstract methods defined by
+ # the parent class should NEVER document the API
+ # here redundantly.
+ def frobbish(self):
+ #
+ # Implementation of the "frobbish" abstract method
+ # defined by the parent Bar class.
+ #
+ return True
+ ################################################
+ # Public Methods #
+ ################################################
+ # NOTE: Public methods here are the ones which are expected
+ # to be called from outside of this class.
+ #
+ # These, along with any abstract methods, usually
+ # constitute the API surface of this class.
+ # frobnicate()
+ #
+ # Perform the frobnication process on this Foo
+ #
+ # Raises:
+ # (FrobError): In the case that a frobnication error was
+ # encountered
+ #
+ def frobnicate(self):
+ frobnicator.frobnicate(self)
+ # set_count()
+ #
+ # Sets the count of this foo
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # count (int): The new count to set
+ #
+ def set_count(self, count):
+ self._count = count
+ # get_count()
+ #
+ # Accessor for the count value of this foo.
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # (int): The count of this foo
+ #
+ def get_count(self, count):
+ return self._count
+ ################################################
+ # Private Methods #
+ ################################################
+ # NOTE: Private methods are the ones which are internal
+ # implementation details of this class.
+ #
+ # Even though these are private implementation
+ # details, they still MUST have API documenting
+ # comments on them.
+ # _do_frobbing()
+ #
+ # Does the actual frobbing
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # count (int): The number of times to frob this foo
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # (int): The number of times this foo was frobbed.
+ #
+ def self._do_frobbing(self, count):
+ return count
+.. _contributing_public_and_private:
+Public and private symbols
+BuildStream mostly follows the PEP-8 for defining *public* and *private* symbols
+for any given class, with some deviations. Please read the `section on inheritance
+<>`_ for
+reference on how the PEP-8 defines public and non-public.
+* A *public* symbol is any symbol which you expect to be used by clients
+ of your class or module within BuildStream.
+ Public symbols are written without any leading underscores.
+* A *private* symbol is any symbol which is entirely internal to your class
+ or module within BuildStream. These symbols cannot ever be accessed by
+ external clients or modules.
+ A private symbol must be denoted by a leading underscore.
+* When a class can have subclasses, then private symbols should be denoted
+ by two leading underscores. For example, the ``Sandbox`` or ``Platform``
+ classes which have various implementations, or the ``Element`` and ``Source``
+ classes which plugins derive from.
+ The double leading underscore naming convention invokes Python's name
+ mangling algorithm which helps prevent namespace collisions in the case
+ that subclasses might have a private symbol with the same name.
+In BuildStream, we have what we call a *"Public API Surface"*, as previously
+mentioned in :ref:`contributing_documenting_symbols`. In the :ref:`next section
+<contributing_public_api_surface>` we will discuss the *"Public API Surface"* and
+outline the exceptions to the rules discussed here.
+.. _contributing_public_api_surface:
+Public API surface
+BuildStream exposes what we call a *"Public API Surface"* which is stable
+and unchanging. This is for the sake of stability of the interfaces which
+plugins use, so it can also be referred to as the *"Plugin facing API"*.
+Any symbols which are a part of the *"Public API Surface*" are never allowed
+to change once they have landed in a stable release version of BuildStream. As
+such, we aim to keep the *"Public API Surface"* as small as possible at all
+times, and never expose any internal details to plugins inadvertently.
+One problem which arises from this is that we end up having symbols
+which are *public* according to the :ref:`rules discussed in the previous section
+<contributing_public_and_private>`, but must be hidden away from the
+*"Public API Surface"*. For example, BuildStream internal classes need
+to invoke methods on the ``Element`` and ``Source`` classes, whereas these
+methods need to be hidden from the *"Public API Surface"*.
+This is where BuildStream deviates from the PEP-8 standard for public
+and private symbol naming.
+In order to disambiguate between:
+* Symbols which are publicly accessible details of the ``Element`` class, can
+ be accessed by BuildStream internals, but must remain hidden from the
+ *"Public API Surface"*.
+* Symbols which are private to the ``Element`` class, and cannot be accessed
+ from outside of the ``Element`` class at all.
+We denote the former category of symbols with only a single underscore, and the latter
+category of symbols with a double underscore. We often refer to this distinction
+as *"API Private"* (the former category) and *"Local Private"* (the latter category).
+Classes which are a part of the *"Public API Surface"* and require this disambiguation
+were not discussed in :ref:`the class ordering section <contributing_class_order>`, for
+these classes, the *"API Private"* symbols always come **before** the *"Local Private"*
+symbols in the class declaration.
+Modules which are not a part of the *"Public API Surface"* have their Python files
+prefixed with a single underscore, and are not imported in BuildStream's the master
+```` which is used by plugins.
+.. note::
+ The ```` module is public and exposes a handful of utility functions,
+ however many of the functions it provides are *"API Private"*.
+ In this case, the *"API Private"* functions are prefixed with a single underscore.
+Any objects which are a part of the *"Public API Surface"* should be exposed via the
+toplevel ```` of the ``buildstream`` package.
+File naming convention
+With the exception of a few helper objects and data structures, we structure
+the code in BuildStream such that every filename is named after the object it
+implements. E.g. The ``Project`` object is implemented in ````, the
+``Context`` object in ````, the base ``Element`` class in ````,
+As mentioned in the previous section, objects which are not a part of the
+:ref:`public, plugin facing API surface <contributing_public_api_surface>` have their
+filenames prefixed with a leading underscore (like ```` and ````
+in the examples above).
+When an object name has multiple words in it, e.g. ``ArtifactCache``, then the
+resulting file is named all in lower case without any underscore to separate
+words. In the case of ``ArtifactCache``, the filename implementing this object
+is found at ``_artifactcache/``.
+Module imports inside BuildStream are done with relative ``.`` notation:
+ from ._context import Context
+ from buildstream._context import Context
+The exception to the above rule is when authoring plugins,
+plugins do not reside in the same namespace so they must
+address buildstream in the imports.
+An element plugin will derive from Element by importing::
+ from buildstream import Element
+When importing utilities specifically, don't import function names
+from there, instead import the module itself::
+ from . import utils
+This makes things clear when reading code that said functions
+are not defined in the same file but come from for example.
+.. _contributing_instance_variables:
+Instance variables
+It is preferred that all instance state variables be declared as :ref:`private symbols
+<contributing_public_and_private>`, however in some cases, especially when the state
+is immutable for the object's life time (like an ``Element`` name for example), it
+is acceptable to save some typing by using a publicly accessible instance variable.
+It is never acceptable to modify the value of an instance variable from outside
+of the declaring class, even if the variable is *public*. In other words, the class
+which exposes an instance variable is the only one in control of the value of this
+* If an instance variable is public and must be modified; then it must be
+ modified using a :ref:`mutator <contributing_accessor_mutator>`.
+* Ideally for better encapsulation, all object state is declared as
+ :ref:`private instance variables <contributing_public_and_private>` and can
+ only be accessed by external classes via public :ref:`accessors and mutators
+ <contributing_accessor_mutator>`.
+.. note::
+ In some cases, we may use small data structures declared as objects for the sake
+ of better readability, where the object class itself has no real supporting code.
+ In these exceptions, it can be acceptable to modify the instance variables
+ of these objects directly, unless they are otherwise documented to be immutable.
+.. _contributing_accessor_mutator:
+Accessors and mutators
+An accessor and mutator, are methods defined on the object class to access (get)
+or mutate (set) a value owned by the declaring class, respectively.
+An accessor might derive the returned value from one or more of its components,
+and a mutator might have side effects, or delegate the mutation to a component.
+Accessors and mutators are always :ref:`public <contributing_public_and_private>`
+(even if they might have a single leading underscore and are considered
+:ref:`API Private <contributing_public_api_surface>`), as their purpose is to
+enforce encapsulation with regards to any accesses to the state which is owned
+by the declaring class.
+Accessors and mutators are functions prefixed with ``get_`` and ``set_``
+respectively, e.g.::
+ class Foo():
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Declare some internal state
+ self._count = 0
+ # get_count()
+ #
+ # Gets the count of this Foo.
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # (int): The current count of this Foo
+ #
+ def get_foo(self):
+ return self._count
+ # set_count()
+ #
+ # Sets the count of this Foo.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ # count (int): The new count for this Foo
+ #
+ def set_foo(self, count):
+ self._count = count
+.. attention::
+ We are aware that Python offers a facility for accessors and
+ mutators using the ``@property`` decorator instead. Do not use
+ the ``@property`` decorator.
+ The decision to use explicitly defined functions instead of the
+ ``@property`` decorator is rather arbitrary, there is not much
+ technical merit to preferring one technique over the other.
+ However as :ref:`discussed below <contributing_always_consistent>`,
+ it is of the utmost importance that we do not mix both techniques
+ in the same codebase.
+.. _contributing_abstract_methods:
+Abstract methods
+In BuildStream, an *"Abstract Method"* is a bit of a misnomer and does
+not match up to how Python defines abstract methods, we need to seek out
+a new nomenclature to refer to these methods.
+In Python, an *"Abstract Method"* is a method which **must** be
+implemented by a subclass, whereas all methods in Python can be
+In BuildStream, we use the term *"Abstract Method"*, to refer to
+a method which **can** be overridden by a subclass, whereas it
+is **illegal** to override any other method.
+* Abstract methods are allowed to have default implementations.
+* Subclasses are not allowed to redefine the calling signature
+ of an abstract method, or redefine the API contract in any way.
+* Subclasses are not allowed to override any other methods.
+The key here is that in BuildStream, we consider it unacceptable
+that a subclass overrides a method of its parent class unless
+the said parent class has explicitly given permission to subclasses
+to do so, and outlined the API contract for this purpose. No surprises
+are allowed.
+Error handling
+In BuildStream, all non recoverable errors are expressed via
+subclasses of the ``BstError`` exception.
+This exception is handled deep in the core in a few places, and
+it is rarely necessary to handle a ``BstError``.
+Raising exceptions
+When writing code in the BuildStream core, ensure that all system
+calls and third party library calls are wrapped in a ``try:`` block,
+and raise a descriptive ``BstError`` of the appropriate class explaining
+what exactly failed.
+Ensure that the original system call error is formatted into your new
+exception, and that you use the Python ``from`` semantic to retain the
+original call trace, example::
+ try:
+ os.utime(self._refpath(ref))
+ except FileNotFoundError as e:
+ raise ArtifactError("Attempt to access unavailable artifact: {}".format(e)) from e
+Enhancing exceptions
+Sometimes the ``BstError`` originates from a lower level component,
+and the code segment which raised the exception did not have enough context
+to create a complete, informative summary of the error for the user.
+In these cases it is necessary to handle the error and raise a new
+one, e.g.::
+ try:
+ extracted_artifact = self._artifacts.extract(self, cache_key)
+ except ArtifactError as e:
+ raise ElementError("Failed to extract {} while checking out {}: {}"
+ .format(cache_key,, e)) from e
+Programming errors
+Sometimes you are writing code and have detected an unexpected condition,
+or a broken invariant for which the code cannot be prepared to handle
+In these cases, do **not** raise any of the ``BstError`` class exceptions.
+Instead, use the ``assert`` statement, e.g.::
+ assert utils._is_main_process(), \
+ "Attempted to save workspace configuration from child process"
+This will result in a ``BUG`` message with the stack trace included being
+logged and reported in the frontend.
+BstError parameters
+When raising ``BstError`` class exceptions, there are some common properties
+which can be useful to know about:
+* **message:** The brief human readable error, will be formatted on one line in the frontend.
+* **detail:** An optional detailed human readable message to accompany the **message** summary
+ of the error. This is often used to recommend the user some course of action, or to provide
+ additional context about the error.
+* **temporary:** Some errors are allowed to be *temporary*, this attribute is only
+ observed from child processes which fail in a temporary way. This distinction
+ is used to determine whether the task should be *retried* or not. An error is usually
+ only a *temporary* error if the cause of the error was a network timeout.
+* **reason:** A machine readable identifier for the error. This is used for the purpose
+ of regression testing, such that we check that BuildStream has errored out for the
+ expected reason in a given failure mode.
+Documenting Exceptions
+We have already seen :ref:`some examples <contributing_class_order>` of how
+exceptions are documented in API documenting comments, but this is worth some
+additional disambiguation.
+* Only document the exceptions which are raised directly by the function in question.
+ It is otherwise nearly impossible to keep track of what exceptions *might* be raised
+ indirectly by calling the given function.
+* For a regular public or private method, your audience is a caller of the function;
+ document the exception in terms of what exception might be raised as a result of
+ calling this method.
+* For an :ref:`abstract method <contributing_abstract_methods>`, your audience is the
+ implementor of the method in a subclass; document the exception in terms of what
+ exception is prescribed for the implementing class to raise.
+.. _contributing_always_consistent:
+Always be consistent
+There are various ways to define functions and classes in Python,
+which has evolved with various features over time.
+In BuildStream, we may not have leveraged all of the nice features
+we could have, that is okay, and where it does not break API, we
+can consider changing it.
+Even if you know there is a *better* way to do a given thing in
+Python when compared to the way we do it in BuildStream, *do not do it*.
+Consistency of how we do things in the codebase is more important
+than the actual way in which things are done, always.
+Instead, if you like a certain Python feature and think the BuildStream
+codebase should use it, then propose your change on the `mailing list
+<>`_. Chances
+are that we will reach agreement to use your preferred approach, and
+in that case, it will be important to apply the change unilaterally
+across the entire codebase, such that we continue to have a consistent
+Avoid tail calling
+With the exception of tail calling with simple functions from
+the standard Python library, such as splitting and joining lines
+of text and encoding/decoding text; always avoid tail calling.
+ # Variables that we will need declared up top
+ context = self._get_context()
+ workspaces = context.get_workspaces()
+ ...
+ # Saving the workspace configuration
+ workspaces.save_config()
+ # Saving the workspace configuration
+ self._get_context().get_workspaces().save_config()
+ # Decode the raw text loaded from a log file for display,
+ # join them into a single utf-8 string and strip away any
+ # trailing whitespace.
+ return '\n'.join([line.decode('utf-8') for line in lines]).rstrip()
+When you need to obtain a delegate object via an accessor function,
+either do it at the beginning of the function, or at the beginning
+of a code block within the function that will use that object.
+There are several reasons for this convention:
+* When observing a stack trace, it is always faster and easier to
+ determine what went wrong when all statements are on separate lines.
+* We always want individual lines to trace back to their origin as
+ much as possible for the purpose of tracing the history of code
+ with *git blame*.
+ One day, you might need the ``Context`` or ``Workspaces`` object
+ in the same function for another reason, at which point it will
+ be unacceptable to leave the existing line as written, because it
+ will introduce a redundant accessor to the same object, so the
+ line written as::
+ self._get_context().get_workspaces().save_config()
+ Will have to change at that point, meaning we lose the valuable
+ information of which commit originally introduced this call
+ when running *git blame*.
+* For similar reasons, we prefer delegate objects be accessed near
+ the beginning of a function or code block so that there is less
+ chance that this statement will have to move in the future, if
+ the same function or code block needs the delegate object for any
+ other reason.
+ Asides from this, code is generally more legible and uniform when
+ variables are declared at the beginning of function blocks.
+Vertical stacking of modules
+For the sake of overall comprehensiveness of the BuildStream
+architecture, it is important that we retain vertical stacking
+order of the dependencies and knowledge of modules as much as
+possible, and avoid any cyclic relationships in modules.
+For instance, the ``Source`` objects are owned by ``Element``
+objects in the BuildStream data model, and as such the ``Element``
+will delegate some activities to the ``Source`` objects in its
+possession. The ``Source`` objects should however never call functions
+on the ``Element`` object, nor should the ``Source`` object itself
+have any understanding of what an ``Element`` is.
+If you are implementing a low level utility layer, for example
+as a part of the ``YAML`` loading code layers, it can be tempting
+to derive context from the higher levels of the codebase which use
+these low level utilities, instead of defining properly stand alone
+APIs for these utilities to work: Never do this.
+Unfortunately, unlike other languages where include files play
+a big part in ensuring that it is difficult to make a mess; Python,
+allows you to just call methods on arbitrary objects passed through
+a function call without having to import the module which defines
+those methods - this leads to cyclic dependencies of modules quickly
+if the developer does not take special care of ensuring this does not
+Minimize arguments in methods
+When creating an object, or adding a new API method to an existing
+object, always strive to keep as much context as possible on the
+object itself rather than expecting callers of the methods to provide
+everything the method needs every time.
+If the value or object that is needed in a function call is a constant
+for the lifetime of the object which exposes the given method, then
+that value or object should be passed in the constructor instead of
+via a method call.
+Minimize API surfaces
+When creating an object, or adding new functionality in any way,
+try to keep the number of :ref:`public, outward facing <contributing_public_and_private>`
+symbols to a minimum, this is important for both
+:ref:`internal and public, plugin facing API surfaces <contributing_public_api_surface>`.
+When anyone visits a file, there are two levels of comprehension:
+* What do I need to know in order to *use* this object.
+* What do I need to know in order to *modify* this object.
+For the former, we want the reader to understand with as little effort
+as possible, what the public API contract is for a given object and consequently,
+how it is expected to be used. This is also why we
+:ref:`order the symbols of a class <contributing_class_order>` in such a way
+as to keep all outward facing public API surfaces at the top of the file, so that the
+reader never needs to dig deep into the bottom of the file to find something they
+might need to use.
+For the latter, when it comes to having to modify the file or add functionality,
+you want to retain as much freedom as possible to modify internals, while
+being sure that nothing external will be affected by internal modifications.
+Less client facing API means that you have less surrounding code to modify
+when your API changes. Further, ensuring that there is minimal outward facing
+API for any module minimizes the complexity for the developer working on
+that module, by limiting the considerations needed regarding external side
+effects of their modifications to the module.
+When modifying a file, one should not have to understand or think too
+much about external side effects, when the API surface of the file is
+well documented and minimal.
+When adding new API to a given object for a new purpose, consider whether
+the new API is in any way redundant with other API (should this value now
+go into the constructor, since we use it more than once? could this
+value be passed along with another function, and the other function renamed,
+to better suit the new purposes of this module/object?) and repurpose
+the outward facing API of an object as a whole every time.
+Avoid transient state on instances
+At times, it can be tempting to store transient state that is
+the result of one operation on an instance, only to be retrieved
+later via an accessor function elsewhere.
+As a basic rule of thumb, if the value is transient and just the
+result of one operation, which needs to be observed directly after
+by another code segment, then never store it on the instance.
+BuildStream is complicated in the sense that it is multi processed
+and it is not always obvious how to pass the transient state around
+as a return value or a function parameter. Do not fall prey to this
+obstacle and pollute object instances with transient state.
+Instead, always refactor the surrounding code so that the value
+is propagated to the desired end point via a well defined API, either
+by adding new code paths or changing the design such that the
+architecture continues to make sense.
+Refactor the codebase as needed
+Especially when implementing features, always move the BuildStream
+codebase forward as a whole.
+Taking a short cut is alright when prototyping, but circumventing
+existing architecture and design to get a feature implemented without
+re-designing the surrounding architecture to accommodate the new
+feature instead, is never acceptable upstream.
+For example, let's say that you have to implement a feature and you've
+successfully prototyped it, but it launches a ``Job`` directly from a
+``Queue`` implementation to get the feature to work, while the ``Scheduler``
+is normally responsible for dispatching ``Jobs`` for the elements on
+a ``Queue``. This means that you've proven that your feature can work,
+and now it is time to start working on a patch for upstream.
+Consider what the scenario is and why you are circumventing the design,
+and then redesign the ``Scheduler`` and ``Queue`` objects to accommodate for
+the new feature and condition under which you need to dispatch a ``Job``,
+or how you can give the ``Queue`` implementation the additional context it
diff --git a/doc/source/hacking/grpc_protocols.rst b/doc/source/hacking/grpc_protocols.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5347aaaa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/hacking/grpc_protocols.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+.. _protocol_buffers:
+Protocol buffers
+BuildStream uses protobuf and gRPC for serialization and communication with
+artifact cache servers. This requires ``.proto`` files and Python code
+generated from the ``.proto`` files using protoc. All these files live in the
+``src/buildstream/_protos`` directory. The generated files are included in the
+git repository to avoid depending on grpcio-tools for user installations.
+Regenerating code
+When ``.proto`` files are modified, the corresponding Python code needs to
+be regenerated. As a prerequisite for code generation you need to install
+``grpcio-tools`` using pip or some other mechanism::
+ pip3 install --user grpcio-tools
+To actually regenerate the code::
+ ./ build_grpc
diff --git a/doc/source/hacking/making_releases.rst b/doc/source/hacking/making_releases.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a877b1fa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/hacking/making_releases.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+.. _making_releases:
+Making releases
+This is a checklist of activities which must be observed when creating
+BuildStream releases, it is important to keep this section up to date
+whenever the release process changes.
+There are a couple of requirements and accounts required in order
+to publish a release.
+* Ability to send email to ```` and
+ to ````.
+* Shell account at ````.
+* Access to the `BuildStream project on PyPI <>`_
+* An email client which still knows how to send emails in plain text.
+Pre-release changes
+Before actually rolling the release, here is a list of changes which
+might need to be done in preparation of the release.
+* Ensure that the man pages are up to date
+ The man pages are committed to the repository because we are
+ currently unable to integrate this generation into the setuptools
+ build phase, as outlined in issue #8.
+ If any of the user facing CLI has changed, or if any of the
+ related docstrings have changed, then you should
+ :ref:`regenerate the man pages <contributing_man_pages>` and
+ add/commit the results before wrapping a release.
+* Ensure the documentation session HTML is up to date
+ The session HTML files are committed to the repository for multiple
+ reasons, one of them being that the documentation must be buildable
+ from within a release build environment so that downstream distribution
+ packagers can easily create the docs package.
+ This is currently only needed for the first stable release
+ in a stable line of releases, after this point the API is frozen
+ and will not change for the remainder of the stable release lifetime,
+ so nothing interesting will have changed in these session files.
+ If regeneration is needed, follow :ref:`the instructions above <contributing_session_html>`.
+* Ensure the NEWS entry is up to date and ready
+ For a stable release where features have not been added, we
+ should at least add some entries about the issues which have
+ been fixed since the last stable release.
+ For development releases, it is worthwhile going over the
+ existing entries and ensuring all the major feature additions
+ are mentioned and there are no redundancies.
+* Push pre-release changes
+ Now that any final pre-release changes to generated files or NEWS have
+ been made, push these directly to the upstream repository.
+ Do not sit around waiting for CI or approval, these superficial changes
+ do not affect CI and you are intended to push these changes directly
+ to the upstream repository.
+Release process
+* Ensure that the latest commit is passing in CI
+ Of course, we do not release software which does not pass it's own
+ tests.
+* Get the list of contributors
+ The list of contributors for a given list is a list of
+ any contributors who have landed any patches since the
+ last release.
+ An easy way to get this list is to ask git to summarize
+ the authors of commits since the *last release tag*. For
+ example, if we are about to create the ``1.1.1`` release, then
+ we need to observe all of the commits since the ``1.1.0``
+ release:
+ .. code:: shell
+ git shortlog -s 1.1.0...@
+ At times, the same contributor might make contributions from different
+ machines which they have setup their author names differently, you
+ can see that some of the authors are actually duplicates, then
+ remove the duplicates.
+* Start composing the release announcement email
+ The first thing to do when composing the release email is to
+ ensure your mail client has disabled any HTML formatting and will
+ safely use plain text only.
+ Try to make the release announcement consistent with other release
+ announcements as much as possible, an example of the email
+ can be `found here <>`_.
+ The recipients of the email are ```` and
+ ```` and the title of the email should
+ be of the form: ``BuildStream 1.1.1 released``, without any exclamation point.
+ The format of the email is essentially::
+ Hi all,
+ This is the personalized message written to you about this
+ release.
+ If this is an unstable release, this should include a warning
+ to this effect and an invitation to users to please help us
+ test this release.
+ This is also a good place to highlight specific bug fixes which
+ users may have been waiting for, or highlight a new feature we
+ want users to try out.
+ What is BuildStream ?
+ =====================
+ This is a concise blurb which describes BuildStream in a couple of
+ sentences, and is taken from the the README.rst.
+ The easiest thing is to just copy this over from the last release email.
+ =================
+ buildstream 1.1.1
+ =================
+ This section is directly copy pasted from the top of the NEWS file
+ Contributors
+ ============
+ - This is Where
+ - You Put
+ - The Contributor
+ - Names Which
+ - You Extracted
+ - Using git shortlog -s
+ Where can I get it ?
+ ====================
+ For more information on the BuildStream project, visit our home page
+ at
+* Publish the release tag
+ Now that any pre-release changes are upstream, create and push the
+ signed release tag like so:
+ .. code:: shell
+ git tag -s 1.1.1
+ git push origin 1.1.1
+* Upload the release tarball
+ First get yourself into a clean repository state, ensure that you
+ don't have any unfinished work or precious, uncommitted files lying
+ around in your checkout and then run:
+ .. code:: shell
+ git clean -xdff
+ Create the tarball with the following command:
+ .. code:: shell
+ python3 sdist
+ And upload the resulting tarball to the master GNOME server:
+ .. code:: shell
+ scp dist/BuildStream-1.1.1.tar.gz <user>
+ And finally login to your account at ```` and run
+ the install scripts to publish the tarball and update the mirrors:
+ .. code:: shell
+ ftpadmin install BuildStream-1.1.1.tar.gz
+* Send the release email
+ Now that the release tag is up and the tarball is published,
+ you can send the release email.
+Post-release activities
+Once the release has been published, there are some activities
+which need to be done to ensure everything is up to date.
+* If this is a stable release, then the tarball should also be
+ uploaded to PyPI.
+ Make sure you have ``twine`` installed and upload the tarball
+ like so:
+ .. code:: shell
+ pip3 install --user twine
+ twine upload -r pypi dist/BuildStream-1.0.1.tar.gz
+* Update the topic line in the #buildstream IRC channel if needed
+ The IRC channel usually advertizes the latest stable release
+ in the topic line, now is the right time to update it.
+* Update the website repository
+ The website wants to link to release announcements, but this
+ cannot be automated because we cannot guess what the link to
+ the release email will be in the mailing list archive.
+ Find the URL to the announcement you just published
+ `in the mailing list archives <>`_,
+ and use that URL to update the ``anouncements.json`` file in the website
+ repository.
+ Commit and push this change to the the ``anouncements.json`` file to
+ the upstream website repository, and gitlab will take care of automatically
+ updating the website accordingly.
+* Regenerate BuildStream documentation
+ In order to update the badges we use in various documentation
+ which reflects what is the latest stable releases and the latest
+ development snapshots, we simply need to ensure a pipeline runs
+ for the master branch in the BuildStream repository.
+ You can do this by using the "Run Pipeline" feature on the
+ `pipelines page in the gitlab UI <>`_.
diff --git a/doc/source/hacking/managing_data_files.rst b/doc/source/hacking/managing_data_files.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec9639e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/hacking/managing_data_files.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+.. _managing_data_files:
+Managing data files
+When adding data files which need to be discovered at runtime by BuildStream, update accordingly.
+When adding data files for the purpose of docs or tests, or anything that is not covered by, update the accordingly.
+At any time, running the following command to create a source distribution should result in
+creating a tarball which contains everything we want it to include::
+ ./ sdist
diff --git a/doc/source/hacking/measuring_performance.rst b/doc/source/hacking/measuring_performance.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b78d23af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/hacking/measuring_performance.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+.. _measuring_performance:
+Measuring performance
+Benchmarking framework
+BuildStream has a utility to measure performance which is available from a
+separate repository at This tool
+allows you to run a fixed set of workloads with multiple versions of
+BuildStream. From this you can see whether one version performs better or
+worse than another which is useful when looking for regressions and when
+testing potential optimizations.
+For full documentation on how to use the benchmarking tool see the README in
+the 'benchmarks' repository.
+Profiling tools
+When looking for ways to speed up the code you should make use of a profiling
+Python provides `cProfile <>`_
+which gives you a list of all functions called during execution and how much
+time was spent in each function. Here is an example of running ``bst --help``
+under cProfile:
+ python3 -m cProfile -o bst.cprofile -- $(which bst) --help
+You can then analyze the results interactively using the 'pstats' module:
+ python3 -m pstats ./bst.cprofile
+For more detailed documentation of cProfile and 'pstats', see:
+For a richer and interactive visualisation of the `.cprofile` files, you can
+try `snakeviz <>`_.
+You can install it with `pip install snakeviz`. Here is an example invocation:
+ snakeviz bst.cprofile
+It will then start a webserver and launch a browser to the relevant page.
+.. note::
+ If you want to also profile cython files, you will need to add
+ BST_CYTHON_PROFILE=1 and recompile the cython files.
+ ``pip install`` would take care of that.
+Profiling specific parts of BuildStream with BST_PROFILE
+BuildStream can also turn on cProfile for specific parts of execution
+BST_PROFILE can be set to a section name, or a list of section names separated
+by ":". You can also use "all" for getting all profiles at the same time.
+There is a list of topics in `src/buildstream/`. For example, running::
+ BST_PROFILE=load-pipeline bst build bootstrap-system-x86.bst
+will produce a profile in the current directory for the time take to
+call most of `initialized`, for each element. These profile files
+are in the same cProfile format as those mentioned in the previous
+section, and can be analysed in the same way.
+Fixing performance issues
+BuildStream uses `Cython <>`_ in order to speed up specific parts of the
+code base.
+.. note::
+ When optimizing for performance, please ensure that you optimize the algorithms before
+ jumping into Cython code. Cython will make the code harder to maintain and less accessible
+ to all developers.
+When adding a new cython file to the codebase, you will need to register it in ````.
+For example, for a module ``buildstream._my_module``, to be written in ``src/buildstream/_my_module.pyx``, you would do::
+ register_cython_module("buildstream._my_module")
+In ```` and the build tool will automatically use your module.
+.. note::
+ Please register cython modules at the same place as the others.
+When adding a definition class to share cython symbols between modules, please document the implementation file
+and only expose the required definitions.
diff --git a/doc/source/hacking/updating_python_deps.rst b/doc/source/hacking/updating_python_deps.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..711cc26b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/hacking/updating_python_deps.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+.. _updating_python_deps:
+Updating BuildStream's Python dependencies
+BuildStream's Python dependencies are listed in multiple
+`requirements files <>`_
+present in the ``requirements`` directory.
+All ``.txt`` files in this directory are generated from the corresponding
+``.in`` file, and each ``.in`` file represents a set of dependencies. For
+example, ```` contains all runtime dependencies of BuildStream.
+``requirements.txt`` is generated from it, and contains pinned versions of all
+runtime dependencies (including transitive dependencies) of BuildStream.
+When adding a new dependency to BuildStream, or updating existing dependencies,
+it is important to update the appropriate requirements file accordingly. After
+changing the ``.in`` file, run the following to update the matching ``.txt``
+ make -C requirements
diff --git a/doc/source/hacking/using_the_testsuite.rst b/doc/source/hacking/using_the_testsuite.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1389f324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/hacking/using_the_testsuite.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+.. _contributing_testing:
+BuildStream uses `tox <>`_ as a frontend to run the
+tests which are implemented using `pytest <>`_. We use
+pytest for regression tests and testing out the behavior of newly added
+The elaborate documentation for pytest can be found here:
+Don't get lost in the docs if you don't need to, follow existing examples instead.
+.. _contributing_build_deps:
+Installing build dependencies
+Some of BuildStream's dependencies have non-python build dependencies. When
+running tests with ``tox``, you will first need to install these dependencies.
+Exact steps to install these will depend on your operating system. Commands
+for installing them for some common distributions are listed below.
+For Fedora-based systems::
+ dnf install gcc python3-devel
+For Debian-based systems::
+ apt install gcc python3-dev
+Running tests
+To run the tests, simply navigate to the toplevel directory of your BuildStream
+checkout and run::
+ tox
+By default, the test suite will be run against every supported python version
+found on your host. If you have multiple python versions installed, you may
+want to run tests against only one version and you can do that using the ``-e``
+option when running tox::
+ tox -e py37
+If you would like to test and lint at the same time, or if you do have multiple
+python versions installed and would like to test against multiple versions, then
+we recommend using `detox <>`_, just run it with
+the same arguments you would give `tox`::
+ detox -e lint,py36,py37
+Linting is performed separately from testing. In order to run the linting step which
+consists of running the ``pycodestyle`` and ``pylint`` tools, run the following::
+ tox -e lint
+.. tip::
+ The project specific pylint and pycodestyle configurations are stored in the
+ toplevel buildstream directory in the ``.pylintrc`` file and ``setup.cfg`` files
+ respectively. These configurations can be interesting to use with IDEs and
+ other developer tooling.
+The output of all failing tests will always be printed in the summary, but
+if you want to observe the stdout and stderr generated by a passing test,
+you can pass the ``-s`` option to pytest as such::
+ tox -- -s
+.. tip::
+ The ``-s`` option is `a pytest option <>`_.
+ Any options specified before the ``--`` separator are consumed by ``tox``,
+ and any options after the ``--`` separator will be passed along to pytest.
+You can always abort on the first failure by running::
+ tox -- -x
+Similarly, you may also be interested in the ``--last-failed`` and
+``--failed-first`` options as per the
+`pytest cache <>`_ documentation.
+If you want to run a specific test or a group of tests, you
+can specify a prefix to match. E.g. if you want to run all of
+the frontend tests you can do::
+ tox -- tests/frontend/
+Specific tests can be chosen by using the :: delimiter after the test module.
+If you wanted to run the test_build_track test within frontend/ you could do::
+ tox -- tests/frontend/
+When running only a few tests, you may find the coverage and timing output
+excessive, there are options to trim them. Note that coverage step will fail.
+Here is an example::
+ tox -- --no-cov --durations=1 tests/frontend/
+We also have a set of slow integration tests that are disabled by
+default - you will notice most of them marked with SKIP in the pytest
+output. To run them, you can use::
+ tox -- --integration
+In case BuildStream's dependencies were updated since you last ran the
+tests, you might see some errors like
+``pytest: error: unrecognized arguments: --codestyle``. If this happens, you
+will need to force ``tox`` to recreate the test environment(s). To do so, you
+can run ``tox`` with ``-r`` or ``--recreate`` option.
+.. note::
+ By default, we do not allow use of site packages in our ``tox``
+ configuration to enable running the tests in an isolated environment.
+ If you need to enable use of site packages for whatever reason, you can
+ do so by passing the ``--sitepackages`` option to ``tox``. Also, you will
+ not need to install any of the build dependencies mentioned above if you
+ use this approach.
+.. note::
+ While using ``tox`` is practical for developers running tests in
+ more predictable execution environments, it is still possible to
+ execute the test suite against a specific installation environment
+ using pytest directly::
+ ./ test
+ Specific options can be passed to ``pytest`` using the ``--addopts``
+ option::
+ ./ test --addopts 'tests/frontend/'
+ If you want to run coverage, you will need need to add ``BST_CYTHON_TRACE=1``
+ to your environment if you also want coverage on cython files. You could then
+ get coverage by running::
+ BST_CYTHON_TRACE=1 coverage run ./ test
+ Note that to be able to run ``./ test``, you will need to have ``Cython``
+ installed.
+.. tip::
+ We also have an environment called 'venv' which takes any arguments
+ you give it and runs them inside the same virtualenv we use for our
+ tests::
+ tox -e venv -- <your command(s) here>
+ Any commands after ``--`` will be run a virtualenv managed by tox.
+Observing coverage
+Once you have run the tests using `tox` (or `detox`), some coverage reports will
+have been left behind.
+To view the coverage report of the last test run, simply run::
+ tox -e coverage
+This will collate any reports from separate python environments that may be
+under test before displaying the combined coverage.
+Adding tests
+Tests are found in the tests subdirectory, inside of which
+there is a separate directory for each *domain* of tests.
+All tests are collected as::
+ tests/*/*.py
+If the new test is not appropriate for the existing test domains,
+then simply create a new directory for it under the tests subdirectory.
+Various tests may include data files to test on, there are examples
+of this in the existing tests. When adding data for a test, create
+a subdirectory beside your test in which to store data.
+When creating a test that needs data, use the datafiles extension
+to decorate your test case (again, examples exist in the existing
+tests for this), documentation on the datafiles extension can
+be found here:
+Tests that run a sandbox should be decorated with::
+ @pytest.mark.integration
+and use the integration cli helper.
+You must test your changes in an end-to-end fashion. Consider the first end to
+be the appropriate user interface, and the other end to be the change you have
+The aim for our tests is to make assertions about how you impact and define the
+outward user experience. You should be able to exercise all code paths via the
+user interface, just as one can test the strength of rivets by sailing dozens
+of ocean liners. Keep in mind that your ocean liners could be sailing properly
+*because* of a malfunctioning rivet. End-to-end testing will warn you that
+fixing the rivet will sink the ships.
+The primary user interface is the cli, so that should be the first target 'end'
+for testing. Most of the value of BuildStream comes from what you can achieve
+with the cli.
+We also have what we call a *"Public API Surface"*, as previously mentioned in
+:ref:`contributing_documenting_symbols`. You should consider this a secondary
+target. This is mainly for advanced users to implement their plugins against.
+Note that both of these targets for testing are guaranteed to continue working
+in the same way across versions. This means that tests written in terms of them
+will be robust to large changes to the code. This important property means that
+BuildStream developers can make large refactorings without needing to rewrite
+fragile tests.
+Another user to consider is the BuildStream developer, therefore internal API
+surfaces are also targets for testing. For example the YAML loading code, and
+the CasCache. Remember that these surfaces are still just a means to the end of
+providing value through the cli and the *"Public API Surface"*.
+It may be impractical to sufficiently examine some changes in an end-to-end
+fashion. The number of cases to test, and the running time of each test, may be
+too high. Such typically low-level things, e.g. parsers, may also be tested
+with unit tests; alongside the mandatory end-to-end tests.
+It is important to write unit tests that are not fragile, i.e. in such a way
+that they do not break due to changes unrelated to what they are meant to test.
+For example, if the test relies on a lot of BuildStream internals, a large
+refactoring will likely require the test to be rewritten. Pure functions that
+only rely on the Python Standard Library are excellent candidates for unit
+Unit tests only make it easier to implement things correctly, end-to-end tests
+make it easier to implement the right thing.
diff --git a/doc/source/hacking/writing_documentation.rst b/doc/source/hacking/writing_documentation.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a4c4a442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/hacking/writing_documentation.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+.. _writing_documentation:
+BuildStream starts out as a documented project from day one and uses
+`sphinx <>`_ to document itself.
+This section discusses formatting policies for editing files in the
+``doc/source`` directory, and describes the details of how the docs are
+generated so that you can easily generate and view the docs yourself before
+submitting patches to the documentation.
+For details on how API documenting comments and docstrings are formatted,
+refer to the :ref:`documenting section of the coding guidelines
+Documentation formatting policy
+The BuildStream documentation style is as follows:
+* Titles and headings require two leading empty lines above them.
+ Only the first word in a title should be capitalized.
+ * If there is an ``.. _internal_link:`` anchor, there should be two empty lines
+ above the anchor, followed by one leading empty line.
+* Within a section, paragraphs should be separated by one empty line.
+* Notes are defined using: ``.. note::`` blocks, followed by an empty line
+ and then indented (3 spaces) text.
+ * Other kinds of notes can be used throughout the documentation and will
+ be decorated in different ways, these work in the same way as ``.. note::`` does.
+ Feel free to also use ``.. attention::`` or ``.. important::`` to call special
+ attention to a paragraph, ``.. tip::`` to give the reader a special tip on how
+ to use an advanced feature or ``.. warning::`` to warn the user about a potential
+ misuse of the API and explain its consequences.
+* Code blocks are defined using: ``.. code:: LANGUAGE`` blocks, followed by an empty
+ line and then indented (3 spaces) text. Note that the default language is ``python``.
+* Cross references should be of the form ``:role:`target```.
+ * Explicit anchors can be declared as ``.. _anchor_name:`` on a line by itself.
+ * To cross reference arbitrary locations with, for example, the anchor ``anchor_name``,
+ always provide some explicit text in the link instead of deriving the text from
+ the target, e.g.: ``:ref:`Link text <anchor_name>```.
+ Note that the "_" prefix is not used when referring to the target.
+For further information about using the reStructuredText with sphinx, please see the
+`Sphinx Documentation <>`_.
+Building Docs
+Before you can build the docs, you will end to ensure that you have installed
+the required :ref:`build dependencies <contributing_build_deps>` as mentioned
+in the testing section above.
+To build the documentation, just run the following::
+ tox -e docs
+This will give you a ``doc/build/html`` directory with the html docs which
+you can view in your browser locally to test.
+.. _contributing_session_html:
+Regenerating session html
+The documentation build will build the session files if they are missing,
+or if explicitly asked to rebuild. We revision the generated session html files
+in order to reduce the burden on documentation contributors.
+To explicitly rebuild the session snapshot html files, it is recommended that you
+first set the ``BST_SOURCE_CACHE`` environment variable to your source cache, this
+will make the docs build reuse already downloaded sources::
+ export BST_SOURCE_CACHE=~/.cache/buildstream/sources
+To force rebuild session html while building the doc, simply run `tox` with the
+``BST_FORCE_SESSION_REBUILD`` environment variable set, like so::
+ env BST_FORCE_SESSION_REBUILD=1 tox -e docs
+.. _contributing_man_pages:
+Man pages
+Unfortunately it is quite difficult to integrate the man pages build
+into the ````, as such, whenever the frontend command line
+interface changes, the static man pages should be regenerated and
+committed with that.
+To do this, run the following from the the toplevel directory of BuildStream::
+ tox -e man
+And commit the result, ensuring that you have added anything in
+the ``man/`` subdirectory, which will be automatically included
+in the buildstream distribution.
+User guide
+The :ref:`user guide <using>` is comprised of free form documentation
+in manually written ``.rst`` files and is split up into a few sections,
+of main interest are the :ref:`tutorial <tutorial>` and the
+:ref:`examples <examples>`.
+The distinction of the two categories of user guides is important to
+understand too.
+* **Tutorial**
+ The tutorial is structured as a series of exercises which start with
+ the most basic concepts and build upon the previous chapters in order
+ to arrive at a basic understanding of how to create BuildStream projects.
+ This series of examples should be easy enough to complete in a matter
+ of a few hours for a new user, and should provide just enough insight to
+ get the user started in creating their own projects.
+ Going through the tutorial step by step should also result in the user
+ becoming proficient enough with the reference manual to get by on their own.
+* **Examples**
+ These exist to demonstrate how to accomplish more advanced tasks which
+ are not always obvious and discoverable.
+ Alternatively, these also demonstrate elegant and recommended ways of
+ accomplishing some tasks which could be done in various ways.
+Here are some general guidelines for adding new free form documentation
+to the user guide.
+* **Focus on a single subject**
+ It is important to stay focused on a single subject and avoid getting
+ into tangential material when creating a new entry, so that the articles
+ remain concise and the user is not distracted by unrelated subject material.
+ A single tutorial chapter or example should not introduce any additional
+ subject material than the material being added for the given example.
+* **Reuse existing sample project elements**
+ To help avoid distracting from the topic at hand, it is always preferable to
+ reuse the same project sample material from other examples and only deviate
+ slightly to demonstrate the new material, than to create completely new projects.
+ This helps us remain focused on a single topic at a time, and reduces the amount
+ of unrelated material the reader needs to learn in order to digest the new
+ example.
+* **Don't be redundant**
+ When something has already been explained in the tutorial or in another example,
+ it is best to simply refer to the other user guide entry in a new example.
+ Always prefer to link to the tutorial if an explanation exists in the tutorial,
+ rather than linking to another example, where possible.
+* **Link into the reference manual at every opportunity**
+ The format and plugin API is 100% documented at all times. Whenever discussing
+ anything about the format or plugin API, always do so while providing a link
+ into the more terse reference material.
+ We don't want users to have to search for the material themselves, and we also
+ want the user to become proficient at navigating the reference material over
+ time.
+* **Use concise terminology**
+ As developers, we tend to come up with code names for features we develop, and
+ then end up documenting a new feature in an example.
+ Never use a code name or shorthand to refer to a feature in the user guide, instead
+ always use fully qualified sentences outlining very explicitly what we are doing
+ in the example, or what the example is for in the case of a title.
+ We need to be considerate that the audience of our user guide is probably a
+ proficient developer or integrator, but has no idea what we might have decided
+ to name a given activity.
+Structure of an example
+The :ref:`tutorial <tutorial>` and the :ref:`examples <examples>` sections
+of the documentation contain a series of sample projects, each chapter in
+the tutorial, or standalone example uses a sample project.
+Here is the the structure for adding new examples and tutorial chapters.
+* The example has a ``${name}``.
+* The example has a project users can copy and use.
+ * This project is added in the directory ``doc/examples/${name}``.
+* The example has a documentation component.
+ * This is added at ``doc/source/examples/${name}.rst``
+ * An entry for ``examples/${name}`` is added to the toctree in ``doc/source/using_examples.rst``
+ * This documentation discusses the project elements declared in the project and may
+ provide some BuildStream command examples.
+ * This documentation links out to the reference manual at every opportunity.
+ .. note::
+ In the case of a tutorial chapter, the ``.rst`` file is added in at
+ ``doc/source/tutorial/${name}.rst`` and an entry for ``tutorial/${name}``
+ is added to ``doc/source/using_tutorial.rst``.
+* The example has a CI test component.
+ * This is an integration test added at ``tests/examples/${name}``.
+ * This test runs BuildStream in the ways described in the example
+ and assert that we get the results which we advertize to users in
+ the said examples.
+Adding BuildStream command output
+As a part of building the docs, BuildStream will run itself and extract
+some html for the colorized output which is produced.
+If you want to run BuildStream to produce some nice html for your
+documentation, then you can do so by adding new ``.run`` files to the
+``doc/sessions/`` directory.
+Any files added as ``doc/sessions/${example}.run`` will result in generated
+file at ``doc/source/sessions/${example}.html``, and these files can be
+included in the reStructuredText documentation at any time with::
+ .. raw:: html
+ :file: sessions/${example}.html
+The ``.run`` file format is just another YAML dictionary which consists of a
+``commands`` list, instructing the program what to do command by command.
+Each *command* is a dictionary, the members of which are listed here:
+* ``directory``: The input file relative project directory.
+* ``output``: The input file relative output html file to generate (optional).
+* ``fake-output``: Don't really run the command, just pretend to and pretend
+ this was the output, an empty string will enable this too.
+* ``command``: The command to run, without the leading ``bst``.
+* ``shell``: Specifying ``True`` indicates that ``command`` should be run as
+ a shell command from the project directory, instead of a bst command (optional).
+When adding a new ``.run`` file, one should normally also commit the new
+resulting generated ``.html`` file(s) into the ``doc/source/sessions-stored/``
+directory at the same time, this ensures that other developers do not need to
+regenerate them locally in order to build the docs.
+.. code:: yaml
+ commands:
+ # Make it fetch first
+ - directory: ../examples/foo
+ command: fetch hello.bst
+ # Capture a build output
+ - directory: ../examples/foo
+ output: ../source/sessions/foo-build.html
+ command: build hello.bst
diff --git a/doc/source/hacking/writing_plugins.rst b/doc/source/hacking/writing_plugins.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cecd79053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/hacking/writing_plugins.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+.. _writing_plugins:
+Adding core plugins
+This is a checklist of things which need to be done when adding a new
+core plugin to BuildStream proper.
+Update documentation index
+The documentation generating scripts will automatically pick up your
+newly added plugin and generate HTML, but will not add a link to the
+documentation of your plugin automatically.
+Whenever adding a new plugin, you must add an entry for it in ``doc/source/core_plugins.rst``.
+Bump format version
+In order for projects to assert that they have a new enough version
+of BuildStream to use the new plugin, the ``BST_FORMAT_VERSION`` must
+be incremented in the ```` file.
+Remember to include in your plugin's main documentation, the format
+version in which the plugin was introduced, using the standard annotation
+which we use throughout the documentation, e.g.::
+ .. note::
+ The ``foo`` plugin is available since :ref:`format version 16 <project_format_version>`
+Add tests
+Needless to say, all new feature additions need to be tested. For ``Element``
+plugins, these usually need to be added to the integration tests. For ``Source``
+plugins, the tests are added in two ways:
+* For most normal ``Source`` plugins, it is important to add a new ``Repo``
+ implementation for your plugin in the ``tests/testutils/repo/`` directory
+ and update ``ALL_REPO_KINDS`` in ``tests/testutils/repo/``. This
+ will include your new ``Source`` implementation in a series of already existing
+ tests, ensuring it works well under normal operating conditions.
+* For other source plugins, or in order to test edge cases, such as failure modes,
+ which are not tested under the normal test battery, add new tests in ``tests/sources``.
+Extend the cachekey test
+For any newly added plugins, it is important to add some new simple elements
+in ``tests/cachekey/project/elements`` or ``tests/cachekey/project/sources``,
+and ensure that the newly added elements are depended on by ``tests/cachekey/project/target.bst``.
+One new element should be added to the cache key test for every configuration
+value which your plugin understands which can possibly affect the result of
+your plugin's ``Plugin.get_unique_key()`` implementation.
+This test ensures that cache keys do not unexpectedly change or become incompatible
+due to code changes. As such, the cache key test should have full coverage of every
+YAML configuration which can possibly affect cache key outcome at all times.
+See the ``tests/cachekey/`` file for instructions on running the updater,
+you need to run the updater to generate the ``.expected`` files and add the new
+``.expected`` files in the same commit which extends the cache key test.