.. _index: =============================================== boto: A Python interface to Amazon Web Services =============================================== An integrated interface to current and future infrastructural services offered by `Amazon Web Services`_. Currently, all features work with Python 2.6 and 2.7. Work is under way to support Python 3.3+ in the same codebase. Modules are being ported one at a time with the help of the open source community, so please check below for compatibility with Python 3.3+. To port a module to Python 3.3+, please view our :doc:`Contributing Guidelines ` and the :doc:`Porting Guide `. If you would like, you can open an issue to let others know about your work in progress. Tests **must** pass on Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, and 3.4 for pull requests to be accepted. .. _Amazon Web Services: http://aws.amazon.com/ Getting Started --------------- If you've never used ``boto`` before, you should read the :doc:`Getting Started with Boto ` guide to get familiar with ``boto`` & its usage. Currently Supported Services ---------------------------- * **Compute** * :doc:`Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * :doc:`Elastic MapReduce (EMR) ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * :doc:`Auto Scaling ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * Kinesis -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * **Content Delivery** * :doc:`CloudFront ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * **Database** * :doc:`DynamoDB2 ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) -- (:doc:`Migration Guide from v1 `) * :doc:`DynamoDB ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * Relational Data Services 2 (RDS) -- (:doc:`API Reference `) -- (:doc:`Migration Guide from v1 `) * :doc:`Relational Data Services (RDS) ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) * ElastiCache -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * Redshift -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * :doc:`SimpleDB ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * **Deployment and Management** * CloudFormation -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * Elastic Beanstalk -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * Data Pipeline -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * Opsworks -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * CloudTrail -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * **Identity & Access** * Identity and Access Management (IAM) -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * Security Token Service (STS) -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * **Application Services** * Cloudsearch 2 -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * :doc:`Cloudsearch ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * CloudSearch Domain --(:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * Elastic Transcoder -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * :doc:`Simple Workflow Service (SWF) ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * :doc:`Simple Queue Service (SQS) ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * Simple Notification Service (SNS) -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * :doc:`Simple Email Service (SES) ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * Amazon Cognito Identity -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * Amazon Cognito Sync -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * **Monitoring** * :doc:`CloudWatch ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * CloudWatch Logs -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * **Networking** * :doc:`Route 53 ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * Route 53 Domains -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * :doc:`Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * :doc:`Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * AWS Direct Connect (Python 3) * **Payments & Billing** * Flexible Payments Service (FPS) -- (:doc:`API Reference `) * **Storage** * :doc:`Simple Storage Service (S3) ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * Amazon Glacier -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * Google Cloud Storage -- (:doc:`API Reference `) * **Workforce** * Mechanical Turk -- (:doc:`API Reference `) * **Other** * Marketplace Web Services -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) * :doc:`Support ` -- (:doc:`API Reference `) (Python 3) Additional Resources -------------------- * :doc:`Applications Built On Boto ` * :doc:`Command Line Utilities ` * :doc:`Boto Config Tutorial ` * :doc:`Contributing to Boto ` * :doc:`Evaluating Application performance with Boto logging ` * `Boto Source Repository`_ * `Boto Issue Tracker`_ * `Boto Twitter`_ * `Follow Mitch on Twitter`_ * Join our `IRC channel`_ (#boto on FreeNode). .. _Boto Issue Tracker: https://github.com/boto/boto/issues .. _Boto Source Repository: https://github.com/boto/boto .. _Boto Twitter: http://twitter.com/pythonboto .. _IRC channel: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=boto .. _Follow Mitch on Twitter: http://twitter.com/garnaat Release Notes ------------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: releasenotes/v2.35.0 releasenotes/v2.34.0 releasenotes/v2.33.0 releasenotes/v2.32.1 releasenotes/v2.32.0 releasenotes/v2.31.1 releasenotes/v2.31.0 releasenotes/v2.30.0 releasenotes/v2.29.1 releasenotes/v2.29.0 releasenotes/v2.28.0 releasenotes/v2.27.0 releasenotes/v2.26.1 releasenotes/v2.26.0 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getting_started ec2_tut security_groups emr_tut autoscale_tut cloudfront_tut simpledb_tut dynamodb_tut rds_tut sqs_tut ses_tut swf_tut cloudsearch_tut cloudwatch_tut vpc_tut elb_tut s3_tut route53_tut boto_config_tut documentation contributing commandline support_tut dynamodb2_tut migrations/dynamodb_v1_to_v2 migrations/rds_v1_to_v2 apps_built_on_boto ref/* releasenotes/* Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`