/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Atheros Communications Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/bluetooth.h" #include "lib/hci.h" #include "lib/hci_lib.h" #include "hciattach.h" #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define FW_PATH "/lib/firmware/ar3k/" struct ps_cfg_entry { uint32_t id; uint32_t len; uint8_t *data; }; struct ps_entry_type { unsigned char type; unsigned char array; }; #define MAX_TAGS 50 #define PS_HDR_LEN 4 #define HCI_VENDOR_CMD_OGF 0x3F #define HCI_PS_CMD_OCF 0x0B struct ps_cfg_entry ps_list[MAX_TAGS]; static void load_hci_ps_hdr(uint8_t *cmd, uint8_t ps_op, int len, int index) { hci_command_hdr *ch = (void *)cmd; ch->opcode = htobs(cmd_opcode_pack(HCI_VENDOR_CMD_OGF, HCI_PS_CMD_OCF)); ch->plen = len + PS_HDR_LEN; cmd += HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE; cmd[0] = ps_op; cmd[1] = index; cmd[2] = index >> 8; cmd[3] = len; } #define PS_EVENT_LEN 100 /* * Send HCI command and wait for command complete event. * The event buffer has to be freed by the caller. */ static int send_hci_cmd_sync(int dev, uint8_t *cmd, int len, uint8_t **event) { int err; uint8_t *hci_event; uint8_t pkt_type = HCI_COMMAND_PKT; if (len == 0) return len; if (write(dev, &pkt_type, 1) != 1) return -EILSEQ; if (write(dev, (unsigned char *)cmd, len) != len) return -EILSEQ; hci_event = (uint8_t *)malloc(PS_EVENT_LEN); if (!hci_event) return -ENOMEM; err = read_hci_event(dev, (unsigned char *)hci_event, PS_EVENT_LEN); if (err > 0) { *event = hci_event; } else { free(hci_event); return -EILSEQ; } return len; } #define HCI_EV_SUCCESS 0x00 static int read_ps_event(uint8_t *event, uint16_t ocf) { hci_event_hdr *eh; uint16_t opcode = htobs(cmd_opcode_pack(HCI_VENDOR_CMD_OGF, ocf)); event++; eh = (void *)event; event += HCI_EVENT_HDR_SIZE; if (eh->evt == EVT_CMD_COMPLETE) { evt_cmd_complete *cc = (void *)event; event += EVT_CMD_COMPLETE_SIZE; if (cc->opcode == opcode && event[0] == HCI_EV_SUCCESS) return 0; else return -EILSEQ; } return -EILSEQ; } static int write_cmd(int fd, uint8_t *buffer, int len) { uint8_t *event; int err; err = send_hci_cmd_sync(fd, buffer, len, &event); if (err < 0) return err; err = read_ps_event(event, HCI_PS_CMD_OCF); free(event); return err; } #define PS_WRITE 1 #define PS_RESET 2 #define WRITE_PATCH 8 #define ENABLE_PATCH 11 #define HCI_PS_CMD_HDR_LEN 7 #define PS_RESET_PARAM_LEN 6 #define HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE 260 #define PS_RESET_CMD_LEN (HCI_PS_CMD_HDR_LEN + PS_RESET_PARAM_LEN) #define PS_ID_MASK 0xFF /* Sends PS commands using vendor specficic HCI commands */ static int write_ps_cmd(int fd, uint8_t opcode, uint32_t ps_param) { uint8_t cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE]; uint32_t i; switch (opcode) { case ENABLE_PATCH: load_hci_ps_hdr(cmd, opcode, 0, 0x00); if (write_cmd(fd, cmd, HCI_PS_CMD_HDR_LEN) < 0) return -EILSEQ; break; case PS_RESET: load_hci_ps_hdr(cmd, opcode, PS_RESET_PARAM_LEN, 0x00); cmd[7] = 0x00; cmd[PS_RESET_CMD_LEN - 2] = ps_param & PS_ID_MASK; cmd[PS_RESET_CMD_LEN - 1] = (ps_param >> 8) & PS_ID_MASK; if (write_cmd(fd, cmd, PS_RESET_CMD_LEN) < 0) return -EILSEQ; break; case PS_WRITE: for (i = 0; i < ps_param; i++) { load_hci_ps_hdr(cmd, opcode, ps_list[i].len, ps_list[i].id); memcpy(&cmd[HCI_PS_CMD_HDR_LEN], ps_list[i].data, ps_list[i].len); if (write_cmd(fd, cmd, ps_list[i].len + HCI_PS_CMD_HDR_LEN) < 0) return -EILSEQ; } break; } return 0; } #define __is_delim(ch) ((ch) == ':') #define MAX_PREAMBLE_LEN 4 /* Parse PS entry preamble of format [X:X] for main type and subtype */ static int get_ps_type(char *ptr, int index, char *type, char *sub_type) { int i; int delim = FALSE; if (index > MAX_PREAMBLE_LEN) return -EILSEQ; for (i = 1; i < index; i++) { if (__is_delim(ptr[i])) { delim = TRUE; continue; } if (isalpha(ptr[i])) { if (delim == FALSE) (*type) = toupper(ptr[i]); else (*sub_type) = toupper(ptr[i]); } } return 0; } #define ARRAY 'A' #define STRING 'S' #define DECIMAL 'D' #define BINARY 'B' #define PS_HEX 0 #define PS_DEC 1 static int get_input_format(char *buf, struct ps_entry_type *format) { char *ptr = NULL; char type = '\0'; char sub_type = '\0'; format->type = PS_HEX; format->array = TRUE; if (strstr(buf, "[") != buf) return 0; ptr = strstr(buf, "]"); if (!ptr) return -EILSEQ; if (get_ps_type(buf, ptr - buf, &type, &sub_type) < 0) return -EILSEQ; /* Check is data type is of array */ if (type == ARRAY || sub_type == ARRAY) format->array = TRUE; if (type == STRING || sub_type == STRING) format->array = FALSE; if (type == DECIMAL || type == BINARY) format->type = PS_DEC; else format->type = PS_HEX; return 0; } #define UNDEFINED 0xFFFF static unsigned int read_data_in_section(char *buf, struct ps_entry_type type) { char *ptr = buf; if (!buf) return UNDEFINED; if (buf == strstr(buf, "[")) { ptr = strstr(buf, "]"); if (!ptr) return UNDEFINED; ptr++; } if (type.type == PS_HEX && type.array != TRUE) return strtol(ptr, NULL, 16); return UNDEFINED; } struct tag_info { unsigned section; unsigned line_count; unsigned char_cnt; unsigned byte_count; }; static inline int update_char_count(const char *buf) { char *end_ptr; if (strstr(buf, "[") == buf) { end_ptr = strstr(buf, "]"); if (!end_ptr) return 0; else return (end_ptr - buf) + 1; } return 0; } /* Read PS entries as string, convert and add to Hex array */ static void update_tag_data(struct ps_cfg_entry *tag, struct tag_info *info, const char *ptr) { char buf[3]; buf[2] = '\0'; strncpy(buf, &ptr[info->char_cnt], 2); tag->data[info->byte_count] = strtol(buf, NULL, 16); info->char_cnt += 3; info->byte_count++; strncpy(buf, &ptr[info->char_cnt], 2); tag->data[info->byte_count] = strtol(buf, NULL, 16); info->char_cnt += 3; info->byte_count++; } #define PS_UNDEF 0 #define PS_ID 1 #define PS_LEN 2 #define PS_DATA 3 #define PS_MAX_LEN 500 #define LINE_SIZE_MAX (PS_MAX_LEN * 2) #define ENTRY_PER_LINE 16 #define __check_comment(buf) (((buf)[0] == '/') && ((buf)[1] == '/')) #define __skip_space(str) while (*(str) == ' ') ((str)++) static int ath_parse_ps(FILE *stream) { char buf[LINE_SIZE_MAX + 1]; char *ptr; uint8_t tag_cnt = 0; int16_t byte_count = 0; struct ps_entry_type format; struct tag_info status = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; do { int read_count; struct ps_cfg_entry *tag; ptr = fgets(buf, LINE_SIZE_MAX, stream); if (!ptr) break; __skip_space(ptr); if (__check_comment(ptr)) continue; /* Lines with a '#' will be followed by new PS entry */ if (ptr == strstr(ptr, "#")) { if (status.section != PS_UNDEF) { return -EILSEQ; } else { status.section = PS_ID; continue; } } tag = &ps_list[tag_cnt]; switch (status.section) { case PS_ID: if (get_input_format(ptr, &format) < 0) return -EILSEQ; tag->id = read_data_in_section(ptr, format); status.section = PS_LEN; break; case PS_LEN: if (get_input_format(ptr, &format) < 0) return -EILSEQ; byte_count = read_data_in_section(ptr, format); if (byte_count > PS_MAX_LEN) return -EILSEQ; tag->len = byte_count; tag->data = (uint8_t *)malloc(byte_count); status.section = PS_DATA; status.line_count = 0; break; case PS_DATA: if (status.line_count == 0) if (get_input_format(ptr, &format) < 0) return -EILSEQ; __skip_space(ptr); status.char_cnt = update_char_count(ptr); read_count = (byte_count > ENTRY_PER_LINE) ? ENTRY_PER_LINE : byte_count; if (format.type == PS_HEX && format.array == TRUE) { while (read_count > 0) { update_tag_data(tag, &status, ptr); read_count -= 2; } if (byte_count > ENTRY_PER_LINE) byte_count -= ENTRY_PER_LINE; else byte_count = 0; } status.line_count++; if (byte_count == 0) memset(&status, 0x00, sizeof(struct tag_info)); if (status.section == PS_UNDEF) tag_cnt++; if (tag_cnt == MAX_TAGS) return -EILSEQ; break; } } while (ptr); return tag_cnt; } #define MAX_PATCH_CMD 244 struct patch_entry { int16_t len; uint8_t data[MAX_PATCH_CMD]; }; #define SET_PATCH_RAM_ID 0x0D #define SET_PATCH_RAM_CMD_SIZE 11 #define ADDRESS_LEN 4 static int set_patch_ram(int dev, char *patch_loc, int len) { int err; uint8_t cmd[20]; int i, j; char loc_byte[3]; uint8_t *event; uint8_t *loc_ptr = &cmd[7]; if (!patch_loc) return -1; loc_byte[2] = '\0'; load_hci_ps_hdr(cmd, SET_PATCH_RAM_ID, ADDRESS_LEN, 0); for (i = 0, j = 3; i < 4; i++, j--) { loc_byte[0] = patch_loc[0]; loc_byte[1] = patch_loc[1]; loc_ptr[j] = strtol(loc_byte, NULL, 16); patch_loc += 2; } err = send_hci_cmd_sync(dev, cmd, SET_PATCH_RAM_CMD_SIZE, &event); if (err < 0) return err; err = read_ps_event(event, HCI_PS_CMD_OCF); free(event); return err; } #define PATCH_LOC_KEY "DA:" #define PATCH_LOC_STRING_LEN (8 + 237) static int ps_patch_download(int fd, FILE *stream) { char byte[3]; char ptr[MAX_PATCH_CMD + 1]; int byte_cnt; int patch_count = 0; char patch_loc[PATCH_LOC_STRING_LEN + 1]; byte[2] = '\0'; while (fgets(ptr, MAX_PATCH_CMD, stream)) { if (strlen(ptr) <= 1) continue; else if (strstr(ptr, PATCH_LOC_KEY) == ptr) { strncpy(patch_loc, &ptr[sizeof(PATCH_LOC_KEY) - 1], PATCH_LOC_STRING_LEN); if (set_patch_ram(fd, patch_loc, sizeof(patch_loc)) < 0) return -1; } else if (isxdigit(ptr[0])) break; else return -1; } byte_cnt = strtol(ptr, NULL, 16); while (byte_cnt > 0) { int i; uint8_t cmd[HCI_MAX_CMD_SIZE]; struct patch_entry patch; if (byte_cnt > MAX_PATCH_CMD) patch.len = MAX_PATCH_CMD; else patch.len = byte_cnt; for (i = 0; i < patch.len; i++) { if (!fgets(byte, 3, stream)) return -1; patch.data[i] = strtoul(byte, NULL, 16); } load_hci_ps_hdr(cmd, WRITE_PATCH, patch.len, patch_count); memcpy(&cmd[HCI_PS_CMD_HDR_LEN], patch.data, patch.len); if (write_cmd(fd, cmd, patch.len + HCI_PS_CMD_HDR_LEN) < 0) return -1; patch_count++; byte_cnt = byte_cnt - MAX_PATCH_CMD; } if (write_ps_cmd(fd, ENABLE_PATCH, 0) < 0) return -1; return patch_count; } #define PS_RAM_SIZE 2048 static int ps_config_download(int fd, int tag_count) { if (write_ps_cmd(fd, PS_RESET, PS_RAM_SIZE) < 0) return -1; if (tag_count > 0) if (write_ps_cmd(fd, PS_WRITE, tag_count) < 0) return -1; return 0; } #define PS_ASIC_FILE_PREFIX "PS_ASIC" #define PS_FPGA_FILE_PREFIX "PS_FPGA" static void get_ps_file_name(uint32_t devtype, uint32_t rom_version, char *path, char *region) { char *file_prefix; struct stat st; if (devtype == 0xdeadc0de) file_prefix = PS_ASIC_FILE_PREFIX; else file_prefix = PS_FPGA_FILE_PREFIX; if (!region) goto default_ps_file; snprintf(path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s%x/%s-%s.pst", FW_PATH, rom_version, file_prefix, region); if (stat(path, &st) == 0) return; perror("PS file with region code not exist, use default PS file\n"); default_ps_file: snprintf(path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s%x/%s.pst", FW_PATH, rom_version, file_prefix); } #define PATCH_FILE "RamPatch.txt" #define FPGA_ROM_VERSION 0x99999999 #define ROM_DEV_TYPE 0xdeadc0de static void get_patch_file_name(uint32_t dev_type, uint32_t rom_version, uint32_t build_version, char *path) { if (rom_version == FPGA_ROM_VERSION && dev_type != ROM_DEV_TYPE && dev_type != 0 && build_version == 1) path[0] = '\0'; else snprintf(path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s%x/%s", FW_PATH, rom_version, PATCH_FILE); } #define VERIFY_CRC 9 #define PS_REGION 1 #define PATCH_REGION 2 static int get_ath3k_crc(int dev) { uint8_t cmd[7]; uint8_t *event; int err; load_hci_ps_hdr(cmd, VERIFY_CRC, 0, PS_REGION | PATCH_REGION); err = send_hci_cmd_sync(dev, cmd, sizeof(cmd), &event); if (err < 0) return err; /* Send error code if CRC check patched */ if (read_ps_event(event, HCI_PS_CMD_OCF) >= 0) err = -EILSEQ; free(event); return err; } #define DEV_REGISTER 0x4FFC #define GET_DEV_TYPE_OCF 0x05 static int get_device_type(int dev, uint32_t *code) { uint8_t cmd[8]; uint8_t *event; uint32_t reg; int err; uint8_t *ptr = cmd; hci_command_hdr *ch = (void *)cmd; ch->opcode = htobs(cmd_opcode_pack(HCI_VENDOR_CMD_OGF, GET_DEV_TYPE_OCF)); ch->plen = 5; ptr += HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE; ptr[0] = (uint8_t)DEV_REGISTER; ptr[1] = (uint8_t)DEV_REGISTER >> 8; ptr[2] = (uint8_t)DEV_REGISTER >> 16; ptr[3] = (uint8_t)DEV_REGISTER >> 24; ptr[4] = 0x04; err = send_hci_cmd_sync(dev, cmd, sizeof(cmd), &event); if (err < 0) return err; err = read_ps_event(event, GET_DEV_TYPE_OCF); if (err < 0) goto cleanup; reg = event[10]; reg = (reg << 8) | event[9]; reg = (reg << 8) | event[8]; reg = (reg << 8) | event[7]; *code = reg; cleanup: free(event); return err; } #define GET_VERSION_OCF 0x1E static int read_ath3k_version(int pConfig, uint32_t *rom_version, uint32_t *build_version) { uint8_t cmd[3]; uint8_t *event; int err; int status; hci_command_hdr *ch = (void *)cmd; ch->opcode = htobs(cmd_opcode_pack(HCI_VENDOR_CMD_OGF, GET_VERSION_OCF)); ch->plen = 0; err = send_hci_cmd_sync(pConfig, cmd, sizeof(cmd), &event); if (err < 0) return err; err = read_ps_event(event, GET_VERSION_OCF); if (err < 0) goto cleanup; status = event[10]; status = (status << 8) | event[9]; status = (status << 8) | event[8]; status = (status << 8) | event[7]; *rom_version = status; status = event[14]; status = (status << 8) | event[13]; status = (status << 8) | event[12]; status = (status << 8) | event[11]; *build_version = status; cleanup: free(event); return err; } static void convert_bdaddr(char *str_bdaddr, char *bdaddr) { char bdbyte[3]; char *str_byte = str_bdaddr; int i, j; int colon_present = 0; if (strstr(str_bdaddr, ":")) colon_present = 1; bdbyte[2] = '\0'; /* Reverse the BDADDR to LSB first */ for (i = 0, j = 5; i < 6; i++, j--) { bdbyte[0] = str_byte[0]; bdbyte[1] = str_byte[1]; bdaddr[j] = strtol(bdbyte, NULL, 16); if (colon_present == 1) str_byte += 3; else str_byte += 2; } } static int write_bdaddr(int pConfig, char *bdaddr) { uint8_t *event; int err; uint8_t cmd[13]; uint8_t *ptr = cmd; hci_command_hdr *ch = (void *)cmd; memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); ch->opcode = htobs(cmd_opcode_pack(HCI_VENDOR_CMD_OGF, HCI_PS_CMD_OCF)); ch->plen = 10; ptr += HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE; ptr[0] = 0x01; ptr[1] = 0x01; ptr[2] = 0x00; ptr[3] = 0x06; convert_bdaddr(bdaddr, (char *)&ptr[4]); err = send_hci_cmd_sync(pConfig, cmd, sizeof(cmd), &event); if (err < 0) return err; err = read_ps_event(event, HCI_PS_CMD_OCF); free(event); return err; } #define BDADDR_FILE "ar3kbdaddr.pst" static void write_bdaddr_from_file(int rom_version, int fd) { FILE *stream; char bdaddr[PATH_MAX]; char bdaddr_file[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(bdaddr_file, MAXPATHLEN, "%s%x/%s", FW_PATH, rom_version, BDADDR_FILE); stream = fopen(bdaddr_file, "r"); if (!stream) return; if (fgets(bdaddr, PATH_MAX - 1, stream)) write_bdaddr(fd, bdaddr); fclose(stream); } static int ath_ps_download(int fd) { int err = 0; int tag_count; int patch_count = 0; uint32_t rom_version = 0; uint32_t build_version = 0; uint32_t dev_type = 0; char patch_file[PATH_MAX]; char ps_file[PATH_MAX]; FILE *stream; /* * Verfiy firmware version. depending on it select the PS * config file to download. */ if (get_device_type(fd, &dev_type) < 0) { err = -EILSEQ; goto download_cmplete; } if (read_ath3k_version(fd, &rom_version, &build_version) < 0) { err = -EILSEQ; goto download_cmplete; } /* Do not download configuration if CRC passes */ if (get_ath3k_crc(fd) < 0) { err = 0; goto download_cmplete; } get_ps_file_name(dev_type, rom_version, ps_file, NULL); get_patch_file_name(dev_type, rom_version, build_version, patch_file); stream = fopen(ps_file, "r"); if (!stream) { perror("firmware file open error\n"); err = -EILSEQ; goto download_cmplete; } tag_count = ath_parse_ps(stream); fclose(stream); if (tag_count < 0) { err = -EILSEQ; goto download_cmplete; } stream = fopen(patch_file, "r"); if(stream) { patch_count = ps_patch_download(fd, stream); fclose(stream); if (patch_count < 0) { err = -EILSEQ; goto download_cmplete; } } err = ps_config_download(fd, tag_count); download_cmplete: if (!err) write_bdaddr_from_file(rom_version, fd); return err; } #define HCI_SLEEP_CMD_OCF 0x04 /* * Atheros AR300x specific initialization post callback */ int ath3k_post(int fd, int pm) { int dev_id, dd; struct timespec tm = { 0, 50000 }; sleep(1); dev_id = ioctl(fd, HCIUARTGETDEVICE, 0); if (dev_id < 0) { perror("cannot get device id"); return dev_id; } dd = hci_open_dev(dev_id); if (dd < 0) { perror("HCI device open failed"); return dd; } if (ioctl(dd, HCIDEVUP, dev_id) < 0 && errno != EALREADY) { perror("hci down:Power management Disabled"); hci_close_dev(dd); return -1; } /* send vendor specific command with Sleep feature Enabled */ if (hci_send_cmd(dd, OGF_VENDOR_CMD, HCI_SLEEP_CMD_OCF, 1, &pm) < 0) perror("PM command failed, power management Disabled"); nanosleep(&tm, NULL); hci_close_dev(dd); return 0; } #define HCI_VENDOR_CMD_OGF 0x3F #define HCI_PS_CMD_OCF 0x0B #define HCI_CHG_BAUD_CMD_OCF 0x0C #define WRITE_BDADDR_CMD_LEN 14 #define WRITE_BAUD_CMD_LEN 6 #define MAX_CMD_LEN WRITE_BDADDR_CMD_LEN static int set_cntrlr_baud(int fd, int speed) { int baud; struct timespec tm = { 0, 500000 }; unsigned char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN], rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE]; unsigned char *ptr = cmd + 1; hci_command_hdr *ch = (void *)ptr; cmd[0] = HCI_COMMAND_PKT; /* set controller baud rate to user specified value */ ptr = cmd + 1; ch->opcode = htobs(cmd_opcode_pack(HCI_VENDOR_CMD_OGF, HCI_CHG_BAUD_CMD_OCF)); ch->plen = 2; ptr += HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE; baud = speed/100; ptr[0] = (char)baud; ptr[1] = (char)(baud >> 8); if (write(fd, cmd, WRITE_BAUD_CMD_LEN) != WRITE_BAUD_CMD_LEN) { perror("Failed to write change baud rate command"); return -ETIMEDOUT; } nanosleep(&tm, NULL); if (read_hci_event(fd, rsp, sizeof(rsp)) < 0) return -ETIMEDOUT; return 0; } /* * Atheros AR300x specific initialization and configuration file * download */ int ath3k_init(int fd, int speed, int init_speed, char *bdaddr, struct termios *ti) { int r; int err = 0; struct timespec tm = { 0, 500000 }; unsigned char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN], rsp[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE]; unsigned char *ptr = cmd + 1; hci_command_hdr *ch = (void *)ptr; cmd[0] = HCI_COMMAND_PKT; /* set both controller and host baud rate to maximum possible value */ err = set_cntrlr_baud(fd, speed); if (err < 0) return err; err = set_speed(fd, ti, speed); if (err < 0) { perror("Can't set required baud rate"); return err; } /* Download PS and patch */ r = ath_ps_download(fd); if (r < 0) { perror("Failed to Download configuration"); err = -ETIMEDOUT; goto failed; } /* Write BDADDR */ if (bdaddr) { ch->opcode = htobs(cmd_opcode_pack(HCI_VENDOR_CMD_OGF, HCI_PS_CMD_OCF)); ch->plen = 10; ptr += HCI_COMMAND_HDR_SIZE; ptr[0] = 0x01; ptr[1] = 0x01; ptr[2] = 0x00; ptr[3] = 0x06; str2ba(bdaddr, (bdaddr_t *)(ptr + 4)); if (write(fd, cmd, WRITE_BDADDR_CMD_LEN) != WRITE_BDADDR_CMD_LEN) { perror("Failed to write BD_ADDR command\n"); err = -ETIMEDOUT; goto failed; } if (read_hci_event(fd, rsp, sizeof(rsp)) < 0) { perror("Failed to set BD_ADDR\n"); err = -ETIMEDOUT; goto failed; } } /* Send HCI Reset */ cmd[1] = 0x03; cmd[2] = 0x0C; cmd[3] = 0x00; r = write(fd, cmd, 4); if (r != 4) { err = -ETIMEDOUT; goto failed; } nanosleep(&tm, NULL); if (read_hci_event(fd, rsp, sizeof(rsp)) < 0) { err = -ETIMEDOUT; goto failed; } err = set_cntrlr_baud(fd, speed); if (err < 0) return err; failed: if (err < 0) { set_cntrlr_baud(fd, init_speed); set_speed(fd, ti, init_speed); } return err; }