/* * * OBEX library with GLib integration * * Copyright (C) 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "gobex.h" #include "gobex-debug.h" #define G_OBEX_DEFAULT_MTU 4096 #define G_OBEX_MINIMUM_MTU 255 #define G_OBEX_MAXIMUM_MTU 65535 #define G_OBEX_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 10 #define G_OBEX_ABORT_TIMEOUT 5 #define G_OBEX_OP_NONE 0xff #define FINAL_BIT 0x80 #define CONNID_INVALID 0xffffffff /* Challenge request */ #define NONCE_TAG 0x00 #define NONCE_LEN 16 /* Challenge response */ #define DIGEST_TAG 0x00 guint gobex_debug = 0; struct srm_config { guint8 op; gboolean enabled; guint8 srm; guint8 srmp; gboolean outgoing; }; struct _GObex { int ref_count; GIOChannel *io; guint io_source; gboolean (*read) (GObex *obex, GError **err); gboolean (*write) (GObex *obex, GError **err); guint8 *rx_buf; size_t rx_data; guint16 rx_pkt_len; guint8 rx_last_op; guint8 *tx_buf; size_t tx_data; size_t tx_sent; gboolean suspended; gboolean use_srm; struct srm_config *srm; guint write_source; gssize io_rx_mtu; gssize io_tx_mtu; guint16 rx_mtu; guint16 tx_mtu; guint32 conn_id; GObexApparam *authchal; GQueue *tx_queue; GSList *req_handlers; GObexFunc disconn_func; gpointer disconn_func_data; struct pending_pkt *pending_req; }; struct pending_pkt { guint id; GObex *obex; GObexPacket *pkt; guint timeout; guint timeout_id; GObexResponseFunc rsp_func; gpointer rsp_data; gboolean cancelled; gboolean suspended; gboolean authenticating; }; struct req_handler { guint id; guint8 opcode; GObexRequestFunc func; gpointer user_data; }; struct connect_data { guint8 version; guint8 flags; guint16 mtu; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct setpath_data { guint8 flags; guint8 constants; } __attribute__ ((packed)); static struct error_code { guint8 code; const char *name; } obex_errors[] = { { G_OBEX_RSP_CONTINUE, "Continue" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_SUCCESS, "Success" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_CREATED, "Created" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_ACCEPTED, "Accepted" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE, "Non Authoritative" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_NO_CONTENT, "No Content" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_RESET_CONTENT, "Reset Content" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_PARTIAL_CONTENT, "Partial Content" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES, "Multiple Choices" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY, "Moved Permanently" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY, "Moved Temporarily" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_SEE_OTHER, "See Other" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_NOT_MODIFIED, "Not Modified" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_USE_PROXY, "Use Proxy" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad Request" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_UNAUTHORIZED, "Unauthorized" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED, "Payment Required" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_NOT_FOUND, "Not Found" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "Method Not Allowed" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "Not Acceptable" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_PROXY_AUTH_REQUIRED, "Proxy Authentication Required" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT, "Request Time Out" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_CONFLICT, "Conflict" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_GONE, "Gone" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_LENGTH_REQUIRED, "Length Required" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_PRECONDITION_FAILED, "Precondition Failed" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_REQ_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE, "Request Entity Too Large" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_REQ_URL_TOO_LARGE, "Request URL Too Large" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, "Unsupported Media Type" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Internal Server Error" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Not Implemented" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_BAD_GATEWAY, "Bad Gateway" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Service Unavailable" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, "Gateway Timeout" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Version Not Supported" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_DATABASE_FULL, "Database Full" }, { G_OBEX_RSP_DATABASE_LOCKED, "Database Locked" }, { 0x00, NULL } }; const char *g_obex_strerror(guint8 err_code) { struct error_code *error; for (error = obex_errors; error->name != NULL; error++) { if (error->code == err_code) return error->name; } return ""; } static ssize_t req_header_offset(guint8 opcode) { switch (opcode) { case G_OBEX_OP_CONNECT: return sizeof(struct connect_data); case G_OBEX_OP_SETPATH: return sizeof(struct setpath_data); case G_OBEX_OP_DISCONNECT: case G_OBEX_OP_PUT: case G_OBEX_OP_GET: case G_OBEX_OP_SESSION: case G_OBEX_OP_ABORT: case G_OBEX_OP_ACTION: return 0; default: return -1; } } static ssize_t rsp_header_offset(guint8 opcode) { switch (opcode) { case G_OBEX_OP_CONNECT: return sizeof(struct connect_data); case G_OBEX_OP_SETPATH: case G_OBEX_OP_DISCONNECT: case G_OBEX_OP_PUT: case G_OBEX_OP_GET: case G_OBEX_OP_SESSION: case G_OBEX_OP_ABORT: case G_OBEX_OP_ACTION: return 0; default: return -1; } } static void pending_pkt_free(struct pending_pkt *p) { if (p->obex != NULL) g_obex_unref(p->obex); if (p->timeout_id > 0) g_source_remove(p->timeout_id); g_obex_packet_free(p->pkt); g_free(p); } static gboolean req_timeout(gpointer user_data) { GObex *obex = user_data; struct pending_pkt *p = obex->pending_req; GError *err; g_assert(p != NULL); p->timeout_id = 0; obex->pending_req = NULL; err = g_error_new(G_OBEX_ERROR, G_OBEX_ERROR_TIMEOUT, "Timed out waiting for response"); g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s", err->message); if (p->rsp_func) p->rsp_func(obex, err, NULL, p->rsp_data); g_error_free(err); pending_pkt_free(p); return FALSE; } static gboolean write_stream(GObex *obex, GError **err) { GIOStatus status; gsize bytes_written; char *buf; buf = (char *) &obex->tx_buf[obex->tx_sent]; status = g_io_channel_write_chars(obex->io, buf, obex->tx_data, &bytes_written, err); if (status != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) return FALSE; g_obex_dump(G_OBEX_DEBUG_DATA, "<", buf, bytes_written); obex->tx_sent += bytes_written; obex->tx_data -= bytes_written; return TRUE; } static gboolean write_packet(GObex *obex, GError **err) { GIOStatus status; gsize bytes_written; char *buf; buf = (char *) &obex->tx_buf[obex->tx_sent]; status = g_io_channel_write_chars(obex->io, buf, obex->tx_data, &bytes_written, err); if (status != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) return FALSE; if (bytes_written != obex->tx_data) return FALSE; g_obex_dump(G_OBEX_DEBUG_DATA, "<", buf, bytes_written); obex->tx_sent += bytes_written; obex->tx_data -= bytes_written; return TRUE; } static void set_srmp(GObex *obex, guint8 srmp, gboolean outgoing) { struct srm_config *config = obex->srm; if (config == NULL) return; /* Dont't reset if direction doesn't match */ if (srmp > G_OBEX_SRMP_NEXT_WAIT && config->outgoing != outgoing) return; config->srmp = srmp; config->outgoing = outgoing; } static void set_srm(GObex *obex, guint8 op, guint8 srm) { struct srm_config *config = obex->srm; gboolean enable; if (config == NULL) { if (srm == G_OBEX_SRM_DISABLE) return; config = g_new0(struct srm_config, 1); config->op = op; config->srm = srm; obex->srm = config; return; } /* Indicate response, treat it as request */ if (config->srm == G_OBEX_SRM_INDICATE) { if (srm != G_OBEX_SRM_ENABLE) goto done; config->srm = srm; return; } enable = (srm == G_OBEX_SRM_ENABLE); if (config->enabled == enable) goto done; config->enabled = enable; g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "SRM %s", config->enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); done: if (config->enabled) return; g_free(obex->srm); obex->srm = NULL; } static gboolean g_obex_srm_enabled(GObex *obex) { if (!obex->use_srm) return FALSE; if (obex->srm == NULL) return FALSE; return obex->srm->enabled; } static void check_srm_final(GObex *obex, guint8 op) { if (!g_obex_srm_enabled(obex)) return; switch (obex->srm->op) { case G_OBEX_OP_CONNECT: return; default: if (op <= G_OBEX_RSP_CONTINUE) return; } set_srm(obex, op, G_OBEX_SRM_DISABLE); } static void setup_srm(GObex *obex, GObexPacket *pkt, gboolean outgoing) { GObexHeader *hdr; guint8 op; gboolean final; if (!obex->use_srm) return; op = g_obex_packet_get_operation(pkt, &final); hdr = g_obex_packet_get_header(pkt, G_OBEX_HDR_SRM); if (hdr != NULL) { guint8 srm; g_obex_header_get_uint8(hdr, &srm); g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "srm 0x%02x", srm); set_srm(obex, op, srm); } else if (!g_obex_srm_enabled(obex)) set_srm(obex, op, G_OBEX_SRM_DISABLE); hdr = g_obex_packet_get_header(pkt, G_OBEX_HDR_SRMP); if (hdr != NULL) { guint8 srmp; g_obex_header_get_uint8(hdr, &srmp); g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "srmp 0x%02x", srmp); set_srmp(obex, srmp, outgoing); } else if (obex->pending_req && obex->pending_req->suspended) g_obex_packet_add_uint8(pkt, G_OBEX_HDR_SRMP, G_OBEX_SRMP_WAIT); else set_srmp(obex, -1, outgoing); if (final) check_srm_final(obex, op); } static gboolean write_data(GIOChannel *io, GIOCondition cond, gpointer user_data) { GObex *obex = user_data; if (cond & G_IO_NVAL) return FALSE; if (cond & (G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR)) goto stop_tx; if (obex->tx_data == 0) { struct pending_pkt *p = g_queue_pop_head(obex->tx_queue); ssize_t len; if (p == NULL) goto stop_tx; setup_srm(obex, p->pkt, TRUE); if (g_obex_srm_enabled(obex)) goto encode; /* Can't send a request while there's a pending one */ if (obex->pending_req && p->id > 0) { g_queue_push_head(obex->tx_queue, p); goto stop_tx; } encode: len = g_obex_packet_encode(p->pkt, obex->tx_buf, obex->tx_mtu); if (len == -EAGAIN) { g_queue_push_head(obex->tx_queue, p); g_obex_suspend(obex); goto stop_tx; } if (len < 0) { pending_pkt_free(p); goto done; } if (p->id > 0) { if (obex->pending_req != NULL) pending_pkt_free(obex->pending_req); obex->pending_req = p; p->timeout_id = g_timeout_add_seconds(p->timeout, req_timeout, obex); } else { /* During packet encode final bit can be set */ if (obex->tx_buf[0] & FINAL_BIT) check_srm_final(obex, obex->tx_buf[0] & ~FINAL_BIT); pending_pkt_free(p); } obex->tx_data = len; obex->tx_sent = 0; } if (obex->suspended) { obex->write_source = 0; return FALSE; } if (!obex->write(obex, NULL)) goto stop_tx; done: if (obex->tx_data > 0 || g_queue_get_length(obex->tx_queue) > 0) return TRUE; stop_tx: obex->rx_last_op = G_OBEX_OP_NONE; obex->tx_data = 0; obex->write_source = 0; return FALSE; } static void enable_tx(GObex *obex) { GIOCondition cond; if (obex->suspended) return; if (!obex->io || obex->write_source > 0) return; cond = G_IO_OUT | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL; obex->write_source = g_io_add_watch(obex->io, cond, write_data, obex); } void g_obex_drop_tx_queue(GObex *obex) { struct pending_pkt *p; g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, ""); while ((p = g_queue_pop_head(obex->tx_queue))) pending_pkt_free(p); } static gboolean g_obex_send_internal(GObex *obex, struct pending_pkt *p, GError **err) { if (obex->io == NULL) { if (!err) return FALSE; g_set_error(err, G_OBEX_ERROR, G_OBEX_ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "The transport is not connected"); g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s", (*err)->message); return FALSE; } if (g_obex_packet_get_operation(p->pkt, NULL) == G_OBEX_OP_ABORT) g_queue_push_head(obex->tx_queue, p); else g_queue_push_tail(obex->tx_queue, p); if (obex->pending_req == NULL || p->id == 0) enable_tx(obex); return TRUE; } static void init_connect_data(GObex *obex, struct connect_data *data) { guint16 u16; memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data)); data->version = 0x10; data->flags = 0; u16 = g_htons(obex->rx_mtu); memcpy(&data->mtu, &u16, sizeof(u16)); } static guint8 *digest_response(const guint8 *nonce) { GChecksum *md5; guint8 *result; gsize size; result = g_new0(guint8, NONCE_LEN); md5 = g_checksum_new(G_CHECKSUM_MD5); if (md5 == NULL) return result; g_checksum_update(md5, nonce, NONCE_LEN); g_checksum_update(md5, (guint8 *) ":BlueZ", 6); size = NONCE_LEN; g_checksum_get_digest(md5, result, &size); g_checksum_free(md5); return result; } static void prepare_auth_rsp(GObex *obex, GObexPacket *rsp) { GObexHeader *hdr; GObexApparam *authrsp; const guint8 *nonce; guint8 *result; gsize len; /* Check if client is already responding to authentication challenge */ hdr = g_obex_packet_get_header(rsp, G_OBEX_HDR_AUTHRESP); if (hdr) goto done; if (!g_obex_apparam_get_bytes(obex->authchal, NONCE_TAG, &nonce, &len)) goto done; if (len != NONCE_LEN) goto done; result = digest_response(nonce); authrsp = g_obex_apparam_set_bytes(NULL, DIGEST_TAG, result, NONCE_LEN); hdr = g_obex_header_new_tag(G_OBEX_HDR_AUTHRESP, authrsp); g_obex_packet_add_header(rsp, hdr); g_obex_apparam_free(authrsp); g_free(result); done: g_obex_apparam_free(obex->authchal); obex->authchal = NULL; } static void prepare_connect_rsp(GObex *obex, GObexPacket *rsp) { GObexHeader *hdr; struct connect_data data; static guint32 next_connid = 1; init_connect_data(obex, &data); g_obex_packet_set_data(rsp, &data, sizeof(data), G_OBEX_DATA_COPY); hdr = g_obex_packet_get_header(rsp, G_OBEX_HDR_CONNECTION); if (hdr) { g_obex_header_get_uint32(hdr, &obex->conn_id); goto done; } obex->conn_id = next_connid++; hdr = g_obex_header_new_uint32(G_OBEX_HDR_CONNECTION, obex->conn_id); g_obex_packet_prepend_header(rsp, hdr); done: if (obex->authchal) prepare_auth_rsp(obex, rsp); } static void prepare_srm_rsp(GObex *obex, GObexPacket *pkt) { GObexHeader *hdr; if (!obex->use_srm || obex->srm == NULL) return; if (obex->srm->enabled) return; hdr = g_obex_packet_get_header(pkt, G_OBEX_HDR_SRM); if (hdr != NULL) return; hdr = g_obex_header_new_uint8(G_OBEX_HDR_SRM, G_OBEX_SRM_ENABLE); g_obex_packet_prepend_header(pkt, hdr); } gboolean g_obex_send(GObex *obex, GObexPacket *pkt, GError **err) { struct pending_pkt *p; gboolean ret; g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "conn %u", obex->conn_id); if (obex == NULL || pkt == NULL) { if (!err) return FALSE; g_set_error(err, G_OBEX_ERROR, G_OBEX_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "Invalid arguments"); g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s", (*err)->message); return FALSE; } switch (obex->rx_last_op) { case G_OBEX_OP_CONNECT: prepare_connect_rsp(obex, pkt); break; case G_OBEX_OP_GET: case G_OBEX_OP_PUT: prepare_srm_rsp(obex, pkt); break; } p = g_new0(struct pending_pkt, 1); p->pkt = pkt; ret = g_obex_send_internal(obex, p, err); if (ret == FALSE) pending_pkt_free(p); return ret; } static void prepare_srm_req(GObex *obex, GObexPacket *pkt) { GObexHeader *hdr; if (!obex->use_srm) return; if (obex->srm != NULL && obex->srm->enabled) return; hdr = g_obex_packet_get_header(pkt, G_OBEX_HDR_SRM); if (hdr != NULL) return; hdr = g_obex_header_new_uint8(G_OBEX_HDR_SRM, G_OBEX_SRM_ENABLE); g_obex_packet_prepend_header(pkt, hdr); } guint g_obex_send_req(GObex *obex, GObexPacket *req, int timeout, GObexResponseFunc func, gpointer user_data, GError **err) { GObexHeader *hdr; struct pending_pkt *p; static guint id = 1; guint8 op; g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "conn %u", obex->conn_id); op = g_obex_packet_get_operation(req, NULL); if (op == G_OBEX_OP_PUT || op == G_OBEX_OP_GET) { /* Only enable SRM automatically for GET and PUT */ prepare_srm_req(obex, req); } if (obex->conn_id == CONNID_INVALID) goto create_pending; if (obex->rx_last_op == G_OBEX_RSP_CONTINUE) goto create_pending; if (g_obex_srm_enabled(obex) && obex->pending_req != NULL) goto create_pending; hdr = g_obex_packet_get_header(req, G_OBEX_HDR_CONNECTION); if (hdr != NULL) goto create_pending; hdr = g_obex_header_new_uint32(G_OBEX_HDR_CONNECTION, obex->conn_id); g_obex_packet_prepend_header(req, hdr); create_pending: p = g_new0(struct pending_pkt, 1); p->pkt = req; p->id = id++; p->rsp_func = func; p->rsp_data = user_data; if (timeout < 0) p->timeout = G_OBEX_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; else p->timeout = timeout; if (!g_obex_send_internal(obex, p, err)) { pending_pkt_free(p); return 0; } return p->id; } static int pending_pkt_cmp(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const struct pending_pkt *p = a; guint id = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(b); return (p->id - id); } static gboolean pending_req_abort(GObex *obex, GError **err) { struct pending_pkt *p = obex->pending_req; GObexPacket *req; if (p->cancelled) return TRUE; p->cancelled = TRUE; if (p->timeout_id > 0) g_source_remove(p->timeout_id); p->timeout = G_OBEX_ABORT_TIMEOUT; p->timeout_id = g_timeout_add_seconds(p->timeout, req_timeout, obex); req = g_obex_packet_new(G_OBEX_OP_ABORT, TRUE, G_OBEX_HDR_INVALID); return g_obex_send(obex, req, err); } static gboolean cancel_complete(gpointer user_data) { struct pending_pkt *p = user_data; GObex *obex = p->obex; GError *err; g_assert(p->rsp_func != NULL); err = g_error_new(G_OBEX_ERROR, G_OBEX_ERROR_CANCELLED, "The request was cancelled"); p->rsp_func(obex, err, NULL, p->rsp_data); g_error_free(err); pending_pkt_free(p); return FALSE; } gboolean g_obex_cancel_req(GObex *obex, guint req_id, gboolean remove_callback) { GList *match; struct pending_pkt *p; if (obex->pending_req && obex->pending_req->id == req_id) { if (!pending_req_abort(obex, NULL)) { p = obex->pending_req; obex->pending_req = NULL; goto immediate_completion; } if (remove_callback) obex->pending_req->rsp_func = NULL; return TRUE; } match = g_queue_find_custom(obex->tx_queue, GUINT_TO_POINTER(req_id), pending_pkt_cmp); if (match == NULL) return FALSE; p = match->data; g_queue_delete_link(obex->tx_queue, match); immediate_completion: p->cancelled = TRUE; p->obex = g_obex_ref(obex); if (remove_callback || p->rsp_func == NULL) pending_pkt_free(p); else g_idle_add(cancel_complete, p); return TRUE; } gboolean g_obex_send_rsp(GObex *obex, guint8 rspcode, GError **err, guint first_hdr_type, ...) { GObexPacket *rsp; va_list args; va_start(args, first_hdr_type); rsp = g_obex_packet_new_valist(rspcode, TRUE, first_hdr_type, args); va_end(args); return g_obex_send(obex, rsp, err); } void g_obex_set_disconnect_function(GObex *obex, GObexFunc func, gpointer user_data) { obex->disconn_func = func; obex->disconn_func_data = user_data; } static int req_handler_cmpop(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const struct req_handler *handler = a; guint opcode = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(b); return (int) handler->opcode - (int) opcode; } static int req_handler_cmpid(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const struct req_handler *handler = a; guint id = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(b); return (int) handler->id - (int) id; } guint g_obex_add_request_function(GObex *obex, guint8 opcode, GObexRequestFunc func, gpointer user_data) { struct req_handler *handler; static guint next_id = 1; handler = g_new0(struct req_handler, 1); handler->id = next_id++; handler->opcode = opcode; handler->func = func; handler->user_data = user_data; obex->req_handlers = g_slist_prepend(obex->req_handlers, handler); return handler->id; } gboolean g_obex_remove_request_function(GObex *obex, guint id) { struct req_handler *handler; GSList *match; match = g_slist_find_custom(obex->req_handlers, GUINT_TO_POINTER(id), req_handler_cmpid); if (match == NULL) return FALSE; handler = match->data; obex->req_handlers = g_slist_delete_link(obex->req_handlers, match); g_free(handler); return TRUE; } static void g_obex_srm_suspend(GObex *obex) { struct pending_pkt *p = obex->pending_req; GObexPacket *req; if (p->timeout_id > 0) { g_source_remove(p->timeout_id); p->timeout_id = 0; } p->suspended = TRUE; req = g_obex_packet_new(G_OBEX_OP_GET, TRUE, G_OBEX_HDR_SRMP, G_OBEX_SRMP_WAIT, G_OBEX_HDR_INVALID); g_obex_send(obex, req, NULL); } void g_obex_suspend(GObex *obex) { struct pending_pkt *req = obex->pending_req; g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "conn %u", obex->conn_id); if (!g_obex_srm_active(obex) || !req) goto done; /* Send SRMP wait in case of GET */ if (g_obex_packet_get_operation(req->pkt, NULL) == G_OBEX_OP_GET) { g_obex_srm_suspend(obex); return; } done: obex->suspended = TRUE; if (obex->write_source > 0) { g_source_remove(obex->write_source); obex->write_source = 0; } } static void g_obex_srm_resume(GObex *obex) { struct pending_pkt *p = obex->pending_req; GObexPacket *req; p->timeout_id = g_timeout_add_seconds(p->timeout, req_timeout, obex); p->suspended = FALSE; req = g_obex_packet_new(G_OBEX_OP_GET, TRUE, G_OBEX_HDR_INVALID); g_obex_send(obex, req, NULL); } void g_obex_resume(GObex *obex) { struct pending_pkt *req = obex->pending_req; g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "conn %u", obex->conn_id); obex->suspended = FALSE; if (g_obex_srm_active(obex) || !req) goto done; if (g_obex_packet_get_operation(req->pkt, NULL) == G_OBEX_OP_GET) g_obex_srm_resume(obex); done: if (g_queue_get_length(obex->tx_queue) > 0 || obex->tx_data > 0) enable_tx(obex); } gboolean g_obex_srm_active(GObex *obex) { gboolean ret = FALSE; if (!g_obex_srm_enabled(obex)) goto done; if (obex->srm->srmp <= G_OBEX_SRMP_NEXT_WAIT) goto done; ret = TRUE; done: g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "%s", ret ? "yes" : "no"); return ret; } static void auth_challenge(GObex *obex) { struct pending_pkt *p = obex->pending_req; if (p->authenticating) return; p->authenticating = TRUE; prepare_auth_rsp(obex, p->pkt); /* Remove it as pending and add it back to the queue so it gets sent * again */ if (p->timeout_id > 0) { g_source_remove(p->timeout_id); p->timeout_id = 0; } obex->pending_req = NULL; g_obex_send_internal(obex, p, NULL); } static void parse_connect_data(GObex *obex, GObexPacket *pkt) { const struct connect_data *data; GObexHeader *hdr; guint16 u16; size_t data_len; data = g_obex_packet_get_data(pkt, &data_len); if (data == NULL || data_len != sizeof(*data)) return; memcpy(&u16, &data->mtu, sizeof(u16)); obex->tx_mtu = g_ntohs(u16); if (obex->io_tx_mtu > 0 && obex->tx_mtu > obex->io_tx_mtu) obex->tx_mtu = obex->io_tx_mtu; obex->tx_buf = g_realloc(obex->tx_buf, obex->tx_mtu); hdr = g_obex_packet_get_header(pkt, G_OBEX_HDR_CONNECTION); if (hdr) g_obex_header_get_uint32(hdr, &obex->conn_id); hdr = g_obex_packet_get_header(pkt, G_OBEX_HDR_AUTHCHAL); if (hdr) obex->authchal = g_obex_header_get_apparam(hdr); } static gboolean parse_response(GObex *obex, GObexPacket *rsp) { struct pending_pkt *p = obex->pending_req; guint8 opcode, rspcode; gboolean final; rspcode = g_obex_packet_get_operation(rsp, &final); opcode = g_obex_packet_get_operation(p->pkt, NULL); if (opcode == G_OBEX_OP_CONNECT) { parse_connect_data(obex, rsp); if (rspcode == G_OBEX_RSP_UNAUTHORIZED && obex->authchal) auth_challenge(obex); } setup_srm(obex, rsp, FALSE); if (!g_obex_srm_enabled(obex)) return final; /* * Resposes have final bit set but in case of GET with SRM * we should not remove the request since the remote side will * continue sending responses until the transfer is finished */ if (opcode == G_OBEX_OP_GET && rspcode == G_OBEX_RSP_CONTINUE) { if (p->timeout_id > 0) g_source_remove(p->timeout_id); p->timeout_id = g_timeout_add_seconds(p->timeout, req_timeout, obex); return FALSE; } return final; } static void handle_response(GObex *obex, GError *err, GObexPacket *rsp) { struct pending_pkt *p; gboolean disconn = err ? TRUE : FALSE, final_rsp = TRUE; if (rsp != NULL) final_rsp = parse_response(obex, rsp); if (!obex->pending_req) return; p = obex->pending_req; /* Reset if final so it can no longer be cancelled */ if (final_rsp) obex->pending_req = NULL; if (p->cancelled) err = g_error_new(G_OBEX_ERROR, G_OBEX_ERROR_CANCELLED, "The operation was cancelled"); if (err) g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s", err->message); if (p->rsp_func) { p->rsp_func(obex, err, rsp, p->rsp_data); /* Check if user callback removed the request */ if (!final_rsp && p != obex->pending_req) return; } if (p->cancelled) g_error_free(err); if (final_rsp) pending_pkt_free(p); if (!disconn && g_queue_get_length(obex->tx_queue) > 0) enable_tx(obex); } static gboolean check_connid(GObex *obex, GObexPacket *pkt) { GObexHeader *hdr; guint32 id; if (obex->conn_id == CONNID_INVALID) return TRUE; hdr = g_obex_packet_get_header(pkt, G_OBEX_HDR_CONNECTION); if (hdr == NULL) return TRUE; g_obex_header_get_uint32(hdr, &id); return obex->conn_id == id; } static int parse_request(GObex *obex, GObexPacket *req) { guint8 op; gboolean final; op = g_obex_packet_get_operation(req, &final); switch (op) { case G_OBEX_OP_CONNECT: parse_connect_data(obex, req); break; case G_OBEX_OP_ABORT: break; default: if (check_connid(obex, req)) break; return -G_OBEX_RSP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; } setup_srm(obex, req, FALSE); return op; } static void handle_request(GObex *obex, GObexPacket *req) { GSList *match; int op; op = parse_request(obex, req); if (op < 0) goto fail; match = g_slist_find_custom(obex->req_handlers, GUINT_TO_POINTER(op), req_handler_cmpop); if (match) { struct req_handler *handler = match->data; handler->func(obex, req, handler->user_data); return; } op = -G_OBEX_RSP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; fail: g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s", g_obex_strerror(-op)); g_obex_send_rsp(obex, -op, NULL, G_OBEX_HDR_INVALID); } static gboolean read_stream(GObex *obex, GError **err) { GIOChannel *io = obex->io; GIOStatus status; gsize rbytes, toread; guint16 u16; char *buf; if (obex->rx_data >= 3) goto read_body; rbytes = 0; toread = 3 - obex->rx_data; buf = (char *) &obex->rx_buf[obex->rx_data]; status = g_io_channel_read_chars(io, buf, toread, &rbytes, NULL); if (status != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) return TRUE; obex->rx_data += rbytes; if (obex->rx_data < 3) goto done; memcpy(&u16, &buf[1], sizeof(u16)); obex->rx_pkt_len = g_ntohs(u16); if (obex->rx_pkt_len > obex->rx_mtu) { if (!err) return FALSE; g_set_error(err, G_OBEX_ERROR, G_OBEX_ERROR_PARSE_ERROR, "Too big incoming packet"); g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s", (*err)->message); return FALSE; } read_body: if (obex->rx_data >= obex->rx_pkt_len) goto done; do { toread = obex->rx_pkt_len - obex->rx_data; buf = (char *) &obex->rx_buf[obex->rx_data]; status = g_io_channel_read_chars(io, buf, toread, &rbytes, NULL); if (status != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) goto done; obex->rx_data += rbytes; } while (rbytes > 0 && obex->rx_data < obex->rx_pkt_len); done: g_obex_dump(G_OBEX_DEBUG_DATA, ">", obex->rx_buf, obex->rx_data); return TRUE; } static gboolean read_packet(GObex *obex, GError **err) { GIOChannel *io = obex->io; GError *read_err = NULL; GIOStatus status; gsize rbytes; guint16 u16; if (obex->rx_data > 0) { g_set_error(err, G_OBEX_ERROR, G_OBEX_ERROR_PARSE_ERROR, "RX buffer not empty before reading packet"); goto fail; } status = g_io_channel_read_chars(io, (char *) obex->rx_buf, obex->rx_mtu, &rbytes, &read_err); if (status != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) { g_set_error(err, G_OBEX_ERROR, G_OBEX_ERROR_PARSE_ERROR, "Unable to read data: %s", read_err->message); g_error_free(read_err); goto fail; } obex->rx_data += rbytes; if (rbytes < 3) { g_set_error(err, G_OBEX_ERROR, G_OBEX_ERROR_PARSE_ERROR, "Incomplete packet received"); goto fail; } memcpy(&u16, &obex->rx_buf[1], sizeof(u16)); obex->rx_pkt_len = g_ntohs(u16); if (obex->rx_pkt_len != rbytes) { g_set_error(err, G_OBEX_ERROR, G_OBEX_ERROR_PARSE_ERROR, "Data size doesn't match packet size (%zu != %u)", rbytes, obex->rx_pkt_len); return FALSE; } g_obex_dump(G_OBEX_DEBUG_DATA, ">", obex->rx_buf, obex->rx_data); return TRUE; fail: if (err) g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s", (*err)->message); return FALSE; } static gboolean incoming_data(GIOChannel *io, GIOCondition cond, gpointer user_data) { GObex *obex = user_data; GObexPacket *pkt; ssize_t header_offset; GError *err = NULL; guint8 opcode; if (cond & G_IO_NVAL) return FALSE; if (cond & (G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR)) { err = g_error_new(G_OBEX_ERROR, G_OBEX_ERROR_DISCONNECTED, "Transport got disconnected"); goto failed; } if (!obex->read(obex, &err)) goto failed; if (obex->rx_data < 3 || obex->rx_data < obex->rx_pkt_len) return TRUE; obex->rx_last_op = obex->rx_buf[0] & ~FINAL_BIT; if (obex->pending_req) { struct pending_pkt *p = obex->pending_req; opcode = g_obex_packet_get_operation(p->pkt, NULL); header_offset = rsp_header_offset(opcode); } else { opcode = obex->rx_last_op; /* Unexpected response -- fail silently */ if (opcode > 0x1f && opcode != G_OBEX_OP_ABORT) { obex->rx_data = 0; return TRUE; } header_offset = req_header_offset(opcode); } if (header_offset < 0) { err = g_error_new(G_OBEX_ERROR, G_OBEX_ERROR_PARSE_ERROR, "Unknown header offset for opcode 0x%02x", opcode); goto failed; } pkt = g_obex_packet_decode(obex->rx_buf, obex->rx_data, header_offset, G_OBEX_DATA_REF, &err); if (pkt == NULL) goto failed; /* Protect against user callback freeing the object */ g_obex_ref(obex); if (obex->pending_req) handle_response(obex, NULL, pkt); else handle_request(obex, pkt); obex->rx_data = 0; g_obex_unref(obex); if (err != NULL) g_error_free(err); if (pkt != NULL) g_obex_packet_free(pkt); return TRUE; failed: if (err) g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s", err->message); g_io_channel_unref(obex->io); obex->io = NULL; obex->io_source = 0; obex->rx_data = 0; /* Protect against user callback freeing the object */ g_obex_ref(obex); if (obex->pending_req) handle_response(obex, err, NULL); if (obex->disconn_func) obex->disconn_func(obex, err, obex->disconn_func_data); g_obex_unref(obex); g_error_free(err); return FALSE; } static GDebugKey keys[] = { { "error", G_OBEX_DEBUG_ERROR }, { "command", G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND }, { "transfer", G_OBEX_DEBUG_TRANSFER }, { "header", G_OBEX_DEBUG_HEADER }, { "packet", G_OBEX_DEBUG_PACKET }, { "data", G_OBEX_DEBUG_DATA }, { "apparam", G_OBEX_DEBUG_APPARAM }, }; GObex *g_obex_new(GIOChannel *io, GObexTransportType transport_type, gssize io_rx_mtu, gssize io_tx_mtu) { GObex *obex; GIOCondition cond; if (gobex_debug == 0) { const char *env = g_getenv("GOBEX_DEBUG"); if (env) { gobex_debug = g_parse_debug_string(env, keys, 7); g_setenv("G_MESSAGES_DEBUG", "gobex", FALSE); } else gobex_debug = G_OBEX_DEBUG_NONE; } g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, ""); if (io == NULL) return NULL; if (io_rx_mtu >= 0 && io_rx_mtu < G_OBEX_MINIMUM_MTU) return NULL; if (io_tx_mtu >= 0 && io_tx_mtu < G_OBEX_MINIMUM_MTU) return NULL; obex = g_new0(GObex, 1); obex->io = g_io_channel_ref(io); obex->ref_count = 1; obex->conn_id = CONNID_INVALID; obex->rx_last_op = G_OBEX_OP_NONE; obex->io_rx_mtu = io_rx_mtu; obex->io_tx_mtu = io_tx_mtu; if (io_rx_mtu > G_OBEX_MAXIMUM_MTU) obex->rx_mtu = G_OBEX_MAXIMUM_MTU; else if (io_rx_mtu < G_OBEX_MINIMUM_MTU) obex->rx_mtu = G_OBEX_DEFAULT_MTU; else obex->rx_mtu = io_rx_mtu; obex->tx_mtu = G_OBEX_MINIMUM_MTU; obex->tx_queue = g_queue_new(); obex->rx_buf = g_malloc(obex->rx_mtu); obex->tx_buf = g_malloc(obex->tx_mtu); switch (transport_type) { case G_OBEX_TRANSPORT_STREAM: obex->read = read_stream; obex->write = write_stream; break; case G_OBEX_TRANSPORT_PACKET: obex->use_srm = TRUE; obex->read = read_packet; obex->write = write_packet; break; default: g_obex_unref(obex); return NULL; } g_io_channel_set_encoding(io, NULL, NULL); g_io_channel_set_buffered(io, FALSE); cond = G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL; obex->io_source = g_io_add_watch(io, cond, incoming_data, obex); return obex; } GObex *g_obex_ref(GObex *obex) { int refs; if (obex == NULL) return NULL; refs = __sync_add_and_fetch(&obex->ref_count, 1); g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "ref %u", refs); return obex; } static void tx_queue_free(void *data, void *user_data) { pending_pkt_free(data); } void g_obex_unref(GObex *obex) { int refs; refs = __sync_sub_and_fetch(&obex->ref_count, 1); g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "ref %u", refs); if (refs > 0) return; g_slist_free_full(obex->req_handlers, g_free); g_queue_foreach(obex->tx_queue, tx_queue_free, NULL); g_queue_free(obex->tx_queue); if (obex->io != NULL) g_io_channel_unref(obex->io); if (obex->io_source > 0) g_source_remove(obex->io_source); if (obex->write_source > 0) g_source_remove(obex->write_source); g_free(obex->rx_buf); g_free(obex->tx_buf); g_free(obex->srm); if (obex->pending_req) pending_pkt_free(obex->pending_req); if (obex->authchal) g_obex_apparam_free(obex->authchal); g_free(obex); } /* Higher level functions */ guint g_obex_connect(GObex *obex, GObexResponseFunc func, gpointer user_data, GError **err, guint first_hdr_id, ...) { GObexPacket *req; struct connect_data data; va_list args; g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, ""); va_start(args, first_hdr_id); req = g_obex_packet_new_valist(G_OBEX_OP_CONNECT, TRUE, first_hdr_id, args); va_end(args); init_connect_data(obex, &data); g_obex_packet_set_data(req, &data, sizeof(data), G_OBEX_DATA_COPY); return g_obex_send_req(obex, req, -1, func, user_data, err); } guint g_obex_disconnect(GObex *obex, GObexResponseFunc func, gpointer user_data, GError **err) { GObexPacket *req; g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, ""); req = g_obex_packet_new(G_OBEX_OP_DISCONNECT, TRUE, G_OBEX_HDR_INVALID); return g_obex_send_req(obex, req, -1, func, user_data, err); } guint g_obex_setpath(GObex *obex, const char *path, GObexResponseFunc func, gpointer user_data, GError **err) { GObexPacket *req; struct setpath_data data; const char *folder; g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "conn %u", obex->conn_id); req = g_obex_packet_new(G_OBEX_OP_SETPATH, TRUE, G_OBEX_HDR_INVALID); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); if (path != NULL && strncmp("..", path, 2) == 0) { data.flags = 0x03; folder = (path[2] == '/') ? &path[3] : NULL; } else { data.flags = 0x02; folder = path; } if (folder != NULL) { GObexHeader *hdr; hdr = g_obex_header_new_unicode(G_OBEX_HDR_NAME, folder); g_obex_packet_add_header(req, hdr); } g_obex_packet_set_data(req, &data, sizeof(data), G_OBEX_DATA_COPY); return g_obex_send_req(obex, req, -1, func, user_data, err); } guint g_obex_mkdir(GObex *obex, const char *path, GObexResponseFunc func, gpointer user_data, GError **err) { GObexPacket *req; struct setpath_data data; g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "conn %u", obex->conn_id); req = g_obex_packet_new(G_OBEX_OP_SETPATH, TRUE, G_OBEX_HDR_NAME, path, G_OBEX_HDR_INVALID); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); g_obex_packet_set_data(req, &data, sizeof(data), G_OBEX_DATA_COPY); return g_obex_send_req(obex, req, -1, func, user_data, err); } guint g_obex_delete(GObex *obex, const char *name, GObexResponseFunc func, gpointer user_data, GError **err) { GObexPacket *req; g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "conn %u", obex->conn_id); req = g_obex_packet_new(G_OBEX_OP_PUT, TRUE, G_OBEX_HDR_NAME, name, G_OBEX_HDR_INVALID); return g_obex_send_req(obex, req, -1, func, user_data, err); } guint g_obex_copy(GObex *obex, const char *name, const char *dest, GObexResponseFunc func, gpointer user_data, GError **err) { GObexPacket *req; g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "conn %u", obex->conn_id); req = g_obex_packet_new(G_OBEX_OP_ACTION, TRUE, G_OBEX_HDR_ACTION, G_OBEX_ACTION_COPY, G_OBEX_HDR_NAME, name, G_OBEX_HDR_DESTNAME, dest, G_OBEX_HDR_INVALID); return g_obex_send_req(obex, req, -1, func, user_data, err); } guint g_obex_move(GObex *obex, const char *name, const char *dest, GObexResponseFunc func, gpointer user_data, GError **err) { GObexPacket *req; g_obex_debug(G_OBEX_DEBUG_COMMAND, "conn %u", obex->conn_id); req = g_obex_packet_new(G_OBEX_OP_ACTION, TRUE, G_OBEX_HDR_ACTION, G_OBEX_ACTION_MOVE, G_OBEX_HDR_NAME, name, G_OBEX_HDR_DESTNAME, dest, G_OBEX_HDR_INVALID); return g_obex_send_req(obex, req, -1, func, user_data, err); } guint g_obex_abort(GObex *obex, GObexResponseFunc func, gpointer user_data, GError **err) { GObexPacket *req; req = g_obex_packet_new(G_OBEX_OP_ABORT, TRUE, G_OBEX_HDR_INVALID); return g_obex_send_req(obex, req, -1, func, user_data, err); } guint8 g_obex_errno_to_rsp(int err) { switch (err) { case 0: return G_OBEX_RSP_SUCCESS; case -EPERM: case -EACCES: return G_OBEX_RSP_FORBIDDEN; case -ENOENT: return G_OBEX_RSP_NOT_FOUND; case -EINVAL: case -EBADR: return G_OBEX_RSP_BAD_REQUEST; case -EFAULT: return G_OBEX_RSP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; case -ENOSYS: return G_OBEX_RSP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; case -ENOTEMPTY: case -EEXIST: return G_OBEX_RSP_PRECONDITION_FAILED; default: return G_OBEX_RSP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } }