/* * * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux * * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Intel Corporation * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Marcel Holtmann * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bluetooth/bluetooth.h" #include "monitor/bt.h" #include "bthost.h" /* ACL handle and flags pack/unpack */ #define acl_handle_pack(h, f) (uint16_t)((h & 0x0fff)|(f << 12)) #define acl_handle(h) (h & 0x0fff) #define acl_flags(h) (h >> 12) #define le16_to_cpu(val) (val) #define le32_to_cpu(val) (val) #define cpu_to_le16(val) (val) #define cpu_to_le32(val) (val) struct cmd { struct cmd *next; struct cmd *prev; uint8_t data[256 + sizeof(struct bt_hci_cmd_hdr)]; uint16_t len; }; struct cmd_queue { struct cmd *head; struct cmd *tail; }; struct cid_hook { uint16_t cid; bthost_cid_hook_func_t func; void *user_data; struct cid_hook *next; }; struct btconn { uint16_t handle; uint8_t addr_type; uint16_t next_cid; struct l2conn *l2conns; struct cid_hook *cid_hooks; struct btconn *next; }; struct l2conn { uint16_t scid; uint16_t dcid; struct l2conn *next; }; struct l2cap_pending_req { uint8_t ident; bthost_l2cap_rsp_cb cb; void *user_data; struct l2cap_pending_req *next; }; struct bthost { uint8_t bdaddr[6]; bthost_send_func send_handler; void *send_data; struct cmd_queue cmd_q; uint8_t ncmd; struct btconn *conns; bthost_cmd_complete_cb cmd_complete_cb; void *cmd_complete_data; bthost_new_conn_cb new_conn_cb; void *new_conn_data; uint16_t server_psm; struct l2cap_pending_req *l2reqs; }; struct bthost *bthost_create(void) { struct bthost *bthost; bthost = malloc(sizeof(*bthost)); if (!bthost) return NULL; memset(bthost, 0, sizeof(*bthost)); return bthost; } static void l2conn_free(struct l2conn *conn) { free(conn); } static void btconn_free(struct btconn *conn) { while (conn->l2conns) { struct l2conn *l2conn = conn->l2conns; conn->l2conns = l2conn->next; l2conn_free(l2conn); } while (conn->cid_hooks) { struct cid_hook *hook = conn->cid_hooks; conn->cid_hooks = hook->next; free(hook); } free(conn); } static struct btconn *bthost_find_conn(struct bthost *bthost, uint16_t handle) { struct btconn *conn; for (conn = bthost->conns; conn != NULL; conn = conn->next) { if (conn->handle == handle) return conn; } return NULL; } static void bthost_add_l2cap_conn(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, uint16_t scid, uint16_t dcid) { struct l2conn *l2conn; l2conn = malloc(sizeof(*l2conn)); if (!l2conn) return; memset(l2conn, 0, sizeof(*l2conn)); l2conn->scid = scid; l2conn->dcid = dcid; l2conn->next = conn->l2conns; conn->l2conns = l2conn; } static struct l2conn *btconn_find_l2cap_conn_by_scid(struct btconn *conn, uint16_t scid) { struct l2conn *l2conn; for (l2conn = conn->l2conns; l2conn != NULL; l2conn = l2conn->next) { if (l2conn->scid == scid) return l2conn; } return NULL; } void bthost_destroy(struct bthost *bthost) { struct cmd *cmd; if (!bthost) return; for (cmd = bthost->cmd_q.tail; cmd != NULL; cmd = cmd->next) free(cmd); while (bthost->conns) { struct btconn *conn = bthost->conns; bthost->conns = conn->next; btconn_free(conn); } while (bthost->l2reqs) { struct l2cap_pending_req *req = bthost->l2reqs; bthost->l2reqs = req->next; req->cb(0, NULL, 0, req->user_data); free(req); } free(bthost); } void bthost_set_send_handler(struct bthost *bthost, bthost_send_func handler, void *user_data) { if (!bthost) return; bthost->send_handler = handler; bthost->send_data = user_data; } static void queue_command(struct bthost *bthost, const void *data, uint16_t len) { struct cmd_queue *cmd_q = &bthost->cmd_q; struct cmd *cmd; cmd = malloc(sizeof(*cmd)); if (!cmd) return; memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd)); memcpy(cmd->data, data, len); cmd->len = len; if (cmd_q->tail) cmd_q->tail->next = cmd; cmd->prev = cmd_q->tail; cmd_q->tail = cmd; } static void send_packet(struct bthost *bthost, const void *data, uint16_t len) { if (!bthost->send_handler) return; bthost->send_handler(data, len, bthost->send_data); } static void send_acl(struct bthost *bthost, uint16_t handle, uint16_t cid, const void *data, uint16_t len) { struct bt_hci_acl_hdr *acl_hdr; struct bt_l2cap_hdr *l2_hdr; uint16_t pkt_len; void *pkt_data; pkt_len = 1 + sizeof(*acl_hdr) + sizeof(*l2_hdr) + len; pkt_data = malloc(pkt_len); if (!pkt_data) return; ((uint8_t *) pkt_data)[0] = BT_H4_ACL_PKT; acl_hdr = pkt_data + 1; acl_hdr->handle = acl_handle_pack(handle, 0); acl_hdr->dlen = cpu_to_le16(len + sizeof(*l2_hdr)); l2_hdr = pkt_data + 1 + sizeof(*acl_hdr); l2_hdr->cid = cpu_to_le16(cid); l2_hdr->len = cpu_to_le16(len); if (len > 0) memcpy(pkt_data + 1 + sizeof(*acl_hdr) + sizeof(*l2_hdr), data, len); send_packet(bthost, pkt_data, pkt_len); free(pkt_data); } static uint8_t l2cap_sig_send(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, uint8_t code, uint8_t ident, const void *data, uint16_t len) { static uint8_t next_ident = 1; struct bt_l2cap_hdr_sig *hdr; uint16_t pkt_len, cid; void *pkt_data; pkt_len = sizeof(*hdr) + len; pkt_data = malloc(pkt_len); if (!pkt_data) return 0; if (!ident) { ident = next_ident++; if (!ident) ident = next_ident++; } hdr = pkt_data; hdr->code = code; hdr->ident = ident; hdr->len = cpu_to_le16(len); if (len > 0) memcpy(pkt_data + sizeof(*hdr), data, len); if (conn->addr_type == BDADDR_BREDR) cid = 0x0001; else cid = 0x0005; send_acl(bthost, conn->handle, cid, pkt_data, pkt_len); free(pkt_data); return ident; } void bthost_add_cid_hook(struct bthost *bthost, uint16_t handle, uint16_t cid, bthost_cid_hook_func_t func, void *user_data) { struct cid_hook *hook; struct btconn *conn; conn = bthost_find_conn(bthost, handle); if (!conn) return; hook = malloc(sizeof(*hook)); if (!hook) return; memset(hook, 0, sizeof(*hook)); hook->cid = cid; hook->func = func; hook->user_data = user_data; hook->next = conn->cid_hooks; conn->cid_hooks = hook; } void bthost_send_cid(struct bthost *bthost, uint16_t handle, uint16_t cid, const void *data, uint16_t len) { struct btconn *conn; conn = bthost_find_conn(bthost, handle); if (!conn) return; send_acl(bthost, handle, cid, data, len); } bool bthost_l2cap_req(struct bthost *bthost, uint16_t handle, uint8_t code, const void *data, uint16_t len, bthost_l2cap_rsp_cb cb, void *user_data) { struct l2cap_pending_req *req; struct btconn *conn; uint8_t ident; conn = bthost_find_conn(bthost, handle); if (!conn) return false; ident = l2cap_sig_send(bthost, conn, code, 0, data, len); if (!ident) return false; if (!cb) return true; req = malloc(sizeof(*req)); if (!req) return false; memset(req, 0, sizeof(*req)); req->ident = ident; req->cb = cb; req->user_data = user_data; req->next = bthost->l2reqs; bthost->l2reqs = req; return true; } static void send_command(struct bthost *bthost, uint16_t opcode, const void *data, uint8_t len) { struct bt_hci_cmd_hdr *hdr; uint16_t pkt_len; void *pkt_data; pkt_len = 1 + sizeof(*hdr) + len; pkt_data = malloc(pkt_len); if (!pkt_data) return; ((uint8_t *) pkt_data)[0] = BT_H4_CMD_PKT; hdr = pkt_data + 1; hdr->opcode = cpu_to_le16(opcode); hdr->plen = len; if (len > 0) memcpy(pkt_data + 1 + sizeof(*hdr), data, len); if (bthost->ncmd) { send_packet(bthost, pkt_data, pkt_len); bthost->ncmd--; } else { queue_command(bthost, pkt_data, pkt_len); } free(pkt_data); } static void next_cmd(struct bthost *bthost) { struct cmd_queue *cmd_q = &bthost->cmd_q; struct cmd *cmd = cmd_q->tail; struct cmd *next; if (!cmd) return; next = cmd->next; if (!bthost->ncmd) return; send_packet(bthost, cmd->data, cmd->len); bthost->ncmd--; if (next) next->prev = NULL; cmd_q->tail = next; free(cmd); } static void read_bd_addr_complete(struct bthost *bthost, const void *data, uint8_t len) { const struct bt_hci_rsp_read_bd_addr *ev = data; if (len < sizeof(*ev)) return; if (ev->status) return; memcpy(bthost->bdaddr, ev->bdaddr, 6); } static void evt_cmd_complete(struct bthost *bthost, const void *data, uint8_t len) { const struct bt_hci_evt_cmd_complete *ev = data; const void *param; uint16_t opcode; if (len < sizeof(*ev)) return; param = data + sizeof(*ev); bthost->ncmd = ev->ncmd; opcode = le16toh(ev->opcode); switch (opcode) { case BT_HCI_CMD_RESET: break; case BT_HCI_CMD_READ_BD_ADDR: read_bd_addr_complete(bthost, param, len - sizeof(*ev)); break; case BT_HCI_CMD_WRITE_SCAN_ENABLE: break; case BT_HCI_CMD_LE_SET_ADV_ENABLE: break; default: printf("Unhandled cmd_complete opcode 0x%04x\n", opcode); break; } if (bthost->cmd_complete_cb) bthost->cmd_complete_cb(opcode, 0, param, len - sizeof(*ev), bthost->cmd_complete_data); next_cmd(bthost); } static void evt_cmd_status(struct bthost *bthost, const void *data, uint8_t len) { const struct bt_hci_evt_cmd_status *ev = data; uint16_t opcode; if (len < sizeof(*ev)) return; bthost->ncmd = ev->ncmd; opcode = le16toh(ev->opcode); if (ev->status && bthost->cmd_complete_cb) bthost->cmd_complete_cb(opcode, ev->status, NULL, 0, bthost->cmd_complete_data); next_cmd(bthost); } static void evt_conn_request(struct bthost *bthost, const void *data, uint8_t len) { const struct bt_hci_evt_conn_request *ev = data; struct bt_hci_cmd_accept_conn_request cmd; if (len < sizeof(*ev)) return; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); memcpy(cmd.bdaddr, ev->bdaddr, sizeof(ev->bdaddr)); send_command(bthost, BT_HCI_CMD_ACCEPT_CONN_REQUEST, &cmd, sizeof(cmd)); } static void init_conn(struct bthost *bthost, uint16_t handle, uint8_t addr_type) { struct btconn *conn; conn = malloc(sizeof(*conn)); if (!conn) return; memset(conn, 0, sizeof(*conn)); conn->handle = handle; conn->addr_type = addr_type; conn->next_cid = 0x0040; conn->next = bthost->conns; bthost->conns = conn; if (bthost->new_conn_cb) bthost->new_conn_cb(conn->handle, bthost->new_conn_data); } static void evt_conn_complete(struct bthost *bthost, const void *data, uint8_t len) { const struct bt_hci_evt_conn_complete *ev = data; if (len < sizeof(*ev)) return; if (ev->status) return; init_conn(bthost, le16_to_cpu(ev->handle), BDADDR_BREDR); } static void evt_disconn_complete(struct bthost *bthost, const void *data, uint8_t len) { const struct bt_hci_evt_disconnect_complete *ev = data; struct btconn **curr; uint16_t handle; if (len < sizeof(*ev)) return; if (ev->status) return; handle = le16_to_cpu(ev->handle); for (curr = &bthost->conns; *curr;) { struct btconn *conn = *curr; if (conn->handle == handle) { *curr = conn->next; btconn_free(conn); } else { curr = &conn->next; } } } static void evt_num_completed_packets(struct bthost *bthost, const void *data, uint8_t len) { const struct bt_hci_evt_num_completed_packets *ev = data; if (len < sizeof(*ev)) return; } static void evt_le_conn_complete(struct bthost *bthost, const void *data, uint8_t len) { const struct bt_hci_evt_le_conn_complete *ev = data; uint8_t addr_type; if (len < sizeof(*ev)) return; if (ev->status) return; if (ev->peer_addr_type == 0x00) addr_type = BDADDR_LE_PUBLIC; else addr_type = BDADDR_LE_RANDOM; init_conn(bthost, le16_to_cpu(ev->handle), addr_type); } static void evt_le_meta_event(struct bthost *bthost, const void *data, uint8_t len) { const uint8_t *event = data; const void *evt_data = data + 1; if (len < 1) return; switch (*event) { case BT_HCI_EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE: evt_le_conn_complete(bthost, evt_data, len - 1); break; default: break; } } static void process_evt(struct bthost *bthost, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_hci_evt_hdr *hdr = data; const void *param; if (len < sizeof(*hdr)) return; if (sizeof(*hdr) + hdr->plen != len) return; param = data + sizeof(*hdr); switch (hdr->evt) { case BT_HCI_EVT_CMD_COMPLETE: evt_cmd_complete(bthost, param, hdr->plen); break; case BT_HCI_EVT_CMD_STATUS: evt_cmd_status(bthost, param, hdr->plen); break; case BT_HCI_EVT_CONN_REQUEST: evt_conn_request(bthost, param, hdr->plen); break; case BT_HCI_EVT_CONN_COMPLETE: evt_conn_complete(bthost, param, hdr->plen); break; case BT_HCI_EVT_DISCONNECT_COMPLETE: evt_disconn_complete(bthost, param, hdr->plen); break; case BT_HCI_EVT_NUM_COMPLETED_PACKETS: evt_num_completed_packets(bthost, param, hdr->plen); break; case BT_HCI_EVT_LE_META_EVENT: evt_le_meta_event(bthost, param, hdr->plen); break; default: printf("Unsupported event 0x%2.2x\n", hdr->evt); break; } } static bool l2cap_cmd_rej(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, uint8_t ident, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_l2cap_pdu_cmd_reject *rsp = data; if (len < sizeof(*rsp)) return false; return true; } static bool l2cap_conn_req(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, uint8_t ident, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_l2cap_pdu_conn_req *req = data; struct bt_l2cap_pdu_conn_rsp rsp; uint16_t psm; if (len < sizeof(*req)) return false; psm = le16_to_cpu(req->psm); memset(&rsp, 0, sizeof(rsp)); rsp.scid = req->scid; if (bthost->server_psm && bthost->server_psm == psm) rsp.dcid = cpu_to_le16(conn->next_cid++); else rsp.result = cpu_to_le16(0x0002); /* PSM Not Supported */ l2cap_sig_send(bthost, conn, BT_L2CAP_PDU_CONN_RSP, ident, &rsp, sizeof(rsp)); if (!rsp.result) { struct bt_l2cap_pdu_config_req conf_req; bthost_add_l2cap_conn(bthost, conn, le16_to_cpu(rsp.dcid), le16_to_cpu(rsp.scid)); memset(&conf_req, 0, sizeof(conf_req)); conf_req.dcid = rsp.dcid; l2cap_sig_send(bthost, conn, BT_L2CAP_PDU_CONFIG_REQ, 0, &conf_req, sizeof(conf_req)); } return true; } static bool l2cap_conn_rsp(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, uint8_t ident, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_l2cap_pdu_conn_rsp *rsp = data; if (len < sizeof(*rsp)) return false; bthost_add_l2cap_conn(bthost, conn, le16_to_cpu(rsp->scid), le16_to_cpu(rsp->dcid)); if (le16_to_cpu(rsp->result) == 0x0001) { struct bt_l2cap_pdu_config_req req; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.dcid = rsp->dcid; l2cap_sig_send(bthost, conn, BT_L2CAP_PDU_CONFIG_REQ, 0, &req, sizeof(req)); } return true; } static bool l2cap_config_req(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, uint8_t ident, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_l2cap_pdu_config_req *req = data; struct bt_l2cap_pdu_config_rsp rsp; struct l2conn *l2conn; uint16_t dcid; if (len < sizeof(*req)) return false; dcid = le16_to_cpu(req->dcid); l2conn = btconn_find_l2cap_conn_by_scid(conn, dcid); if (!l2conn) return false; memset(&rsp, 0, sizeof(rsp)); rsp.scid = cpu_to_le16(l2conn->dcid); rsp.flags = req->flags; l2cap_sig_send(bthost, conn, BT_L2CAP_PDU_CONFIG_RSP, ident, &rsp, sizeof(rsp)); return true; } static bool l2cap_config_rsp(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, uint8_t ident, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_l2cap_pdu_config_rsp *rsp = data; if (len < sizeof(*rsp)) return false; return true; } static bool l2cap_disconn_req(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, uint8_t ident, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_l2cap_pdu_disconn_req *req = data; struct bt_l2cap_pdu_disconn_rsp rsp; if (len < sizeof(*req)) return false; memset(&rsp, 0, sizeof(rsp)); rsp.dcid = req->dcid; rsp.scid = req->scid; l2cap_sig_send(bthost, conn, BT_L2CAP_PDU_DISCONN_RSP, ident, &rsp, sizeof(rsp)); return true; } static bool l2cap_info_req(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, uint8_t ident, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_l2cap_pdu_info_req *req = data; struct bt_l2cap_pdu_info_rsp rsp; if (len < sizeof(*req)) return false; rsp.type = req->type; rsp.result = cpu_to_le16(0x0001); /* Not Supported */ l2cap_sig_send(bthost, conn, BT_L2CAP_PDU_INFO_RSP, ident, &rsp, sizeof(rsp)); return true; } static void handle_pending_l2reqs(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, uint8_t ident, uint8_t code, const void *data, uint16_t len) { struct l2cap_pending_req **curr; for (curr = &bthost->l2reqs; *curr != NULL;) { struct l2cap_pending_req *req = *curr; if (req->ident != ident) { curr = &req->next; continue; } *curr = req->next; req->cb(code, data, len, req->user_data); free(req); } } static void l2cap_sig(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_l2cap_hdr_sig *hdr = data; struct bt_l2cap_pdu_cmd_reject rej; uint16_t hdr_len; bool ret; if (len < sizeof(*hdr)) goto reject; hdr_len = le16_to_cpu(hdr->len); if (sizeof(*hdr) + hdr_len != len) goto reject; switch (hdr->code) { case BT_L2CAP_PDU_CMD_REJECT: ret = l2cap_cmd_rej(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); break; case BT_L2CAP_PDU_CONN_REQ: ret = l2cap_conn_req(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); break; case BT_L2CAP_PDU_CONN_RSP: ret = l2cap_conn_rsp(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); break; case BT_L2CAP_PDU_CONFIG_REQ: ret = l2cap_config_req(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); break; case BT_L2CAP_PDU_CONFIG_RSP: ret = l2cap_config_rsp(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); break; case BT_L2CAP_PDU_DISCONN_REQ: ret = l2cap_disconn_req(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); break; case BT_L2CAP_PDU_INFO_REQ: ret = l2cap_info_req(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); break; default: printf("Unknown L2CAP code 0x%02x\n", hdr->code); ret = false; } handle_pending_l2reqs(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, hdr->code, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); if (ret) return; reject: memset(&rej, 0, sizeof(rej)); l2cap_sig_send(bthost, conn, BT_L2CAP_PDU_CMD_REJECT, 0, &rej, sizeof(rej)); } static bool l2cap_conn_param_req(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, uint8_t ident, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_l2cap_pdu_conn_param_req *req = data; struct bt_l2cap_pdu_conn_param_rsp rsp; struct bt_hci_cmd_le_conn_update hci_cmd; if (len < sizeof(*req)) return false; memset(&hci_cmd, 0, sizeof(hci_cmd)); hci_cmd.handle = cpu_to_le16(conn->handle); hci_cmd.min_interval = req->min_interval; hci_cmd.max_interval = req->max_interval; hci_cmd.latency = req->latency; hci_cmd.supv_timeout = req->timeout; hci_cmd.min_length = cpu_to_le16(0x0001); hci_cmd.max_length = cpu_to_le16(0x0001); send_command(bthost, BT_HCI_CMD_LE_CONN_UPDATE, &hci_cmd, sizeof(hci_cmd)); memset(&rsp, 0, sizeof(rsp)); l2cap_sig_send(bthost, conn, BT_L2CAP_PDU_CONN_PARAM_RSP, ident, &rsp, sizeof(rsp)); return true; } static bool l2cap_conn_param_rsp(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, uint8_t ident, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_l2cap_pdu_conn_param_req *rsp = data; if (len < sizeof(*rsp)) return false; return true; } static bool l2cap_le_conn_req(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, uint8_t ident, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_l2cap_pdu_le_conn_req *req = data; struct bt_l2cap_pdu_le_conn_rsp rsp; uint16_t psm; if (len < sizeof(*req)) return false; psm = le16_to_cpu(req->psm); memset(&rsp, 0, sizeof(rsp)); rsp.mtu = 23; rsp.mps = 23; rsp.credits = 1; if (bthost->server_psm && bthost->server_psm == psm) rsp.dcid = cpu_to_le16(conn->next_cid++); else rsp.result = cpu_to_le16(0x0002); /* PSM Not Supported */ l2cap_sig_send(bthost, conn, BT_L2CAP_PDU_LE_CONN_RSP, ident, &rsp, sizeof(rsp)); return true; } static bool l2cap_le_conn_rsp(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, uint8_t ident, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_l2cap_pdu_le_conn_rsp *rsp = data; if (len < sizeof(*rsp)) return false; bthost_add_l2cap_conn(bthost, conn, 0, le16_to_cpu(rsp->dcid)); return true; } static void l2cap_le_sig(struct bthost *bthost, struct btconn *conn, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_l2cap_hdr_sig *hdr = data; struct bt_l2cap_pdu_cmd_reject rej; uint16_t hdr_len; bool ret; if (len < sizeof(*hdr)) goto reject; hdr_len = le16_to_cpu(hdr->len); if (sizeof(*hdr) + hdr_len != len) goto reject; switch (hdr->code) { case BT_L2CAP_PDU_CMD_REJECT: ret = l2cap_cmd_rej(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); break; case BT_L2CAP_PDU_DISCONN_REQ: ret = l2cap_disconn_req(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); break; case BT_L2CAP_PDU_CONN_PARAM_REQ: ret = l2cap_conn_param_req(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); break; case BT_L2CAP_PDU_CONN_PARAM_RSP: ret = l2cap_conn_param_rsp(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); break; case BT_L2CAP_PDU_LE_CONN_REQ: ret = l2cap_le_conn_req(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); break; case BT_L2CAP_PDU_LE_CONN_RSP: ret = l2cap_le_conn_rsp(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); break; default: printf("Unknown L2CAP code 0x%02x\n", hdr->code); ret = false; } handle_pending_l2reqs(bthost, conn, hdr->ident, hdr->code, data + sizeof(*hdr), hdr_len); if (ret) return; reject: memset(&rej, 0, sizeof(rej)); l2cap_sig_send(bthost, conn, BT_L2CAP_PDU_CMD_REJECT, 0, &rej, sizeof(rej)); } static struct cid_hook *find_cid_hook(struct btconn *conn, uint16_t cid) { struct cid_hook *hook; for (hook = conn->cid_hooks; hook != NULL; hook = hook->next) { if (hook->cid == cid) return hook; } return NULL; } static void process_acl(struct bthost *bthost, const void *data, uint16_t len) { const struct bt_hci_acl_hdr *acl_hdr = data; const struct bt_l2cap_hdr *l2_hdr = data + sizeof(*acl_hdr); uint16_t handle, cid, acl_len, l2_len; struct cid_hook *hook; struct btconn *conn; const void *l2_data; if (len < sizeof(*acl_hdr) + sizeof(*l2_hdr)) return; acl_len = le16_to_cpu(acl_hdr->dlen); if (len != sizeof(*acl_hdr) + acl_len) return; handle = acl_handle(acl_hdr->handle); conn = bthost_find_conn(bthost, handle); if (!conn) { printf("ACL data for unknown handle 0x%04x\n", handle); return; } l2_len = le16_to_cpu(l2_hdr->len); if (len - sizeof(*acl_hdr) != sizeof(*l2_hdr) + l2_len) return; l2_data = data + sizeof(*acl_hdr) + sizeof(*l2_hdr); cid = le16_to_cpu(l2_hdr->cid); hook = find_cid_hook(conn, cid); if (hook) { hook->func(l2_data, l2_len, hook->user_data); return; } switch (cid) { case 0x0001: l2cap_sig(bthost, conn, l2_data, l2_len); break; case 0x0005: l2cap_le_sig(bthost, conn, l2_data, l2_len); break; default: printf("Packet for unknown CID 0x%04x (%u)\n", cid, cid); break; } } void bthost_receive_h4(struct bthost *bthost, const void *data, uint16_t len) { uint8_t pkt_type; if (!bthost) return; if (len < 1) return; pkt_type = ((const uint8_t *) data)[0]; switch (pkt_type) { case BT_H4_EVT_PKT: process_evt(bthost, data + 1, len - 1); break; case BT_H4_ACL_PKT: process_acl(bthost, data + 1, len - 1); break; default: printf("Unsupported packet 0x%2.2x\n", pkt_type); break; } } void bthost_set_cmd_complete_cb(struct bthost *bthost, bthost_cmd_complete_cb cb, void *user_data) { bthost->cmd_complete_cb = cb; bthost->cmd_complete_data = user_data; } void bthost_set_connect_cb(struct bthost *bthost, bthost_new_conn_cb cb, void *user_data) { bthost->new_conn_cb = cb; bthost->new_conn_data = user_data; } void bthost_hci_connect(struct bthost *bthost, const uint8_t *bdaddr, uint8_t addr_type) { if (addr_type == BDADDR_BREDR) { struct bt_hci_cmd_create_conn cc; memset(&cc, 0, sizeof(cc)); memcpy(cc.bdaddr, bdaddr, sizeof(cc.bdaddr)); send_command(bthost, BT_HCI_CMD_CREATE_CONN, &cc, sizeof(cc)); } else { struct bt_hci_cmd_le_create_conn cc; memset(&cc, 0, sizeof(cc)); memcpy(cc.peer_addr, bdaddr, sizeof(cc.peer_addr)); if (addr_type == BDADDR_LE_RANDOM) cc.peer_addr_type = 0x01; send_command(bthost, BT_HCI_CMD_LE_CREATE_CONN, &cc, sizeof(cc)); } } void bthost_write_scan_enable(struct bthost *bthost, uint8_t scan) { send_command(bthost, BT_HCI_CMD_WRITE_SCAN_ENABLE, &scan, 1); } void bthost_set_adv_enable(struct bthost *bthost, uint8_t enable) { send_command(bthost, BT_HCI_CMD_LE_SET_ADV_ENABLE, &enable, 1); } void bthost_le_start_encrypt(struct bthost *bthost, uint16_t handle, const uint8_t ltk[16]) { struct bt_hci_cmd_le_start_encrypt cmd; printf("bthost_le_start_encrypt(handle %u)\n", handle); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.handle = htobs(handle); memcpy(cmd.ltk, ltk, 16); send_command(bthost, BT_HCI_CMD_LE_START_ENCRYPT, &cmd, sizeof(cmd)); } void bthost_set_server_psm(struct bthost *bthost, uint16_t psm) { bthost->server_psm = psm; } void bthost_start(struct bthost *bthost) { if (!bthost) return; bthost->ncmd = 1; send_command(bthost, BT_HCI_CMD_RESET, NULL, 0); send_command(bthost, BT_HCI_CMD_READ_BD_ADDR, NULL, 0); } void bthost_stop(struct bthost *bthost) { }