=head1 NAME bt-obex - a bluetooth OBEX client/server =head1 SYNOPSIS bt-obex [OPTION...] Help Options: -h, --help Application Options: -a, --adapter= -s, --server [] -p, --opp -f, --ftp= =head1 DESCRIPTION This utility implemented support of Object Push Profile (OPP) and File Transfer Profile (FTP). You can send and receive files to/from remote device using this tool. =head1 OPTIONS B<-h, --help> Show help B<-a, --adapter Ename|macE> Specify adapter to use by his Name or MAC address (if this option does not defined - default adapter used) B<-s, --server [EpathE]> Register agent at OBEX server and set incoming/root directory to `path` or current folder will be used; Agent is used to accept/reject imcoming bluetooth object push requests B<-p, --opp Ename|macE EfileE> Send local file to the specified remove device using object push profile B<-f, --ftp Ename|macE> Start ftp session with remote device; If session opened successfuly, ftp shell will be opened FTP commands: help Show help message exit Close FTP session cd Change the current folder of the remote device mkdir Create a new folder in the remote device ls List folder contents get Copy the src file (from remote device) to the dst file (on local filesystem) put Copy the src file (from local filesystem) to the dst file (on remote device) cp Copy a file within the remote device from src file to dst file mv Move a file within the remote device from src file to dst file rm Deletes the specified file/folder =head1 AUTHOR Alexander Orlenko . =head1 SEE ALSO bt-adapter(1) bt-agent(1) bt-audio(1) bt-device(1) bt-input(1) bt-monitor(1) bt-network(1) bt-serial(1)