=head1 NAME bt-network - a bluetooth network manager =head1 SYNOPSIS bt-network [OPTION...] Help Options: -h, --help Application Options: -a, --adapter= -c, --connect -s, --server =head1 DESCRIPTION This utility is used to manage network services (client/server). All servers will be automatically unregistered when the application terminates. =head1 OPTIONS B<-h, --help> Show help B<-a, --adapter Ename|macE> Specify adapter to use by his Name or MAC address (if this option does not defined - default adapter used) B<-c, --connect Ename|macE EuuidE> Connect to the network device and return the network interface name, uuid can be either one of "gn", "panu" or "nap" B<-s, --server Egn|panu|napE EbrigeE> Register server for the provided UUID, every new connection to this server will be added the bridge interface =head1 AUTHOR Alexander Orlenko . =head1 SEE ALSO bt-adapter(1) bt-agent(1) bt-audio(1) bt-device(1) bt-input(1) bt-monitor(1) bt-serial(1)