# AT_BISON_OPTION_PUSHDEFS/AT_BISON_OPTION_POPDEFS These two macros must be given the (main) directives so that they define a number of other macros to: - what the language is (so what compiler tool chain to use, what definition of yylex/yyerror, etc.) - what skeleton is used # Keywords The following keywords are used to label tests (with AT_KEYWORDS([[category]])). Please follow them and avoid creating synonyms. - action - api.value.type - c++: c++ language - cex: counterexamples. - d: d language - deprec: deprecated features. - diagnostics - glr - graph - html: html reports - java - lac - %merge - multistart - push - report: for automaton dumps - %union - variant - yacc: POSIX yacc (%yacc) # Calculator The grammar features several special directives: - `!!` YYERROR - `!+` YYACCEPT - `!-` YYABORT - `!*` YYNOMEM