/* Bison Grammar Scanner -*- C -*- Copyright (C) 2002-2015, 2018-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ %option debug nodefault noinput noyywrap never-interactive %option prefix="gram_" outfile="lex.yy.c" %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include "src/complain.h" #include "src/files.h" #include "src/getargs.h" #include "src/gram.h" #include "src/reader.h" #include "src/scan-gram.h" #include "src/uniqstr.h" #define FLEX_PREFIX(Id) gram_ ## Id #include "src/flex-scanner.h" /* Work around a bug in flex 2.5.31. See Debian bug 333231 . */ #undef gram_wrap #define gram_wrap() 1 #define YY_DECL GRAM_LEX_DECL /* Location of scanner cursor. */ static boundary scanner_cursor; #define YY_USER_ACTION location_compute (loc, &scanner_cursor, yytext, yyleng); /* Report that yytext is an extension, and evaluate to its token kind. */ #define BISON_DIRECTIVE(Directive) \ (bison_directive (loc, yytext), PERCENT_ ## Directive) #define RETURN_PERCENT_PARAM(Value) \ RETURN_VALUE(PERCENT_PARAM, param_ ## Value) #define RETURN_PERCENT_FLAG(Value) \ RETURN_VALUE(PERCENT_FLAG, uniqstr_new (Value)) #define RETURN_VALUE(Token, Value) \ do { \ val->Token = Value; \ return Token; \ } while (0) #define ROLLBACK_CURRENT_TOKEN \ do { \ scanner_cursor.column -= mbsnwidth (yytext, yyleng, 0); \ scanner_cursor.byte -= yyleng; \ yyless (0); \ } while (0) #define DEPRECATED_DIRECTIVE(Msg) \ do { \ deprecated_directive (loc, yytext, Msg); \ scanner_cursor.column -= mbsnwidth (Msg, strlen (Msg), 0); \ scanner_cursor.byte -= strlen (Msg); \ for (size_t i = strlen (Msg); i != 0; --i) \ unput (Msg[i - 1]); \ } while (0) #define STRING_GROW_ESCAPE(Char) \ do { \ verify (UCHAR_MAX < ULONG_MAX); \ long c = Char; \ bool valid = 0 < c && c <= UCHAR_MAX; \ if (!valid) \ complain (loc, complaint, \ _("invalid number after \\-escape: %s"), \ yytext + 1); \ if (YY_START == SC_ESCAPED_CHARACTER) \ STRING_1GROW (valid ? c : '?'); \ else \ STRING_GROW (); \ } while (0) /* The current file name. Might change with #line. */ static uniqstr current_file = NULL; /* A string representing the most recently saved token. */ static char *last_string = NULL; /* Bracketed identifier. */ static uniqstr bracketed_id_str = NULL; static location bracketed_id_loc; static boundary bracketed_id_start; static int bracketed_id_context_state = 0; void gram_scanner_last_string_free (void) { STRING_FREE (); } static void handle_syncline (char *, location); static int scan_integer (char const *p, int base, location loc); static int convert_ucn_to_byte (char const *hex_text); static void unexpected_eof (boundary, char const *); static void unexpected_newline (boundary, char const *); %} /* A C-like comment in directives/rules. */ %x SC_YACC_COMMENT /* Characters and strings in directives/rules. */ %x SC_ESCAPED_CHARACTER SC_ESCAPED_STRING SC_ESCAPED_TSTRING /* A identifier was just read in directives/rules. Special state to capture the sequence 'identifier :'. */ %x SC_AFTER_IDENTIFIER /* POSIX says that a tag must be both an id and a C union member, but historically almost any character is allowed in a tag. We disallow NUL, as this simplifies our implementation. We match angle brackets in nested pairs: several languages use them for generics/template types. */ %x SC_TAG /* Four types of user code: - prologue (code between '%{' '%}' in the first section, before %%); - actions, printers, union, etc, (between braced in the middle section); - epilogue (everything after the second %%). - predicate (code between '%?{' and '{' in middle section); */ %x SC_PROLOGUE SC_BRACED_CODE SC_EPILOGUE SC_PREDICATE /* C and C++ comments in code. */ %x SC_COMMENT SC_LINE_COMMENT /* Strings and characters in code. */ %x SC_STRING SC_CHARACTER /* Bracketed identifiers support. */ %x SC_BRACKETED_ID SC_RETURN_BRACKETED_ID letter [.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_] id {letter}({letter}|[-0-9])* int [0-9]+ xint 0[xX][0-9abcdefABCDEF]+ eol \n|\r\n /* UTF-8 Encoded Unicode Code Point, from Flex's documentation. */ mbchar [\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E]|[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]|\xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF]([\x80-\xBF]{2})|\xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]|\xF0[\x\90-\xBF]([\x80-\xBF]{2})|[\xF1-\xF3]([\x80-\xBF]{3})|\xF4[\x80-\x8F]([\x80-\xBF]{2}) /* Zero or more instances of backslash-newline. Following GCC, allow white space between the backslash and the newline. */ splice (\\[ \f\t\v]*{eol})* /* An equal sign, with optional leading whitespaces. This is used in some deprecated constructs. */ sp [[:space:]]* eqopt ({sp}=)? %% %{ /* Nesting level. Either for nested braces, or nested angle brackets (but not mixed). */ int nesting PACIFY_CC (= 0); /* Parent context state, when applicable. */ int context_state PACIFY_CC (= 0); /* Location of most recent identifier, when applicable. */ location id_loc PACIFY_CC (= empty_loc); /* Where containing code started, when applicable. Its initial value is relevant only when yylex is invoked in the SC_EPILOGUE start condition. */ boundary code_start = scanner_cursor; /* Where containing comment or string or character literal started, when applicable. */ boundary token_start PACIFY_CC (= scanner_cursor); /* We cannot trust YY_USER_INIT, whose semantics changes over time (it moved in Flex 2.5.38). */ static bool first = true; if (first) { scanner_cursor = loc->start; first = false; } %} /*-----------------------. | Scanning white space. | `-----------------------*/ { /* Comments and white space. */ "," { complain (loc, Wother, _("stray ',' treated as white space")); } [ \f\t\v\r]|{eol} | "//".* continue; "/*" { token_start = loc->start; context_state = YY_START; BEGIN SC_YACC_COMMENT; } ^"#line "{int}(" \"".*"\"")?{eol} { handle_syncline (yytext + sizeof "#line " - 1, *loc); } } /*----------------------------. | Scanning Bison directives. | `----------------------------*/ /* For directives that are also command line options, the regex must be "%..." after "[-_]"s are removed, and the directive must match the --long option name, with a single string argument. Otherwise, add exceptions to ../build-aux/cross-options.pl. */ { "%binary" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (NONASSOC); "%code" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (CODE); "%debug" RETURN_PERCENT_FLAG ("parse.trace"); "%default-prec" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (DEFAULT_PREC); "%define" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (DEFINE); "%defines" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (DEFINES); "%destructor" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (DESTRUCTOR); "%dprec" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (DPREC); "%empty" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (EMPTY); "%expect" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (EXPECT); "%expect-rr" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (EXPECT_RR); "%file-prefix" RETURN_VALUE (PERCENT_FILE_PREFIX, uniqstr_new (yytext)); "%initial-action" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (INITIAL_ACTION); "%glr-parser" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (GLR_PARSER); "%language" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (LANGUAGE); "%left" return PERCENT_LEFT; "%lex-param" RETURN_PERCENT_PARAM (lex); "%locations" RETURN_PERCENT_FLAG ("locations"); "%merge" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (MERGE); "%no-default-prec" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (NO_DEFAULT_PREC); "%no-lines" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (NO_LINES); "%nonassoc" return PERCENT_NONASSOC; "%nondeterministic-parser" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (NONDETERMINISTIC_PARSER); "%nterm" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (NTERM); "%output" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (OUTPUT); "%param" RETURN_PERCENT_PARAM (both); "%parse-param" RETURN_PERCENT_PARAM (parse); "%prec" return PERCENT_PREC; "%precedence" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (PRECEDENCE); "%printer" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (PRINTER); "%require" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (REQUIRE); "%right" return PERCENT_RIGHT; "%skeleton" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (SKELETON); "%start" return PERCENT_START; "%term" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (TOKEN); "%token" return PERCENT_TOKEN; "%token-table" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (TOKEN_TABLE); "%type" return PERCENT_TYPE; "%union" return PERCENT_UNION; "%verbose" return BISON_DIRECTIVE (VERBOSE); "%yacc" return PERCENT_YACC; /* Deprecated since Bison 2.3b (2008-05-27), but the warning is issued only since Bison 3.4. */ "%pure"[-_]"parser" RETURN_VALUE (PERCENT_PURE_PARSER, uniqstr_new (yytext)); /* Deprecated since Bison 3.0 (2013-07-25), but the warning is issued only since Bison 3.3. */ "%error-verbose" RETURN_VALUE (PERCENT_ERROR_VERBOSE, uniqstr_new (yytext)); /* Deprecated since Bison 2.6 (2012-07-19), but the warning is issued only since Bison 3.3. */ "%name"[-_]"prefix"{eqopt}{sp} RETURN_VALUE (PERCENT_NAME_PREFIX, uniqstr_new (yytext)); /* Deprecated since Bison 2.7.90, 2012. */ "%default"[-_]"prec" DEPRECATED_DIRECTIVE ("%default-prec"); "%error"[-_]"verbose" RETURN_VALUE (PERCENT_ERROR_VERBOSE, uniqstr_new (yytext)); "%expect"[-_]"rr" DEPRECATED_DIRECTIVE ("%expect-rr"); "%file-prefix"{eqopt} RETURN_VALUE (PERCENT_FILE_PREFIX, uniqstr_new (yytext)); "%fixed"[-_]"output"[-_]"files" DEPRECATED_DIRECTIVE ("%output \"y.tab.c\""); "%no"[-_]"default"[-_]"prec" DEPRECATED_DIRECTIVE ("%no-default-prec"); "%no"[-_]"lines" DEPRECATED_DIRECTIVE ("%no-lines"); "%output"{eqopt} DEPRECATED_DIRECTIVE ("%output"); "%token"[-_]"table" DEPRECATED_DIRECTIVE ("%token-table"); "%"{id} { complain (loc, complaint, _("invalid directive: %s"), quote (yytext)); return GRAM_error; } ":" return COLON; "=" return EQUAL; "|" return PIPE; ";" return SEMICOLON; {id} { val->ID = uniqstr_new (yytext); id_loc = *loc; bracketed_id_str = NULL; BEGIN SC_AFTER_IDENTIFIER; } {int} RETURN_VALUE (INT, scan_integer (yytext, 10, *loc)); {xint} RETURN_VALUE (INT, scan_integer (yytext, 16, *loc)); /* Identifiers may not start with a digit. Yet, don't silently accept "1FOO" as "1 FOO". */ {int}{id} { complain (loc, complaint, _("invalid identifier: %s"), quote (yytext)); return GRAM_error; } /* Characters. */ "'" token_start = loc->start; BEGIN SC_ESCAPED_CHARACTER; /* Strings. */ "\"" token_start = loc->start; STRING_1GROW ('"'); BEGIN SC_ESCAPED_STRING; "_(\"" token_start = loc->start; STRING_1GROW ('"'); BEGIN SC_ESCAPED_TSTRING; /* Prologue. */ "%{" code_start = loc->start; BEGIN SC_PROLOGUE; /* Code in between braces. */ "{" { STRING_GROW (); nesting = 0; code_start = loc->start; BEGIN SC_BRACED_CODE; } /* Semantic predicate. */ "%?"([ \f\t\v]|{eol})*"{" { nesting = 0; code_start = loc->start; BEGIN SC_PREDICATE; } /* A type. */ "<*>" return TAG_ANY; "<>" return TAG_NONE; "<" { nesting = 0; token_start = loc->start; BEGIN SC_TAG; } "%%" { static int percent_percent_count; if (++percent_percent_count == 2) BEGIN SC_EPILOGUE; return PERCENT_PERCENT; } "[" { bracketed_id_str = NULL; bracketed_id_start = loc->start; bracketed_id_context_state = YY_START; BEGIN SC_BRACKETED_ID; } [^\[%A-Za-z0-9_<>{}""''*;|=/, \f\r\n\t\v]+|. { complain (loc, complaint, "%s: %s", ngettext ("invalid character", "invalid characters", yyleng), quote_mem (yytext, yyleng)); return GRAM_error; } <> { loc->start = loc->end = scanner_cursor; yyterminate (); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------. | Supporting \0 complexifies our implementation for no expected | | added value. | `--------------------------------------------------------------*/ { \0 { complain (loc, complaint, _("invalid null character")); STRING_FREE (); return GRAM_error; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------. | Scanning after an identifier, checking whether a colon is next. | `-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ { "[" { if (bracketed_id_str) { ROLLBACK_CURRENT_TOKEN; BEGIN SC_RETURN_BRACKETED_ID; *loc = id_loc; return ID; } else { bracketed_id_start = loc->start; bracketed_id_context_state = YY_START; BEGIN SC_BRACKETED_ID; } } ":" { ROLLBACK_CURRENT_TOKEN; BEGIN (bracketed_id_str ? SC_RETURN_BRACKETED_ID : INITIAL); *loc = id_loc; return ID_COLON; } . { ROLLBACK_CURRENT_TOKEN; BEGIN (bracketed_id_str ? SC_RETURN_BRACKETED_ID : INITIAL); *loc = id_loc; return ID; } <> { BEGIN (bracketed_id_str ? SC_RETURN_BRACKETED_ID : INITIAL); *loc = id_loc; return ID; } } /*--------------------------------. | Scanning bracketed identifiers. | `--------------------------------*/ { {id} { if (bracketed_id_str) { complain (loc, complaint, _("unexpected identifier in bracketed name: %s"), quote (yytext)); return GRAM_error; } else { bracketed_id_str = uniqstr_new (yytext); bracketed_id_loc = *loc; } } "]" { BEGIN bracketed_id_context_state; if (bracketed_id_str) { if (INITIAL == bracketed_id_context_state) { val->BRACKETED_ID = bracketed_id_str; bracketed_id_str = 0; *loc = bracketed_id_loc; return BRACKETED_ID; } } else { complain (loc, complaint, _("an identifier expected")); return GRAM_error; } } [^\].A-Za-z0-9_/ \f\r\n\t\v]+|. { complain (loc, complaint, "%s: %s", ngettext ("invalid character in bracketed name", "invalid characters in bracketed name", yyleng), quote_mem (yytext, yyleng)); return GRAM_error; } <> { BEGIN bracketed_id_context_state; unexpected_eof (bracketed_id_start, "]"); } } { . { ROLLBACK_CURRENT_TOKEN; val->BRACKETED_ID = bracketed_id_str; bracketed_id_str = 0; *loc = bracketed_id_loc; BEGIN INITIAL; return BRACKETED_ID; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------. | Scanning a Yacc comment. The initial '/ *' is already eaten. | `---------------------------------------------------------------*/ { "*/" BEGIN context_state; .|{eol} continue; <> unexpected_eof (token_start, "*/"); BEGIN context_state; } /*------------------------------------------------------------. | Scanning a C comment. The initial '/ *' is already eaten. | `------------------------------------------------------------*/ { "*"{splice}"/" STRING_GROW (); BEGIN context_state; <> unexpected_eof (token_start, "*/"); BEGIN context_state; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------. | Scanning a line comment. The initial '//' is already eaten. | `--------------------------------------------------------------*/ { {eol} STRING_GROW (); BEGIN context_state; {splice} STRING_GROW (); <> BEGIN context_state; } /*------------------------------------------------. | Scanning a Bison string, including its escapes. | | The initial quote is already eaten. | `------------------------------------------------*/ { "\"" { STRING_1GROW ('"'); STRING_FINISH (); BEGIN INITIAL; loc->start = token_start; complain (loc, Wyacc, _("POSIX Yacc does not support string literals")); RETURN_VALUE (STRING, last_string); } } { "\")" { STRING_1GROW ('"'); STRING_FINISH (); BEGIN INITIAL; loc->start = token_start; complain (loc, Wyacc, _("POSIX Yacc does not support string literals")); RETURN_VALUE (TSTRING, last_string); } } { <> unexpected_eof (token_start, "\""); "\n" unexpected_newline (token_start, "\""); } /*----------------------------------------------------------. | Scanning a Bison character literal, decoding its escapes. | | The initial quote is already eaten. | `----------------------------------------------------------*/ { "'" { STRING_FINISH (); BEGIN INITIAL; loc->start = token_start; val->CHAR = last_string[0]; if (last_string[0] == '\0') { complain (loc, complaint, _("empty character literal")); STRING_FREE (); return GRAM_error; } else if (last_string[1] != '\0') { complain (loc, complaint, _("extra characters in character literal")); STRING_FREE (); return GRAM_error; } else { STRING_FREE (); return CHAR; } } {eol} unexpected_newline (token_start, "'"); <> unexpected_eof (token_start, "'"); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------. | Scanning a tag. The initial angle bracket is already eaten. | `--------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ">" { --nesting; if (nesting < 0) { STRING_FINISH (); loc->start = token_start; val->TAG = uniqstr_new (last_string); STRING_FREE (); BEGIN INITIAL; return TAG; } STRING_GROW (); } ([^<>]|->)+ STRING_GROW (); "<"+ STRING_GROW (); nesting += yyleng; <> unexpected_eof (token_start, ">"); } /*----------------------------. | Decode escaped characters. | `----------------------------*/ { \\[0-7]{1,3} { STRING_GROW_ESCAPE (strtol (yytext + 1, NULL, 8)); } \\x[0-9abcdefABCDEF]+ { STRING_GROW_ESCAPE (strtol (yytext + 2, NULL, 16)); } \\a STRING_GROW_ESCAPE ('\a'); \\b STRING_GROW_ESCAPE ('\b'); \\f STRING_GROW_ESCAPE ('\f'); \\n STRING_GROW_ESCAPE ('\n'); \\r STRING_GROW_ESCAPE ('\r'); \\t STRING_GROW_ESCAPE ('\t'); \\v STRING_GROW_ESCAPE ('\v'); /* \\[\"\'?\\] would be shorter, but it confuses xgettext. */ \\("\""|"'"|"?"|"\\") STRING_GROW_ESCAPE (yytext[1]); \\(u|U[0-9abcdefABCDEF]{4})[0-9abcdefABCDEF]{4} { STRING_GROW_ESCAPE (convert_ucn_to_byte (yytext)); } \\(.|{eol}) { char const *p = yytext + 1; /* Quote only if escaping won't make the character visible. */ if (c_isspace ((unsigned char) *p) && c_isprint ((unsigned char) *p)) p = quote (p); else p = quotearg_style_mem (escape_quoting_style, p, 1); complain (loc, complaint, _("invalid character after \\-escape: %s"), p); STRING_1GROW ('?'); } } /*--------------------------------------------. | Scanning user-code characters and strings. | `--------------------------------------------*/ { {splice}|\\{splice}[^\n\[\]] STRING_GROW (); } { "'" STRING_GROW (); BEGIN context_state; {eol} unexpected_newline (token_start, "'"); <> unexpected_eof (token_start, "'"); } { "\"" STRING_GROW (); BEGIN context_state; {eol} unexpected_newline (token_start, "\""); <> unexpected_eof (token_start, "\""); } /*---------------------------------------------------. | Strings, comments etc. can be found in user code. | `---------------------------------------------------*/ { "'" { STRING_GROW (); context_state = YY_START; token_start = loc->start; BEGIN SC_CHARACTER; } "\"" { STRING_GROW (); context_state = YY_START; token_start = loc->start; BEGIN SC_STRING; } "/"{splice}"*" { STRING_GROW (); context_state = YY_START; token_start = loc->start; BEGIN SC_COMMENT; } "/"{splice}"/" { STRING_GROW (); context_state = YY_START; BEGIN SC_LINE_COMMENT; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------. | Scanning some code in braces (actions, predicates). The | | initial "{" is already eaten. | `-----------------------------------------------------------*/ { "{"|"<"{splice}"%" STRING_GROW (); nesting++; "%"{splice}">" STRING_GROW (); nesting--; /* Tokenize '<<%' correctly (as '<<' '%') rather than incorrectly (as '<' '<%'). */ "<"{splice}"<" STRING_GROW (); <> unexpected_eof (code_start, "}"); } { "}" { STRING_1GROW ('}'); --nesting; if (nesting < 0) { STRING_FINISH (); loc->start = code_start; BEGIN INITIAL; RETURN_VALUE (BRACED_CODE, last_string); } } } { "}" { --nesting; if (nesting < 0) { STRING_FINISH (); loc->start = code_start; BEGIN INITIAL; RETURN_VALUE (BRACED_PREDICATE, last_string); } else STRING_1GROW ('}'); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------. | Scanning some prologue: from "%{" (already scanned) to "%}". | `--------------------------------------------------------------*/ { "%}" { STRING_FINISH (); loc->start = code_start; BEGIN INITIAL; RETURN_VALUE (PROLOGUE, last_string); } <> unexpected_eof (code_start, "%}"); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------. | Scanning the epilogue (everything after the second "%%", which | | has already been eaten). | `---------------------------------------------------------------*/ { <> { STRING_FINISH (); loc->start = code_start; BEGIN INITIAL; RETURN_VALUE (EPILOGUE, last_string); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------. | By default, grow the string obstack with the input. | `-----------------------------------------------------*/ { /* Accept multibyte characters in one block instead of byte after byte, so that add_column_width and mbsnwidth can compute correct screen width. Add a fallthrough "|." so that non UTF-8 input is still accepted and does not jam the scanner. */ {mbchar}|. STRING_GROW (); } %% /*------------------------------------------------------. | Scan NUMBER for a base-BASE integer at location LOC. | `------------------------------------------------------*/ static int scan_integer (char const *number, int base, location loc) { verify (INT_MAX < ULONG_MAX); if (base == 16) complain (&loc, Wyacc, _("POSIX Yacc does not support hexadecimal literals")); errno = 0; long num = strtol (number, NULL, base); if (! (0 <= num && num <= INT_MAX && errno == 0)) { complain (&loc, complaint, _("integer out of range: %s"), quote (number)); num = INT_MAX; } return num; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------. | Convert universal character name UCN to a single-byte character, | | and return that character. Return -1 if UCN does not correspond | | to a single-byte character. | `------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int convert_ucn_to_byte (char const *ucn) { verify (UCHAR_MAX <= INT_MAX); long code = strtol (ucn + 2, NULL, 16); /* FIXME: Currently we assume Unicode-compatible unibyte characters on ASCII hosts (i.e., Latin-1 on hosts with 8-bit bytes). On non-ASCII hosts we support only the portable C character set. These limitations should be removed once we add support for multibyte characters. */ if (! (0 <= code && code <= UCHAR_MAX)) return -1; #if ! ('$' == 0x24 && '@' == 0x40 && '`' == 0x60 && '~' == 0x7e) { /* A non-ASCII host. Use CODE to index into a table of the C basic execution character set, which is guaranteed to exist on all Standard C platforms. This table also includes '$', '@', and '`', which are not in the basic execution character set but which are unibyte characters on all the platforms that we know about. */ static signed char const table[] = { '\0', -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, '\a', '\b', '\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r', -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~' }; code = code < sizeof table ? table[code] : -1; } #endif return code; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------. | Handle '#line INT( "FILE")?\n'. ARGS has already skipped '#line '. | `---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void handle_syncline (char *args, location loc) { char *file; errno = 0; long lineno = strtol (args, &file, 10); if (! (0 <= lineno && lineno <= INT_MAX && errno == 0)) { complain (&loc, Wother, _("line number overflow")); lineno = INT_MAX; } file = strchr (file, '"'); if (file) { *strchr (file + 1, '"') = '\0'; current_file = uniqstr_new (file + 1); } boundary_set (&scanner_cursor, current_file, lineno, 1, 1); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------. | For a token or comment starting at START, report message MSGID, | | which should say that an end marker was found before the | | expected TOKEN_END. Then, pretend that TOKEN_END was found. | `----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void unexpected_end (boundary start, char const *msgid, char const *token_end) { location loc; loc.start = start; loc.end = scanner_cursor; size_t i = strlen (token_end); /* Adjust scanner cursor so that any later message does not count the characters about to be inserted. */ scanner_cursor.column -= i; scanner_cursor.byte -= i; while (i != 0) unput (token_end[--i]); token_end = quote (token_end); /* Instead of '\'', display "'". */ if (STREQ (token_end, "'\\''")) token_end = "\"'\""; complain (&loc, complaint, msgid, token_end); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Report an unexpected EOF in a token or comment starting at START. | | An end of file was encountered and the expected TOKEN_END was missing. | | After reporting the problem, pretend that TOKEN_END was found. | `------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void unexpected_eof (boundary start, char const *token_end) { unexpected_end (start, _("missing %s at end of file"), token_end); } /*----------------------------------------. | Likewise, but for unexpected newlines. | `----------------------------------------*/ static void unexpected_newline (boundary start, char const *token_end) { unexpected_end (start, _("missing %s at end of line"), token_end); } void gram_scanner_open (const char *gram) { gram__flex_debug = trace_flag & trace_scan; gram_debug = trace_flag & trace_parse; obstack_init (&obstack_for_string); current_file = gram; gram_in = xfopen (gram, "r"); } void gram_scanner_close (void) { xfclose (gram_in); /* Reclaim Flex's buffers. */ yylex_destroy (); } void gram_scanner_free (void) { obstack_free (&obstack_for_string, 0); }