/* Allocate input grammar variables for Bison. Copyright (C) 1984, 1986, 1989, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "system.h" #include #include "gram.h" #include "reader.h" #include "reduce.h" #include "symtab.h" #include "print-xml.h" /* Comments for these variables are in gram.h. */ item_number *ritem = NULL; unsigned int nritems = 0; rule *rules = NULL; rule_number nrules = 0; symbol **symbols = NULL; int nsyms = 0; int ntokens = 1; int nvars = 0; symbol_number *token_translations = NULL; int max_user_token_number = 256; bool rule_useful_in_grammar_p (rule *r) { return r->number < nrules; } bool rule_useless_in_grammar_p (rule *r) { return !rule_useful_in_grammar_p (r); } bool rule_useless_in_parser_p (rule *r) { return !r->useful && rule_useful_in_grammar_p (r); } void rule_lhs_print (rule *r, symbol *previous_lhs, FILE *out) { fprintf (out, " %3d ", r->number); if (previous_lhs != r->lhs) { fprintf (out, "%s:", r->lhs->tag); } else { int n; for (n = strlen (previous_lhs->tag); n > 0; --n) fputc (' ', out); fputc ('|', out); } } void rule_lhs_print_xml (rule *r, FILE *out, int level) { xml_printf (out, level, "%s", r->lhs->tag); } int rule_rhs_length (rule *r) { int res = 0; item_number *rhsp; for (rhsp = r->rhs; *rhsp >= 0; ++rhsp) ++res; return res; } void rule_rhs_print (rule *r, FILE *out) { if (*r->rhs >= 0) { item_number *rp; for (rp = r->rhs; *rp >= 0; rp++) fprintf (out, " %s", symbols[*rp]->tag); fputc ('\n', out); } else { fprintf (out, " /* %s */\n", _("empty")); } } static void rule_rhs_print_xml (rule *r, FILE *out, int level) { if (*r->rhs >= 0) { item_number *rp; xml_puts (out, level, ""); for (rp = r->rhs; *rp >= 0; rp++) xml_printf (out, level + 1, "%s", xml_escape (symbols[*rp]->tag)); xml_puts (out, level, ""); } else { xml_puts (out, level, ""); xml_puts (out, level + 1, ""); xml_puts (out, level, ""); } } void rule_print (rule *r, FILE *out) { fprintf (out, "%s:", r->lhs->tag); rule_rhs_print (r, out); } void ritem_print (FILE *out) { unsigned int i; fputs ("RITEM\n", out); for (i = 0; i < nritems; ++i) if (ritem[i] >= 0) fprintf (out, " %s", symbols[ritem[i]]->tag); else fprintf (out, " (rule %d)\n", item_number_as_rule_number (ritem[i])); fputs ("\n\n", out); } size_t ritem_longest_rhs (void) { int max = 0; rule_number r; for (r = 0; r < nrules; ++r) { int length = rule_rhs_length (&rules[r]); if (length > max) max = length; } return max; } void grammar_rules_partial_print (FILE *out, const char *title, rule_filter filter) { rule_number r; bool first = true; symbol *previous_lhs = NULL; /* rule # : LHS -> RHS */ for (r = 0; r < nrules + nuseless_productions; r++) { if (filter && !filter (&rules[r])) continue; if (first) fprintf (out, "%s\n\n", title); else if (previous_lhs && previous_lhs != rules[r].lhs) fputc ('\n', out); first = false; rule_lhs_print (&rules[r], previous_lhs, out); rule_rhs_print (&rules[r], out); previous_lhs = rules[r].lhs; } if (!first) fputs ("\n\n", out); } void grammar_rules_print (FILE *out) { grammar_rules_partial_print (out, _("Grammar"), rule_useful_in_grammar_p); } void grammar_rules_print_xml (FILE *out, int level) { rule_number r; bool first = true; for (r = 0; r < nrules + nuseless_productions; r++) { if (first) xml_puts (out, level + 1, ""); first = false; { char const *usefulness; if (rule_useless_in_grammar_p (&rules[r])) usefulness = "useless-in-grammar"; else if (rule_useless_in_parser_p (&rules[r])) usefulness = "useless-in-parser"; else usefulness = "useful"; xml_indent (out, level + 2); fprintf (out, "tag); fputs (">\n", out); } rule_lhs_print_xml (&rules[r], out, level + 3); rule_rhs_print_xml (&rules[r], out, level + 3); xml_puts (out, level + 2, ""); } if (!first) xml_puts (out, level + 1, ""); else xml_puts (out, level + 1, ""); } void grammar_dump (FILE *out, const char *title) { fprintf (out, "%s\n\n", title); fprintf (out, "ntokens = %d, nvars = %d, nsyms = %d, nrules = %d, nritems = %d\n\n", ntokens, nvars, nsyms, nrules, nritems); fprintf (out, "Variables\n---------\n\n"); { symbol_number i; fprintf (out, "Value Sprec Sassoc Tag\n"); for (i = ntokens; i < nsyms; i++) fprintf (out, "%5d %5d %5d %s\n", i, symbols[i]->prec, symbols[i]->assoc, symbols[i]->tag); fprintf (out, "\n\n"); } fprintf (out, "Rules\n-----\n\n"); { rule_number i; fprintf (out, "Num (Prec, Assoc, Useful, Ritem Range) Lhs -> Rhs (Ritem range) [Num]\n"); for (i = 0; i < nrules + nuseless_productions; i++) { rule *rule_i = &rules[i]; item_number *rp = NULL; unsigned int rhs_itemno = rule_i->rhs - ritem; unsigned int rhs_count = 0; /* Find the last RHS index in ritems. */ for (rp = rule_i->rhs; *rp >= 0; ++rp) ++rhs_count; fprintf (out, "%3d (%2d, %2d, %2d, %2u-%2u) %2d ->", i, rule_i->prec ? rule_i->prec->prec : 0, rule_i->prec ? rule_i->prec->assoc : 0, rule_i->useful, rhs_itemno, rhs_itemno + rhs_count - 1, rule_i->lhs->number); /* Dumped the RHS. */ for (rp = rule_i->rhs; *rp >= 0; rp++) fprintf (out, " %3d", *rp); fprintf (out, " [%d]\n", item_number_as_rule_number (*rp)); } } fprintf (out, "\n\n"); fprintf (out, "Rules interpreted\n-----------------\n\n"); { rule_number r; for (r = 0; r < nrules + nuseless_productions; r++) { fprintf (out, "%-5d ", r); rule_print (&rules[r], out); } } fprintf (out, "\n\n"); } void grammar_rules_useless_report (const char *message) { rule_number r; for (r = 0; r < nrules ; ++r) if (!rules[r].useful) { location_print (stderr, rules[r].location); fprintf (stderr, ": %s: %s: ", _("warning"), message); rule_print (&rules[r], stderr); } } void grammar_free (void) { if (ritem) free (ritem - 1); free (rules); free (token_translations); /* Free the symbol table data structure. */ symbols_free (); free_merger_functions (); }