/* Find and resolve or report lookahead conflicts for bison, Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1992, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "system.h" #include #include "LR0.h" #include "complain.h" #include "conflicts.h" #include "files.h" #include "getargs.h" #include "gram.h" #include "lalr.h" #include "print-xml.h" #include "reader.h" #include "state.h" #include "symtab.h" /* -1 stands for not specified. */ int expected_sr_conflicts = -1; int expected_rr_conflicts = -1; static char *conflicts; static struct obstack solved_conflicts_obstack; static struct obstack solved_conflicts_xml_obstack; static bitset shift_set; static bitset lookahead_set; enum conflict_resolution { shift_resolution, reduce_resolution, left_resolution, right_resolution, nonassoc_resolution }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------. | Explain how an SR conflict between TOKEN and RULE was resolved: | | RESOLUTION. | `----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static inline void log_resolution (rule *r, symbol_number token, enum conflict_resolution resolution) { if (report_flag & report_solved_conflicts) { /* The description of the resolution. */ switch (resolution) { case shift_resolution: case right_resolution: obstack_fgrow2 (&solved_conflicts_obstack, _(" Conflict between rule %d and token %s" " resolved as shift"), r->number, symbols[token]->tag); break; case reduce_resolution: case left_resolution: obstack_fgrow2 (&solved_conflicts_obstack, _(" Conflict between rule %d and token %s" " resolved as reduce"), r->number, symbols[token]->tag); break; case nonassoc_resolution: obstack_fgrow2 (&solved_conflicts_obstack, _(" Conflict between rule %d and token %s" " resolved as an error"), r->number, symbols[token]->tag); break; } /* The reason. */ switch (resolution) { case shift_resolution: obstack_fgrow2 (&solved_conflicts_obstack, " (%s < %s)", r->prec->tag, symbols[token]->tag); break; case reduce_resolution: obstack_fgrow2 (&solved_conflicts_obstack, " (%s < %s)", symbols[token]->tag, r->prec->tag); break; case left_resolution: obstack_fgrow1 (&solved_conflicts_obstack, " (%%left %s)", symbols[token]->tag); break; case right_resolution: obstack_fgrow1 (&solved_conflicts_obstack, " (%%right %s)", symbols[token]->tag); break; case nonassoc_resolution: obstack_fgrow1 (&solved_conflicts_obstack, " (%%nonassoc %s)", symbols[token]->tag); break; } obstack_sgrow (&solved_conflicts_obstack, ".\n"); } /* XML report */ if (xml_flag) { /* The description of the resolution. */ switch (resolution) { case shift_resolution: case right_resolution: obstack_fgrow2 (&solved_conflicts_xml_obstack, " ", r->number, xml_escape (symbols[token]->tag)); break; case reduce_resolution: case left_resolution: obstack_fgrow2 (&solved_conflicts_xml_obstack, " ", r->number, xml_escape (symbols[token]->tag)); break; case nonassoc_resolution: obstack_fgrow2 (&solved_conflicts_xml_obstack, " ", r->number, xml_escape (symbols[token]->tag)); break; } /* The reason. */ switch (resolution) { case shift_resolution: obstack_fgrow2 (&solved_conflicts_xml_obstack, "%s < %s", xml_escape_n (0, r->prec->tag), xml_escape_n (1, symbols[token]->tag)); break; case reduce_resolution: obstack_fgrow2 (&solved_conflicts_xml_obstack, "%s < %s", xml_escape_n (0, symbols[token]->tag), xml_escape_n (1, r->prec->tag)); break; case left_resolution: obstack_fgrow1 (&solved_conflicts_xml_obstack, "%%left %s", xml_escape (symbols[token]->tag)); break; case right_resolution: obstack_fgrow1 (&solved_conflicts_xml_obstack, "%%right %s", xml_escape (symbols[token]->tag)); break; case nonassoc_resolution: obstack_fgrow1 (&solved_conflicts_xml_obstack, "%%nonassoc %s", xml_escape (symbols[token]->tag)); break; } obstack_sgrow (&solved_conflicts_xml_obstack, "\n"); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------. | Turn off the shift recorded for the specified token in the | | specified state. Used when we resolve a shift-reduce conflict in | | favor of the reduction or as an error (%nonassoc). | `------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void flush_shift (state *s, int token) { transitions *trans = s->transitions; int i; bitset_reset (lookahead_set, token); for (i = 0; i < trans->num; i++) if (!TRANSITION_IS_DISABLED (trans, i) && TRANSITION_SYMBOL (trans, i) == token) TRANSITION_DISABLE (trans, i); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------. | Turn off the reduce recorded for the specified token in the | | specified lookahead set. Used when we resolve a shift-reduce | | conflict in favor of the shift or as an error (%nonassoc). | `--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void flush_reduce (bitset lookahead_tokens, int token) { bitset_reset (lookahead_tokens, token); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------. | Attempt to resolve shift-reduce conflict for one rule by means of | | precedence declarations. It has already been checked that the | | rule has a precedence. A conflict is resolved by modifying the | | shift or reduce tables so that there is no longer a conflict. | | | | RULENO is the number of the lookahead bitset to consider. | | | | ERRORS and NERRS can be used to store discovered explicit | | errors. | `------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void resolve_sr_conflict (state *s, int ruleno, symbol **errors, int *nerrs) { symbol_number i; reductions *reds = s->reductions; /* Find the rule to reduce by to get precedence of reduction. */ rule *redrule = reds->rules[ruleno]; int redprec = redrule->prec->prec; bitset lookahead_tokens = reds->lookahead_tokens[ruleno]; for (i = 0; i < ntokens; i++) if (bitset_test (lookahead_tokens, i) && bitset_test (lookahead_set, i) && symbols[i]->prec) { /* Shift-reduce conflict occurs for token number i and it has a precedence. The precedence of shifting is that of token i. */ if (symbols[i]->prec < redprec) { log_resolution (redrule, i, reduce_resolution); flush_shift (s, i); } else if (symbols[i]->prec > redprec) { log_resolution (redrule, i, shift_resolution); flush_reduce (lookahead_tokens, i); } else /* Matching precedence levels. For left association, keep only the reduction. For right association, keep only the shift. For nonassociation, keep neither. */ switch (symbols[i]->assoc) { default: abort (); case right_assoc: log_resolution (redrule, i, right_resolution); flush_reduce (lookahead_tokens, i); break; case left_assoc: log_resolution (redrule, i, left_resolution); flush_shift (s, i); break; case non_assoc: log_resolution (redrule, i, nonassoc_resolution); flush_shift (s, i); flush_reduce (lookahead_tokens, i); /* Record an explicit error for this token. */ errors[(*nerrs)++] = symbols[i]; break; } } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------. | Solve the S/R conflicts of state S using the | | precedence/associativity, and flag it inconsistent if it still has | | conflicts. ERRORS can be used as storage to compute the list of | | lookahead tokens on which S raises a syntax error (%nonassoc). | `-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void set_conflicts (state *s, symbol **errors) { int i; transitions *trans = s->transitions; reductions *reds = s->reductions; int nerrs = 0; if (s->consistent) return; bitset_zero (lookahead_set); FOR_EACH_SHIFT (trans, i) bitset_set (lookahead_set, TRANSITION_SYMBOL (trans, i)); /* Loop over all rules which require lookahead in this state. First check for shift-reduce conflict, and try to resolve using precedence. */ for (i = 0; i < reds->num; ++i) if (reds->rules[i]->prec && reds->rules[i]->prec->prec && !bitset_disjoint_p (reds->lookahead_tokens[i], lookahead_set)) resolve_sr_conflict (s, i, errors, &nerrs); if (nerrs) { /* Some tokens have been explicitly made errors. Allocate a permanent errs structure for this state, to record them. */ state_errs_set (s, nerrs, errors); } if (obstack_object_size (&solved_conflicts_obstack)) { obstack_1grow (&solved_conflicts_obstack, '\0'); s->solved_conflicts = obstack_finish (&solved_conflicts_obstack); } if (obstack_object_size (&solved_conflicts_xml_obstack)) { obstack_1grow (&solved_conflicts_xml_obstack, '\0'); s->solved_conflicts_xml = obstack_finish (&solved_conflicts_xml_obstack); } /* Loop over all rules which require lookahead in this state. Check for conflicts not resolved above. */ for (i = 0; i < reds->num; ++i) { if (!bitset_disjoint_p (reds->lookahead_tokens[i], lookahead_set)) conflicts[s->number] = 1; bitset_or (lookahead_set, lookahead_set, reds->lookahead_tokens[i]); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------. | Solve all the S/R conflicts using the precedence/associativity, | | and flag as inconsistent the states that still have conflicts. | `----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void conflicts_solve (void) { state_number i; /* List of lookahead tokens on which we explicitly raise a syntax error. */ symbol **errors = xnmalloc (ntokens + 1, sizeof *errors); conflicts = xcalloc (nstates, sizeof *conflicts); shift_set = bitset_create (ntokens, BITSET_FIXED); lookahead_set = bitset_create (ntokens, BITSET_FIXED); obstack_init (&solved_conflicts_obstack); obstack_init (&solved_conflicts_xml_obstack); for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++) { set_conflicts (states[i], errors); /* For uniformity of the code, make sure all the states have a valid `errs' member. */ if (!states[i]->errs) states[i]->errs = errs_new (0, 0); } free (errors); } void conflicts_update_state_numbers (state_number old_to_new[], state_number nstates_old) { state_number i; for (i = 0; i < nstates_old; ++i) if (old_to_new[i] != nstates_old) conflicts[old_to_new[i]] = conflicts[i]; } /*---------------------------------------------. | Count the number of shift/reduce conflicts. | `---------------------------------------------*/ static int count_sr_conflicts (state *s) { int i; int src_count = 0; transitions *trans = s->transitions; reductions *reds = s->reductions; if (!trans) return 0; bitset_zero (lookahead_set); bitset_zero (shift_set); FOR_EACH_SHIFT (trans, i) bitset_set (shift_set, TRANSITION_SYMBOL (trans, i)); for (i = 0; i < reds->num; ++i) bitset_or (lookahead_set, lookahead_set, reds->lookahead_tokens[i]); bitset_and (lookahead_set, lookahead_set, shift_set); src_count = bitset_count (lookahead_set); return src_count; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------. | Count the number of reduce/reduce conflicts. If ONE_PER_TOKEN, | | count one conflict for each token that has any reduce/reduce | | conflicts. Otherwise, count one conflict for each pair of | | conflicting reductions. | +`----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int count_rr_conflicts (state *s, bool one_per_token) { int i; reductions *reds = s->reductions; int rrc_count = 0; for (i = 0; i < ntokens; i++) { int count = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < reds->num; ++j) if (bitset_test (reds->lookahead_tokens[j], i)) count++; if (count >= 2) rrc_count += one_per_token ? 1 : count-1; } return rrc_count; } /*--------------------------------------------------------. | Report the number of conflicts, using the Yacc format. | `--------------------------------------------------------*/ static void conflict_report (FILE *out, int src_num, int rrc_num) { if (src_num && rrc_num) fprintf (out, _("conflicts: %d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce\n"), src_num, rrc_num); else if (src_num) fprintf (out, _("conflicts: %d shift/reduce\n"), src_num); else if (rrc_num) fprintf (out, _("conflicts: %d reduce/reduce\n"), rrc_num); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------. | Output the detailed description of states with conflicts. | `-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void conflicts_output (FILE *out) { bool printed_sth = false; state_number i; for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++) { state *s = states[i]; if (conflicts[i]) { fprintf (out, _("State %d "), i); conflict_report (out, count_sr_conflicts (s), count_rr_conflicts (s, true)); printed_sth = true; } } if (printed_sth) fputs ("\n\n", out); } /*--------------------------------------------------------. | Total the number of S/R and R/R conflicts. Unlike the | | code in conflicts_output, however, count EACH pair of | | reductions for the same state and lookahead as one | | conflict. | `--------------------------------------------------------*/ int conflicts_total_count (void) { state_number i; int count; /* Conflicts by state. */ count = 0; for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++) if (conflicts[i]) { count += count_sr_conflicts (states[i]); count += count_rr_conflicts (states[i], false); } return count; } /*------------------------------------------. | Reporting the total number of conflicts. | `------------------------------------------*/ void conflicts_print (void) { /* Is the number of SR conflicts OK? Either EXPECTED_CONFLICTS is not set, and then we want 0 SR, or else it is specified, in which case we want equality. */ bool src_ok; bool rrc_ok; int src_total = 0; int rrc_total = 0; int src_expected; int rrc_expected; /* Conflicts by state. */ { state_number i; for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++) if (conflicts[i]) { src_total += count_sr_conflicts (states[i]); rrc_total += count_rr_conflicts (states[i], true); } } if (! glr_parser && rrc_total > 0 && expected_rr_conflicts != -1) { warn (_("%%expect-rr applies only to GLR parsers")); expected_rr_conflicts = -1; } src_expected = expected_sr_conflicts == -1 ? 0 : expected_sr_conflicts; rrc_expected = expected_rr_conflicts == -1 ? 0 : expected_rr_conflicts; src_ok = src_total == src_expected; rrc_ok = rrc_total == rrc_expected; /* If there are as many RR conflicts and SR conflicts as expected, then there is nothing to report. */ if (rrc_ok & src_ok) return; /* Report the total number of conflicts on STDERR. */ if (src_total | rrc_total) { if (! yacc_flag) fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", current_file); conflict_report (stderr, src_total, rrc_total); } if (expected_sr_conflicts != -1 || expected_rr_conflicts != -1) { if (! src_ok) complain (ngettext ("expected %d shift/reduce conflict", "expected %d shift/reduce conflicts", src_expected), src_expected); if (! rrc_ok) complain (ngettext ("expected %d reduce/reduce conflict", "expected %d reduce/reduce conflicts", rrc_expected), rrc_expected); } } void conflicts_free (void) { free (conflicts); bitset_free (shift_set); bitset_free (lookahead_set); obstack_free (&solved_conflicts_obstack, NULL); obstack_free (&solved_conflicts_xml_obstack, NULL); }