#source: defsym.s #as: -a64 #ld: -melf64ppc --defsym bar=foo #objdump: -Dr .*: file format elf64-powerpc.* Disassembly of section \.text: 0+100000b0 <_start>: 100000b0: (48 00 00 15|15 00 00 48) bl 100000c4 <(foo|bar)\+0x8> 100000b4: (48 00 00 11|11 00 00 48) bl 100000c4 <(foo|bar)\+0x8> 100000b8: (60 00 00 00|00 00 00 60) nop 0+100000bc <(foo|bar)>: 100000bc: (3c 40 10 02|02 10 40 3c) lis r2,4098 100000c0: (38 42 80 00|00 80 42 38) addi r2,r2,-32768 100000c4: (4e 80 00 20|20 00 80 4e) blr Disassembly of section \.data: 0+100100c8 .*: 100100c8: (00 00 00 00|bc 00 00 10) .* 100100cc: (10 00 00 bc|00 00 00 00) .* 100100d0: (00 00 00 00|bc 00 00 10) .* 100100d4: (10 00 00 bc|00 00 00 00) .*