# This testcase is part of GDB, the GNU debugger.
# Copyright 1996-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# Some targets can't call functions, so don't even bother with this
# test.
if [target_info exists gdb,cannot_call_functions] {
unsupported "this target can not call functions"
standard_testfile .c
# Regex matching any value of `char' type like: a = 65 'A'
set anychar_re {-?[0-9]{1,3} '(.|\\([0-7]{3}|[a-z]|\\|'))'}
set skip_float_test [gdb_skip_float_test]
# Compile a variant of structs.c using TYPES to specify the type of
# the first N struct elements (the remaining elements take the type of
# the last TYPES field). Run the compmiled program up to "main".
# Also updates the global "testfile" to reflect the most recent build.
set first 1
proc start_structs_test { types } {
global testfile
global srcfile
global binfile
global subdir
global srcdir
global gdb_prompt
global anychar_re
global first
# Create the additional flags
set flags "debug"
set testfile "structs"
set n 0
for {set n 0} {$n<[llength ${types}]} {incr n} {
set m [I2A ${n}]
set t [lindex ${types} $n]
lappend flags "additional_flags=-Dt${m}=${t}"
append testfile "-" "$t"
set binfile [standard_output_file ${testfile}]
if { [prepare_for_testing "failed to prepare" $binfile $srcfile $flags] } {
return -1
# Make certain that the output is consistent
gdb_test_no_output "set print sevenbit-strings"
gdb_test_no_output "set print address off"
gdb_test_no_output "set width 0"
gdb_test_no_output "set print elements 300"
# Advance to main
if {![runto_main]} {
# Get the debug format
# Limit the slow $anychar_re{256} matching for better performance.
if $first {
set first 0
# Verify $anychar_re can match all the values of `char' type.
gdb_breakpoint [gdb_get_line_number "chartest-done"]
gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "chartest-done" ".*chartest-done.*"
gdb_test_sequence "p chartest" "" \
[concat \
[list "= \{"] \
[lrepeat 255 "^\{c = ${anychar_re}\}, "] \
[list "^\{c = ${anychar_re}\}\}"]]
# check that at the struct containing all the relevant types is correct
set foo_t "type = struct struct[llength ${types}] \{"
for {set n 0} {$n<[llength ${types}]} {incr n} {
append foo_t "\[\r\n \]+[lindex ${types} $n] [i2a $n];"
append foo_t "\[\r\n \]+\}"
gdb_test "ptype foo[llength ${types}]" "${foo_t}" \
"ptype foo[llength ${types}]; ${testfile}"
# The expected value for fun${n}, L${n} and foo${n}. First element is
# empty to make indexing easier. "foo" returns the modified value,
# "zed" returns the invalid value.
proc foo { n } {
return [lindex {
"{a = 49 '1'}"
"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2'}"
"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3'}"
"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', d = 52 '4'}"
"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', d = 100 'd', e = 53 '5'}"
"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', d = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6'}"
"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', d = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7'}"
"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', d = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8'}"
"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', d = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9'}"
"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', d = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8', i = 105 'i', j = 65 'A'}"
"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', d = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9', j = 106 'j', k = 66 'B'}"
"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', d = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8', i = 105 'i', j = 65 'A', k = 107 'k', l = 67 'C'}"
"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', d = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9', j = 106 'j', k = 66 'B', l = 108 'l', m = 68 'D'}"
"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', d = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8', i = 105 'i', j = 65 'A', k = 107 'k', l = 67 'C', m = 109 'm', n = 69 'E'}"
"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', d = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9', j = 106 'j', k = 66 'B', l = 108 'l', m = 68 'D', n = 110 'n', o = 70 'F'}"
"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', d = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8', i = 105 'i', j = 65 'A', k = 107 'k', l = 67 'C', m = 109 'm', n = 69 'E', o = 111 'o', p = 71 'G'}"
"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', d = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9', j = 106 'j', k = 66 'B', l = 108 'l', m = 68 'D', n = 110 'n', o = 70 'F', p = 112 'p', q = 72 'H'}"
} $n]
proc zed { n } {
return [lindex {
"{a = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z', d = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z', d = 90 'Z', e = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z', d = 90 'Z', e = 90 'Z', f = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z', d = 90 'Z', e = 90 'Z', f = 90 'Z', g = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z', d = 90 'Z', e = 90 'Z', f = 90 'Z', g = 90 'Z', h = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z', d = 90 'Z', e = 90 'Z', f = 90 'Z', g = 90 'Z', h = 90 'Z', i = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z', d = 90 'Z', e = 90 'Z', f = 90 'Z', g = 90 'Z', h = 90 'Z', i = 90 'Z', j = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z', d = 90 'Z', e = 90 'Z', f = 90 'Z', g = 90 'Z', h = 90 'Z', i = 90 'Z', j = 90 'Z', k = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z', d = 90 'Z', e = 90 'Z', f = 90 'Z', g = 90 'Z', h = 90 'Z', i = 90 'Z', j = 90 'Z', k = 90 'Z', l = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z', d = 90 'Z', e = 90 'Z', f = 90 'Z', g = 90 'Z', h = 90 'Z', i = 90 'Z', j = 90 'Z', k = 90 'Z', l = 90 'Z', m = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z', d = 90 'Z', e = 90 'Z', f = 90 'Z', g = 90 'Z', h = 90 'Z', i = 90 'Z', j = 90 'Z', k = 90 'Z', l = 90 'Z', m = 90 'Z', n = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z', d = 90 'Z', e = 90 'Z', f = 90 'Z', g = 90 'Z', h = 90 'Z', i = 90 'Z', j = 90 'Z', k = 90 'Z', l = 90 'Z', m = 90 'Z', n = 90 'Z', o = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z', d = 90 'Z', e = 90 'Z', f = 90 'Z', g = 90 'Z', h = 90 'Z', i = 90 'Z', j = 90 'Z', k = 90 'Z', l = 90 'Z', m = 90 'Z', n = 90 'Z', o = 90 'Z', p = 90 'Z'}"
"{a = 90 'Z', b = 90 'Z', c = 90 'Z', d = 90 'Z', e = 90 'Z', f = 90 'Z', g = 90 'Z', h = 90 'Z', i = 90 'Z', j = 90 'Z', k = 90 'Z', l = 90 'Z', m = 90 'Z', n = 90 'Z', o = 90 'Z', p = 90 'Z', q = 90 'Z'}"
} $n]
proc any { n } {
global anychar_re
set ac $anychar_re
return [lindex [list \
"{}" \
"{a = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}, d = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}, d = ${ac}, e = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}, d = ${ac}, e = ${ac}, f = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}, d = ${ac}, e = ${ac}, f = ${ac}, g = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}, d = ${ac}, e = ${ac}, f = ${ac}, g = ${ac}, h = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}, d = ${ac}, e = ${ac}, f = ${ac}, g = ${ac}, h = ${ac}, i = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}, d = ${ac}, e = ${ac}, f = ${ac}, g = ${ac}, h = ${ac}, i = ${ac}, j = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}, d = ${ac}, e = ${ac}, f = ${ac}, g = ${ac}, h = ${ac}, i = ${ac}, j = ${ac}, k = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}, d = ${ac}, e = ${ac}, f = ${ac}, g = ${ac}, h = ${ac}, i = ${ac}, j = ${ac}, k = ${ac}, l = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}, d = ${ac}, e = ${ac}, f = ${ac}, g = ${ac}, h = ${ac}, i = ${ac}, j = ${ac}, k = ${ac}, l = ${ac}, m = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}, d = ${ac}, e = ${ac}, f = ${ac}, g = ${ac}, h = ${ac}, i = ${ac}, j = ${ac}, k = ${ac}, l = ${ac}, m = ${ac}, n = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}, d = ${ac}, e = ${ac}, f = ${ac}, g = ${ac}, h = ${ac}, i = ${ac}, j = ${ac}, k = ${ac}, l = ${ac}, m = ${ac}, n = ${ac}, o = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}, d = ${ac}, e = ${ac}, f = ${ac}, g = ${ac}, h = ${ac}, i = ${ac}, j = ${ac}, k = ${ac}, l = ${ac}, m = ${ac}, n = ${ac}, o = ${ac}, p = ${ac}}" \
"{a = ${ac}, b = ${ac}, c = ${ac}, d = ${ac}, e = ${ac}, f = ${ac}, g = ${ac}, h = ${ac}, i = ${ac}, j = ${ac}, k = ${ac}, l = ${ac}, m = ${ac}, n = ${ac}, o = ${ac}, p = ${ac}, q = ${ac}}" \
] $n]
# Given N (0..25), return the corresponding alphabetic letter in lower
# or upper case. This is ment to be i18n proof.
proc i2a { n } {
return [string range "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" $n $n]
proc I2A { n } {
return [string toupper [i2a $n]]
# Use the file name, compiler and tuples to set up any needed KFAILs.
proc setup_compiler_kfails { file compiler format tuples bug } {
global testfile
if {[string match $file $testfile] && [test_compiler_info $compiler] && [test_debug_format $format]} {
foreach f $tuples { setup_kfail $bug $f }
# Test GDB's ability to make inferior function calls to functions
# returning (or passing in a single structs.
# N identifies the number of elements in the struct that will be used
# for the test case. FAILS is a list of target tuples that will fail
# this test.
# start_structs_test() will have previously built a program with a
# specified combination of types for those elements. To ensure
# robustness of the output, "p/c" is used.
# This tests the code paths "which return-value convention?" and
# "extract return-value from registers" called by "infcall.c".
proc test_struct_calls { n } {
global testfile
global gdb_prompt
# Check that GDB can always extract a struct-return value from an
# inferior function call. Since GDB always knows the location of an
# inferior function call's return value these should never fail
# Implemented by calling the parameterless function "fun$N" and then
# examining the return value printed by GDB.
set tests "call $n ${testfile}"
# Call fun${n}, checking the printed return-value.
setup_compiler_kfails structs-tc-tll gcc-3-3-* "DWARF \[0-9\]" i*86-*-* gdb/1455
setup_compiler_kfails structs-tc-td gcc-3-3-* "DWARF \[0-9\]" i*86-*-* gdb/1455
gdb_test "p/c fun${n}()" "[foo ${n}]" "p/c fun(); ${tests}"
# Check that GDB can always pass a structure to an inferior function.
# This test can never fail.
# Implemented by calling the one parameter function "Fun$N" which
# stores its parameter in the global variable "L$N". GDB then
# examining that global to confirm that the value is as expected.
gdb_test_no_output "call Fun${n}(foo${n})" "call Fun(foo); ${tests}"
setup_compiler_kfails structs-tc-tll gcc-3-3-* "DWARF \[0-9\]" i*86-*-* gdb/1455
setup_compiler_kfails structs-tc-td gcc-3-3-* "DWARF \[0-9\]" i*86-*-* gdb/1455
gdb_test "p/c L${n}" [foo ${n}] "p/c L; ${tests}"
# Test GDB's ability to both return a function (with "return" or
# "finish") and correctly extract/store any corresponding
# return-value.
# Check that GDB can consistently extract/store structure return
# values. There are two cases - returned in registers and returned in
# memory. For the latter case, the return value can't be found and a
# failure is "expected". However GDB must still both return the
# function and display the final source and line information.
# N identifies the number of elements in the struct that will be used
# for the test case. FAILS is a list of target tuples that will fail
# this test.
# This tests the code paths "which return-value convention?", "extract
# return-value from registers", and "store return-value in registers".
# Unlike "test struct calls", this test is expected to "fail" when the
# return-value is in memory (GDB can't find the location). The test
# is in three parts: test "return"; test "finish"; check that the two
# are consistent. GDB can sometimes work for one command and not the
# other.
proc test_struct_returns { n } {
global gdb_prompt
global testfile
set tests "return $n ${testfile}"
# Check that "return" works.
# GDB must always force the return of a function that has
# a struct result. Dependant on the ABI, it may, or may not be
# possible to store the return value in a register.
# The relevant code looks like "L{n} = fun{n}()". The test forces
# "fun{n}" to "return" with an explicit value. Since that code
# snippet will store the returned value in "L{n}" the return
# is tested by examining "L{n}". This assumes that the
# compiler implemented this as fun{n}(&L{n}) and hence that when
# the value isn't stored "L{n}" remains unchanged. Also check for
# consistency between this and the "finish" case.
# Get into a call of fun${n}
gdb_test "advance fun${n}" \
"fun${n} .*\[\r\n\]+\[0-9\].*return foo${n}.*" \
"advance to fun for return; ${tests}"
# Check that the program invalidated the relevant global.
gdb_test "p/c L${n}" " = [zed $n]" "zed L for return; ${tests}"
# Force the "return". This checks that the return is always
# performed, and that GDB correctly reported this to the user.
# GDB 6.0 and earlier, when the return-value's location wasn't
# known, both failed to print a final "source and line" and misplaced
# the frame ("No frame").
# The test is writen so that it only reports one FAIL/PASS for the
# entire operation. The value returned is checked further down.
# "return_value_known", if non-zero, indicates that GDB knew where
# the return value was located.
set test "return foo; ${tests}"
set return_value_known 1
set return_value_unimplemented 0
gdb_test_multiple "return foo${n}" "${test}" {
-re "The location" {
# Ulgh, a struct return, remember this (still need prompt).
set return_value_known 0
-re "A structure or union" {
# Ulgh, a struct return, remember this (still need prompt).
set return_value_known 0
# Double ulgh. Architecture doesn't use return_value and
# hence hasn't implemented small structure return.
set return_value_unimplemented 1
-re "Make fun${n} return now.*y or n. $" {
gdb_test_multiple "y" "${test}" {
-re "L${n} *= fun${n}.*${gdb_prompt} $" {
# Need to step off the function call
gdb_test "next" "L.* *= fun.*" "${test}"
-re "L[expr ${n} + 1] *= fun[expr ${n} + 1].*${gdb_prompt} $" {
pass "${test}"
# Check that the return-value is as expected. At this stage we're
# just checking that GDB has returned a value consistent with
# "return_value_known" set above.
# Note that, when return_value_known is false, we can't make any
# assumptions at all about the value L:
# - If the caller passed the address of L directly as fun's
# return value buffer, then L will be unchanged, because we
# forced fun to return before it could store anything in it.
# - If the caller passed the address of some temporary buffer to
# fun, and then copied the buffer into L, then L will
# have been overwritten with whatever garbage was in the
# uninitialized buffer.
# - However, if the temporary buffer just happened to have the
# "right" value of foo in it, then L will, in fact, have
# the value you'd expect to see if the 'return' had worked!
# This has actually been observed to happen on the Renesas M32C.
# So, really, anything is acceptable unless return_value_known is
# true.
set test "value foo returned; ${tests}"
gdb_test_multiple "p/c L${n}" "${test}" {
-re " = [foo ${n}].*${gdb_prompt} $" {
# This answer is okay regardless of whether GDB claims to
# have set the return value: if it did, then this is what
# we expected; and if it didn't, then any answer is okay.
pass "${test}"
-re " = [any $n].*${gdb_prompt} $" {
if $return_value_known {
# This contradicts the above claim that GDB knew
# the location of the return value.
fail "${test}"
} else {
# We expected L${n} to be set to garbage, so any
# answer is acceptable.
pass "${test}"
-re ".*${gdb_prompt} $" {
if $return_value_unimplemented {
# What a suprize. The architecture hasn't implemented
# return_value, and hence has to fail.
kfail "$test" gdb/1444
} else {
fail "$test"
# Check that a "finish" works.
# This is almost but not quite the same as "call struct funcs".
# Architectures can have subtle differences in the two code paths.
# The relevant code snippet is "L{n} = fun{n}()". The program is
# advanced into a call to "fun{n}" and then that function is
# finished. The returned value that GDB prints, reformatted using
# "p/c", is checked.
# Get into "fun${n}()".
gdb_test "advance fun${n}" \
"fun${n} .*\[\r\n\]+\[0-9\].*return foo${n}.*" \
"advance to fun for finish; ${tests}"
# Check that the program invalidated the relevant global.
gdb_test "p/c L${n}" " = [zed $n]" "zed L for finish; ${tests}"
# Finish the function, set 'finish_value_known" to non-empty if
# the return-value was found.
set test "finish foo; ${tests}"
set finish_value_known 1
gdb_test_multiple "finish" "${test}" {
-re "Value returned is .*${gdb_prompt} $" {
pass "${test}"
-re "Value returned has type: struct struct$n. Cannot determine contents.*${gdb_prompt} $" {
# Expected bad value. For the moment this is ok.
set finish_value_known 0
pass "${test}"
# Re-print the last (return-value) using the more robust
# "p/c". If no return value was found, the 'Z' from the previous
# check that the variable was cleared, is printed.
set test "value foo finished; ${tests}"
gdb_test_multiple "p/c" "${test}" {
-re "[foo ${n}]\[\r\n\]+${gdb_prompt} $" {
if $finish_value_known {
pass "${test}"
} else {
# This contradicts the above claim that GDB didn't
# know the location of the return-value.
fail "${test}"
-re "[zed ${n}]\[\r\n\]+${gdb_prompt} $" {
# The value didn't get found. This is "expected".
if $finish_value_known {
# This contradicts the above claim that GDB did
# know the location of the return-value.
fail "${test}"
} else {
pass "${test}"
# Finally, check that "return" and finish" have consistent
# behavior.
# Since "finish" works in more cases than "return" (see
# RETURN_VALUE_ABI_PRESERVES_ADDRESS), the "return" value being
# known implies that the "finish" value is known (but not the
# reverse).
set test "return value known implies finish value known; ${tests}"
if {$return_value_known && ! $finish_value_known} {
kfail gdb/1444 "${test}"
} else {
pass "${test}"
# ABIs pass anything >8 or >16 bytes in memory but below that things
# randomly use register and/and structure conventions. Check all
# possible sized char structs in that range. But only a restricted
# range of the other types.
# NetBSD/PPC returns "unnatural" (3, 5, 6, 7) sized structs in memory.
# Test every single char struct from 1..17 in size. This is what the
# original "structs" test was doing.
proc test { types c r } {
with_test_prefix types=[join $types "-"] {
if { [start_structs_test $types] } {
if { [llength $c] == 0 } {
# Done.
} elseif { [llength $c] == 1 } {
test_struct_calls [lindex $c 0]
} elseif { [llength $c] == 2 } {
set low_c [lindex $c 0]
set high_c [lindex $c 1]
for {set i $low_c} {$i <= $high_c} {incr i} {
test_struct_calls $i
} else {
error "invalid list length"
if { [llength $r] == 0 } {
# Done.
} elseif { [llength $r] == 1 } {
test_struct_returns [lindex $r 0]
} elseif { [llength $r] == 2 } {
set low_r [lindex $r 0]
set high_r [lindex $r 1]
for {set i $low_r} {$i <= $high_r} {incr i} {
test_struct_returns $i
} else {
error "invalid list length"
test { tc } {1 17} {1 8}
# Let the fun begin.
# Assuming that any integer struct larger than 8 bytes goes in memory,
# come up with many and varied combinations of a return struct. For
# "struct calls" test just beyond that 8 byte boundary, for "struct
# returns" test up to that boundary.
# For floats, assumed that up to two struct elements can be stored in
# floating point registers, regardless of their size.
# The approx size of each structure it is computed assumed that tc=1,
# ts=2, ti=4, tl=4, tll=8, tf=4, td=8, tld=16, and that all fields are
# naturally aligned. Padding being added where needed.
# Approx size: 2, 4, ...
test { ts } {1 5} {1 4}
# Approx size: 4, 8, ...
test { ti } {1 3} {1 2}
# Approx size: 4, 8, ...
test { tl } {1 3} {1 2}
# Approx size: 8, 16, ...
test { tll } {1 2} {1}
if { !$skip_float_test } {
# Approx size: 4, 8, ...
test { tf } {1 3} {1 2}
# Approx size: 8, 16, ...
test { td } {1 2} {1}
# Approx size: 16, 32, ...
test { tld } {1 2} {1}
# Approx size: 2+1=3, 4, ...
test { ts tc } {2 8} {2}
# Approx size: 4+1=5, 6, ...
test { ti tc } {2 6} {2}
# Approx size: 4+1=5, 6, ...
test { tl tc } {2 6} {2}
# Approx size: 8+1=9, 10, ...
test { tll tc } {2} {}
if { !$skip_float_test } {
# Approx size: 4+1=5, 6, ...
test { tf tc } {2 6} {2}
# Approx size: 8+1=9, 10, ...
test { td tc } {2} {}
# Approx size: 16+1=17, 18, ...
test { tld tc } {2} {}
# Approx size: (1+1)+2=4, 6, ...
test { tc ts } {2 6} {2}
# Approx size: (1+3)+4=8, 12, ...
test { tc ti } {2 4} {2}
# Approx size: (1+3)+4=8, 12, ...
test { tc tl } {2 4} {2}
# Approx size: (1+7)+8=16, 24, ...
test { tc tll } {2} {}
if { !$skip_float_test } {
# Approx size: (1+3)+4=8, 12, ...
test { tc tf } {2 4} {}
# Approx size: (1+7)+8=16, 24, ...
test { tc td } {2} {}
# Approx size: (1+15)+16=32, 48, ...
test { tc tld } {2} {}
# Some float combinations
# Approx size: 8+4=12, 16, ...
test { td tf } {2} {2}
# Approx size: (4+4)+8=16, 32, ...
test { tf td } {2} {2}
return 0