#objdump: -d -Mcom #as: -a32 -mcom #name: PowerPC COMMON instructions .* Disassembly of section \.text: 0+00 : .*: (7c 83 28 39|39 28 83 7c) and. r3,r4,r5 .*: (7c 83 28 38|38 28 83 7c) and r3,r4,r5 .*: (7d cd 78 78|78 78 cd 7d) andc r13,r14,r15 .*: (7e 30 90 79|79 90 30 7e) andc. r16,r17,r18 .*: (48 00 00 02|02 00 00 48) ba 0 .*: (40 01 00 00|00 00 01 40) bdnzf- 1,14 .*: (40 85 00 02|02 00 85 40) blea- 1,0 .*: (40 43 00 01|01 00 43 40) bdzfl- 3,1c .*: (41 47 00 03|03 00 47 41) bdztla- 7,0 .*: (4e 80 04 20|20 04 80 4e) bctr .*: (4e 80 04 21|21 04 80 4e) bctrl .*: (42 40 00 02|02 00 40 42) bdza- 0 .*: (42 40 00 00|00 00 40 42) bdz- 30 .*: (42 40 00 03|03 00 40 42) bdzla- 0 .*: (42 40 00 01|01 00 40 42) bdzl- 38 .*: (41 82 00 00|00 00 82 41) beq- 3c .*: (41 8a 00 02|02 00 8a 41) beqa- 2,0 .*: (41 86 00 01|01 00 86 41) beql- 1,44 .*: (41 8e 00 03|03 00 8e 41) beqla- 3,0 .*: (40 80 00 00|00 00 80 40) bge- 4c .*: (40 90 00 02|02 00 90 40) bgea- 4,0 .*: (40 88 00 01|01 00 88 40) bgel- 2,54 .*: (40 98 00 03|03 00 98 40) bgela- 6,0 .*: (41 91 00 00|00 00 91 41) bgt- 4,5c .*: (41 99 00 02|02 00 99 41) bgta- 6,0 .*: (41 95 00 01|01 00 95 41) bgtl- 5,64 .*: (41 9d 00 03|03 00 9d 41) bgtla- 7,0 .*: (48 00 00 00|00 00 00 48) b 6c .*: (48 00 00 03|03 00 00 48) bla 0 .*: (40 81 00 00|00 00 81 40) ble- 74 .*: (40 91 00 02|02 00 91 40) blea- 4,0 .*: (40 89 00 01|01 00 89 40) blel- 2,7c .*: (40 99 00 03|03 00 99 40) blela- 6,0 .*: (48 00 00 01|01 00 00 48) bl 84 .*: (41 80 00 00|00 00 80 41) blt- 88 .*: (41 88 00 02|02 00 88 41) blta- 2,0 .*: (41 84 00 01|01 00 84 41) bltl- 1,90 .*: (41 8c 00 03|03 00 8c 41) bltla- 3,0 .*: (40 82 00 00|00 00 82 40) bne- 98 .*: (40 8a 00 02|02 00 8a 40) bnea- 2,0 .*: (40 86 00 01|01 00 86 40) bnel- 1,a0 .*: (40 8e 00 03|03 00 8e 40) bnela- 3,0 .*: (40 85 00 00|00 00 85 40) ble- 1,a8 .*: (40 95 00 02|02 00 95 40) blea- 5,0 .*: (40 8d 00 01|01 00 8d 40) blel- 3,b0 .*: (40 9d 00 03|03 00 9d 40) blela- 7,0 .*: (40 84 00 00|00 00 84 40) bge- 1,b8 .*: (40 94 00 02|02 00 94 40) bgea- 5,0 .*: (40 8c 00 01|01 00 8c 40) bgel- 3,c0 .*: (40 9c 00 03|03 00 9c 40) bgela- 7,0 .*: (40 93 00 00|00 00 93 40) bns- 4,c8 .*: (40 9b 00 02|02 00 9b 40) bnsa- 6,0 .*: (40 97 00 01|01 00 97 40) bnsl- 5,d0 .*: (40 9f 00 03|03 00 9f 40) bnsla- 7,0 .*: (41 93 00 00|00 00 93 41) bso- 4,d8 .*: (41 9b 00 02|02 00 9b 41) bsoa- 6,0 .*: (41 97 00 01|01 00 97 41) bsol- 5,e0 .*: (41 9f 00 03|03 00 9f 41) bsola- 7,0 .*: (4c 85 32 02|02 32 85 4c) crand 4,5,6 .*: (4c 64 29 02|02 29 64 4c) crandc 3,4,5 .*: (4c e0 0a 42|42 0a e0 4c) creqv 7,0,1 .*: (4c 22 19 c2|c2 19 22 4c) crnand 1,2,3 .*: (4c 01 10 42|42 10 01 4c) crnor 0,1,2 .*: (4c a6 3b 82|82 3b a6 4c) cror 5,6,7 .*: (4c a6 33 82|82 33 a6 4c) crmove 5,6 .*: (4c a6 33 82|82 33 a6 4c) crmove 5,6 .*: (4c 43 23 42|42 23 43 4c) crorc 2,3,4 .*: (4c c7 01 82|82 01 c7 4c) crxor 6,7,0 .*: (7d 6a 62 39|39 62 6a 7d) eqv. r10,r11,r12 .*: (7d 6a 62 38|38 62 6a 7d) eqv r10,r11,r12 .*: (fe a0 fa 11|11 fa a0 fe) fabs. f21,f31 .*: (fe a0 fa 10|10 fa a0 fe) fabs f21,f31 .*: (fd 8a 58 40|40 58 8a fd) fcmpo 3,f10,f11 .*: (fd 84 28 00|00 28 84 fd) fcmpu 3,f4,f5 .*: (fc 60 20 91|91 20 60 fc) fmr. f3,f4 .*: (fc 60 20 90|90 20 60 fc) fmr f3,f4 .*: (fe 80 f1 11|11 f1 80 fe) fnabs. f20,f30 .*: (fe 80 f1 10|10 f1 80 fe) fnabs f20,f30 .*: (fc 60 20 51|51 20 60 fc) fneg. f3,f4 .*: (fc 60 20 50|50 20 60 fc) fneg f3,f4 .*: (fc c0 38 18|18 38 c0 fc) frsp f6,f7 .*: (fd 00 48 19|19 48 00 fd) frsp. f8,f9 .*: (89 21 00 00|00 00 21 89) lbz r9,0\(r1\) .*: (8d 41 00 01|01 00 41 8d) lbzu r10,1\(r1\) .*: (7e 95 b0 ee|ee b0 95 7e) lbzux r20,r21,r22 .*: (7c 64 28 ae|ae 28 64 7c) lbzx r3,r4,r5 .*: (ca a1 00 08|08 00 a1 ca) lfd f21,8\(r1\) .*: (ce c1 00 10|10 00 c1 ce) lfdu f22,16\(r1\) .*: (7e 95 b4 ee|ee b4 95 7e) lfdux f20,r21,r22 .*: (7d ae 7c ae|ae 7c ae 7d) lfdx f13,r14,r15 .*: (c2 61 00 00|00 00 61 c2) lfs f19,0\(r1\) .*: (c6 81 00 04|04 00 81 c6) lfsu f20,4\(r1\) .*: (7d 4b 64 6e|6e 64 4b 7d) lfsux f10,r11,r12 .*: (7d 4b 64 2e|2e 64 4b 7d) lfsx f10,r11,r12 .*: (a9 e1 00 06|06 00 e1 a9) lha r15,6\(r1\) .*: (ae 01 00 08|08 00 01 ae) lhau r16,8\(r1\) .*: (7d 2a 5a ee|ee 5a 2a 7d) lhaux r9,r10,r11 .*: (7d 2a 5a ae|ae 5a 2a 7d) lhax r9,r10,r11 .*: (7c 64 2e 2c|2c 2e 64 7c) lhbrx r3,r4,r5 .*: (a1 a1 00 00|00 00 a1 a1) lhz r13,0\(r1\) .*: (a5 c1 00 02|02 00 c1 a5) lhzu r14,2\(r1\) .*: (7e 96 c2 6e|6e c2 96 7e) lhzux r20,r22,r24 .*: (7e f8 ca 2e|2e ca f8 7e) lhzx r23,r24,r25 .*: (4c 04 00 00|00 00 04 4c) mcrf 0,1 .*: (fd 90 00 80|80 00 90 fd) mcrfs 3,4 .*: (7d 80 04 00|00 04 80 7d) mcrxr 3 .*: (7c 60 00 26|26 00 60 7c) mfcr r3 .*: (7c 69 02 a6|a6 02 69 7c) mfctr r3 .*: (7c b3 02 a6|a6 02 b3 7c) mfdar r5 .*: (7c 92 02 a6|a6 02 92 7c) mfdsisr r4 .*: (ff c0 04 8e|8e 04 c0 ff) mffs f30 .*: (ff e0 04 8f|8f 04 e0 ff) mffs. f31 .*: (7c 48 02 a6|a6 02 48 7c) mflr r2 .*: (7e 60 00 a6|a6 00 60 7e) mfmsr r19 .*: (7c 78 00 26|26 00 78 7c) mfocrf r3,128 .*: (7c 25 02 a6|a6 02 25 7c) mfrtcl r1 .*: (7c 04 02 a6|a6 02 04 7c) mfrtcu r0 .*: (7c d9 02 a6|a6 02 d9 7c) mfsdr1 r6 .*: (7c 60 22 a6|a6 22 60 7c) mfspr r3,128 .*: (7c fa 02 a6|a6 02 fa 7c) mfsrr0 r7 .*: (7d 1b 02 a6|a6 02 1b 7d) mfsrr1 r8 .*: (7f c1 02 a6|a6 02 c1 7f) mfxer r30 .*: (7f fe fb 79|79 fb fe 7f) mr. r30,r31 .*: (7f fe fb 79|79 fb fe 7f) mr. r30,r31 .*: (7f fe fb 78|78 fb fe 7f) mr r30,r31 .*: (7f fe fb 78|78 fb fe 7f) mr r30,r31 .*: (7c 6f f1 20|20 f1 6f 7c) mtcr r3 .*: (7c 68 01 20|20 01 68 7c) mtcrf 128,r3 .*: (7e 69 03 a6|a6 03 69 7e) mtctr r19 .*: (7e b3 03 a6|a6 03 b3 7e) mtdar r21 .*: (7f 16 03 a6|a6 03 16 7f) mtdec r24 .*: (7e 92 03 a6|a6 03 92 7e) mtdsisr r20 .*: (fc 60 00 8d|8d 00 60 fc) mtfsb0. 3 .*: (fc 60 00 8c|8c 00 60 fc) mtfsb0 3 .*: (fc 60 00 4d|4d 00 60 fc) mtfsb1. 3 .*: (fc 60 00 4c|4c 00 60 fc) mtfsb1 3 .*: (fc 0c 55 8e|8e 55 0c fc) mtfsf 6,f10 .*: (fc 0c 5d 8f|8f 5d 0c fc) mtfsf. 6,f11 .*: (ff 00 01 0c|0c 01 00 ff) mtfsfi 6,0 .*: (ff 00 f1 0d|0d f1 00 ff) mtfsfi. 6,15 .*: (7e 48 03 a6|a6 03 48 7e) mtlr r18 .*: (7d 40 01 24|24 01 40 7d) mtmsr r10 .*: (7c 78 01 20|20 01 78 7c) mtocrf 128,r3 .*: (7e f5 03 a6|a6 03 f5 7e) mtrtcl r23 .*: (7e d4 03 a6|a6 03 d4 7e) mtrtcu r22 .*: (7f 39 03 a6|a6 03 39 7f) mtsdr1 r25 .*: (7c 60 23 a6|a6 23 60 7c) mtspr 128,r3 .*: (7f 5a 03 a6|a6 03 5a 7f) mtsrr0 r26 .*: (7f 7b 03 a6|a6 03 7b 7f) mtsrr1 r27 .*: (7e 21 03 a6|a6 03 21 7e) mtxer r17 .*: (7f bc f3 b9|b9 f3 bc 7f) nand. r28,r29,r30 .*: (7f bc f3 b8|b8 f3 bc 7f) nand r28,r29,r30 .*: (7c 64 00 d1|d1 00 64 7c) neg. r3,r4 .*: (7c 64 00 d0|d0 00 64 7c) neg r3,r4 .*: (7e 11 04 d0|d0 04 11 7e) nego r16,r17 .*: (7e 53 04 d1|d1 04 53 7e) nego. r18,r19 .*: (7e b4 b0 f9|f9 b0 b4 7e) nor. r20,r21,r22 .*: (7e b4 b0 f8|f8 b0 b4 7e) nor r20,r21,r22 .*: (7e b4 a8 f9|f9 a8 b4 7e) not. r20,r21 .*: (7e b4 a8 f9|f9 a8 b4 7e) not. r20,r21 .*: (7e b4 a8 f8|f8 a8 b4 7e) not r20,r21 .*: (7e b4 a8 f8|f8 a8 b4 7e) not r20,r21 .*: (7c 40 23 78|78 23 40 7c) or r0,r2,r4 .*: (7d cc 83 79|79 83 cc 7d) or. r12,r14,r16 .*: (7e 0f 8b 38|38 8b 0f 7e) orc r15,r16,r17 .*: (7e 72 a3 39|39 a3 72 7e) orc. r18,r19,r20 .*: (4c 00 00 64|64 00 00 4c) rfi .*: (99 61 00 02|02 00 61 99) stb r11,2\(r1\) .*: (9d 81 00 03|03 00 81 9d) stbu r12,3\(r1\) .*: (7d ae 79 ee|ee 79 ae 7d) stbux r13,r14,r15 .*: (7c 64 29 ae|ae 29 64 7c) stbx r3,r4,r5 .*: (db 21 00 20|20 00 21 db) stfd f25,32\(r1\) .*: (df 41 00 28|28 00 41 df) stfdu f26,40\(r1\) .*: (7c 01 15 ee|ee 15 01 7c) stfdux f0,r1,r2 .*: (7f be fd ae|ae fd be 7f) stfdx f29,r30,r31 .*: (d2 e1 00 14|14 00 e1 d2) stfs f23,20\(r1\) .*: (d7 01 00 18|18 00 01 d7) stfsu f24,24\(r1\) .*: (7f 5b e5 6e|6e e5 5b 7f) stfsux f26,r27,r28 .*: (7e f8 cd 2e|2e cd f8 7e) stfsx f23,r24,r25 .*: (b2 21 00 0a|0a 00 21 b2) sth r17,10\(r1\) .*: (7c c7 47 2c|2c 47 c7 7c) sthbrx r6,r7,r8 .*: (b6 41 00 0c|0c 00 41 b6) sthu r18,12\(r1\) .*: (7e b6 bb 6e|6e bb b6 7e) sthux r21,r22,r23 .*: (7d 8d 73 2e|2e 73 8d 7d) sthx r12,r13,r14 .*: (7f dd fa 79|79 fa dd 7f) xor. r29,r30,r31 .*: (7f dd fa 78|78 fa dd 7f) xor r29,r30,r31 .*: (60 00 00 00|00 00 00 60) nop .*: (60 00 00 00|00 00 00 60) nop .*: (68 00 00 00|00 00 00 68) xnop .*: (68 00 00 00|00 00 00 68) xnop #pass