#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -qs /* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * apicalls.d - Summarize DB API function calls * * This script graphs the count of the main API calls grouped by thread. * * The optional integer maxcount parameter directs the script to exit once * that many functions calls have been accumulated. * * usage: apicalls.d { -p | -c " [ 0 ? $1 : -1; functioncount = 0; printf("DB API call counts of process %d; interrupt to display summary\n", $target); } pid$target::db*_create:return, pid$target::__*_pp:return { @calls[tid, probefunc] = count(); functioncount++; } pid$target::db*_create:return, pid$target::__*_pp:return /functioncount == maxcount/ { exit(0); }