#include "utest_helper.hpp" #include static int *tmp = NULL; static struct float4 {float x,y,z,w;} *src = NULL, *dst = NULL; static int w = 0; static int h = 0; static int sz = 0; static const size_t chunk = 64; static void compiler_box_blur_float() { OCL_CREATE_KERNEL("compiler_box_blur_float"); /* Load the picture */ tmp = cl_read_bmp("lenna128x128.bmp", &w, &h); sz = w * h * sizeof(float[4]); src = (float4*)malloc(sz); /* RGBA -> float4 conversion */ const int n = w*h; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { src[i].x = (float) (tmp[i] & 0xff); src[i].y = (float) ((tmp[i] >> 8) & 0xff); src[i].z = (float) ((tmp[i] >> 16) & 0xff); src[i].w = 0.f; } free(tmp); /* Run the kernel */ OCL_CREATE_BUFFER(buf[0], CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, sz, src); OCL_CREATE_BUFFER(buf[1], 0, sz, NULL); OCL_SET_ARG(0, sizeof(cl_mem), &buf[0]); OCL_SET_ARG(1, sizeof(cl_mem), &buf[1]); OCL_SET_ARG(2, sizeof(int), &w); OCL_SET_ARG(3, sizeof(int), &h); OCL_SET_ARG(4, sizeof(int), &chunk); globals[0] = size_t(w); globals[1] = h/chunk + ((h%chunk)?1:0); locals[0] = 16; locals[1] = 1; free(src); OCL_NDRANGE(2); OCL_MAP_BUFFER(1); dst = (float4*) buf_data[1]; /* Convert back to RGBA and save */ int *tmp = (int*) malloc(n*sizeof(int)); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int to = int(std::min(dst[i].x, 255.f)); to |= int(std::min(dst[i].y, 255.f)) << 8; to |= int(std::min(dst[i].z, 255.f)) << 16; tmp[i] = to; } /* Save the image (for debug purpose) */ cl_write_bmp(tmp, w, h, "compiler_box_blur_float.bmp"); /* Compare with the golden image */ OCL_CHECK_IMAGE(tmp, w, h, "compiler_box_blur_float_ref.bmp"); free(tmp); } MAKE_UTEST_FROM_FUNCTION(compiler_box_blur_float);