#include "utest_helper.hpp" #include typedef cl_accelerator_intel (OCLCREATEACCELERATORINTEL)(cl_context, cl_accelerator_type_intel accel_type, size_t desc_sz, const void* desc, cl_int* errcode_ret); OCLCREATEACCELERATORINTEL * oclCreateAcceleratorIntel = NULL; typedef cl_int (OCLRELEASEACCELERATORINTEL)(cl_accelerator_intel accel_type); OCLRELEASEACCELERATORINTEL * oclReleaseAcceleratorIntel = NULL; void builtin_kernel_block_motion_estimate_intel(void) { if (!cl_check_motion_estimation()) { return; } char* built_in_kernel_names; size_t built_in_kernels_size; cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS; size_t ret_sz; OCL_CALL (clGetDeviceInfo, device, CL_DEVICE_BUILT_IN_KERNELS, 0, 0, &built_in_kernels_size); built_in_kernel_names = (char* )malloc(built_in_kernels_size * sizeof(char) ); OCL_CALL(clGetDeviceInfo, device, CL_DEVICE_BUILT_IN_KERNELS, built_in_kernels_size, (void*)built_in_kernel_names, &ret_sz); OCL_ASSERT(ret_sz == built_in_kernels_size); if (strstr(built_in_kernel_names, "block_motion_estimate_intel") == NULL) { free(built_in_kernel_names); fprintf(stderr, "Can't find block_motion_estimate_intel built-in kernel"); OCL_ASSERT(0); } cl_program built_in_prog = clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels(ctx, 1, &device, built_in_kernel_names, &err); OCL_ASSERT(built_in_prog != NULL); kernel = clCreateKernel(built_in_prog, "block_motion_estimate_intel", &err); OCL_ASSERT(kernel != NULL); cl_motion_estimation_desc_intel vmedesc = {CL_ME_MB_TYPE_16x16_INTEL, //0x0 CL_ME_SUBPIXEL_MODE_INTEGER_INTEL, //0x0 CL_ME_SAD_ADJUST_MODE_NONE_INTEL, //0x0 CL_ME_SEARCH_PATH_RADIUS_16_12_INTEL //0x5 }; #ifdef CL_VERSION_1_2 oclCreateAcceleratorIntel = (OCLCREATEACCELERATORINTEL*)clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform(platform, "clCreateAcceleratorINTEL"); #else oclCreateAcceleratorIntel = (OCLCREATEACCELERATORINTEL*)clGetExtensionFunctionAddress("clCreateAcceleratorINTEL"); #endif if(!oclCreateAcceleratorIntel){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get extension clCreateImageFromLibvaIntel\n"); OCL_ASSERT(0); } cl_accelerator_intel accel = oclCreateAcceleratorIntel(ctx, CL_ACCELERATOR_TYPE_MOTION_ESTIMATION_INTEL,sizeof(cl_motion_estimation_desc_intel), &vmedesc, &err); OCL_ASSERT(accel != NULL); const size_t w = 71; //80 const size_t h = 41; //48 cl_image_format format; cl_image_desc desc; memset(&desc, 0x0, sizeof(cl_image_desc)); memset(&format, 0x0, sizeof(cl_image_format)); uint8_t* image_data1 = (uint8_t *)malloc(w * h); //src uint8_t* image_data2 = (uint8_t *)malloc(w * h); //ref for (size_t j = 0; j < h; j++) { for (size_t i = 0; i < w; i++) { if (i >= 32 && i <= 47 && j >= 16 && j <= 31) image_data2[w * j + i] = image_data1[w * j + i] = 100; else image_data2[w * j + i] = image_data1[w * j + i] = 17; } } format.image_channel_order = CL_R; format.image_channel_data_type = CL_UNORM_INT8; desc.image_type = CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D; desc.image_width = w; desc.image_height = h; desc.image_row_pitch = 0; OCL_CREATE_IMAGE(buf[0], CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, &format, &desc, image_data1); //src OCL_CREATE_IMAGE(buf[1], CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, &format, &desc, image_data2); //ref const size_t mv_w = (w + 15) / 16; const size_t mv_h = (h + 15) / 16; OCL_CREATE_BUFFER(buf[2], 0, mv_w * mv_h * sizeof(short) * 2, NULL); OCL_SET_ARG(0, sizeof(cl_accelerator_intel), &accel); OCL_SET_ARG(1, sizeof(cl_mem), &buf[0]); OCL_SET_ARG(2, sizeof(cl_mem), &buf[1]); OCL_SET_ARG(3, sizeof(cl_mem), NULL); OCL_SET_ARG(4, sizeof(cl_mem), &buf[2]); OCL_SET_ARG(5, sizeof(cl_mem), NULL); globals[0] = w; globals[1] = h; OCL_CALL(clEnqueueNDRangeKernel, queue, kernel, 2, NULL, globals, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); OCL_MAP_BUFFER(2); short expected[] = {-64, -48, //S13.2 fixed point value -64, -48, -64, -48, -64, -48, -64, -48, -64, -48, -64, -48, 0, 0, 0, -48, -64, -48, -64, -48, -64, -48, -64, -48, 0, -48, -64, -48}; short* res = (short*)buf_data[2]; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < mv_h - 1; ++j) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mv_w - 1; ++i) { uint32_t index = j * mv_w * 2 + i * 2; OCL_ASSERT(res[index + 0] == expected[index + 0]); OCL_ASSERT(res[index + 1] == expected[index + 1]); } } OCL_UNMAP_BUFFER(2); #ifdef CL_VERSION_1_2 oclReleaseAcceleratorIntel = (OCLRELEASEACCELERATORINTEL*)clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform(platform, "clReleaseAcceleratorINTEL"); #else oclReleaseAcceleratorIntel = (OCLRELEASEACCELERATORINTEL*)clGetExtensionFunctionAddress("clReleaseAcceleratorINTEL"); #endif if(!oclReleaseAcceleratorIntel){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get extension clCreateImageFromLibvaIntel\n"); OCL_ASSERT(0); } oclReleaseAcceleratorIntel(accel); clReleaseProgram(built_in_prog); free(built_in_kernel_names); free(image_data1); free(image_data2); } MAKE_UTEST_FROM_FUNCTION(builtin_kernel_block_motion_estimate_intel);