/* * Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. * opyright (c) 1999-2000 by Hewlett-Packard Company. All rights reserved. * * THIS MATERIAL IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED * OR IMPLIED. ANY USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. * * Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program * for any purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies. * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted, * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was * modified is included with the above copyright notice. * */ #include "private/gc_pmark.h" /* * Some simple primitives for allocation with explicit type information. * Simple objects are allocated such that they contain a GC_descr at the * end (in the last allocated word). This descriptor may be a procedure * which then examines an extended descriptor passed as its environment. * * Arrays are treated as simple objects if they have sufficiently simple * structure. Otherwise they are allocated from an array kind that supplies * a special mark procedure. These arrays contain a pointer to a * complex_descriptor as their last word. * This is done because the environment field is too small, and the collector * must trace the complex_descriptor. * * Note that descriptors inside objects may appear cleared, if we encounter a * false reference to an object on a free list. In the GC_descr case, this * is OK, since a 0 descriptor corresponds to examining no fields. * In the complex_descriptor case, we explicitly check for that case. * * MAJOR PARTS OF THIS CODE HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED AT ALL and are not testable, * since they are not accessible through the current interface. */ #include "gc_typed.h" #define TYPD_EXTRA_BYTES (sizeof(word) - EXTRA_BYTES) STATIC GC_bool GC_explicit_typing_initialized = FALSE; STATIC int GC_explicit_kind = 0; /* Object kind for objects with indirect */ /* (possibly extended) descriptors. */ STATIC int GC_array_kind = 0; /* Object kind for objects with complex */ /* descriptors and GC_array_mark_proc. */ /* Extended descriptors. GC_typed_mark_proc understands these. */ /* These are used for simple objects that are larger than what */ /* can be described by a BITMAP_BITS sized bitmap. */ typedef struct { word ed_bitmap; /* lsb corresponds to first word. */ GC_bool ed_continued; /* next entry is continuation. */ } ext_descr; /* Array descriptors. GC_array_mark_proc understands these. */ /* We may eventually need to add provisions for headers and */ /* trailers. Hence we provide for tree structured descriptors, */ /* though we don't really use them currently. */ typedef union ComplexDescriptor { struct LeafDescriptor { /* Describes simple array */ word ld_tag; # define LEAF_TAG 1 size_t ld_size; /* bytes per element */ /* multiple of ALIGNMENT */ size_t ld_nelements; /* Number of elements. */ GC_descr ld_descriptor; /* A simple length, bitmap, */ /* or procedure descriptor. */ } ld; struct ComplexArrayDescriptor { word ad_tag; # define ARRAY_TAG 2 size_t ad_nelements; union ComplexDescriptor * ad_element_descr; } ad; struct SequenceDescriptor { word sd_tag; # define SEQUENCE_TAG 3 union ComplexDescriptor * sd_first; union ComplexDescriptor * sd_second; } sd; } complex_descriptor; #define TAG ld.ld_tag STATIC ext_descr * GC_ext_descriptors = NULL; /* Points to array of extended */ /* descriptors. */ STATIC size_t GC_ed_size = 0; /* Current size of above arrays. */ #define ED_INITIAL_SIZE 100 STATIC size_t GC_avail_descr = 0; /* Next available slot. */ STATIC int GC_typed_mark_proc_index = 0; /* Indices of my mark */ STATIC int GC_array_mark_proc_index = 0; /* procedures. */ STATIC void GC_push_typed_structures_proc(void) { GC_push_all((ptr_t)&GC_ext_descriptors, (ptr_t)&GC_ext_descriptors + sizeof(word)); } /* Add a multiword bitmap to GC_ext_descriptors arrays. Return */ /* starting index. */ /* Returns -1 on failure. */ /* Caller does not hold allocation lock. */ STATIC signed_word GC_add_ext_descriptor(const GC_word * bm, word nbits) { size_t nwords = divWORDSZ(nbits + WORDSZ-1); signed_word result; size_t i; word last_part; size_t extra_bits; DCL_LOCK_STATE; LOCK(); while (GC_avail_descr + nwords >= GC_ed_size) { ext_descr * new; size_t new_size; word ed_size = GC_ed_size; if (ed_size == 0) { GC_push_typed_structures = GC_push_typed_structures_proc; UNLOCK(); new_size = ED_INITIAL_SIZE; } else { UNLOCK(); new_size = 2 * ed_size; if (new_size > MAX_ENV) return(-1); } new = (ext_descr *) GC_malloc_atomic(new_size * sizeof(ext_descr)); if (new == 0) return(-1); LOCK(); if (ed_size == GC_ed_size) { if (GC_avail_descr != 0) { BCOPY(GC_ext_descriptors, new, GC_avail_descr * sizeof(ext_descr)); } GC_ed_size = new_size; GC_ext_descriptors = new; } /* else another thread already resized it in the meantime */ } result = GC_avail_descr; for (i = 0; i < nwords-1; i++) { GC_ext_descriptors[result + i].ed_bitmap = bm[i]; GC_ext_descriptors[result + i].ed_continued = TRUE; } last_part = bm[i]; /* Clear irrelevant bits. */ extra_bits = nwords * WORDSZ - nbits; last_part <<= extra_bits; last_part >>= extra_bits; GC_ext_descriptors[result + i].ed_bitmap = last_part; GC_ext_descriptors[result + i].ed_continued = FALSE; GC_avail_descr += nwords; UNLOCK(); return(result); } /* Table of bitmap descriptors for n word long all pointer objects. */ STATIC GC_descr GC_bm_table[WORDSZ/2]; /* Return a descriptor for the concatenation of 2 nwords long objects, */ /* each of which is described by descriptor. */ /* The result is known to be short enough to fit into a bitmap */ /* descriptor. */ /* Descriptor is a GC_DS_LENGTH or GC_DS_BITMAP descriptor. */ STATIC GC_descr GC_double_descr(GC_descr descriptor, word nwords) { if ((descriptor & GC_DS_TAGS) == GC_DS_LENGTH) { descriptor = GC_bm_table[BYTES_TO_WORDS((word)descriptor)]; }; descriptor |= (descriptor & ~GC_DS_TAGS) >> nwords; return(descriptor); } STATIC complex_descriptor * GC_make_sequence_descriptor(complex_descriptor *first, complex_descriptor *second); /* Build a descriptor for an array with nelements elements, */ /* each of which can be described by a simple descriptor. */ /* We try to optimize some common cases. */ /* If the result is COMPLEX, then a complex_descr* is returned */ /* in *complex_d. */ /* If the result is LEAF, then we built a LeafDescriptor in */ /* the structure pointed to by leaf. */ /* The tag in the leaf structure is not set. */ /* If the result is SIMPLE, then a GC_descr */ /* is returned in *simple_d. */ /* If the result is NO_MEM, then */ /* we failed to allocate the descriptor. */ /* The implementation knows that GC_DS_LENGTH is 0. */ /* *leaf, *complex_d, and *simple_d may be used as temporaries */ /* during the construction. */ #define COMPLEX 2 #define LEAF 1 #define SIMPLE 0 #define NO_MEM (-1) STATIC int GC_make_array_descriptor(size_t nelements, size_t size, GC_descr descriptor, GC_descr *simple_d, complex_descriptor **complex_d, struct LeafDescriptor * leaf) { # define OPT_THRESHOLD 50 /* For larger arrays, we try to combine descriptors of adjacent */ /* descriptors to speed up marking, and to reduce the amount */ /* of space needed on the mark stack. */ if ((descriptor & GC_DS_TAGS) == GC_DS_LENGTH) { if (descriptor == (GC_descr)size) { *simple_d = nelements * descriptor; return(SIMPLE); } else if ((word)descriptor == 0) { *simple_d = (GC_descr)0; return(SIMPLE); } } if (nelements <= OPT_THRESHOLD) { if (nelements <= 1) { if (nelements == 1) { *simple_d = descriptor; return(SIMPLE); } else { *simple_d = (GC_descr)0; return(SIMPLE); } } } else if (size <= BITMAP_BITS/2 && (descriptor & GC_DS_TAGS) != GC_DS_PROC && (size & (sizeof(word)-1)) == 0) { int result = GC_make_array_descriptor(nelements/2, 2*size, GC_double_descr(descriptor, BYTES_TO_WORDS(size)), simple_d, complex_d, leaf); if ((nelements & 1) == 0) { return(result); } else { struct LeafDescriptor * one_element = (struct LeafDescriptor *) GC_malloc_atomic(sizeof(struct LeafDescriptor)); if (result == NO_MEM || one_element == 0) return(NO_MEM); one_element -> ld_tag = LEAF_TAG; one_element -> ld_size = size; one_element -> ld_nelements = 1; one_element -> ld_descriptor = descriptor; switch(result) { case SIMPLE: { struct LeafDescriptor * beginning = (struct LeafDescriptor *) GC_malloc_atomic(sizeof(struct LeafDescriptor)); if (beginning == 0) return(NO_MEM); beginning -> ld_tag = LEAF_TAG; beginning -> ld_size = size; beginning -> ld_nelements = 1; beginning -> ld_descriptor = *simple_d; *complex_d = GC_make_sequence_descriptor( (complex_descriptor *)beginning, (complex_descriptor *)one_element); break; } case LEAF: { struct LeafDescriptor * beginning = (struct LeafDescriptor *) GC_malloc_atomic(sizeof(struct LeafDescriptor)); if (beginning == 0) return(NO_MEM); beginning -> ld_tag = LEAF_TAG; beginning -> ld_size = leaf -> ld_size; beginning -> ld_nelements = leaf -> ld_nelements; beginning -> ld_descriptor = leaf -> ld_descriptor; *complex_d = GC_make_sequence_descriptor( (complex_descriptor *)beginning, (complex_descriptor *)one_element); break; } case COMPLEX: *complex_d = GC_make_sequence_descriptor( *complex_d, (complex_descriptor *)one_element); break; } return(COMPLEX); } } leaf -> ld_size = size; leaf -> ld_nelements = nelements; leaf -> ld_descriptor = descriptor; return(LEAF); } STATIC complex_descriptor * GC_make_sequence_descriptor(complex_descriptor *first, complex_descriptor *second) { struct SequenceDescriptor * result = (struct SequenceDescriptor *) GC_malloc(sizeof(struct SequenceDescriptor)); /* Can't result in overly conservative marking, since tags are */ /* very small integers. Probably faster than maintaining type */ /* info. */ if (result != 0) { result -> sd_tag = SEQUENCE_TAG; result -> sd_first = first; result -> sd_second = second; } return((complex_descriptor *)result); } #ifdef UNDEFINED complex_descriptor * GC_make_complex_array_descriptor(word nelements, complex_descriptor *descr) { struct ComplexArrayDescriptor * result = (struct ComplexArrayDescriptor *) GC_malloc(sizeof(struct ComplexArrayDescriptor)); if (result != 0) { result -> ad_tag = ARRAY_TAG; result -> ad_nelements = nelements; result -> ad_element_descr = descr; } return((complex_descriptor *)result); } #endif STATIC ptr_t * GC_eobjfreelist = NULL; STATIC ptr_t * GC_arobjfreelist = NULL; STATIC mse * GC_typed_mark_proc(word * addr, mse * mark_stack_ptr, mse * mark_stack_limit, word env); STATIC mse * GC_array_mark_proc(word * addr, mse * mark_stack_ptr, mse * mark_stack_limit, word env); /* Caller does not hold allocation lock. */ STATIC void GC_init_explicit_typing(void) { register unsigned i; DCL_LOCK_STATE; GC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(struct LeafDescriptor) % sizeof(word) == 0); LOCK(); if (GC_explicit_typing_initialized) { UNLOCK(); return; } GC_explicit_typing_initialized = TRUE; /* Set up object kind with simple indirect descriptor. */ GC_eobjfreelist = (ptr_t *)GC_new_free_list_inner(); GC_explicit_kind = GC_new_kind_inner( (void **)GC_eobjfreelist, (((word)WORDS_TO_BYTES(-1)) | GC_DS_PER_OBJECT), TRUE, TRUE); /* Descriptors are in the last word of the object. */ GC_typed_mark_proc_index = GC_new_proc_inner(GC_typed_mark_proc); /* Set up object kind with array descriptor. */ GC_arobjfreelist = (ptr_t *)GC_new_free_list_inner(); GC_array_mark_proc_index = GC_new_proc_inner(GC_array_mark_proc); GC_array_kind = GC_new_kind_inner( (void **)GC_arobjfreelist, GC_MAKE_PROC(GC_array_mark_proc_index, 0), FALSE, TRUE); for (i = 0; i < WORDSZ/2; i++) { GC_descr d = (((word)(-1)) >> (WORDSZ - i)) << (WORDSZ - i); d |= GC_DS_BITMAP; GC_bm_table[i] = d; } UNLOCK(); } STATIC mse * GC_typed_mark_proc(word * addr, mse * mark_stack_ptr, mse * mark_stack_limit, word env) { word bm = GC_ext_descriptors[env].ed_bitmap; word * current_p = addr; word current; ptr_t greatest_ha = GC_greatest_plausible_heap_addr; ptr_t least_ha = GC_least_plausible_heap_addr; DECLARE_HDR_CACHE; INIT_HDR_CACHE; for (; bm != 0; bm >>= 1, current_p++) { if (bm & 1) { current = *current_p; FIXUP_POINTER(current); if ((ptr_t)current >= least_ha && (ptr_t)current <= greatest_ha) { PUSH_CONTENTS((ptr_t)current, mark_stack_ptr, mark_stack_limit, (ptr_t)current_p, exit1); } } } if (GC_ext_descriptors[env].ed_continued) { /* Push an entry with the rest of the descriptor back onto the */ /* stack. Thus we never do too much work at once. Note that */ /* we also can't overflow the mark stack unless we actually */ /* mark something. */ mark_stack_ptr++; if (mark_stack_ptr >= mark_stack_limit) { mark_stack_ptr = GC_signal_mark_stack_overflow(mark_stack_ptr); } mark_stack_ptr -> mse_start = (ptr_t)(addr + WORDSZ); mark_stack_ptr -> mse_descr = GC_MAKE_PROC(GC_typed_mark_proc_index, env+1); } return(mark_stack_ptr); } /* Return the size of the object described by d. It would be faster to */ /* store this directly, or to compute it as part of */ /* GC_push_complex_descriptor, but hopefully it doesn't matter. */ STATIC word GC_descr_obj_size(complex_descriptor *d) { switch(d -> TAG) { case LEAF_TAG: return(d -> ld.ld_nelements * d -> ld.ld_size); case ARRAY_TAG: return(d -> ad.ad_nelements * GC_descr_obj_size(d -> ad.ad_element_descr)); case SEQUENCE_TAG: return(GC_descr_obj_size(d -> sd.sd_first) + GC_descr_obj_size(d -> sd.sd_second)); default: ABORT("Bad complex descriptor"); /*NOTREACHED*/ return 0; /*NOTREACHED*/ } } /* Push descriptors for the object at addr with complex descriptor d */ /* onto the mark stack. Return 0 if the mark stack overflowed. */ STATIC mse * GC_push_complex_descriptor(word *addr, complex_descriptor *d, mse *msp, mse *msl) { register ptr_t current = (ptr_t) addr; register word nelements; register word sz; register word i; switch(d -> TAG) { case LEAF_TAG: { register GC_descr descr = d -> ld.ld_descriptor; nelements = d -> ld.ld_nelements; if (msl - msp <= (ptrdiff_t)nelements) return(0); sz = d -> ld.ld_size; for (i = 0; i < nelements; i++) { msp++; msp -> mse_start = current; msp -> mse_descr = descr; current += sz; } return(msp); } case ARRAY_TAG: { register complex_descriptor *descr = d -> ad.ad_element_descr; nelements = d -> ad.ad_nelements; sz = GC_descr_obj_size(descr); for (i = 0; i < nelements; i++) { msp = GC_push_complex_descriptor((word *)current, descr, msp, msl); if (msp == 0) return(0); current += sz; } return(msp); } case SEQUENCE_TAG: { sz = GC_descr_obj_size(d -> sd.sd_first); msp = GC_push_complex_descriptor((word *)current, d -> sd.sd_first, msp, msl); if (msp == 0) return(0); current += sz; msp = GC_push_complex_descriptor((word *)current, d -> sd.sd_second, msp, msl); return(msp); } default: ABORT("Bad complex descriptor"); /*NOTREACHED*/ return 0; /*NOTREACHED*/ } } STATIC mse * GC_array_mark_proc(word * addr, mse * mark_stack_ptr, mse * mark_stack_limit, word env GC_ATTR_UNUSED) { hdr * hhdr = HDR(addr); size_t sz = hhdr -> hb_sz; size_t nwords = BYTES_TO_WORDS(sz); complex_descriptor * descr = (complex_descriptor *)(addr[nwords-1]); mse * orig_mark_stack_ptr = mark_stack_ptr; mse * new_mark_stack_ptr; if (descr == 0) { /* Found a reference to a free list entry. Ignore it. */ return(orig_mark_stack_ptr); } /* In use counts were already updated when array descriptor was */ /* pushed. Here we only replace it by subobject descriptors, so */ /* no update is necessary. */ new_mark_stack_ptr = GC_push_complex_descriptor(addr, descr, mark_stack_ptr, mark_stack_limit-1); if (new_mark_stack_ptr == 0) { /* Doesn't fit. Conservatively push the whole array as a unit */ /* and request a mark stack expansion. */ /* This cannot cause a mark stack overflow, since it replaces */ /* the original array entry. */ GC_mark_stack_too_small = TRUE; new_mark_stack_ptr = orig_mark_stack_ptr + 1; new_mark_stack_ptr -> mse_start = (ptr_t)addr; new_mark_stack_ptr -> mse_descr = sz | GC_DS_LENGTH; } else { /* Push descriptor itself */ new_mark_stack_ptr++; new_mark_stack_ptr -> mse_start = (ptr_t)(addr + nwords - 1); new_mark_stack_ptr -> mse_descr = sizeof(word) | GC_DS_LENGTH; } return new_mark_stack_ptr; } GC_API GC_descr GC_CALL GC_make_descriptor(const GC_word * bm, size_t len) { signed_word last_set_bit = len - 1; GC_descr result; signed_word i; # define HIGH_BIT (((word)1) << (WORDSZ - 1)) if (!EXPECT(GC_explicit_typing_initialized, TRUE)) GC_init_explicit_typing(); while (last_set_bit >= 0 && !GC_get_bit(bm, last_set_bit)) last_set_bit--; if (last_set_bit < 0) return(0 /* no pointers */); # if ALIGNMENT == CPP_WORDSZ/8 { register GC_bool all_bits_set = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < last_set_bit; i++) { if (!GC_get_bit(bm, i)) { all_bits_set = FALSE; break; } } if (all_bits_set) { /* An initial section contains all pointers. Use length descriptor. */ return (WORDS_TO_BYTES(last_set_bit+1) | GC_DS_LENGTH); } } # endif if ((word)last_set_bit < BITMAP_BITS) { /* Hopefully the common case. */ /* Build bitmap descriptor (with bits reversed) */ result = HIGH_BIT; for (i = last_set_bit - 1; i >= 0; i--) { result >>= 1; if (GC_get_bit(bm, i)) result |= HIGH_BIT; } result |= GC_DS_BITMAP; return(result); } else { signed_word index; index = GC_add_ext_descriptor(bm, (word)last_set_bit+1); if (index == -1) return(WORDS_TO_BYTES(last_set_bit+1) | GC_DS_LENGTH); /* Out of memory: use conservative */ /* approximation. */ result = GC_MAKE_PROC(GC_typed_mark_proc_index, (word)index); return result; } } GC_API void * GC_CALL GC_malloc_explicitly_typed(size_t lb, GC_descr d) { ptr_t op; ptr_t * opp; size_t lg; DCL_LOCK_STATE; lb += TYPD_EXTRA_BYTES; if(SMALL_OBJ(lb)) { lg = GC_size_map[lb]; opp = &(GC_eobjfreelist[lg]); LOCK(); if( (op = *opp) == 0 ) { UNLOCK(); op = (ptr_t)GENERAL_MALLOC((word)lb, GC_explicit_kind); if (0 == op) return 0; lg = GC_size_map[lb]; /* May have been uninitialized. */ } else { *opp = obj_link(op); obj_link(op) = 0; GC_bytes_allocd += GRANULES_TO_BYTES(lg); UNLOCK(); } ((word *)op)[GRANULES_TO_WORDS(lg) - 1] = d; } else { op = (ptr_t)GENERAL_MALLOC((word)lb, GC_explicit_kind); if (op != NULL) { lg = BYTES_TO_GRANULES(GC_size(op)); ((word *)op)[GRANULES_TO_WORDS(lg) - 1] = d; } } return((void *) op); } GC_API void * GC_CALL GC_malloc_explicitly_typed_ignore_off_page(size_t lb, GC_descr d) { ptr_t op; ptr_t * opp; size_t lg; DCL_LOCK_STATE; lb += TYPD_EXTRA_BYTES; if( SMALL_OBJ(lb) ) { lg = GC_size_map[lb]; opp = &(GC_eobjfreelist[lg]); LOCK(); if( (op = *opp) == 0 ) { UNLOCK(); op = (ptr_t)GENERAL_MALLOC_IOP(lb, GC_explicit_kind); if (0 == op) return 0; lg = GC_size_map[lb]; /* May have been uninitialized. */ } else { *opp = obj_link(op); obj_link(op) = 0; GC_bytes_allocd += GRANULES_TO_BYTES(lg); UNLOCK(); } ((word *)op)[GRANULES_TO_WORDS(lg) - 1] = d; } else { op = (ptr_t)GENERAL_MALLOC_IOP(lb, GC_explicit_kind); if (op != NULL) { lg = BYTES_TO_WORDS(GC_size(op)); ((word *)op)[GRANULES_TO_WORDS(lg) - 1] = d; } } return((void *) op); } GC_API void * GC_CALL GC_calloc_explicitly_typed(size_t n, size_t lb, GC_descr d) { ptr_t op; ptr_t * opp; size_t lg; GC_descr simple_descr; complex_descriptor *complex_descr; register int descr_type; struct LeafDescriptor leaf; DCL_LOCK_STATE; descr_type = GC_make_array_descriptor((word)n, (word)lb, d, &simple_descr, &complex_descr, &leaf); switch(descr_type) { case NO_MEM: return(0); case SIMPLE: return(GC_malloc_explicitly_typed(n*lb, simple_descr)); case LEAF: lb *= n; lb += sizeof(struct LeafDescriptor) + TYPD_EXTRA_BYTES; break; case COMPLEX: lb *= n; lb += TYPD_EXTRA_BYTES; break; } if( SMALL_OBJ(lb) ) { lg = GC_size_map[lb]; opp = &(GC_arobjfreelist[lg]); LOCK(); if( (op = *opp) == 0 ) { UNLOCK(); op = (ptr_t)GENERAL_MALLOC((word)lb, GC_array_kind); if (0 == op) return(0); lg = GC_size_map[lb]; /* May have been uninitialized. */ } else { *opp = obj_link(op); obj_link(op) = 0; GC_bytes_allocd += GRANULES_TO_BYTES(lg); UNLOCK(); } } else { op = (ptr_t)GENERAL_MALLOC((word)lb, GC_array_kind); if (0 == op) return(0); lg = BYTES_TO_GRANULES(GC_size(op)); } if (descr_type == LEAF) { /* Set up the descriptor inside the object itself. */ volatile struct LeafDescriptor * lp = (struct LeafDescriptor *) ((word *)op + GRANULES_TO_WORDS(lg) - (BYTES_TO_WORDS(sizeof(struct LeafDescriptor)) + 1)); lp -> ld_tag = LEAF_TAG; lp -> ld_size = leaf.ld_size; lp -> ld_nelements = leaf.ld_nelements; lp -> ld_descriptor = leaf.ld_descriptor; ((volatile word *)op)[GRANULES_TO_WORDS(lg) - 1] = (word)lp; } else { size_t lw = GRANULES_TO_WORDS(lg); ((word *)op)[lw - 1] = (word)complex_descr; /* Make sure the descriptor is cleared once there is any danger */ /* it may have been collected. */ if (GC_general_register_disappearing_link((void * *)((word *)op+lw-1), op) == GC_NO_MEMORY) { /* Couldn't register it due to lack of memory. Punt. */ /* This will probably fail too, but gives the recovery code */ /* a chance. */ return(GC_malloc(n*lb)); } } return((void *) op); }