/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Ivan Maidanski * * THIS MATERIAL IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED * OR IMPLIED. ANY USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. * * Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program * for any purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies. * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted, * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was * modified is included with the above copyright notice. */ /* Minimal testing of atomic operations used by the BDWGC. Primary use */ /* is to determine whether compiler atomic intrinsics can be relied on. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #if defined(GC_BUILTIN_ATOMIC) || defined(GC_THREADS) # include # ifdef PARALLEL_MARK # define AO_REQUIRE_CAS # endif # include "private/gc_atomic_ops.h" # define TA_assert(e) \ if (!(e)) { \ fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failure, line %d: " #e "\n", __LINE__); \ exit(-1); \ } int main(void) { AO_t x = 13; # if defined(AO_HAVE_char_load) || defined(AO_HAVE_char_store) unsigned char c = 117; # endif # ifdef AO_HAVE_test_and_set_acquire AO_TS_t z = AO_TS_INITIALIZER; TA_assert(AO_test_and_set_acquire(&z) == AO_TS_CLEAR); TA_assert(AO_test_and_set_acquire(&z) == AO_TS_SET); AO_CLEAR(&z); # endif AO_compiler_barrier(); # ifdef AO_HAVE_nop_full AO_nop_full(); # endif # ifdef AO_HAVE_char_load TA_assert(AO_char_load(&c) == 117); # endif # ifdef AO_HAVE_char_store AO_char_store(&c, 119); TA_assert(c == 119); # endif # ifdef AO_HAVE_load_acquire TA_assert(AO_load_acquire(&x) == 13); # endif # if defined(AO_HAVE_fetch_and_add) && defined(AO_HAVE_fetch_and_add1) TA_assert(AO_fetch_and_add(&x, 42) == 13); TA_assert(AO_fetch_and_add(&x, (AO_t)(-43)) == 55); TA_assert(AO_fetch_and_add1(&x) == 12); # endif # ifdef AO_HAVE_compare_and_swap_release TA_assert(!AO_compare_and_swap(&x, 14, 42)); TA_assert(x == 13); TA_assert(AO_compare_and_swap_release(&x, 13, 42)); TA_assert(x == 42); # else if (*(volatile AO_t *)&x == 13) *(volatile AO_t *)&x = 42; # endif # ifdef AO_HAVE_or AO_or(&x, 66); TA_assert(x == 106); # endif # ifdef AO_HAVE_store_release AO_store_release(&x, 113); TA_assert(x == 113); # endif return 0; } #else int main(void) { printf("test_atomic_ops skipped\n"); return 0; } #endif