# Makefile for Windows NT. Assumes Microsoft compiler. # Should be invoked as "nmake -f NT_MAKEFILE []"; the optional arguments # are: "cpu=AMD64" - to target x64, "cpu=i386" - to target x86, # "make_as_lib=1" - to build it as a static library, "nodebug=1" - to produce # the release variant of the library, "nothreads=1" - to build the library and # the tests without threads support. cc = cl link = link rc = rc !IF !DEFINED(CPU) || "$(CPU)" == "" CPU = $(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE) !ENDIF !IF "$(CPU)" == "I386" || "$(CPU)" == "X86" || "$(CPU)" == "x86" CPU = i386 !ELSEIF "$(CPU)" == "X64" || "$(CPU)" == "x64" || "$(CPU)" == "amd64" CPU = AMD64 !ENDIF !IF !DEFINED(NMAKE_WINVER) NMAKE_WINVER = 0x0600 !ENDIF cflags = $(cflags) -c -DCRTAPI1=_cdecl -DCRTAPI2=_cdecl -GS -D_WINNT -W4 !IF "$(CPU)" == "i386" cflags = $(cflags) -D_X86_=1 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 !ELSEIF "$(CPU)" == "AMD64" cflags = $(cflags) -D_AMD64_=1 -DWIN64 -D_WIN64 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 !ENDIF cflags = $(cflags) -D_WIN32_WINNT=$(NMAKE_WINVER) -DWINVER=$(NMAKE_WINVER) !IFDEF NODEBUG cvarsmt = -D_MT -MT cdebug = -Ox -DNDEBUG rcvars = -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -DWINVER=$(NMAKE_WINVER) ldebug = /RELEASE !ELSE cvarsmt = -D_MT -MTd cdebug = -Zi -Od -DDEBUG rcvars = -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -DWINVER=$(NMAKE_WINVER) -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG ldebug = /DEBUG /DEBUGTYPE:cv !ENDIF !IF "$(CPU)" == "i386" CVTRES_CPU=X86 !ELSEIF "$(CPU)" == "AMD64" CVTRES_CPU=X64 !ENDIF !IFNDEF NODEBUG CFLAGS_DEBUG=-DGC_ASSERTIONS !ENDIF !IFNDEF NOTHREADS CFLAGS_MT=$(cvarsmt) -DGC_THREADS -DTHREAD_LOCAL_ALLOC -DPARALLEL_MARK !ENDIF !IFDEF MAKE_AS_LIB CFLAGS_GCDLL=-DGC_NOT_DLL GC_LIB=gc.lib LINK_GC=lib /out:$(GC_LIB) !ELSE CFLAGS_GCDLL=-DGC_DLL !IF "$(CPU)" == "AMD64" GC_DLL=gc64.dll GC_LIB=gc64_dll.lib !ELSE GC_DLL=gc.dll GC_LIB=gc_dll.lib !ENDIF LINK_DLL_FLAGS=kernel32.lib user32.lib /subsystem:windows /dll \ /INCREMENTAL:NO /pdb:"gc.pdb" /out:$(GC_DLL) /implib:$(GC_LIB) LINK_GC=$(link) $(ldebug) $(LINK_DLL_FLAGS) !ENDIF CFLAGS_SPECIFIC=$(CFLAGS_DEBUG) $(CFLAGS_GCDLL) $(CFLAGS_MT) CFLAGS_DEFAULT=-DALL_INTERIOR_POINTERS -DENABLE_DISCLAIM -DGC_ATOMIC_UNCOLLECTABLE -DGC_GCJ_SUPPORT -DJAVA_FINALIZATION -DNO_EXECUTE_PERMISSION -DUSE_MUNMAP CXXFLAGS_SPECIFIC=/EHsc # Make sure that .cc is not viewed as a suffix. It is for VC++2005, but # not earlier versions. We can deal with either, but not inconsistency. .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .obj .cpp .c # Atomic_ops installation directory. For win32, the source directory # should do, since we only need the headers. # We assume this was manually unpacked. AO_SRC_DIR=libatomic_ops/src AO_INCLUDE_DIR=$(AO_SRC_DIR) OBJS= misc.obj win32_threads.obj alloc.obj reclaim.obj allchblk.obj mach_dep.obj os_dep.obj mark_rts.obj headers.obj mark.obj obj_map.obj blacklst.obj finalize.obj new_hblk.obj dbg_mlc.obj fnlz_mlc.obj malloc.obj dyn_load.obj typd_mlc.obj ptr_chck.obj gc_cpp.obj gcj_mlc.obj mallocx.obj extra\msvc_dbg.obj thread_local_alloc.obj all: gctest.exe cord\de.exe test_cpp.exe .c.obj: $(cc) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(CFLAGS_SPECIFIC) -Iinclude -I$(AO_INCLUDE_DIR) $(CFLAGS_DEFAULT) -DCORD_NOT_DLL -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE $*.c /Fo$*.obj /wd4100 /wd4127 /wd4701 # Disable crt security warnings, since unfortunately they warn about all sorts # of safe uses of strncpy. It would be nice to leave the rest enabled. .cpp.obj: $(cc) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(CFLAGS_SPECIFIC) -Iinclude $(CFLAGS_DEFAULT) $(CXXFLAGS_SPECIFIC) -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE $*.cpp /Fo$*.obj $(OBJS) tests\test.obj: include\private\gc_priv.h include\private\gc_hdrs.h include\gc.h include\private\gcconfig.h include\private\gc_locks.h include\private\gc_pmark.h include\gc_mark.h include\gc_disclaim.h include\private\msvc_dbg.h $(GC_LIB): $(OBJS) $(LINK_GC) /MACHINE:$(CPU) $(OBJS) gctest.exe: $(GC_LIB) tests\test.obj $(link) /MACHINE:$(CPU) /INCREMENTAL:NO $(ldebug) $(lflags) user32.lib -out:$*.exe tests\test.obj $(GC_LIB) # mapsympe -n -o gctest.sym gctest.exe # This produces a GUI app that opens no window and writes to gctest.gc.log. cord\tests\de_win.rbj: cord\tests\de_win.res cvtres /MACHINE:$(CVTRES_CPU) /OUT:cord\tests\de_win.rbj cord\tests\de_win.res cord\tests\de.obj cord\tests\de_win.obj: include\cord.h include\cord_pos.h cord\tests\de_win.h cord\tests\de_cmds.h cord\tests\de_win.res: cord\tests\de_win.rc cord\tests\de_win.h cord\tests\de_cmds.h $(rc) $(rcvars) -r -fo cord\tests\de_win.res cord\tests\de_win.rc # Cord/de is a real win32 GUI app. cord\de.exe: cord\cordbscs.obj cord\cordxtra.obj cord\tests\de.obj cord\tests\de_win.obj cord\tests\de_win.rbj $(GC_LIB) $(link) /MACHINE:$(CPU) /INCREMENTAL:NO $(ldebug) $(lflags) -out:cord\de.exe cord\cordbscs.obj cord\cordxtra.obj cord\tests\de.obj cord\tests\de_win.obj cord\tests\de_win.rbj $(GC_LIB) gdi32.lib user32.lib gc_cpp.obj: gc_cpp.cc include\gc_cpp.h include\gc.h test_cpp.cpp: tests\test_cpp.cc copy tests\test_cpp.cc test_cpp.cpp # This generates the C++ test executable. The executable expects # a single numeric argument, which is the number of iterations. # The output appears in test_cpp.gc.log file. test_cpp.exe: test_cpp.obj include\gc_cpp.h include\gc.h $(GC_LIB) $(link) /MACHINE:$(CPU) /INCREMENTAL:NO $(ldebug) $(lflags) user32.lib -out:test_cpp.exe test_cpp.obj $(GC_LIB) $(AO_SRC_DIR): tar xvfz $(AO_SRC_DIR).tar.gz clean: del *.exe *.log *.obj *.pdb cord\*.exe cord\*.exp cord\*.lib cord\*.obj cord\*.pdb cord\tests\*.rbj cord\tests\*.res cord\tests\*.obj extra\*.obj gc*.lib gc*.dll gc*.exp test_cpp.cpp tests\*.obj 2> nul