import pytest from conftest import assert_bash_exec @pytest.mark.bashcomp( ignore_env=r"^[+-]((BASHOPTS|MANPATH)=|shopt -. failglob)" ) class TestMan: manpath = "$PWD/man" assumed_present = "man" @pytest.fixture def colonpath(self, request, bash): try: assert_bash_exec(bash, "uname -s 2>&1 | grep -qiF cygwin") except AssertionError: pass else: pytest.skip("Cygwin doesn't like paths with colons") return assert_bash_exec(bash, "mkdir -p $TESTDIR/../tmp/man/man3") assert_bash_exec( bash, "touch $TESTDIR/../tmp/man/man3/Bash::Completion.3pm.gz" ) request.addfinalizer( lambda: assert_bash_exec(bash, "rm -r $TESTDIR/../tmp/man") ) @pytest.mark.complete( "man bash-completion-testcas", env=dict(MANPATH=manpath), require_cmd=True, ) def test_1(self, completion): assert completion == "e" @pytest.mark.complete("man man1/f", cwd="man", env=dict(MANPATH=manpath)) def test_2(self, completion): assert completion == "oo.1" @pytest.mark.complete("man man/", cwd="man", env=dict(MANPATH=manpath)) def test_3(self, completion): assert completion == "quux.8" @pytest.mark.complete( "man %s" % assumed_present, cwd="shared/empty_dir", env=dict(MANPATH=manpath), ) def test_4(self, completion): """ Assumed present should not be completed complete when there's no leading/trailing colon in $MANPATH. """ assert not completion @pytest.mark.complete( "man %s" % assumed_present, require_cmd=True, cwd="shared/empty_dir", env=dict(MANPATH="%s:" % manpath), ) def test_5(self, completion): """Trailing colon appends system man path.""" assert completion @pytest.mark.complete( "man bash-completion-testcas", require_cmd=True, env=dict(MANPATH="%s:" % manpath), ) def test_6(self, completion): assert completion == "e" @pytest.mark.complete( "man %s" % assumed_present, require_cmd=True, cwd="shared/empty_dir", env=dict(MANPATH=":%s" % manpath), ) def test_7(self, completion): """Leading colon prepends system man path.""" assert completion @pytest.mark.complete( "man bash-completion-testcas", require_cmd=True, env=dict(MANPATH=":%s" % manpath), ) def test_8(self, completion): assert completion == "e" @pytest.mark.complete( "man %s" % assumed_present, require_cmd=True, cwd="shared/empty_dir", pre_cmds=("shopt -s failglob",), ) def test_9(self, bash, completion): assert self.assumed_present in completion assert_bash_exec(bash, "shopt -u failglob") @pytest.mark.complete( "man Bash::C", require_cmd=True, env=dict(MANPATH="%s:../tmp/man" % manpath), ) def test_10(self, bash, colonpath, completion): assert completion == "ompletion" @pytest.mark.complete("man -", require_cmd=True) def test_11(self, completion): assert completion