import pytest class TestFind: @pytest.mark.complete("find ") def test_1(self, completion): assert completion @pytest.mark.complete("find -fstype ") def test_2(self, completion): assert completion @pytest.mark.complete("find -") def test_3(self, completion): assert completion @pytest.mark.complete("find -wholename ", cwd="shared/default") def test_4(self, completion): assert completion == ["bar", "bar bar.d/", "foo", "foo.d/"] @pytest.mark.complete("find -uid ") def test_5(self, completion): assert not [x for x in completion if not x.isdigit()] @pytest.mark.complete("find -gid ") def test_6(self, completion): assert not [x for x in completion if not x.isdigit()] @pytest.mark.complete("find -exec shared/bin/ar") def test_exec(self, completion): assert completion == "p" # sh +: something that produces completions also when command is not # available, and the chosen completion is not one of find's @pytest.mark.complete("find /some/where -exec sh +") def test_exec_args(self, completion): assert "+o" in completion