proc setup {} { assert_bash_exec {HOME=$TESTDIR} save_env }; # setup() proc teardown {} { assert_env_unmodified }; # teardown() setup set test "Tab should complete hostnames" # Build string list of hostnames set hosts {} foreach h [exec bash -c "compgen -A hostname"] { lappend hosts $h }; # foreach assert_complete $hosts "xhost " $test sync_after_int set test "Tab should complete partial hostname" # Build string list of hostnames, starting with the character of the first hostname set hosts {} set char "" foreach h [exec bash -c "compgen -A hostname"] { if {$char == ""} {set char [string range $h 0 0]} # Only append hostname if starting with $char if {[string range $h 0 0] == "$char"} { lappend hosts $h }; # if }; # foreach assert_complete $hosts "xhost $char" $test sync_after_int set test "Tab should complete hostnames prefixed with +" # Build string list of hostnames, prefixed with plus (+) set hosts {} foreach h [exec bash -c "compgen -A hostname"] { lappend hosts "+$h" }; # foreach assert_complete $hosts "xhost \+" $test sync_after_int set test "Tab should complete partial hostname prefixed with +" # Build string list of hostnames, starting with character of first host. set hosts {} foreach h [exec bash -c "compgen -A hostname"] { if {$char == ""} {set char [string range $h 0 0]} # Only append hostname if starting with $char if {[string range $h 0 0] == "$char"} { lappend hosts "+$h" }; # if }; # foreach assert_complete $hosts "xhost +$char" sync_after_int set test "Tab should complete hostnames prefixed with -" # Build string list of hostnames, prefix with minus (-) set hosts {} foreach h [exec bash -c "compgen -A hostname"] { lappend hosts "-$h" }; # foreach assert_complete $hosts "xhost -" $test sync_after_int set test "Tab should complete partial hostname prefixed with -" # Build list of hostnames, starting with character of first host set hosts {} foreach h [exec bash -c "compgen -A hostname"] { if {$char == ""} {set char [string range $h 0 0]} # Only append hostname if starting with $char if {[string range $h 0 0] == "$char"} { lappend hosts "-$h" }; # if }; # foreach assert_complete $hosts "xhost -$char" $test sync_after_int teardown