# # Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Edgewall Software, 2013-2022 the Babel team # All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License. # # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many # individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision # history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/. import codecs import sys import unittest from io import BytesIO, StringIO import pytest from babel.messages import extract class ExtractPythonTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_nested_calls(self): buf = BytesIO(b"""\ msg1 = _(i18n_arg.replace(r'\"', '"')) msg2 = ungettext(i18n_arg.replace(r'\"', '"'), multi_arg.replace(r'\"', '"'), 2) msg3 = ungettext("Babel", multi_arg.replace(r'\"', '"'), 2) msg4 = ungettext(i18n_arg.replace(r'\"', '"'), "Babels", 2) msg5 = ungettext('bunny', 'bunnies', random.randint(1, 2)) msg6 = ungettext(arg0, 'bunnies', random.randint(1, 2)) msg7 = _(hello.there) msg8 = gettext('Rabbit') msg9 = dgettext('wiki', model.addPage()) msg10 = dngettext(getDomain(), 'Page', 'Pages', 3) """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, extract.DEFAULT_KEYWORDS.keys(), [], {})) assert messages == [ (1, '_', None, []), (2, 'ungettext', (None, None, None), []), (3, 'ungettext', (u'Babel', None, None), []), (4, 'ungettext', (None, u'Babels', None), []), (5, 'ungettext', (u'bunny', u'bunnies', None), []), (6, 'ungettext', (None, u'bunnies', None), []), (7, '_', None, []), (8, 'gettext', u'Rabbit', []), (9, 'dgettext', (u'wiki', None), []), (10, 'dngettext', (None, u'Page', u'Pages', None), []), ] def test_extract_default_encoding_ascii(self): buf = BytesIO(b'_("a")') messages = list(extract.extract_python( buf, list(extract.DEFAULT_KEYWORDS), [], {}, )) # Should work great in both py2 and py3 assert messages == [(1, '_', 'a', [])] def test_extract_default_encoding_utf8(self): buf = BytesIO(u'_("☃")'.encode('UTF-8')) messages = list(extract.extract_python( buf, list(extract.DEFAULT_KEYWORDS), [], {}, )) assert messages == [(1, '_', '☃', [])] def test_nested_comments(self): buf = BytesIO(b"""\ msg = ngettext('pylon', # TRANSLATORS: shouldn't be 'pylons', # TRANSLATORS: seeing this count) """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('ngettext',), ['TRANSLATORS:'], {})) assert messages == [(1, 'ngettext', ('pylon', 'pylons', None), [])] def test_comments_with_calls_that_spawn_multiple_lines(self): buf = BytesIO(b"""\ # NOTE: This Comment SHOULD Be Extracted add_notice(req, ngettext("Catalog deleted.", "Catalogs deleted.", len(selected))) # NOTE: This Comment SHOULD Be Extracted add_notice(req, _("Locale deleted.")) # NOTE: This Comment SHOULD Be Extracted add_notice(req, ngettext("Foo deleted.", "Foos deleted.", len(selected))) # NOTE: This Comment SHOULD Be Extracted # NOTE: And This One Too add_notice(req, ngettext("Bar deleted.", "Bars deleted.", len(selected))) """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('ngettext', '_'), ['NOTE:'], {'strip_comment_tags': False})) assert messages[0] == (3, 'ngettext', ('Catalog deleted.', 'Catalogs deleted.', None), ['NOTE: This Comment SHOULD Be Extracted']) assert messages[1] == (6, '_', 'Locale deleted.', ['NOTE: This Comment SHOULD Be Extracted']) assert messages[2] == (10, 'ngettext', ('Foo deleted.', 'Foos deleted.', None), ['NOTE: This Comment SHOULD Be Extracted']) assert messages[3] == (15, 'ngettext', ('Bar deleted.', 'Bars deleted.', None), ['NOTE: This Comment SHOULD Be Extracted', 'NOTE: And This One Too']) def test_declarations(self): buf = BytesIO(b"""\ class gettext(object): pass def render_body(context,x,y=_('Page arg 1'),z=_('Page arg 2'),**pageargs): pass def ngettext(y='arg 1',z='arg 2',**pageargs): pass class Meta: verbose_name = _('log entry') """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, extract.DEFAULT_KEYWORDS.keys(), [], {})) assert messages == [ (3, '_', 'Page arg 1', []), (3, '_', 'Page arg 2', []), (8, '_', 'log entry', []) ] def test_multiline(self): buf = BytesIO(b"""\ msg1 = ngettext('pylon', 'pylons', count) msg2 = ngettext('elvis', 'elvises', count) """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('ngettext',), [], {})) assert messages == [ (1, 'ngettext', ('pylon', 'pylons', None), []), (3, 'ngettext', ('elvis', 'elvises', None), []), ] def test_npgettext(self): buf = BytesIO(b"""\ msg1 = npgettext('Strings','pylon', 'pylons', count) msg2 = npgettext('Strings','elvis', 'elvises', count) """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('npgettext',), [], {})) assert messages == [ (1, 'npgettext', ('Strings', 'pylon', 'pylons', None), []), (3, 'npgettext', ('Strings', 'elvis', 'elvises', None), []), ] buf = BytesIO(b"""\ msg = npgettext('Strings', 'pylon', # TRANSLATORS: shouldn't be 'pylons', # TRANSLATORS: seeing this count) """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('npgettext',), ['TRANSLATORS:'], {})) assert messages == [ (1, 'npgettext', ('Strings', 'pylon', 'pylons', None), []), ] def test_triple_quoted_strings(self): buf = BytesIO(b"""\ msg1 = _('''pylons''') msg2 = ngettext(r'''elvis''', \"\"\"elvises\"\"\", count) msg2 = ngettext(\"\"\"elvis\"\"\", 'elvises', count) """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, extract.DEFAULT_KEYWORDS.keys(), [], {})) assert messages == [ (1, '_', 'pylons', []), (2, 'ngettext', ('elvis', 'elvises', None), []), (3, 'ngettext', ('elvis', 'elvises', None), []), ] def test_multiline_strings(self): buf = BytesIO(b"""\ _('''This module provides internationalization and localization support for your Python programs by providing an interface to the GNU gettext message catalog library.''') """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, extract.DEFAULT_KEYWORDS.keys(), [], {})) assert messages == [ (1, '_', 'This module provides internationalization and localization\n' 'support for your Python programs by providing an interface to ' 'the GNU\ngettext message catalog library.', []), ] def test_concatenated_strings(self): buf = BytesIO(b"""\ foobar = _('foo' 'bar') """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, extract.DEFAULT_KEYWORDS.keys(), [], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'foobar' def test_unicode_string_arg(self): buf = BytesIO(b"msg = _(u'Foo Bar')") messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), [], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Foo Bar' def test_comment_tag(self): buf = BytesIO(b""" # NOTE: A translation comment msg = _(u'Foo Bar') """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Foo Bar' assert messages[0][3] == ['NOTE: A translation comment'] def test_comment_tag_multiline(self): buf = BytesIO(b""" # NOTE: A translation comment # with a second line msg = _(u'Foo Bar') """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Foo Bar' assert messages[0][3] == ['NOTE: A translation comment', 'with a second line'] def test_translator_comments_with_previous_non_translator_comments(self): buf = BytesIO(b""" # This shouldn't be in the output # because it didn't start with a comment tag # NOTE: A translation comment # with a second line msg = _(u'Foo Bar') """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Foo Bar' assert messages[0][3] == ['NOTE: A translation comment', 'with a second line'] def test_comment_tags_not_on_start_of_comment(self): buf = BytesIO(b""" # This shouldn't be in the output # because it didn't start with a comment tag # do NOTE: this will not be a translation comment # NOTE: This one will be msg = _(u'Foo Bar') """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Foo Bar' assert messages[0][3] == ['NOTE: This one will be'] def test_multiple_comment_tags(self): buf = BytesIO(b""" # NOTE1: A translation comment for tag1 # with a second line msg = _(u'Foo Bar1') # NOTE2: A translation comment for tag2 msg = _(u'Foo Bar2') """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE1:', 'NOTE2:'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Foo Bar1' assert messages[0][3] == ['NOTE1: A translation comment for tag1', 'with a second line'] assert messages[1][2] == 'Foo Bar2' assert messages[1][3] == ['NOTE2: A translation comment for tag2'] def test_two_succeeding_comments(self): buf = BytesIO(b""" # NOTE: one # NOTE: two msg = _(u'Foo Bar') """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Foo Bar' assert messages[0][3] == ['NOTE: one', 'NOTE: two'] def test_invalid_translator_comments(self): buf = BytesIO(b""" # NOTE: this shouldn't apply to any messages hello = 'there' msg = _(u'Foo Bar') """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Foo Bar' assert messages[0][3] == [] def test_invalid_translator_comments2(self): buf = BytesIO(b""" # NOTE: Hi! hithere = _('Hi there!') # NOTE: you should not be seeing this in the .po rows = [[v for v in range(0,10)] for row in range(0,10)] # this (NOTE:) should not show up either hello = _('Hello') """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Hi there!' assert messages[0][3] == ['NOTE: Hi!'] assert messages[1][2] == 'Hello' assert messages[1][3] == [] def test_invalid_translator_comments3(self): buf = BytesIO(b""" # NOTE: Hi, # there! hithere = _('Hi there!') """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Hi there!' assert messages[0][3] == [] def test_comment_tag_with_leading_space(self): buf = BytesIO(b""" #: A translation comment #: with leading spaces msg = _(u'Foo Bar') """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), [':'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Foo Bar' assert messages[0][3] == [': A translation comment', ': with leading spaces'] def test_different_signatures(self): buf = BytesIO(b""" foo = _('foo', 'bar') n = ngettext('hello', 'there', n=3) n = ngettext(n=3, 'hello', 'there') n = ngettext(n=3, *messages) n = ngettext() n = ngettext('foo') """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_', 'ngettext'), [], {})) assert messages[0][2] == ('foo', 'bar') assert messages[1][2] == ('hello', 'there', None) assert messages[2][2] == (None, 'hello', 'there') assert messages[3][2] == (None, None) assert messages[4][2] is None assert messages[5][2] == 'foo' def test_utf8_message(self): buf = BytesIO(""" # NOTE: hello msg = _('Bonjour à tous') """.encode('utf-8')) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {'encoding': 'utf-8'})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Bonjour à tous' assert messages[0][3] == ['NOTE: hello'] def test_utf8_message_with_magic_comment(self): buf = BytesIO(u"""# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # NOTE: hello msg = _('Bonjour à tous') """.encode('utf-8')) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Bonjour à tous' assert messages[0][3] == ['NOTE: hello'] def test_utf8_message_with_utf8_bom(self): buf = BytesIO(codecs.BOM_UTF8 + u""" # NOTE: hello msg = _('Bonjour à tous') """.encode('utf-8')) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Bonjour à tous' assert messages[0][3] == ['NOTE: hello'] def test_utf8_message_with_utf8_bom_and_magic_comment(self): buf = BytesIO(codecs.BOM_UTF8 + u"""# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # NOTE: hello msg = _('Bonjour à tous') """.encode('utf-8')) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Bonjour à tous' assert messages[0][3] == ['NOTE: hello'] def test_utf8_bom_with_latin_magic_comment_fails(self): buf = BytesIO(codecs.BOM_UTF8 + u"""# -*- coding: latin-1 -*- # NOTE: hello msg = _('Bonjour à tous') """.encode('utf-8')) with pytest.raises(SyntaxError): list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {})) def test_utf8_raw_strings_match_unicode_strings(self): buf = BytesIO(codecs.BOM_UTF8 + u""" msg = _('Bonjour à tous') msgu = _(u'Bonjour à tous') """.encode('utf-8')) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == 'Bonjour à tous' assert messages[0][2] == messages[1][2] def test_extract_strip_comment_tags(self): buf = BytesIO(b"""\ #: This is a comment with a very simple #: prefix specified _('Servus') # NOTE: This is a multiline comment with # a prefix too _('Babatschi')""") messages = list(extract.extract('python', buf, comment_tags=['NOTE:', ':'], strip_comment_tags=True)) assert messages[0][1] == 'Servus' assert messages[0][2] == ['This is a comment with a very simple', 'prefix specified'] assert messages[1][1] == 'Babatschi' assert messages[1][2] == ['This is a multiline comment with', 'a prefix too'] def test_nested_messages(self): buf = BytesIO(b""" # NOTE: First _(u'Hello, {name}!', name=_(u'Foo Bar')) # NOTE: Second _(u'Hello, {name1} and {name2}!', name1=_(u'Heungsub'), name2=_(u'Armin')) # NOTE: Third _(u'Hello, {0} and {1}!', _(u'Heungsub'), _(u'Armin')) """) messages = list(extract.extract_python(buf, ('_',), ['NOTE:'], {})) assert messages[0][2] == ('Hello, {name}!', None) assert messages[0][3] == ['NOTE: First'] assert messages[1][2] == 'Foo Bar' assert messages[1][3] == [] assert messages[2][2] == ('Hello, {name1} and {name2}!', None) assert messages[2][3] == ['NOTE: Second'] assert messages[3][2] == 'Heungsub' assert messages[3][3] == [] assert messages[4][2] == 'Armin' assert messages[4][3] == [] assert messages[5][2] == ('Hello, {0} and {1}!', None) assert messages[5][3] == ['NOTE: Third'] assert messages[6][2] == 'Heungsub' assert messages[6][3] == [] assert messages[7][2] == 'Armin' assert messages[7][3] == [] class ExtractTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_invalid_filter(self): buf = BytesIO(b"""\ msg1 = _(i18n_arg.replace(r'\"', '"')) msg2 = ungettext(i18n_arg.replace(r'\"', '"'), multi_arg.replace(r'\"', '"'), 2) msg3 = ungettext("Babel", multi_arg.replace(r'\"', '"'), 2) msg4 = ungettext(i18n_arg.replace(r'\"', '"'), "Babels", 2) msg5 = ungettext('bunny', 'bunnies', random.randint(1, 2)) msg6 = ungettext(arg0, 'bunnies', random.randint(1, 2)) msg7 = _(hello.there) msg8 = gettext('Rabbit') msg9 = dgettext('wiki', model.addPage()) msg10 = dngettext(domain, 'Page', 'Pages', 3) """) messages = \ list(extract.extract('python', buf, extract.DEFAULT_KEYWORDS, [], {})) assert messages == [ (5, ('bunny', 'bunnies'), [], None), (8, 'Rabbit', [], None), (10, ('Page', 'Pages'), [], None), ] def test_invalid_extract_method(self): buf = BytesIO(b'') with pytest.raises(ValueError): list(extract.extract('spam', buf)) def test_different_signatures(self): buf = BytesIO(b""" foo = _('foo', 'bar') n = ngettext('hello', 'there', n=3) n = ngettext(n=3, 'hello', 'there') n = ngettext(n=3, *messages) n = ngettext() n = ngettext('foo') """) messages = \ list(extract.extract('python', buf, extract.DEFAULT_KEYWORDS, [], {})) assert len(messages) == 2 assert messages[0][1] == 'foo' assert messages[1][1] == ('hello', 'there') def test_empty_string_msgid(self): buf = BytesIO(b"""\ msg = _('') """) stderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = StringIO() try: messages = \ list(extract.extract('python', buf, extract.DEFAULT_KEYWORDS, [], {})) assert messages == [] assert 'warning: Empty msgid.' in sys.stderr.getvalue() finally: sys.stderr = stderr def test_warn_if_empty_string_msgid_found_in_context_aware_extraction_method(self): buf = BytesIO(b"\nmsg = pgettext('ctxt', '')\n") stderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = StringIO() try: messages = extract.extract('python', buf) assert list(messages) == [] assert 'warning: Empty msgid.' in sys.stderr.getvalue() finally: sys.stderr = stderr def test_extract_allows_callable(self): def arbitrary_extractor(fileobj, keywords, comment_tags, options): return [(1, None, (), ())] for x in extract.extract(arbitrary_extractor, BytesIO(b"")): assert x[0] == 1 def test_future(self): buf = BytesIO(br""" # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals nbsp = _('\xa0') """) messages = list(extract.extract('python', buf, extract.DEFAULT_KEYWORDS, [], {})) assert messages[0][1] == u'\xa0'