# # Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Edgewall Software, 2013-2022 the Babel team # All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License. # # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many # individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision # history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/. import copy import datetime import unittest from io import StringIO from babel.dates import format_datetime, UTC from babel.messages import catalog, pofile from babel.util import FixedOffsetTimezone class MessageTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_python_format(self): assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %d bar') assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %s bar') assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %r bar') assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %(name).1f') assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %(name)3.3f') assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %(name)3f') assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %(name)06d') assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %(name)Li') assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %(name)#d') assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %(name)-4.4hs') assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %(name)*.3f') assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %(name).*f') assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %(name)3.*f') assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %(name)*.*f') assert catalog.PYTHON_FORMAT.search('foo %()s') def test_translator_comments(self): mess = catalog.Message('foo', user_comments=['Comment About `foo`']) assert mess.user_comments == ['Comment About `foo`'] mess = catalog.Message('foo', auto_comments=['Comment 1 About `foo`', 'Comment 2 About `foo`']) assert mess.auto_comments == ['Comment 1 About `foo`', 'Comment 2 About `foo`'] def test_clone_message_object(self): msg = catalog.Message('foo', locations=[('foo.py', 42)]) clone = msg.clone() clone.locations.append(('bar.py', 42)) assert msg.locations == [('foo.py', 42)] msg.flags.add('fuzzy') assert not clone.fuzzy and msg.fuzzy class CatalogTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_add_returns_message_instance(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() message = cat.add('foo') assert message.id == 'foo' def test_two_messages_with_same_singular(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat.add('foo') cat.add(('foo', 'foos')) assert len(cat) == 1 def test_duplicate_auto_comment(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat.add('foo', auto_comments=['A comment']) cat.add('foo', auto_comments=['A comment', 'Another comment']) assert cat['foo'].auto_comments == ['A comment', 'Another comment'] def test_duplicate_user_comment(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat.add('foo', user_comments=['A comment']) cat.add('foo', user_comments=['A comment', 'Another comment']) assert cat['foo'].user_comments == ['A comment', 'Another comment'] def test_duplicate_location(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat.add('foo', locations=[('foo.py', 1)]) cat.add('foo', locations=[('foo.py', 1)]) assert cat['foo'].locations == [('foo.py', 1)] def test_update_message_changed_to_plural(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat.add(u'foo', u'Voh') tmpl = catalog.Catalog() tmpl.add((u'foo', u'foos')) cat.update(tmpl) assert cat['foo'].string == ('Voh', '') assert cat['foo'].fuzzy def test_update_message_changed_to_simple(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat.add(u'foo' u'foos', (u'Voh', u'Vöhs')) tmpl = catalog.Catalog() tmpl.add(u'foo') cat.update(tmpl) assert cat['foo'].string == 'Voh' assert cat['foo'].fuzzy def test_update_message_updates_comments(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat[u'foo'] = catalog.Message('foo', locations=[('main.py', 5)]) assert cat['foo'].auto_comments == [] assert cat['foo'].user_comments == [] # Update cat[u'foo'] with a new location and a comment cat[u'foo'] = catalog.Message('foo', locations=[('main.py', 7)], user_comments=['Foo Bar comment 1']) assert cat['foo'].user_comments == ['Foo Bar comment 1'] # now add yet another location with another comment cat[u'foo'] = catalog.Message('foo', locations=[('main.py', 9)], auto_comments=['Foo Bar comment 2']) assert cat['foo'].auto_comments == ['Foo Bar comment 2'] def test_update_fuzzy_matching_with_case_change(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat.add('foo', 'Voh') cat.add('bar', 'Bahr') tmpl = catalog.Catalog() tmpl.add('Foo') cat.update(tmpl) assert len(cat.obsolete) == 1 assert 'foo' not in cat assert cat['Foo'].string == 'Voh' assert cat['Foo'].fuzzy is True def test_update_fuzzy_matching_with_char_change(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat.add('fo', 'Voh') cat.add('bar', 'Bahr') tmpl = catalog.Catalog() tmpl.add('foo') cat.update(tmpl) assert len(cat.obsolete) == 1 assert 'fo' not in cat assert cat['foo'].string == 'Voh' assert cat['foo'].fuzzy is True def test_update_fuzzy_matching_no_msgstr(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat.add('fo', '') tmpl = catalog.Catalog() tmpl.add('fo') tmpl.add('foo') cat.update(tmpl) assert 'fo' in cat assert 'foo' in cat assert cat['fo'].string == '' assert cat['fo'].fuzzy is False assert cat['foo'].string is None assert cat['foo'].fuzzy is False def test_update_fuzzy_matching_with_new_context(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat.add('foo', 'Voh') cat.add('bar', 'Bahr') tmpl = catalog.Catalog() tmpl.add('Foo', context='Menu') cat.update(tmpl) assert len(cat.obsolete) == 1 assert 'foo' not in cat message = cat.get('Foo', 'Menu') assert message.string == 'Voh' assert message.fuzzy is True assert message.context == 'Menu' def test_update_fuzzy_matching_with_changed_context(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat.add('foo', 'Voh', context='Menu|File') cat.add('bar', 'Bahr', context='Menu|File') tmpl = catalog.Catalog() tmpl.add('Foo', context='Menu|Edit') cat.update(tmpl) assert len(cat.obsolete) == 1 assert cat.get('Foo', 'Menu|File') is None message = cat.get('Foo', 'Menu|Edit') assert message.string == 'Voh' assert message.fuzzy is True assert message.context == 'Menu|Edit' def test_update_fuzzy_matching_no_cascading(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat.add('fo', 'Voh') cat.add('foo', 'Vohe') tmpl = catalog.Catalog() tmpl.add('fo') tmpl.add('foo') tmpl.add('fooo') cat.update(tmpl) assert 'fo' in cat assert 'foo' in cat assert cat['fo'].string == 'Voh' assert cat['fo'].fuzzy is False assert cat['foo'].string == 'Vohe' assert cat['foo'].fuzzy is False assert cat['fooo'].string == 'Vohe' assert cat['fooo'].fuzzy is True def test_update_without_fuzzy_matching(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat.add('fo', 'Voh') cat.add('bar', 'Bahr') tmpl = catalog.Catalog() tmpl.add('foo') cat.update(tmpl, no_fuzzy_matching=True) assert len(cat.obsolete) == 2 def test_fuzzy_matching_regarding_plurals(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat.add(('foo', 'foh'), ('foo', 'foh')) ru = copy.copy(cat) ru.locale = 'ru_RU' ru.update(cat) assert ru['foo'].fuzzy is True ru = copy.copy(cat) ru.locale = 'ru_RU' ru['foo'].string = ('foh', 'fohh', 'fohhh') ru.update(cat) assert ru['foo'].fuzzy is False def test_update_no_template_mutation(self): tmpl = catalog.Catalog() tmpl.add('foo') cat1 = catalog.Catalog() cat1.add('foo', 'Voh') cat1.update(tmpl) cat2 = catalog.Catalog() cat2.update(tmpl) assert cat2['foo'].string is None assert cat2['foo'].fuzzy is False def test_update_po_updates_pot_creation_date(self): template = catalog.Catalog() localized_catalog = copy.deepcopy(template) localized_catalog.locale = 'de_DE' assert template.mime_headers != localized_catalog.mime_headers assert template.creation_date == localized_catalog.creation_date template.creation_date = datetime.datetime.now() - \ datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) localized_catalog.update(template) assert template.creation_date == localized_catalog.creation_date def test_update_po_keeps_po_revision_date(self): template = catalog.Catalog() localized_catalog = copy.deepcopy(template) localized_catalog.locale = 'de_DE' fake_rev_date = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=5) localized_catalog.revision_date = fake_rev_date assert template.mime_headers != localized_catalog.mime_headers assert template.creation_date == localized_catalog.creation_date template.creation_date = datetime.datetime.now() - \ datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) localized_catalog.update(template) assert localized_catalog.revision_date == fake_rev_date def test_stores_datetime_correctly(self): localized = catalog.Catalog() localized.locale = 'de_DE' localized[''] = catalog.Message('', "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-03-09 15:47-0700\n" + "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-03-09 15:47-0700\n") for key, value in localized.mime_headers: if key in ('POT-Creation-Date', 'PO-Revision-Date'): assert value == '2009-03-09 15:47-0700' def test_mime_headers_contain_same_information_as_attributes(self): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat[''] = catalog.Message('', "Last-Translator: Foo Bar \n" + "Language-Team: de \n" + "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-03-01 11:20+0200\n" + "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-03-09 15:47-0700\n") assert cat.locale is None mime_headers = dict(cat.mime_headers) assert cat.last_translator == 'Foo Bar ' assert mime_headers['Last-Translator'] == 'Foo Bar ' assert cat.language_team == 'de ' assert mime_headers['Language-Team'] == 'de ' dt = datetime.datetime(2009, 3, 9, 15, 47, tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone(-7 * 60)) assert cat.revision_date == dt formatted_dt = format_datetime(dt, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ', locale='en') assert mime_headers['PO-Revision-Date'] == formatted_dt def test_message_fuzzy(): assert not catalog.Message('foo').fuzzy msg = catalog.Message('foo', 'foo', flags=['fuzzy']) assert msg.fuzzy assert msg.id == 'foo' def test_message_pluralizable(): assert not catalog.Message('foo').pluralizable assert catalog.Message(('foo', 'bar')).pluralizable def test_message_python_format(): assert catalog.Message('foo %(name)s bar').python_format assert catalog.Message(('foo %(name)s', 'foo %(name)s')).python_format def test_catalog(): cat = catalog.Catalog(project='Foobar', version='1.0', copyright_holder='Foo Company') assert cat.header_comment == ( '# Translations template for Foobar.\n' '# Copyright (C) %(year)d Foo Company\n' '# This file is distributed under the same ' 'license as the Foobar project.\n' '# FIRST AUTHOR , %(year)d.\n' '#') % {'year': datetime.date.today().year} cat = catalog.Catalog(project='Foobar', version='1.0', copyright_holder='Foo Company') cat.header_comment = ( '# The POT for my really cool PROJECT project.\n' '# Copyright (C) 1990-2003 ORGANIZATION\n' '# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT\n' '# project.\n' '#\n') assert cat.header_comment == ( '# The POT for my really cool Foobar project.\n' '# Copyright (C) 1990-2003 Foo Company\n' '# This file is distributed under the same license as the Foobar\n' '# project.\n' '#\n') def test_catalog_mime_headers(): created = datetime.datetime(1990, 4, 1, 15, 30, tzinfo=UTC) cat = catalog.Catalog(project='Foobar', version='1.0', creation_date=created) assert cat.mime_headers == [ ('Project-Id-Version', 'Foobar 1.0'), ('Report-Msgid-Bugs-To', 'EMAIL@ADDRESS'), ('POT-Creation-Date', '1990-04-01 15:30+0000'), ('PO-Revision-Date', 'YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE'), ('Last-Translator', 'FULL NAME '), ('Language-Team', 'LANGUAGE '), ('MIME-Version', '1.0'), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'), ('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '8bit'), ('Generated-By', 'Babel %s\n' % catalog.VERSION), ] def test_catalog_mime_headers_set_locale(): created = datetime.datetime(1990, 4, 1, 15, 30, tzinfo=UTC) revised = datetime.datetime(1990, 8, 3, 12, 0, tzinfo=UTC) cat = catalog.Catalog(locale='de_DE', project='Foobar', version='1.0', creation_date=created, revision_date=revised, last_translator='John Doe ', language_team='de_DE ') assert cat.mime_headers == [ ('Project-Id-Version', 'Foobar 1.0'), ('Report-Msgid-Bugs-To', 'EMAIL@ADDRESS'), ('POT-Creation-Date', '1990-04-01 15:30+0000'), ('PO-Revision-Date', '1990-08-03 12:00+0000'), ('Last-Translator', 'John Doe '), ('Language', 'de_DE'), ('Language-Team', 'de_DE '), ('Plural-Forms', 'nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);'), ('MIME-Version', '1.0'), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'), ('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '8bit'), ('Generated-By', 'Babel %s\n' % catalog.VERSION), ] def test_catalog_num_plurals(): assert catalog.Catalog(locale='en').num_plurals == 2 assert catalog.Catalog(locale='ga').num_plurals == 5 def test_catalog_plural_expr(): assert catalog.Catalog(locale='en').plural_expr == '(n != 1)' assert (catalog.Catalog(locale='ga').plural_expr == '(n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : n>=3 && n<=6 ? 2 : n>=7 && n<=10 ? 3 : 4)') def test_catalog_plural_forms(): assert (catalog.Catalog(locale='en').plural_forms == 'nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);') assert (catalog.Catalog(locale='pt_BR').plural_forms == 'nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);') def test_catalog_setitem(): cat = catalog.Catalog() cat[u'foo'] = catalog.Message(u'foo') assert cat[u'foo'].id == 'foo' cat = catalog.Catalog() cat[u'foo'] = catalog.Message(u'foo', locations=[('main.py', 1)]) assert cat[u'foo'].locations == [('main.py', 1)] cat[u'foo'] = catalog.Message(u'foo', locations=[('utils.py', 5)]) assert cat[u'foo'].locations == [('main.py', 1), ('utils.py', 5)] def test_catalog_add(): cat = catalog.Catalog() foo = cat.add(u'foo') assert foo.id == 'foo' assert cat[u'foo'] is foo def test_catalog_update(): template = catalog.Catalog(header_comment="# A Custom Header") template.add('green', locations=[('main.py', 99)]) template.add('blue', locations=[('main.py', 100)]) template.add(('salad', 'salads'), locations=[('util.py', 42)]) cat = catalog.Catalog(locale='de_DE') cat.add('blue', u'blau', locations=[('main.py', 98)]) cat.add('head', u'Kopf', locations=[('util.py', 33)]) cat.add(('salad', 'salads'), (u'Salat', u'Salate'), locations=[('util.py', 38)]) cat.update(template) assert len(cat) == 3 msg1 = cat['green'] msg1.string assert msg1.locations == [('main.py', 99)] msg2 = cat['blue'] assert msg2.string == u'blau' assert msg2.locations == [('main.py', 100)] msg3 = cat['salad'] assert msg3.string == (u'Salat', u'Salate') assert msg3.locations == [('util.py', 42)] assert 'head' not in cat assert list(cat.obsolete.values())[0].id == 'head' cat.update(template, update_header_comment=True) assert cat.header_comment == template.header_comment # Header comment also gets updated def test_datetime_parsing(): val1 = catalog._parse_datetime_header('2006-06-28 23:24+0200') assert val1.year == 2006 assert val1.month == 6 assert val1.day == 28 assert val1.tzinfo.zone == 'Etc/GMT+120' val2 = catalog._parse_datetime_header('2006-06-28 23:24') assert val2.year == 2006 assert val2.month == 6 assert val2.day == 28 assert val2.tzinfo is None def test_update_catalog_comments(): # Based on https://web.archive.org/web/20100710131029/http://babel.edgewall.org/attachment/ticket/163/cat-update-comments.py catalog = pofile.read_po(StringIO(''' # A user comment #. An auto comment #: main.py:1 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "foo %(name)s" msgstr "foo %(name)s" ''')) assert all(message.user_comments and message.auto_comments for message in catalog if message.id) # NOTE: in the POT file, there are no comments template = pofile.read_po(StringIO(''' #: main.py:1 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "bar %(name)s" msgstr "" ''')) catalog.update(template) # Auto comments will be obliterated here assert all(message.user_comments for message in catalog if message.id)