#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Edgewall Software # All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at http://babel.edgewall.org/wiki/License. # # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many # individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision # history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/. import collections from optparse import OptionParser import os import re import sys try: from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree except ImportError: from xml.etree import ElementTree # Make sure we're using Babel source, and not some previously installed version CHECKOUT_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '..' )) BABEL_PACKAGE_ROOT = os.path.join(CHECKOUT_ROOT, "babel") sys.path.insert(0, CHECKOUT_ROOT) from babel import dates, numbers from babel._compat import pickle, text_type from babel.dates import split_interval_pattern from babel.localedata import Alias from babel.plural import PluralRule parse = ElementTree.parse weekdays = {'mon': 0, 'tue': 1, 'wed': 2, 'thu': 3, 'fri': 4, 'sat': 5, 'sun': 6} def _text(elem): buf = [elem.text or ''] for child in elem: buf.append(_text(child)) buf.append(elem.tail or '') return u''.join(filter(None, buf)).strip() NAME_RE = re.compile(r"^\w+$") TYPE_ATTR_RE = re.compile(r"^\w+\[@type='(.*?)'\]$") NAME_MAP = { 'dateFormats': 'date_formats', 'dateTimeFormats': 'datetime_formats', 'eraAbbr': 'abbreviated', 'eraNames': 'wide', 'eraNarrow': 'narrow', 'timeFormats': 'time_formats' } def log(message, *args): if args: message = message % args sys.stderr.write(message + '\r\n') sys.stderr.flush() def error(message, *args): log('ERROR: %s' % message, *args) def need_conversion(dst_filename, data_dict, source_filename): with open(source_filename, 'rb') as f: blob = f.read(4096) version = int(re.search(b'version number="\\$Revision: (\\d+)', blob).group(1)) data_dict['_version'] = version if not os.path.isfile(dst_filename): return True with open(dst_filename, 'rb') as f: data = pickle.load(f) return data.get('_version') != version def _translate_alias(ctxt, path): parts = path.split('/') keys = ctxt[:] for part in parts: if part == '..': keys.pop() else: match = TYPE_ATTR_RE.match(part) if match: keys.append(match.group(1)) else: assert NAME_RE.match(part) keys.append(NAME_MAP.get(part, part)) return keys def _parse_currency_date(s): if not s: return None parts = s.split('-', 2) return tuple(map(int, parts + [1] * (3 - len(parts)))) def _currency_sort_key(tup): code, start, end, tender = tup return int(not tender), start or (1, 1, 1) def _extract_plural_rules(file_path): rule_dict = {} prsup = parse(file_path) for elem in prsup.findall('.//plurals/pluralRules'): rules = [] for rule in elem.findall('pluralRule'): rules.append((rule.attrib['count'], text_type(rule.text))) pr = PluralRule(rules) for locale in elem.attrib['locales'].split(): rule_dict[locale] = pr return rule_dict def _time_to_seconds_past_midnight(time_expr): """ Parse a time expression to seconds after midnight. :param time_expr: Time expression string (H:M or H:M:S) :rtype: int """ if time_expr is None: return None if time_expr.count(":") == 1: time_expr += ":00" hour, minute, second = [int(p, 10) for p in time_expr.split(":")] return hour * 60 * 60 + minute * 60 + second def _compact_dict(dict): """ "Compact" the given dict by removing items whose value is None or False. """ out_dict = {} for key, value in dict.items(): if value is not None and value is not False: out_dict[key] = value return out_dict def debug_repr(obj): if isinstance(obj, PluralRule): return obj.abstract return repr(obj) def write_datafile(path, data, dump_json=False): with open(path, 'wb') as outfile: pickle.dump(data, outfile, 2) if dump_json: import json with open(path + '.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4, default=debug_repr) def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog path/to/cldr') parser.add_option( '-f', '--force', dest='force', action='store_true', default=False, help='force import even if destination file seems up to date' ) parser.add_option( '-j', '--json', dest='dump_json', action='store_true', default=False, help='also export debugging JSON dumps of locale data' ) options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error('incorrect number of arguments') return process_data( srcdir=args[0], destdir=BABEL_PACKAGE_ROOT, force=bool(options.force), dump_json=bool(options.dump_json) ) def process_data(srcdir, destdir, force=False, dump_json=False): sup_filename = os.path.join(srcdir, 'supplemental', 'supplementalData.xml') sup = parse(sup_filename) # Import global data from the supplemental files global_path = os.path.join(destdir, 'global.dat') global_data = {} if force or need_conversion(global_path, global_data, sup_filename): global_data.update(parse_global(srcdir, sup)) write_datafile(global_path, global_data, dump_json=dump_json) _process_local_datas(sup, srcdir, destdir, force=force, dump_json=dump_json) def parse_global(srcdir, sup): global_data = {} sup_dir = os.path.join(srcdir, 'supplemental') territory_zones = global_data.setdefault('territory_zones', {}) zone_aliases = global_data.setdefault('zone_aliases', {}) zone_territories = global_data.setdefault('zone_territories', {}) win_mapping = global_data.setdefault('windows_zone_mapping', {}) language_aliases = global_data.setdefault('language_aliases', {}) territory_aliases = global_data.setdefault('territory_aliases', {}) script_aliases = global_data.setdefault('script_aliases', {}) variant_aliases = global_data.setdefault('variant_aliases', {}) likely_subtags = global_data.setdefault('likely_subtags', {}) territory_currencies = global_data.setdefault('territory_currencies', {}) parent_exceptions = global_data.setdefault('parent_exceptions', {}) all_currencies = collections.defaultdict(set) currency_fractions = global_data.setdefault('currency_fractions', {}) territory_languages = global_data.setdefault('territory_languages', {}) bcp47_timezone = parse(os.path.join(srcdir, 'bcp47', 'timezone.xml')) sup_windows_zones = parse(os.path.join(sup_dir, 'windowsZones.xml')) sup_metadata = parse(os.path.join(sup_dir, 'supplementalMetadata.xml')) sup_likely = parse(os.path.join(sup_dir, 'likelySubtags.xml')) # create auxiliary zone->territory map from the windows zones (we don't set # the 'zones_territories' map directly here, because there are some zones # aliases listed and we defer the decision of which ones to choose to the # 'bcp47' data _zone_territory_map = {} for map_zone in sup_windows_zones.findall('.//windowsZones/mapTimezones/mapZone'): if map_zone.attrib.get('territory') == '001': win_mapping[map_zone.attrib['other']] = map_zone.attrib['type'].split()[0] for tzid in text_type(map_zone.attrib['type']).split(): _zone_territory_map[tzid] = text_type(map_zone.attrib['territory']) for key_elem in bcp47_timezone.findall('.//keyword/key'): if key_elem.attrib['name'] == 'tz': for elem in key_elem.findall('type'): if 'deprecated' not in elem.attrib: aliases = text_type(elem.attrib['alias']).split() tzid = aliases.pop(0) territory = _zone_territory_map.get(tzid, '001') territory_zones.setdefault(territory, []).append(tzid) zone_territories[tzid] = territory for alias in aliases: zone_aliases[alias] = tzid break # Import Metazone mapping meta_zones = global_data.setdefault('meta_zones', {}) tzsup = parse(os.path.join(srcdir, 'supplemental', 'metaZones.xml')) for elem in tzsup.findall('.//timezone'): for child in elem.findall('usesMetazone'): if 'to' not in child.attrib: # FIXME: support old mappings meta_zones[elem.attrib['type']] = child.attrib['mzone'] # Language aliases for alias in sup_metadata.findall('.//alias/languageAlias'): # We don't have a use for those at the moment. They don't # pass our parser anyways. if '_' in alias.attrib['type']: continue language_aliases[alias.attrib['type']] = alias.attrib['replacement'] # Territory aliases for alias in sup_metadata.findall('.//alias/territoryAlias'): territory_aliases[alias.attrib['type']] = alias.attrib['replacement'].split() # Script aliases for alias in sup_metadata.findall('.//alias/scriptAlias'): script_aliases[alias.attrib['type']] = alias.attrib['replacement'] # Variant aliases for alias in sup_metadata.findall('.//alias/variantAlias'): repl = alias.attrib.get('replacement') if repl: variant_aliases[alias.attrib['type']] = repl # Likely subtags for likely_subtag in sup_likely.findall('.//likelySubtags/likelySubtag'): likely_subtags[likely_subtag.attrib['from']] = likely_subtag.attrib['to'] # Currencies in territories for region in sup.findall('.//currencyData/region'): region_code = region.attrib['iso3166'] region_currencies = [] for currency in region.findall('./currency'): cur_code = currency.attrib['iso4217'] cur_start = _parse_currency_date(currency.attrib.get('from')) cur_end = _parse_currency_date(currency.attrib.get('to')) cur_tender = currency.attrib.get('tender', 'true') == 'true' # Tie region to currency. region_currencies.append((cur_code, cur_start, cur_end, cur_tender)) # Keep a reverse index of currencies to territorie. all_currencies[cur_code].add(region_code) region_currencies.sort(key=_currency_sort_key) territory_currencies[region_code] = region_currencies global_data['all_currencies'] = dict([ (currency, tuple(sorted(regions))) for currency, regions in all_currencies.items()]) # Explicit parent locales for paternity in sup.findall('.//parentLocales/parentLocale'): parent = paternity.attrib['parent'] for child in paternity.attrib['locales'].split(): parent_exceptions[child] = parent # Currency decimal and rounding digits for fraction in sup.findall('.//currencyData/fractions/info'): cur_code = fraction.attrib['iso4217'] cur_digits = int(fraction.attrib['digits']) cur_rounding = int(fraction.attrib['rounding']) cur_cdigits = int(fraction.attrib.get('cashDigits', cur_digits)) cur_crounding = int(fraction.attrib.get('cashRounding', cur_rounding)) currency_fractions[cur_code] = (cur_digits, cur_rounding, cur_cdigits, cur_crounding) # Languages in territories for territory in sup.findall('.//territoryInfo/territory'): languages = {} for language in territory.findall('./languagePopulation'): languages[language.attrib['type']] = { 'population_percent': float(language.attrib['populationPercent']), 'official_status': language.attrib.get('officialStatus'), } territory_languages[territory.attrib['type']] = languages return global_data def _process_local_datas(sup, srcdir, destdir, force=False, dump_json=False): day_period_rules = parse_day_period_rules(parse(os.path.join(srcdir, 'supplemental', 'dayPeriods.xml'))) # build a territory containment mapping for inheritance regions = {} for elem in sup.findall('.//territoryContainment/group'): regions[elem.attrib['type']] = elem.attrib['contains'].split() # Resolve territory containment territory_containment = {} region_items = sorted(regions.items()) for group, territory_list in region_items: for territory in territory_list: containers = territory_containment.setdefault(territory, set([])) if group in territory_containment: containers |= territory_containment[group] containers.add(group) # prepare the per-locale plural rules definitions plural_rules = _extract_plural_rules(os.path.join(srcdir, 'supplemental', 'plurals.xml')) ordinal_rules = _extract_plural_rules(os.path.join(srcdir, 'supplemental', 'ordinals.xml')) filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(srcdir, 'main')) filenames.remove('root.xml') filenames.sort(key=len) filenames.insert(0, 'root.xml') for filename in filenames: stem, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext != '.xml': continue full_filename = os.path.join(srcdir, 'main', filename) data_filename = os.path.join(destdir, 'locale-data', stem + '.dat') data = {} if not (force or need_conversion(data_filename, data, full_filename)): continue tree = parse(full_filename) language = None elem = tree.find('.//identity/language') if elem is not None: language = elem.attrib['type'] territory = None elem = tree.find('.//identity/territory') if elem is not None: territory = elem.attrib['type'] else: territory = '001' # world regions = territory_containment.get(territory, []) log('Processing %s (Language = %s; Territory = %s)', filename, language, territory) locale_id = '_'.join(filter(None, [ language, territory != '001' and territory or None ])) if locale_id in plural_rules: data['plural_form'] = plural_rules[locale_id] if locale_id in ordinal_rules: data['ordinal_form'] = ordinal_rules[locale_id] if locale_id in day_period_rules: data["day_period_rules"] = day_period_rules[locale_id] parse_locale_display_names(data, tree) parse_dates(data, tree, sup, regions, territory) for calendar in tree.findall('.//calendars/calendar'): if calendar.attrib['type'] != 'gregorian': # TODO: support other calendar types continue parse_calendar_months(data, calendar) parse_calendar_days(data, calendar) parse_calendar_quarters(data, calendar) parse_calendar_eras(data, calendar) parse_calendar_periods(data, calendar) parse_calendar_date_formats(data, calendar) parse_calendar_time_formats(data, calendar) parse_calendar_datetime_skeletons(data, calendar) parse_interval_formats(data, calendar) parse_number_symbols(data, tree) parse_decimal_formats(data, tree) parse_scientific_formats(data, tree) parse_percent_formats(data, tree) parse_currency_formats(data, tree) parse_currency_names(data, tree) parse_unit_patterns(data, tree) parse_date_fields(data, tree) parse_character_order(data, tree) parse_measurement_systems(data, tree) write_datafile(data_filename, data, dump_json=dump_json) def _should_skip_elem(elem, type=None, dest=None): """ Check whether the given element should be skipped. Elements are skipped if they are drafts or alternates of data that already exists in `dest`. :param elem: XML element :param type: Type string. May be elided if the dest dict is elided. :param dest: Destination dict. May be elided to skip the dict check. :return: skip boolean """ if 'draft' in elem.attrib or 'alt' in elem.attrib: if dest is None or type in dest: return True def _import_type_text(dest, elem, type=None): """ Conditionally import the element's inner text(s) into the `dest` dict. The condition being, namely, that the element isn't a draft/alternate version of a pre-existing element. :param dest: Destination dict :param elem: XML element. :param type: Override type. (By default, the `type` attr of the element.) :return: """ if type is None: type = elem.attrib['type'] if _should_skip_elem(elem, type, dest): return dest[type] = _text(elem) def parse_locale_display_names(data, tree): territories = data.setdefault('territories', {}) for elem in tree.findall('.//territories/territory'): _import_type_text(territories, elem) languages = data.setdefault('languages', {}) for elem in tree.findall('.//languages/language'): _import_type_text(languages, elem) variants = data.setdefault('variants', {}) for elem in tree.findall('.//variants/variant'): _import_type_text(variants, elem) scripts = data.setdefault('scripts', {}) for elem in tree.findall('.//scripts/script'): _import_type_text(scripts, elem) list_patterns = data.setdefault('list_patterns', {}) for listType in tree.findall('.//listPatterns/listPattern'): if 'type' in listType.attrib: continue for listPattern in listType.findall('listPatternPart'): list_patterns[listPattern.attrib['type']] = _text(listPattern) def parse_dates(data, tree, sup, regions, territory): week_data = data.setdefault('week_data', {}) supelem = sup.find('.//weekData') for elem in supelem.findall('minDays'): territories = elem.attrib['territories'].split() if territory in territories or any([r in territories for r in regions]): week_data['min_days'] = int(elem.attrib['count']) for elem in supelem.findall('firstDay'): territories = elem.attrib['territories'].split() if territory in territories or any([r in territories for r in regions]): week_data['first_day'] = weekdays[elem.attrib['day']] for elem in supelem.findall('weekendStart'): territories = elem.attrib['territories'].split() if territory in territories or any([r in territories for r in regions]): week_data['weekend_start'] = weekdays[elem.attrib['day']] for elem in supelem.findall('weekendEnd'): territories = elem.attrib['territories'].split() if territory in territories or any([r in territories for r in regions]): week_data['weekend_end'] = weekdays[elem.attrib['day']] zone_formats = data.setdefault('zone_formats', {}) for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/gmtFormat'): if not _should_skip_elem(elem): zone_formats['gmt'] = text_type(elem.text).replace('{0}', '%s') break for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/regionFormat'): if not _should_skip_elem(elem): zone_formats['region'] = text_type(elem.text).replace('{0}', '%s') break for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/fallbackFormat'): if not _should_skip_elem(elem): zone_formats['fallback'] = ( text_type(elem.text).replace('{0}', '%(0)s').replace('{1}', '%(1)s') ) break for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/fallbackRegionFormat'): if not _should_skip_elem(elem): zone_formats['fallback_region'] = ( text_type(elem.text).replace('{0}', '%(0)s').replace('{1}', '%(1)s') ) break time_zones = data.setdefault('time_zones', {}) for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/zone'): info = {} city = elem.findtext('exemplarCity') if city: info['city'] = text_type(city) for child in elem.findall('long/*'): info.setdefault('long', {})[child.tag] = text_type(child.text) for child in elem.findall('short/*'): info.setdefault('short', {})[child.tag] = text_type(child.text) time_zones[elem.attrib['type']] = info meta_zones = data.setdefault('meta_zones', {}) for elem in tree.findall('.//timeZoneNames/metazone'): info = {} city = elem.findtext('exemplarCity') if city: info['city'] = text_type(city) for child in elem.findall('long/*'): info.setdefault('long', {})[child.tag] = text_type(child.text) for child in elem.findall('short/*'): info.setdefault('short', {})[child.tag] = text_type(child.text) meta_zones[elem.attrib['type']] = info def parse_calendar_months(data, calendar): months = data.setdefault('months', {}) for ctxt in calendar.findall('months/monthContext'): ctxt_type = ctxt.attrib['type'] ctxts = months.setdefault(ctxt_type, {}) for width in ctxt.findall('monthWidth'): width_type = width.attrib['type'] widths = ctxts.setdefault(width_type, {}) for elem in width.getiterator(): if elem.tag == 'month': _import_type_text(widths, elem, int(elem.attrib['type'])) elif elem.tag == 'alias': ctxts[width_type] = Alias( _translate_alias(['months', ctxt_type, width_type], elem.attrib['path']) ) def parse_calendar_days(data, calendar): days = data.setdefault('days', {}) for ctxt in calendar.findall('days/dayContext'): ctxt_type = ctxt.attrib['type'] ctxts = days.setdefault(ctxt_type, {}) for width in ctxt.findall('dayWidth'): width_type = width.attrib['type'] widths = ctxts.setdefault(width_type, {}) for elem in width.getiterator(): if elem.tag == 'day': _import_type_text(widths, elem, weekdays[elem.attrib['type']]) elif elem.tag == 'alias': ctxts[width_type] = Alias( _translate_alias(['days', ctxt_type, width_type], elem.attrib['path']) ) def parse_calendar_quarters(data, calendar): quarters = data.setdefault('quarters', {}) for ctxt in calendar.findall('quarters/quarterContext'): ctxt_type = ctxt.attrib['type'] ctxts = quarters.setdefault(ctxt.attrib['type'], {}) for width in ctxt.findall('quarterWidth'): width_type = width.attrib['type'] widths = ctxts.setdefault(width_type, {}) for elem in width.getiterator(): if elem.tag == 'quarter': _import_type_text(widths, elem, int(elem.attrib['type'])) elif elem.tag == 'alias': ctxts[width_type] = Alias( _translate_alias(['quarters', ctxt_type, width_type], elem.attrib['path'])) def parse_calendar_eras(data, calendar): eras = data.setdefault('eras', {}) for width in calendar.findall('eras/*'): width_type = NAME_MAP[width.tag] widths = eras.setdefault(width_type, {}) for elem in width.getiterator(): if elem.tag == 'era': _import_type_text(widths, elem, type=int(elem.attrib.get('type'))) elif elem.tag == 'alias': eras[width_type] = Alias( _translate_alias(['eras', width_type], elem.attrib['path']) ) def parse_calendar_periods(data, calendar): # Day periods (AM/PM/others) periods = data.setdefault('day_periods', {}) for day_period_ctx in calendar.findall('dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext'): ctx_type = day_period_ctx.attrib["type"] for day_period_width in day_period_ctx.findall('dayPeriodWidth'): width_type = day_period_width.attrib["type"] dest_dict = periods.setdefault(ctx_type, {}).setdefault(width_type, {}) for day_period in day_period_width.findall('dayPeriod'): period_type = day_period.attrib['type'] if 'alt' not in day_period.attrib: dest_dict[period_type] = text_type(day_period.text) def parse_calendar_date_formats(data, calendar): date_formats = data.setdefault('date_formats', {}) for format in calendar.findall('dateFormats'): for elem in format.getiterator(): if elem.tag == 'dateFormatLength': type = elem.attrib.get('type') if _should_skip_elem(elem, type, date_formats): continue try: date_formats[type] = dates.parse_pattern( text_type(elem.findtext('dateFormat/pattern')) ) except ValueError as e: error(e) elif elem.tag == 'alias': date_formats = Alias(_translate_alias( ['date_formats'], elem.attrib['path']) ) def parse_calendar_time_formats(data, calendar): time_formats = data.setdefault('time_formats', {}) for format in calendar.findall('timeFormats'): for elem in format.getiterator(): if elem.tag == 'timeFormatLength': type = elem.attrib.get('type') if _should_skip_elem(elem, type, time_formats): continue try: time_formats[type] = dates.parse_pattern( text_type(elem.findtext('timeFormat/pattern')) ) except ValueError as e: error(e) elif elem.tag == 'alias': time_formats = Alias(_translate_alias( ['time_formats'], elem.attrib['path']) ) def parse_calendar_datetime_skeletons(data, calendar): datetime_formats = data.setdefault('datetime_formats', {}) datetime_skeletons = data.setdefault('datetime_skeletons', {}) for format in calendar.findall('dateTimeFormats'): for elem in format.getiterator(): if elem.tag == 'dateTimeFormatLength': type = elem.attrib.get('type') if _should_skip_elem(elem, type, datetime_formats): continue try: datetime_formats[type] = text_type(elem.findtext('dateTimeFormat/pattern')) except ValueError as e: error(e) elif elem.tag == 'alias': datetime_formats = Alias(_translate_alias( ['datetime_formats'], elem.attrib['path']) ) elif elem.tag == 'availableFormats': for datetime_skeleton in elem.findall('dateFormatItem'): datetime_skeletons[datetime_skeleton.attrib['id']] = ( dates.parse_pattern(text_type(datetime_skeleton.text)) ) def parse_number_symbols(data, tree): number_symbols = data.setdefault('number_symbols', {}) for elem in tree.findall('.//numbers/symbols/*'): if _should_skip_elem(elem): continue number_symbols[elem.tag] = text_type(elem.text) def parse_decimal_formats(data, tree): decimal_formats = data.setdefault('decimal_formats', {}) for elem in tree.findall('.//decimalFormats/decimalFormatLength'): type = elem.attrib.get('type') if _should_skip_elem(elem, type, decimal_formats): continue if elem.findall('./alias'): # TODO map the alias to its target continue pattern = text_type(elem.findtext('./decimalFormat/pattern')) decimal_formats[type] = numbers.parse_pattern(pattern) def parse_scientific_formats(data, tree): scientific_formats = data.setdefault('scientific_formats', {}) for elem in tree.findall('.//scientificFormats/scientificFormatLength'): type = elem.attrib.get('type') if _should_skip_elem(elem, type, scientific_formats): continue pattern = text_type(elem.findtext('scientificFormat/pattern')) scientific_formats[type] = numbers.parse_pattern(pattern) def parse_percent_formats(data, tree): percent_formats = data.setdefault('percent_formats', {}) for elem in tree.findall('.//percentFormats/percentFormatLength'): type = elem.attrib.get('type') if _should_skip_elem(elem, type, percent_formats): continue pattern = text_type(elem.findtext('percentFormat/pattern')) percent_formats[type] = numbers.parse_pattern(pattern) def parse_currency_names(data, tree): currency_names = data.setdefault('currency_names', {}) currency_names_plural = data.setdefault('currency_names_plural', {}) currency_symbols = data.setdefault('currency_symbols', {}) for elem in tree.findall('.//currencies/currency'): code = elem.attrib['type'] for name in elem.findall('displayName'): if ('draft' in name.attrib) and code in currency_names: continue if 'count' in name.attrib: currency_names_plural.setdefault(code, {})[ name.attrib['count']] = text_type(name.text) else: currency_names[code] = text_type(name.text) # TODO: support choice patterns for currency symbol selection symbol = elem.find('symbol') if symbol is not None and 'draft' not in symbol.attrib and 'choice' not in symbol.attrib: currency_symbols[code] = text_type(symbol.text) def parse_unit_patterns(data, tree): unit_patterns = data.setdefault('unit_patterns', {}) compound_patterns = data.setdefault('compound_unit_patterns', {}) unit_display_names = data.setdefault('unit_display_names', {}) for elem in tree.findall('.//units/unitLength'): unit_length_type = elem.attrib['type'] for unit in elem.findall('unit'): unit_type = unit.attrib['type'] unit_and_length_patterns = unit_patterns.setdefault(unit_type, {}).setdefault(unit_length_type, {}) for pattern in unit.findall('unitPattern'): unit_and_length_patterns[pattern.attrib['count']] = _text(pattern) per_unit_pat = unit.find('perUnitPattern') if per_unit_pat is not None: unit_and_length_patterns['per'] = _text(per_unit_pat) display_name = unit.find('displayName') if display_name is not None: unit_display_names.setdefault(unit_type, {})[unit_length_type] = _text(display_name) for unit in elem.findall('compoundUnit'): unit_type = unit.attrib['type'] compound_patterns.setdefault(unit_type, {})[unit_length_type] = ( _text(unit.find('compoundUnitPattern')) ) def parse_date_fields(data, tree): date_fields = data.setdefault('date_fields', {}) for elem in tree.findall('.//dates/fields/field'): field_type = elem.attrib['type'] date_fields.setdefault(field_type, {}) for rel_time in elem.findall('relativeTime'): rel_time_type = rel_time.attrib['type'] for pattern in rel_time.findall('relativeTimePattern'): type_dict = date_fields[field_type].setdefault(rel_time_type, {}) type_dict[pattern.attrib['count']] = text_type(pattern.text) def parse_interval_formats(data, tree): # http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#intervalFormats interval_formats = data.setdefault("interval_formats", {}) for elem in tree.findall("dateTimeFormats/intervalFormats/*"): if 'draft' in elem.attrib: continue if elem.tag == "intervalFormatFallback": interval_formats[None] = elem.text elif elem.tag == "intervalFormatItem": skel_data = interval_formats.setdefault(elem.attrib["id"], {}) for item_sub in elem.getchildren(): if item_sub.tag == "greatestDifference": skel_data[item_sub.attrib["id"]] = split_interval_pattern(item_sub.text) else: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented: %s(%r)" % (item_sub.tag, item_sub.attrib)) def parse_currency_formats(data, tree): currency_formats = data.setdefault('currency_formats', {}) for length_elem in tree.findall('.//currencyFormats/currencyFormatLength'): curr_length_type = length_elem.attrib.get('type') for elem in length_elem.findall('currencyFormat'): type = elem.attrib.get('type') if curr_length_type: # Handle ``, etc. # TODO(3.x): use nested dicts instead of colon-separated madness type = '%s:%s' % (type, curr_length_type) if _should_skip_elem(elem, type, currency_formats): continue for child in elem.getiterator(): if child.tag == 'alias': currency_formats[type] = Alias( _translate_alias(['currency_formats', elem.attrib['type']], child.attrib['path']) ) elif child.tag == 'pattern': pattern = text_type(child.text) currency_formats[type] = numbers.parse_pattern(pattern) def parse_day_period_rules(tree): """ Parse dayPeriodRule data into a dict. :param tree: ElementTree """ day_periods = {} for ruleset in tree.findall(".//dayPeriodRuleSet"): ruleset_type = ruleset.attrib.get("type") # None|"selection" for rules in ruleset.findall("dayPeriodRules"): locales = rules.attrib["locales"].split() for rule in rules.findall("dayPeriodRule"): type = rule.attrib["type"] if type in ("am", "pm"): # These fixed periods are handled separately by `get_period_id` continue rule = _compact_dict(dict( (key, _time_to_seconds_past_midnight(rule.attrib.get(key))) for key in ("after", "at", "before", "from", "to") )) for locale in locales: dest_list = day_periods.setdefault(locale, {}).setdefault(ruleset_type, {}).setdefault(type, []) dest_list.append(rule) return day_periods def parse_character_order(data, tree): for elem in tree.findall('.//layout/orientation/characterOrder'): data['character_order'] = elem.text def parse_measurement_systems(data, tree): measurement_systems = data.setdefault('measurement_systems', {}) for measurement_system in tree.findall('.//measurementSystemNames/measurementSystemName'): type = measurement_system.attrib['type'] if not _should_skip_elem(measurement_system, type=type, dest=measurement_systems): _import_type_text(measurement_systems, measurement_system, type=type) if __name__ == '__main__': main()