package Tree; use Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(input stmts stmt automakerule makerule conditional ifblock optionalelse optionalcond optionalrhs optionalcomments lhs rhs commentlist primaries optionlist traverse printgraph recursesubdirs); my $isSubdir = 0 , @subdirnodes = (); # Grammar Rule : (1) input => stmts # Create a node having child as stmts. sub input($) { my ( $val ) = @_; my %node = ( name => input, childs => [ $val ] ); push @{$node{childs}}, subdirNode() if $#subdirnodes > -1; return \%node; } # Creates a Node having all the sub directories which are to be recursed. sub subdirNode() { my %node = ( name => subdir, empty => 1 ); my @subdir = (); push @subdir, @{ $_ -> { value }} foreach @subdirnodes; $node{ subdirs } = \@subdir; return \%node; } # Grammar Rule : (1) stmts=> stmt '\n' # Creates a node having a child as stmt # (2) stmts=> stmts stmt '\n' # Creates a node having a child as stmt. Insert the created node into # the childs array of the stmts(First Argument). sub stmts($$;$) { my ( $val1, $val2, $val3) = @_; if($val3 == undef) { my %node = ( name => stmts, childs => [ $val1 ]); return \%node; } else { push @{$val1 -> { childs }}, $val2; return $val1; } } # Grammar Rule : (1) stmt => automakerule # (2) stmt => makerule # (3) stmt => commentlist # (4) stmt => conditional # (5) stmt => includerule # Create a node with corresponding child node. sub stmt($) { my ( $val1 ) = @_; my %node = ( name => stmt , childs => [ $val1 ]); return \%node; } # Grammar Rule : (1) automakerule => lhs '=' optionalrhs optionalcomments # (2) automakerule => lhs '+' '=' optionalrhs optionalcomments # Create a node for automake rule. sub automakerule($$$$;$) { my ( $val1, $val2, $val3, $val4, $val5 ) = @_; my %node = (name => automakerule, childs => [ $val1 ]); if($val2->[0] eq '=') { push @{ $node{ childs }}, $val3; push @{ $node{ childs }}, $val4 if $val4; } else { push @{ $node{ childs }}, $val4; push @{ $node{ childs }}, $val5 if $val5; $node{ append } = true; } return \%node; } # Grammar Rule : (1) makerule => value ':' rhs # Create a node for make rule. sub makerule($$$) { my ( $val1, $val2, $val3 ) = @_; my %node = (name => makerule, childs => [ $val1,$val3 ]); return \%node; } # Grammar Rule : (1) optionalrhs => # Create an empty node. # (2) optionalrhs => rhs # Create a node with rhs as child. sub optionalrhs(;$) { my ( $val ) = @_; my %node = ( name => optionalrhs ); if( $val == undef ) { $node{ empty } = 1; } else { $node{ childs } = [ $val ]; push @subdirnodes, $val if $isSubdir; } $isSubdir = 0; return \%node; } # Grammar Rule : (1) optionalcomments => # Create an empty node. # (2) optionalcomments => commentlist # Create a node with commentlist as child. sub optionalcomments(;$) { my ( $val ) = @_; my %node = ( name => optionalcomments ); if( $val == undef ) { $node{ empty } = 1; } else { $node{ childs } = [ $val ]; } return \%node; } # Grammar Rule : (1) conditional => ifblock optionalelse endif optionalcond # Create a node for conditional statement. sub conditional($$$) { my ( $val1, $val2, $val3 ) = @_; my %node = ( name => conditional, childs => [ $val1, $val2]); return \%node; } # Grammar Rule : (1) ifblock => if value newline stmts # Create a node for if block. sub ifblock($$$$$) { my ( $val1, $val2, $val3, $val4, $val5) = @_; my %node = ( name => ifblock, condition => $val2 -> [1], childs => [$val4]); return \%node; } # Grammar Rule : (1) optionalelse => # Create an empty node. # (2) optionalelse => else newline stmts # Create a node with child as automakerule. sub optionalelse(;$$$$) { my ( $val1, $val2, $val3, $val4 ) = @_; my %node = ( name => optionalelse ); if( $val1 == undef ) { $node{ empty } = 1; } else { $node{ childs } = [ $val3 ]; } return \%node; } # Grammar Rule : (1) optionalcond => # Create an empty node. # (2) optionalcond => value # Create a node with child as automakerule. sub optionalcond(;$) { my ( $val1 ) = @_; my %node = ( name => optionalcond ); if( $val1 == undef ) { $node{ empty } = 1; } else { $node{ value } = $val1->[1]; } return \%node; } # Grammar Rule : (1) lhs => optionlist primaries # Create a node for left hand side of variable defination consisting of # option list and primary. # (2) lhs => value # Create a node for left hand side of variable defination having a simple # variable defination. sub lhs($;$) { my ( $val1, $val2 ) = @_; my %node = ( name => lhs); if( $val2 == undef ) { $node{ value } = $val1 -> [1]; $isSubdir = 1 if $node{value} eq 'SUBDIRS'; } else { $node{ childs } = [ $val1, $val2 ]; } return \%node; } # Grammar Rule : (1) rhs => rhsval # Creates a node having rhsval as its value. # (2) rhs => rhs rhsval # Inserts rhsval into the array pointed by value key in rhs. sub rhs($;$) { my ( $val1, $val2 ) = @_; if($val2 == undef) { my %node = ( name => rhs, value => [$val1 -> [1]]); return \%node; } else { push @{ $val1 -> { value }}, $val2 -> [1]; return $val1; } } # Grammar Rule : (1) commentlist => comment # Creates a node having comment as its value. # (2) commentlist => commentlist comment # Inserts comment into the array pointed by value key in commentlist. sub commentlist($;$) { my ( $val1, $val2 ) = @_; if( $val2 == undef ) { my %node = ( name => commentlist, value => [ $val1 -> [1]]); return \%node; } else { push @{ $val1 -> { value }} , $val2 -> [1]; return $val1; } } # Grammar Rule : (1) primaries : PROGRAMS # (2) primaries : LIBRARIES # (3) primaries : LTLIBRARIES # (4) primaries : LISP # (5) primaries : PYTHON # (6) primaries : JAVA # (7) primaries : SCRIPTS # (8) primaries : DATA # (9) primaries : HEADERS # (10) primaries : MASN # (11) primaries : TEXINFOS # (12) primaries : value # Creates a node corresponding to the given primary. sub primaries($) { my ( $val ) = @_; my %node = ( name => primaries ); if( $val -> [0] eq 'value') { $node{ value } = $val -> [1]; } else { $node{ value } = $val; } return \%node; } # Grammar Rule : (1) optionlist : value '_' # Create a node having data value in val key. # (2) optionlist : optionlist value '_' # Add the data value to val key in the node pointed by optionlist(First Argument). sub optionlist($$;$) { my ( $val1, $val2, $val3 ) = @_; if($val3 == undef) { my %node = (name => optionlist, val => [$val1 -> [1]]); return \%node; } else { push @{$val1 -> {val}},$val2 -> [1]; return $val1; } } sub includerule($$) { my ( $val1, $val2 ) = @_; print STDERR $val2; my %node = (name => includerule, value => $val2); return \%node; } # printgraph(Hash) # prints the AST to Standard Output by traversing the tree starting at node # pointed by hash. sub printgraph($) { print "graph graphname {\n"; my ( $ref ) = @_; print "0 [label=\"Root\"];"; traverse( $ref, 0); print "}\n"; } #Stores the next id to be alloted to new node. my $id = 0; # traverse(Hash, Parent Id) # Traverses the tree recursively. Prints the information about the current node # to Standard Output. Call all its child with Parent Id equal to current Node Id. sub traverse($$) { my ( $ref,$parent ) = @_; my %node = %$ref; return if $node{empty}; $id++; my $curr_id = $id; print "$parent--$id;\n"; my $label = ""; @keys = sort grep {!/^childs/} keys %node; foreach $key ( @keys ) { $label .= $key."=>"; if(ref( $node{ $key }) eq 'ARRAY') { $label .= join(" ",@{$node{$key}})."\n"; } else { $label .= $node{$key}." "; } } print "$curr_id [label=\"$label\"];"; if( $node{childs} ) { my $val1 = $node{childs}; foreach $child (@$val1) { traverse( $child, $curr_id ); } } } # recursesubdirs(Basedir, Reference) # Recurse into sub directories to generate AST sub recursesubdirs($$) { my ( $basedir , $ref) = @_; my %node= %$ref; if( scalar @{ $node{childs} } == 2) { my $subdirRef = $node{childs} -> [1]; my %subdirNode = %$subdirRef; foreach $val ( @{ $subdirNode{subdirs} } ) { system( " $basedir/$val/ > $basedir/$val/ast.gv" ); system( "unflatten -f -l 10 -c 10 -o $basedir/$val/ast1.gv $basedir/$val/ast.gv" ); system( "dot -Tpng $basedir/$val/ast1.gv > $basedir/$val/ast.png" ); system( "rm $basedir/$val/ast.gv $basedir/$val/ast1.gv" ); } } } 1;