/** * \file nested.c * * Time-stamp: "2012-03-04 13:30:07 bkorb" * * Automated Options Nested Values module. * * This file is part of AutoOpts, a companion to AutoGen. * AutoOpts is free software. * AutoOpts is Copyright (c) 1992-2012 by Bruce Korb - all rights reserved * * AutoOpts is available under any one of two licenses. The license * in use must be one of these two and the choice is under the control * of the user of the license. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or later * See the files "COPYING.lgplv3" and "COPYING.gplv3" * * The Modified Berkeley Software Distribution License * See the file "COPYING.mbsd" * * These files have the following md5sums: * * 43b91e8ca915626ed3818ffb1b71248b pkg/libopts/COPYING.gplv3 * 06a1a2e4760c90ea5e1dad8dfaac4d39 pkg/libopts/COPYING.lgplv3 * 66a5cedaf62c4b2637025f049f9b826f pkg/libopts/COPYING.mbsd */ typedef struct { int xml_ch; int xml_len; char xml_txt[8]; } xml_xlate_t; static xml_xlate_t const xml_xlate[] = { { '&', 4, "amp;" }, { '<', 3, "lt;" }, { '>', 3, "gt;" }, { '"', 5, "quot;" }, { '\'',5, "apos;" } }; #ifndef ENOMSG #define ENOMSG ENOENT #endif /* = = = START-STATIC-FORWARD = = = */ static void remove_continuation(char* pzSrc); static char const* scan_q_str(char const* pzTxt); static tOptionValue * add_string(void ** pp, char const * pzName, size_t nameLen, char const* pzValue, size_t dataLen); static tOptionValue * add_bool(void ** pp, char const * pzName, size_t nameLen, char const* pzValue, size_t dataLen); static tOptionValue* add_number(void** pp, char const* pzName, size_t nameLen, char const* pzValue, size_t dataLen); static tOptionValue* add_nested(void** pp, char const* pzName, size_t nameLen, char* pzValue, size_t dataLen); static char const * scan_name(char const* pzName, tOptionValue* pRes); static char const* scan_xml(char const* pzName, tOptionValue* pRes); static void sort_list(tArgList* pAL); /* = = = END-STATIC-FORWARD = = = */ /** * Backslashes are used for line continuations. We keep the newline * characters, but trim out the backslash: */ static void remove_continuation(char* pzSrc) { char* pzD; do { while (*pzSrc == NL) pzSrc++; pzD = strchr(pzSrc, NL); if (pzD == NULL) return; /* * pzD has skipped at least one non-newline character and now * points to a newline character. It now becomes the source and * pzD goes to the previous character. */ pzSrc = pzD--; if (*pzD != '\\') pzD++; } while (pzD == pzSrc); /* * Start shifting text. */ for (;;) { char ch = ((*pzD++) = *(pzSrc++)); switch (ch) { case NUL: return; case '\\': if (*pzSrc == NL) --pzD; /* rewrite on next iteration */ } } } /** * Find the end of a quoted string, skipping escaped quote characters. */ static char const* scan_q_str(char const* pzTxt) { char q = *(pzTxt++); /* remember the type of quote */ for (;;) { char ch = *(pzTxt++); if (ch == NUL) return pzTxt-1; if (ch == q) return pzTxt; if (ch == '\\') { ch = *(pzTxt++); /* * IF the next character is NUL, drop the backslash, too. */ if (ch == NUL) return pzTxt - 2; /* * IF the quote character or the escape character were escaped, * then skip both, as long as the string does not end. */ if ((ch == q) || (ch == '\\')) { if (*(pzTxt++) == NUL) return pzTxt-1; } } } } /** * Associate a name with either a string or no value. */ static tOptionValue * add_string(void ** pp, char const * pzName, size_t nameLen, char const* pzValue, size_t dataLen) { tOptionValue* pNV; size_t sz = nameLen + dataLen + sizeof(*pNV); pNV = AGALOC(sz, "option name/str value pair"); if (pNV == NULL) return NULL; if (pzValue == NULL) { pNV->valType = OPARG_TYPE_NONE; pNV->pzName = pNV->v.strVal; } else { pNV->valType = OPARG_TYPE_STRING; if (dataLen > 0) { char const * pzSrc = pzValue; char * pzDst = pNV->v.strVal; int ct = dataLen; do { int ch = *(pzSrc++) & 0xFF; if (ch == NUL) goto data_copy_done; if (ch == '&') ch = get_special_char(&pzSrc, &ct); *(pzDst++) = (char)ch; } while (--ct > 0); data_copy_done: *pzDst = NUL; } else { pNV->v.strVal[0] = NUL; } pNV->pzName = pNV->v.strVal + dataLen + 1; } memcpy(pNV->pzName, pzName, nameLen); pNV->pzName[ nameLen ] = NUL; addArgListEntry(pp, pNV); return pNV; } /** * Associate a name with either a string or no value. */ static tOptionValue * add_bool(void ** pp, char const * pzName, size_t nameLen, char const* pzValue, size_t dataLen) { tOptionValue * pNV; { size_t sz = nameLen + sizeof(tOptionValue) + 1; pNV = AGALOC(sz, "name/bool value"); } { char * p = SPN_WHITESPACE_CHARS(pzValue); dataLen -= p - pzValue; pzValue = p; } if (dataLen == 0) pNV->v.boolVal = 0; else if (IS_DEC_DIGIT_CHAR(*pzValue)) pNV->v.boolVal = atoi(pzValue); else pNV->v.boolVal = ! IS_FALSE_TYPE_CHAR(*pzValue); pNV->valType = OPARG_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pNV->pzName = (char*)(pNV + 1); memcpy(pNV->pzName, pzName, nameLen); pNV->pzName[ nameLen ] = NUL; addArgListEntry(pp, pNV); return pNV; } /** * Associate a name with either a string or no value. */ static tOptionValue* add_number(void** pp, char const* pzName, size_t nameLen, char const* pzValue, size_t dataLen) { tOptionValue* pNV; size_t sz = nameLen + sizeof(*pNV) + 1; pNV = AGALOC(sz, "option name/bool value pair"); if (pNV == NULL) return NULL; while (IS_WHITESPACE_CHAR(*pzValue) && (dataLen > 0)) { dataLen--; pzValue++; } if (dataLen == 0) pNV->v.longVal = 0; else pNV->v.longVal = strtol(pzValue, 0, 0); pNV->valType = OPARG_TYPE_NUMERIC; pNV->pzName = (char*)(pNV + 1); memcpy(pNV->pzName, pzName, nameLen); pNV->pzName[ nameLen ] = NUL; addArgListEntry(pp, pNV); return pNV; } /** * Associate a name with either a string or no value. */ static tOptionValue* add_nested(void** pp, char const* pzName, size_t nameLen, char* pzValue, size_t dataLen) { tOptionValue* pNV; if (dataLen == 0) { size_t sz = nameLen + sizeof(*pNV) + 1; pNV = AGALOC(sz, "empty nested value pair"); if (pNV == NULL) return NULL; pNV->v.nestVal = NULL; pNV->valType = OPARG_TYPE_HIERARCHY; pNV->pzName = (char*)(pNV + 1); memcpy(pNV->pzName, pzName, nameLen); pNV->pzName[ nameLen ] = NUL; } else { pNV = optionLoadNested(pzValue, pzName, nameLen); } if (pNV != NULL) addArgListEntry(pp, pNV); return pNV; } /** * We have an entry that starts with a name. Find the end of it, cook it * (if called for) and create the name/value association. */ static char const * scan_name(char const* pzName, tOptionValue* pRes) { tOptionValue* pNV; char const * pzScan = pzName+1; /* we know first char is a name char */ char const * pzVal; size_t nameLen = 1; size_t dataLen = 0; /* * Scan over characters that name a value. These names may not end * with a colon, but they may contain colons. */ pzScan = SPN_VALUE_NAME_CHARS(pzName + 1); if (pzScan[-1] == ':') pzScan--; nameLen = pzScan - pzName; pzScan = SPN_HORIZ_WHITE_CHARS(pzScan); re_switch: switch (*pzScan) { case '=': case ':': pzScan = SPN_HORIZ_WHITE_CHARS(pzScan + 1); if ((*pzScan == '=') || (*pzScan == ':')) goto default_char; goto re_switch; case NL: case ',': pzScan++; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case NUL: add_string(&(pRes->v.nestVal), pzName, nameLen, NULL, (size_t)0); break; case '"': case '\'': pzVal = pzScan; pzScan = scan_q_str(pzScan); dataLen = pzScan - pzVal; pNV = add_string(&(pRes->v.nestVal), pzName, nameLen, pzVal, dataLen); if ((pNV != NULL) && (option_load_mode == OPTION_LOAD_COOKED)) ao_string_cook(pNV->v.strVal, NULL); break; default: default_char: /* * We have found some strange text value. It ends with a newline * or a comma. */ pzVal = pzScan; for (;;) { char ch = *(pzScan++); switch (ch) { case NUL: pzScan--; dataLen = pzScan - pzVal; goto string_done; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case NL: if ( (pzScan > pzVal + 2) && (pzScan[-2] == '\\') && (pzScan[ 0] != NUL)) continue; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case ',': dataLen = (pzScan - pzVal) - 1; string_done: pNV = add_string(&(pRes->v.nestVal), pzName, nameLen, pzVal, dataLen); if (pNV != NULL) remove_continuation(pNV->v.strVal); goto leave_scan_name; } } break; } leave_scan_name:; return pzScan; } /** * We've found a '<' character. We ignore this if it is a comment or a * directive. If it is something else, then whatever it is we are looking * at is bogus. Returning NULL stops processing. */ static char const* scan_xml(char const* pzName, tOptionValue* pRes) { size_t nameLen; size_t valLen; char const* pzScan = ++pzName; char const* pzVal; tOptionValue valu; tOptionValue* pNewVal; tOptionLoadMode save_mode = option_load_mode; if (! IS_VAR_FIRST_CHAR(*pzName)) { switch (*pzName) { default: pzName = NULL; break; case '!': pzName = strstr(pzName, "-->"); if (pzName != NULL) pzName += 3; break; case '?': pzName = strchr(pzName, '>'); if (pzName != NULL) pzName++; break; } return pzName; } pzScan = SPN_VALUE_NAME_CHARS(pzName+1); nameLen = pzScan - pzName; if (nameLen > 64) return NULL; valu.valType = OPARG_TYPE_STRING; switch (*pzScan) { case ' ': case '\t': pzScan = parse_attrs( NULL, (char*)pzScan, &option_load_mode, &valu ); if (*pzScan == '>') { pzScan++; break; } if (*pzScan != '/') { option_load_mode = save_mode; return NULL; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '/': if (*++pzScan != '>') { option_load_mode = save_mode; return NULL; } add_string(&(pRes->v.nestVal), pzName, nameLen, NULL, (size_t)0); option_load_mode = save_mode; return pzScan+1; default: option_load_mode = save_mode; return NULL; case '>': pzScan++; break; } pzVal = pzScan; { char z[68]; char* pzD = z; int ct = nameLen; char const* pzS = pzName; *(pzD++) = '<'; *(pzD++) = '/'; do { *(pzD++) = *(pzS++); } while (--ct > 0); *(pzD++) = '>'; *pzD = NUL; pzScan = strstr(pzScan, z); if (pzScan == NULL) { option_load_mode = save_mode; return NULL; } valLen = (pzScan - pzVal); pzScan += nameLen + 3; pzScan = SPN_WHITESPACE_CHARS(pzScan); } switch (valu.valType) { case OPARG_TYPE_NONE: add_string(&(pRes->v.nestVal), pzName, nameLen, NULL, (size_t)0); break; case OPARG_TYPE_STRING: pNewVal = add_string( &(pRes->v.nestVal), pzName, nameLen, pzVal, valLen); if (option_load_mode == OPTION_LOAD_KEEP) break; mungeString(pNewVal->v.strVal, option_load_mode); break; case OPARG_TYPE_BOOLEAN: add_bool(&(pRes->v.nestVal), pzName, nameLen, pzVal, valLen); break; case OPARG_TYPE_NUMERIC: add_number(&(pRes->v.nestVal), pzName, nameLen, pzVal, valLen); break; case OPARG_TYPE_HIERARCHY: { char* pz = AGALOC(valLen+1, "hierarchical scan"); if (pz == NULL) break; memcpy(pz, pzVal, valLen); pz[valLen] = NUL; add_nested(&(pRes->v.nestVal), pzName, nameLen, pz, valLen); AGFREE(pz); break; } case OPARG_TYPE_ENUMERATION: case OPARG_TYPE_MEMBERSHIP: default: break; } option_load_mode = save_mode; return pzScan; } /** * Deallocate a list of option arguments. This must have been gotten from * a hierarchical option argument, not a stacked list of strings. It is * an internal call, so it is not validated. The caller is responsible for * knowing what they are doing. */ LOCAL void unload_arg_list(tArgList* pAL) { int ct = pAL->useCt; tCC** ppNV = pAL->apzArgs; while (ct-- > 0) { tOptionValue* pNV = (tOptionValue*)(void*)*(ppNV++); if (pNV->valType == OPARG_TYPE_HIERARCHY) unload_arg_list(pNV->v.nestVal); AGFREE(pNV); } AGFREE((void*)pAL); } /*=export_func optionUnloadNested * * what: Deallocate the memory for a nested value * arg: + tOptionValue const * + pOptVal + the hierarchical value + * * doc: * A nested value needs to be deallocated. The pointer passed in should * have been gotten from a call to @code{configFileLoad()} (See * @pxref{libopts-configFileLoad}). =*/ void optionUnloadNested(tOptionValue const * pOV) { if (pOV == NULL) return; if (pOV->valType != OPARG_TYPE_HIERARCHY) { errno = EINVAL; return; } unload_arg_list(pOV->v.nestVal); AGFREE((void*)pOV); } /** * This is a _stable_ sort. The entries are sorted alphabetically, * but within entries of the same name the ordering is unchanged. * Typically, we also hope the input is sorted. */ static void sort_list(tArgList* pAL) { int ix; int lm = pAL->useCt; /* * This loop iterates "useCt" - 1 times. */ for (ix = 0; ++ix < lm;) { int iy = ix-1; tOptionValue* pNewNV = (tOptionValue*)(void*)(pAL->apzArgs[ix]); tOptionValue* pOldNV = (tOptionValue*)(void*)(pAL->apzArgs[iy]); /* * For as long as the new entry precedes the "old" entry, * move the old pointer. Stop before trying to extract the * "-1" entry. */ while (strcmp(pOldNV->pzName, pNewNV->pzName) > 0) { pAL->apzArgs[iy+1] = (void*)pOldNV; pOldNV = (tOptionValue*)(void*)(pAL->apzArgs[--iy]); if (iy < 0) break; } /* * Always store the pointer. Sometimes it is redundant, * but the redundancy is cheaper than a test and branch sequence. */ pAL->apzArgs[iy+1] = (void*)pNewNV; } } /*= * private: * * what: parse a hierarchical option argument * arg: + char const* + pzTxt + the text to scan + * arg: + char const* + pzName + the name for the text + * arg: + size_t + nameLen + the length of "name" + * * ret_type: tOptionValue* * ret_desc: An allocated, compound value structure * * doc: * A block of text represents a series of values. It may be an * entire configuration file, or it may be an argument to an * option that takes a hierarchical value. * * If NULL is returned, errno will be set: * @itemize @bullet * @item * @code{EINVAL} the input text was NULL. * @item * @code{ENOMEM} the storage structures could not be allocated * @item * @code{ENOMSG} no configuration values were found * @end itemize =*/ LOCAL tOptionValue* optionLoadNested(char const* pzTxt, char const* pzName, size_t nameLen) { tOptionValue* pRes; /* * Make sure we have some data and we have space to put what we find. */ if (pzTxt == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } pzTxt = SPN_WHITESPACE_CHARS(pzTxt); if (*pzTxt == NUL) { errno = ENOMSG; return NULL; } pRes = AGALOC(sizeof(*pRes) + nameLen + 1, "nested args"); if (pRes == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; return NULL; } pRes->valType = OPARG_TYPE_HIERARCHY; pRes->pzName = (char*)(pRes + 1); memcpy(pRes->pzName, pzName, nameLen); pRes->pzName[nameLen] = NUL; { tArgList * pAL = AGALOC(sizeof(*pAL), "nested arg list"); if (pAL == NULL) { AGFREE(pRes); return NULL; } pRes->v.nestVal = pAL; pAL->useCt = 0; pAL->allocCt = MIN_ARG_ALLOC_CT; } /* * Scan until we hit a NUL. */ do { pzTxt = SPN_WHITESPACE_CHARS(pzTxt); if (IS_VAR_FIRST_CHAR(*pzTxt)) pzTxt = scan_name(pzTxt, pRes); else switch (*pzTxt) { case NUL: goto scan_done; case '<': pzTxt = scan_xml(pzTxt, pRes); if (pzTxt == NULL) goto woops; if (*pzTxt == ',') pzTxt++; break; case '#': pzTxt = strchr(pzTxt, NL); break; default: goto woops; } } while (pzTxt != NULL); scan_done:; { tArgList * al = pRes->v.nestVal; if (al->useCt == 0) { errno = ENOMSG; goto woops; } if (al->useCt > 1) sort_list(al); } return pRes; woops: AGFREE(pRes->v.nestVal); AGFREE(pRes); return NULL; } /*=export_func optionNestedVal * private: * * what: parse a hierarchical option argument * arg: + tOptions* + pOpts + program options descriptor + * arg: + tOptDesc* + pOptDesc + the descriptor for this arg + * * doc: * Nested value was found on the command line =*/ void optionNestedVal(tOptions* pOpts, tOptDesc* pOD) { if (pOpts < OPTPROC_EMIT_LIMIT) return; if (pOD->fOptState & OPTST_RESET) { tArgList* pAL = pOD->optCookie; int ct; tCC ** av; if (pAL == NULL) return; ct = pAL->useCt; av = pAL->apzArgs; while (--ct >= 0) { void * p = (void *)*(av++); optionUnloadNested((tOptionValue const *)p); } AGFREE(pOD->optCookie); } else { tOptionValue* pOV = optionLoadNested( pOD->optArg.argString, pOD->pz_Name, strlen(pOD->pz_Name)); if (pOV != NULL) addArgListEntry(&(pOD->optCookie), (void*)pOV); } } /* * get_special_char */ LOCAL int get_special_char(char const ** ppz, int * ct) { char const * pz = *ppz; if (*ct < 3) return '&'; if (*pz == '#') { int base = 10; int retch; pz++; if (*pz == 'x') { base = 16; pz++; } retch = (int)strtoul(pz, (char **)&pz, base); if (*pz != ';') return '&'; base = ++pz - *ppz; if (base > *ct) return '&'; *ct -= base; *ppz = pz; return retch; } { int ctr = sizeof(xml_xlate) / sizeof(xml_xlate[0]); xml_xlate_t const * xlatp = xml_xlate; for (;;) { if ( (*ct >= xlatp->xml_len) && (strncmp(pz, xlatp->xml_txt, xlatp->xml_len) == 0)) { *ppz += xlatp->xml_len; *ct -= xlatp->xml_len; return xlatp->xml_ch; } if (--ctr <= 0) break; xlatp++; } } return '&'; } /* * emit_special_char */ LOCAL void emit_special_char(FILE * fp, int ch) { int ctr = sizeof(xml_xlate) / sizeof(xml_xlate[0]); xml_xlate_t const * xlatp = xml_xlate; putc('&', fp); for (;;) { if (ch == xlatp->xml_ch) { fputs(xlatp->xml_txt, fp); return; } if (--ctr <= 0) break; xlatp++; } fprintf(fp, XML_HEX_BYTE_FMT, (ch & 0xFF)); } /* * Local Variables: * mode: C * c-file-style: "stroustrup" * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * end of autoopts/nested.c */