# =========================================================================== # http://www.nongnu.org/autoconf-archive/ax_cvs.html # =========================================================================== # # SYNOPSIS # # AX_CVS([ANON_CVSROOT]) # # DESCRIPTION # # Adds support cvs targets within your Makefile. # # Branching and releasing relies on you using the following version # format: # # MAJOR.MINOR.POINT # # where MAJOR is the major version number, MINOR is the minor version # number and POINT is the point release number. # # make update # # performs a cvs update # # make commitlog # # Generates a ChangeLog template with the modifed, added # and removed files and opens it up for editing. This is # not normally used directly, but is instad called by # commit. It is usefull however if you want to document # the work you have done, but don't want to commit just # yet. # # make commit # # performs a cvs commit after first performing a cvs # update and generating a commit log. # # make cvs-rm FILES="file1 file2 ..." # # removes a file or files specified by the FILES # variable from the file system and from cvs. It will # interactively ask you to confirm the file removal, # unless the file does not exist on the file system. # # make cvs-add FILES="file1 file2 ..." # # adds a file or files specified by the FILES variable # to cvs. # # make branch-major # # creates a branch based on the major version number, # increments the major version number, sets the minor # and point versions to zero and checks out the branch # into a new directory. # # make branch-minor # # creates a branch based on the minor version number, # increments the minor version, sets the point version # to zero number and checks out the branch into a new # directory. # # make release # # performs a cvs update, followed by a distcheck, then # creates a release for the current version, increaments # the point release number and checks out the release # into a new direcory # # make quick-release # # same as release, but distcheck is not performed # # LICENSE # # Copyright (c) 2009 Tom Howard # # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are # permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice # and this notice are preserved. AC_DEFUN([AX_CVS], [ AC_REQUIRE([AX_SPLIT_VERSION]) AC_SUBST([ANON_CVSROOT], [$1]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([ANON_CVSROOT]) if test "x$ANON_CVSROOT" != "x"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([$ANON_CVSROOT]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([not found]) AC_MSG_ERROR([An anonymous CVSROOT must be specified to enable CVS support]) fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(cvs-support, AS_HELP_STRING(--enable-cvs-support[=ARG], [enable cvs support. Used by the $PACKAGE developers. ARG can be "yes" or "no". If the CVSROOT is found, then the default is yes, otherwise the default is no.]), AX_USING_CVS=$enableval ) if test "x$AX_USING_CVS" != "xno"; then AC_ARG_VAR(CVS, [cvs executable to use]) if test "x$CVS" = "x"; then AC_CHECK_PROGS(CVS,[cvs]) fi if test "x$CVS" = "x"; then if test "x$AX_USING_CVS" = "x"; then AX_USING_CVS=no else AC_MSG_ERROR([CVS support cannot be enabled: cvs executable not found]) fi fi AC_SUBST([CVS]) fi if test "x$AX_USING_CVS" != "xno"; then AC_ARG_VAR(GAWK, [gawk executable to use]) if test "x$GAWK" = "x"; then AC_CHECK_PROGS(GAWK,[gawk]) fi if test "x$GAWK" = "x"; then if test "x$AX_USING_CVS" = "x"; then AX_USING_CVS=no else AC_MSG_ERROR([CVS support cannot be enabled: gawk could not be found]) fi fi AC_SUBST([GAWK]) fi if test "x$AX_USING_CVS" != "xno"; then AC_ARG_VAR(CVSEDITOR, [text editor to use for cvs]) if test "x$CVSEDITOR" = "x"; then if test "x$EDITOR" = "x"; then AC_CHECK_PROGS(CVSEDITOR,[vim vi emacs]) else AC_CHECK_PROGS(CVSEDITOR,[$EDITOR vim vi emacs]) fi fi if test "x$CVSEDITOR" = "x"; then if test "x$AX_USING_CVS" = "x"; then AX_USING_CVS=no else AC_MSG_ERROR([CVS support cannot be enabled: CVSEDITOR not set and editor not found]) fi fi AC_SUBST([CVSEDITOR]) fi if test "x$AX_USING_CVS" != "xno"; then AC_ARG_VAR(CVSROOT, [the CVSROOT to use]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([CVSROOT]) if test -e "$srcdir/CVS/Root"; then CVSROOT=`cat $srcdir/CVS/Root`; AC_MSG_RESULT([$CVSROOT]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([not found]) if test "x$AX_USING_CVS" = "x"; then AX_USING_CVS=no else AC_MSG_ERROR([CVS support cannot be enabled: CVSROOT not found. Did you check out from CVS?]) fi fi AC_SUBST([CVSROOT]) fi if test "x$AX_USING_CVS" != "xno"; then AC_MSG_CHECKING([USERNAME]) if test "x$USERNAME" != "x"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([$USERNAME]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([not set]) if test "x$AX_USING_CVS" = "x"; then AX_USING_CVS=no else AC_MSG_ERROR([CVS support cannot be enabled: USERNAME enviorment variable not set]) fi fi AC_SUBST([USERNAME]) fi if test "x$AX_USING_CVS" != "xno"; then AC_MSG_CHECKING([USEREMAIL]) if test "x$USERNAME" != "x"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([$USEREMAIL]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([not set]) if test "x$AX_USING_CVS" = "x"; then AX_USING_CVS=no else AC_MSG_ERROR([CVS support cannot be enabled: USEREMAIL enviorment variable not set]) fi fi AC_SUBST([USEREMAIL]) fi if test "x$AX_USING_CVS" != "xno"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([cvs support enabled]) m4_pattern_allow([AC_INIT]) AX_PRINT_TO_FILE([ax_cvs_rel.awk],[[ BEGIN { if( change <= 0 ) exit -1; } /AC_INIT/ { if( ${AX_DOLLAR}2 ~ /\\)${AX_DOLLAR}/ ) { ver = substr( ${AX_DOLLAR}2, 0, length( ${AX_DOLLAR}2 ) - 1 ); tail=\")\"; } else ver = ${AX_DOLLAR}2; if( ${AX_DOLLAR}2 ~ /${AX_BS}${AX_SRB}${AX_DOLLAR}/ ) { ver = substr( ${AX_DOLLAR}2, 0, length( ${AX_DOLLAR}2 ) - 1 ); tail=\"${AX_SRB}\"; } else ver = ${AX_DOLLAR}2; if( ${AX_DOLLAR}2 ~ /\\,${AX_DOLLAR}/ ) { ver = substr( ${AX_DOLLAR}2, 0, length( ${AX_DOLLAR}2 ) - 1 ); tail=\",\"; } else ver = ${AX_DOLLAR}2; n = split( ver, ver_array, \".\" ); while( change > n ) ver_array[ ++n ] = 0; ver_array[ change ]++; while( ++change <= n ) ver_array[ change ] = 0; ${AX_DOLLAR}2 = \"\"; for( i = 1; i < n; ++i ) ${AX_DOLLAR}2 = ${AX_DOLLAR}2 ver_array[ i ] \".\"; ${AX_DOLLAR}2 = ${AX_DOLLAR}2 ver_array[ n ]; if( tail ) ${AX_DOLLAR}2 = ${AX_DOLLAR}2 tail; } { print ${AX_DOLLAR}0; } ]]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([ax_cvs_enabled],[test "x$AX_USING_CVS" != "xno"]) AX_ADD_AM_MACRO_STATIC([ if ax_cvs_enabled update: @cd \"${AX_DOLLAR}(srcdir)\" && \$(CVS) -z9 update cvsalways: ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog: cvsalways @(CURR=\`pwd\`; cd \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)\"; \$(CVS) -z9 diff -u --brief 2>&1 | \\ \$(GAWK) \\ \'/^Index/ { print \"\\\\t* ./\" ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}2; } \\ /^cvs diff: .* was removed/ { print \"\\\\t* ./\" ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}3 \" (removed)\"; } \\ /^cvs diff: .* is a new entry/ { print \"\\\\t* ./\" ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}3 \" (added)\"; }\' \\ > \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}CURR/commitlog.tmp\") @if test -s commitlog.tmp; then \\ echo \"\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ if test -f ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; then \\ cat ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog >> commitlog.tmp; \\ fi; \\ echo \"/* -*-change-log-*- */\" > ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; \\ DATE=\`date +\"%%Y-%%m-%%d\"\`; \\ echo \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}DATE ${USERNAME} <${USEREMAIL}>\" >> ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; \\ echo \"\" >> ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; \\ cat commitlog.tmp >> ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; \\ rm -f commitlog.tmp; \\ \$(CVSEDITOR) ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; \\ \$(GAWK) \'BEGIN { blank=0; } \\ /\\\\/\\\\* -\\\\*-change-log-\\\\*- \\\\*\\\\// { getline; } \\ /^[[:blank:]]*\$\$/ { if( !blank ) { blank = 1; print; } } \\ /[[:alnum:]]/ { print; blank = 0; } \\ END{ if( !blank ) print \"\"; }\' \\ ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog > commitlog.tmp; \\ mv commitlog.tmp ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; \\ else \\ echo \"no changes found\";\\ fi commit: update ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog @if test -f ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; then \\ cat ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog \"\$(top_srcdir)/ChangeLog\" > ChangeLog.tmp; \\ mv ChangeLog.tmp \"\$(top_srcdir)/ChangeLog\"; \\ CURR=\`(cd \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)\"; pwd )\`; \\ (cd \"\$(top_srcdir)\"; \$(CVS) -z9 commit -F \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}CURR/commitlog\" ); \\ rm -f ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; \\ fi cvs-rm: @echo \"Removing files from CVS\" @if test \"x\$(FILES)\" != \"x\"; then \\ NEWFILES=\"\"; \\ for FILE in \$(FILES); do \\ if test -e \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}FILE\"; then \\ rm -i \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}FILE\"; \\ fi; \\ if test ! -e \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}FILE\"; then \\ if test \"\$(srcdir)\" != \".\"; then \\ FILE=\`echo \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}FILE\" | \$(SED) -e \'s|^\$(srcdir)|.|\'\`; \\ fi; \\ NEWFILES=\"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}NEWFILES ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}FILE\"; \\ fi; \\ done; \\ if test \"x${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}NEWFILES\" != \"x\"; then \\ (cd \"\$(srddir)\"; \$(CVS) remove ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}NEWFILES; ); \\ fi; \\ else \\ echo \"You must specify the file(s) you want to remove from cvs by using\"; \\ echo \"the FILES environment variable. For example:\"; \\ echo \" make cvs-rm FILES=\'foo bar\'\"; \\ echo \"\"; \\ exit 1; \\ fi cvs-add: @echo \"Adding files to CVS\" @if test \"x${AX_DOLLAR}(FILES)\" != \"x\"; then \\ NEWFILES=\"\"; \\ for FILE in ${AX_DOLLAR}(FILES); do \\ if test -e \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}FILE\"; then \\ if test \"${AX_DOLLAR}(srcdir)\" != \".\"; then \\ FILE=\`echo \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}FILE\" | sed -e \'s|^${AX_DOLLAR}(srcdir)|.|\'\`; \\ fi; \\ fi; \\ NEWFILES=\"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}NEWFILES ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}FILE\"; \\ done; \\ if test \"x${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}NEWFILES\" != \"x\"; then \\ cd \"${AX_DOLLAR}(srcdir)\"; \$(CVS) add ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}NEWFILES; \\ fi; \\ else \\ echo \"You must specify the file(s) you want to add to cvs by using\"; \\ echo \"the FILES environment variable. For example:\"; \\ echo \" make cvs-add FILES=\'foo bar\'\"; \\ echo \"\"; \\ exit 1; \\ fi branch-major: @tag=\"\$(PACKAGE)-${AX_MAJOR_VERSION}\"; \\ echo \"\"; \\ echo \"Creating major brach: ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag\"; \\ (cd \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)\"; \$(CVS) tag -b \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag\"; ); \\ \$(GAWK) -f ax_cvs_rel.awk -v change=1 \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)/configure.ac\" > configure.tmp; \\ touch ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; \\ DATE=\`date +\"%%Y-%%m-%%d\"\`; \\ echo \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}DATE \$(USERNAME) <\$(USEREMAIL)>\" > commitlog.tmp ; \\ echo \"\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \" * ./configure.ac\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \" Created major branch: ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \" Use:\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \" \\\\\`cvs -d\$(ANON_CVSROOT) login\\\\\`\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \" \\\\\`cvs -d\$(ANON_CVSROOT) co -r ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag \$(PACKAGE)\\\\\`\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \" to access the branch\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \"\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ cat ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog >> commitlog.tmp; \\ mv commitlog.tmp ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; \\ cat ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)/ChangeLog\" > ChangeLog.tmp; \\ mv ChangeLog.tmp \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)/ChangeLog\"; \\ mv configure.tmp \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)/configure.ac\"; \\ CURR=\`(cd \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)\"; pwd )\`; \\ (cd \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)\"; \$(CVS) -z9 commit -F \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}CURR/commitlog\"; ); \\ rm -f ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; \\ \$(CVS) -z9 -d${AX_DOLLAR}(CVSROOT) co -r ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag -d ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag \$(PACKAGE); \\ echo \"The branch is now available in the ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag directory\"; \\ echo \"\" branch-minor: @tag=\"\$(PACKAGE)-${AX_MAJOR_VERSION}_${AX_MINOR_VERSION}\"; \\ echo \"\"; \\ echo \"Creating minor brach: ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag\"; \\ (cd \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)\"; \$(CVS) tag -b \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag\"; ); \\ \$(GAWK) -f ax_cvs_rel.awk -v change=1 \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)/configure.ac\" > configure.tmp; \\ touch ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; \\ DATE=\`date +\"%%Y-%%m-%%d\"\`; \\ echo \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}DATE \$(USERNAME) <\$(USEREMAIL)>\" > commitlog.tmp ; \\ echo \"\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \" * ./configure.ac\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \" Created minor branch: ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \" Use:\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \" \\\\\`cvs -d\$(ANON_CVSROOT) login\\\\\`\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \" \\\\\`cvs -d\$(ANON_CVSROOT) co -r ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag \$(PACKAGE)\\\\\`\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \" to access the branch\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \"\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ cat ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog >> commitlog.tmp; \\ mv commitlog.tmp ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; \\ cat ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)/ChangeLog\" > ChangeLog.tmp; \\ mv ChangeLog.tmp \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)/ChangeLog\"; \\ mv configure.tmp \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)/configure.ac\"; \\ CURR=\`(cd \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)\"; pwd )\`; \\ (cd \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)\"; \$(CVS) -z9 commit -F \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}CURR/commitlog\"; ); \\ rm -f ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; \\ \$(CVS) -z9 -d${AX_DOLLAR}(CVSROOT) co -r ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag -d ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag \$(PACKAGE); \\ echo \"The branch is now available in the ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag directory\"; \\ echo \"\" add_rel: @touch \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog\" @DATE=\`date +\"%%Y-%%m-%%d\"\`; \\ echo \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}DATE \$(USERNAME) <\$(USEREMAIL)>\" > commitlog.tmp @echo \"\" >> commitlog.tmp @echo \" * ./configure.ac\" >> commitlog.tmp @echo \" Released \$(PACKAGE)-\$(VERSION)\" >> commitlog.tmp @echo \" You can access this release by running:\" >> commitlog.tmp @echo \" \\\\\`cvs -d\$(ANON_CVSROOT) login\\\\\`\" >> commitlog.tmp @tag=\"\$(PACKAGE)-${AX_MAJOR_VERSION}_${AX_MINOR_VERSION}_${AX_POINT_VERSION}\"; \\ echo \" \\\\\`cvs -d\$(ANON_CVSROOT) co -r ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag -d \$(PACKAGE)-\$(VERSION) \$(PACKAGE)\\\\\`\" >> commitlog.tmp @echo \" The release will then be available in the \$(PACKAGE)-\$(VERSION) directory\" >> commitlog.tmp @echo \"\" >> commitlog.tmp @cat \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog\" >> commitlog.tmp @mv commitlog.tmp \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog\" @cat \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog\" \"\$(top_srcdir)/ChangeLog\" > ChangeLog.tmp @mv ChangeLog.tmp \"\$(top_srcdir)/ChangeLog\" @CURR=\`(cd \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)\"; pwd )\`; \\ (cd \"\$(top_srcdir)\"; \$(CVS) -z9 commit -F \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}CURR/commitlog\"; ) @rm -f ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog do_tag: @tag=\"\$(PACKAGE)-${AX_MAJOR_VERSION}_${AX_MINOR_VERSION}_${AX_POINT_VERSION}\"; \\ echo \"tagging release with ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag\"; \\ (cd \"\$(top_srcdir)\"; \$(CVS) tag -b \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag\"; ); \\ \$(CVS) -z9 -d\$(CVSROOT) co -r ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag -d ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag \$(PACKAGE); \\ echo \"The release is now available in the ${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}tag directory\"; \\ echo \"\" inc_rel: @\$(GAWK) -f ax_cvs_rel.awk -v change=3 \"\$(top_srcdir)/configure.ac\" > configure.tmp; @mv configure.tmp \"\$(top_srcdir)/configure.ac\" @touch \"\$(top_builddir)/commitlog\" @DATE=\`date +\"%%Y-%%m-%%d\"\`; \\ echo \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}DATE \$(USERNAME) <\$(USEREMAIL)>\" > commitlog.tmp ; \\ echo \"\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \" * ./configure.ac\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \" Update version number\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ echo \"\" >> commitlog.tmp; \\ cat ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog >> commitlog.tmp; \\ mv commitlog.tmp ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; \\ cat ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)/ChangeLog\" > ChangeLog.tmp; \\ mv ChangeLog.tmp \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)/ChangeLog\"; \\ CURR=\`(cd \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)\"; pwd )\`; \\ (cd \"${AX_DOLLAR}(top_srcdir)\"; \$(CVS) -z9 commit -F \"${AX_DOLLAR}${AX_DOLLAR}CURR/commitlog\"; ); \\ rm -f ${AX_DOLLAR}(top_builddir)/commitlog; tag: do_tag inc_rel # creates a release for the current version, increaments the point # release number and checkout the release into a new direcory release: update distcheck add_rel tag # same as release, but distcheck is not performed before releasing quick-release: update add_rel tag endif # ax_cvs_enabled ]) ])