History of the Autoconf Archive =============================== 2009-04-26: Moved the entire project to Savannah: http://www.nongnu.org/autoconf-archive/ Obsolete macros were deleted from the archive. The release tarballs will no longer contain them, but the download URLs will continue to work for the foreseeable future. For every deleted macros, there is also a stub HTML page the features an appropriate link into the Git repository. The last-modified-date section was removed from all m4 files. The information is redundant: the GIT repository contains that information (and much more). Originally, the idea behind that timestamp was that users should always be able to infer the macros "version", i.e. even from a generated configure script. In practice, however, that didn't work well. For one, those timestamps have a tendency to be plain wrong. Secondly, even if the timestamp was correct, it's presence still didn't tell you that the macro you're seeing is actually identical with the one in the Autoconf Archive. After 9 years of trouble with that bit, I conclude that keeping unique version information inside of the file that's supposed to be versioned just isn't a good idea. The "copyleft" section has been renamed to "license" for greater accuracy. Some licenses, like all-permissive, are not really copylefts. The cross-reference graphs have been removed from the HTML pages. These dot-graphs were useful a while ago, when the archive was comparatively small, but with the current number 500+ macros, those graphs tended to be far too large to be useful. Ensured that all files to refer to this project consistently as "Autoconf Archive". Fixed some charset issues in the generated HTML files. Now, all pages are written in plain ASCII, and special characters are encoded as HTML entities. Added an by-license index page. 2008-04-12: The markup format distributed by the Autoconf Archive has changed to accomodate the aclocal utility distributed with Automake. Further details are available in the GIT repository: http://git.cryp.to/autoconf-archive?a=commit;h=76c7d0ad8925ab22e3bb50c8b27b333f31303c74 2007-08-22: The macro documentation shipped in the release tarball now features cross-references. 2007-07-29: This release is the first one to be distributed under the terms of the updated General Public License, version 3. 2007-02-18: The Autoconf Archive provides a public GIT repository that can be cloned as follows: git clone http://git.cryp.to/autoconf-archive A web front-end is available under the same URL. As a new feature, the web front-end allows every macro to link directly into the repository for its own history. 2006-10-23: The Autoconf Archive switched to a new distribution format. Unlike the previous one, the new format has no visible markup and looks pretty much like formatted text. The m4 files now link to their home page. Also new is that the copyright licenses are spelled out. 2005-02-14: The Autoconf Archive repository has moved from gnu.org to , mostly because running on my own infrastructure is far more convenient than depending on Savannah. This release is the first one to have an out-of-the-box installation procedure using Autoconf/Automake. To travel back in time, go to: http://web.archive.org/web/20050215104509/http://autoconf-archive.cryp.to/ 2005-01-28: The Free Software Foundation recommends the all-permissive license for Autoconf Macros. In an heroic effort, Tom Howard has contacted each and every macro author in an attempt to get their permission to re-license their work under the less restrictive license. More than 50 positive responses are received. 2005-01-21: Moved all macros into a flat hierarchy. Previous releases determined a macro's category by the name of the directory it was in. This convention no longer necessary. Having the files in a flat hierarchy works vastly better with the aclocal(1) utility than the previous layout. This release also marks the departure from free-style version numbers. All version information is expressed as an ISO 8601 date. A macro's version is the date of its last modification in the Archive. 2001-07-14: The Autoconf Archive repository has moved from cryp.to to . This change brings mostly public access to the CVS repository at Savannah. The move also allows the project to dub itself the "GNU Autoconf Archive". To travel back in time, go to: http://web.archive.org/web/20010715000147/www.gnu.org/software/ac-archive/ 2001-05-19: Moved from research.cys.de to . To travel back in time, go to: http://web.archive.org/web/20010119114000/http://research.cys.de/ 2000-06-15: First version on-line at .