Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
TCLAP::ArgA virtual base class that defines the essential data for all arguments
TCLAP::ArgExceptionA simple class that defines and argument exception
TCLAP::ArgParseExceptionThrown from within the child Arg classes when it fails to properly parse the argument it has been passed
TCLAP::ArgTraits< T >Arg traits are used to get compile type specialization when parsing argument values
TCLAP::ArgTraits< bool >Bools have value-like semantics
TCLAP::ArgTraits< char >Chars have value-like semantics
TCLAP::ArgTraits< double >Doubles have value-like semantics
TCLAP::ArgTraits< float >Floats have value-like semantics
TCLAP::ArgTraits< int >Ints have value-like semantics
TCLAP::ArgTraits< long >Longs have value-like semantics
TCLAP::ArgTraits< short >Shorts have value-like semantics
TCLAP::ArgTraits< std::string >Strings have string like argument traits
TCLAP::ArgTraits< unsigned char >Unsigned chars have value-like semantics
TCLAP::ArgTraits< unsigned int >Unsigned ints have value-like semantics
TCLAP::ArgTraits< unsigned long >Unsigned longs have value-like semantics
TCLAP::ArgTraits< unsigned short >Unsigned shorts have value-like semantics
TCLAP::ArgTraits< wchar_t >Wchar_ts have value-like semantics
TCLAP::CmdLineThe base class that manages the command line definition and passes along the parsing to the appropriate Arg classes
TCLAP::CmdLineInterfaceThe base class that manages the command line definition and passes along the parsing to the appropriate Arg classes
TCLAP::CmdLineOutputThe interface that any output object must implement
TCLAP::CmdLineParseExceptionThrown from CmdLine when the arguments on the command line are not properly specified, e.g
TCLAP::Constraint< T >The interface that defines the interaction between the Arg and Constraint
TCLAP::DocBookOutputA class that generates DocBook output for usage() method for the given CmdLine and its Args
TCLAP::HelpVisitorA Visitor object that calls the usage method of the given CmdLineOutput object for the specified CmdLine object
TCLAP::IgnoreRestVisitorA Vistor that tells the CmdLine to begin ignoring arguments after this one is parsed
TCLAP::MultiArg< T >An argument that allows multiple values of type T to be specified
TCLAP::MultiSwitchArgA multiple switch argument
TCLAP::SpecificationExceptionThrown from Arg and CmdLine when an Arg is improperly specified, e.g
TCLAP::StdOutputA class that isolates any output from the CmdLine object so that it may be easily modified
TCLAP::StringLikeA string like argument value type is a value that can be set using operator=(string)
TCLAP::StringLikeTraitA class can inherit from this object to make it have string like traits
TCLAP::SwitchArgA simple switch argument
TCLAP::UnlabeledMultiArg< T >Just like a MultiArg, except that the arguments are unlabeled
TCLAP::UnlabeledValueArg< T >The basic unlabeled argument that parses a value
TCLAP::ValueArg< T >The basic labeled argument that parses a value
TCLAP::ValueLikeA value like argument value type is a value that can be set using operator>>
TCLAP::ValueLikeTraitA class can inherit from this object to make it have value like traits
TCLAP::ValuesConstraint< T >A Constraint that constrains the Arg to only those values specified in the constraint
TCLAP::VersionVisitorA Vistor that will call the version method of the given CmdLineOutput for the specified CmdLine object and then exit
TCLAP::VisitorA base class that defines the interface for visitors
TCLAP::XorHandlerThis class handles lists of Arg's that are to be XOR'd on the command line
TCLAP::ZshCompletionOutputA class that generates a Zsh completion function as output from the usage() method for the given CmdLine and its Args

Generated on Sat Apr 16 15:34:24 2011 for tclap by  doxygen 1.6.0