/** * Copyright (C) 2012, BMW AG * * This file is part of GENIVI Project AudioManager. * * Contributions are licensed to the GENIVI Alliance under one or more * Contribution License Agreements. * * \copyright * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with * this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * * \author Christian Mueller, christian.ei.mueller@bmw.de BMW 2011,2012 * * \file * For further information see http://www.genivi.org/. * * THIS CODE HAS BEEN GENERATED BY ENTERPRISE ARCHITECT GENIVI MODEL. PLEASE CHANGE ONLY IN ENTERPRISE ARCHITECT AND GENERATE AGAIN */ #if !defined(EA_B5ABC40A_CD0B_4c35_BB93_F4EA426C0B58__INCLUDED_) #define EA_B5ABC40A_CD0B_4c35_BB93_F4EA426C0B58__INCLUDED_ namespace am { /** * This enum classifies the format in which data is exchanged within a connection. * The enum itself is project specific although there are some Genivi standard * formats defined. * @author Christian Mueller * @created 28-Jun-2012 14:00:25 */ enum am_ConnectionFormat_e { /** * default */ CF_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * plain mono */ CF_GENIVI_MONO = 1, /** * stereo connection */ CF_GENIVI_STEREO = 2, /** * analog connection */ CF_GENIVI_ANALOG = 3, /** * automatic connection. */ CF_GENIVI_AUTO = 4, CF_MAX }; /** * This enum gives the information about reason for reason for Source/Sink change * @author Christian Mueller * @created 28-Jun-2012 14:00:25 */ enum am_AvailabilityReason_e { /** * default */ AR_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * the availability changed because an new media was entered */ AR_GENIVI_NEWMEDIA = 1, /** * the availability changed because the same media was entered */ AR_GENIVI_SAMEMEDIA = 2, /** * the availability changed because there is no media */ AR_GENIVI_NOMEDIA = 3, /** * the availability changed because of a temperature event */ AR_GENIVI_TEMPERATURE = 4, /** * the availability changed because of a voltage event */ AR_GENIVI_VOLTAGE = 5, /** * the availability changed because of fatal errors reading or accessing media */ AR_GENIVI_ERRORMEDIA = 6, AR_MAX }; /** * product specific identifier of property * @author Christian Mueller * @created 28-Jun-2012 14:00:25 */ enum am_ClassProperty_e { /** * default */ CP_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * defines the source type of a source. Project specific, could be for example * differentiation between interrupt source and main source. */ CP_ENTERTAINMENT = 1, /** * defines the SINK_TYPE. Project specific */ CP_INTERRUPT_OVERLAY = 2, CP_INTERRUPT_SUPERSEEDING = 3, CP_PDC =4, CP_GONG = 5, CP_CROSSFADER = 6, CP_GENIVI_SOURCE_TYPE=7, CP_GENIVI_SINK_TYPE=8, CP_VIRTUAL_MAINSINK = 9, CP_INVISIBLE_SOURCE = 10, CP_PLAINSINK = 11, CP_MAINSINK = 12, CP_INVISIBLE_SINK = 13, CP_MAX }; /** * The given ramp types here are just a possiblity. for products, different ramp * types can be defined here. * It is in the responsibility of the product to make sure that the routing * plugins are aware of the ramp types used. * @author Christian Mueller * @created 28-Jun-2012 14:00:25 */ enum am_RampType_e { RAMP_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * this ramp type triggers a direct setting of the value without a ramp */ RAMP_GENIVI_DIRECT = 1, /** * This ramp type will set the volume as fast as possible. */ RAMP_GENIVI_NO_PLOP = 2, RAMP_GENIVI_EXP_INV = 3, RAMP_GENIVI_LINEAR = 4, RAMP_GENIVI_EXP = 5, RAMP_MAX }; /** * sound properties. Within genivi only the standard properties are defined, for * products these need to be extended. * @author Christian Mueller * @created 28-Jun-2012 14:00:25 */ enum am_SoundPropertyType_e { /** * default */ SP_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * example treble value min =-10 max =10 */ SP_EXAMPLE_TREBLE = 1, /** * example mid value min =-10 max =10 */ SP_EXAMPLE_MID = 2, /** * example bass value min =-10 max =10 */ SP_EXAMPLE_BASS = 3, SP_ENTER_SINKID = 4, SP_INTERR_SUPERSEEDINGID = 5, SP_INTERR_OVERLAYID = 6, SP_PRIORITY = 7, SP_MAX }; /** * Here are all SoundProperties that can be set via the CommandInterface. Product * specific * @author Christian Mueller * @created 28-Jun-2012 14:00:25 */ enum am_MainSoundPropertyType_e { /** * default */ MSP_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * example value between -10 and +10 */ MSP_EXAMPLE_TREBLE = 1, /** * example value between -10 and +10 */ MSP_EXAMPLE_MID = 2, /** * example value between -10 and +10 */ MSP_EXAMPLE_BASS = 3, MSP_SOURCE_TYPE = 4, MSP_MAX }; /** * describes the different system properties. Project specific * @author Christian Mueller * @created 28-Jun-2012 14:00:25 */ enum am_SystemPropertyType_e { /** * default */ SYP_UNKNOWN = 0, SYP_MAX }; enum am_sourceType_e { ST_MULTIMEDIA_LIBRARY = 0, ST_TUNER = 1, ST_AUX_STREAM = 2, ST_MAX }; /** * gives the type of the Notification. * @author q232968 * @version 1.0 * @created 05-Dez-2012 12:36:55 */ enum am_NotificationType_e { NT_UNKNOWN = 0, NT_MAX }; } #endif // !defined(EA_B5ABC40A_CD0B_4c35_BB93_F4EA426C0B58__INCLUDED_)