/** * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2014, BMW AG * * This file is part of GENIVI Project AudioManager. * * Contributions are licensed to the GENIVI Alliance under one or more * Contribution License Agreements. * * \copyright * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with * this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * * \author Christian Linke, christian.linke@bmw.de BMW 2011 - 2014 * * \file * For further information see http://projects.genivi.org/audio-manager * * THIS CODE HAS BEEN GENERATED BY ENTERPRISE ARCHITECT GENIVI MODEL. * PLEASE CHANGE ONLY IN ENTERPRISE ARCHITECT AND GENERATE AGAIN. */ #if !defined(EA_B654431C_A920_4376_9B2F_3FF803354EAD__INCLUDED_) #define EA_B654431C_A920_4376_9B2F_3FF803354EAD__INCLUDED_ #include #include #include "audiomanagertypes.h" namespace am { class IAmCommandReceive; } #include "IAmCommandReceive.h" #include "audiomanagertypes.h" #define CommandSendVersion "3.0" namespace am { /** * This interface handles all communication from the AudioManagerDaemon towards * the system. It is designed in such a way that only callbacks with no return * types are implemented. So when the CommandInterfacePlugins are designed in such * a way that they broadcast signals to any node who is interested in the * particular information (like signals on Dbus for example), more information can * be retrieved via the CommandReceiveInterface. * There are two rules that have to be kept in mind when implementing against this * interface:\n * \warning * 1. CALLS TO THIS INTERFACE ARE NOT THREAD SAFE !!!! \n * 2. YOU MAY NOT CALL THE CALLING INTERFACE DURING AN SYNCHRONOUS OR ASYNCHRONOUS * CALL THAT EXPECTS A RETURN VALUE.\n * \details * Violation these rules may lead to unexpected behavior! Nevertheless you can * implement thread safe by using the deferred-call pattern described on the wiki * which also helps to implement calls that are forbidden.\n * For more information, please check CAmSerializer */ class IAmCommandSend { public: IAmCommandSend() { } virtual ~IAmCommandSend() { } /** * returns the interface version as string. */ virtual void getInterfaceVersion(std::string& version) const =0; /** * This command starts the interface, the plugin itself. This is not meant to * start communication with the HMI itself. It is a good idea to implement here * everything that sets up the basic communication like DbusCommunication etc... * Be aware of side effects with systemd and socketbased communication! * @return E_OK on success, E_UNKNOWN on error */ virtual am_Error_e startupInterface(IAmCommandReceive* commandreceiveinterface) =0; /** * This function will indirectly be called by the Controller and is used to start * the Communication. Before this command, all communication will be ignored by * the AudioManager. * After the Plugin is ready, it will asynchronously answer with * condfirmCommandReady, the handle that is handed over must be returned. */ virtual void setCommandReady(const uint16_t handle) =0; /** * This function will indirectly be called by the Controller and is used to stop * the Communication. After this command, all communication will be ignored by the * AudioManager. The plugin has to be prepared that either the power will be * switched off or the Interface is started again with setCommandReady * After the Plugin is ready to rundown, it will asynchronously answer with * condfirmCommandRundown, the handle that is handed over must be returned. */ virtual void setCommandRundown(const uint16_t handle) =0; /** * Callback that is called when the number of connections change */ virtual void cbNewMainConnection(const am_MainConnectionType_s& mainConnection) =0; /** * Callback that is called when the number of connections change */ virtual void cbRemovedMainConnection(const am_mainConnectionID_t mainConnection) =0; /** * Callback that is called when the number of sinks change */ virtual void cbNewSink(const am_SinkType_s& sink) =0; /** * Callback that is called when the number of sinks change */ virtual void cbRemovedSink(const am_sinkID_t sinkID) =0; /** * Callback that is called when the number of sources change */ virtual void cbNewSource(const am_SourceType_s& source) =0; /** * Callback that is called when the number of sources change */ virtual void cbRemovedSource(const am_sourceID_t source) =0; /** * this callback is fired if the number of sink classes changed */ virtual void cbNumberOfSinkClassesChanged() =0; /** * this callback is fired if the number of source classes changed */ virtual void cbNumberOfSourceClassesChanged() =0; /** * This callback is called when the ConnectionState of a connection changed. */ virtual void cbMainConnectionStateChanged(const am_mainConnectionID_t connectionID, const am_ConnectionState_e connectionState) =0; /** * this callback indicates that a sinkSoundProperty has changed. */ virtual void cbMainSinkSoundPropertyChanged(const am_sinkID_t sinkID, const am_MainSoundProperty_s& soundProperty) =0; /** * this callback indicates that a sourceSoundProperty has changed. */ virtual void cbMainSourceSoundPropertyChanged(const am_sourceID_t sourceID, const am_MainSoundProperty_s& soundProperty) =0; /** * this callback is called when the availability of a sink has changed */ virtual void cbSinkAvailabilityChanged(const am_sinkID_t sinkID, const am_Availability_s& availability) =0; /** * this callback is called when the availability of source has changed. */ virtual void cbSourceAvailabilityChanged(const am_sourceID_t sourceID, const am_Availability_s& availability) =0; /** * this callback indicates a volume change on the indicated sink */ virtual void cbVolumeChanged(const am_sinkID_t sinkID, const am_mainVolume_t volume) =0; /** * this callback indicates a mute state change on a sink. */ virtual void cbSinkMuteStateChanged(const am_sinkID_t sinkID, const am_MuteState_e muteState) =0; /** * is fired if a systemProperty changed */ virtual void cbSystemPropertyChanged(const am_SystemProperty_s& systemProperty) =0; /** * This callback is fired if the timinginformation for a mainConnectionID changed */ virtual void cbTimingInformationChanged(const am_mainConnectionID_t mainConnectionID, const am_timeSync_t time) =0; /** * This callback is called when a sink is updated. */ virtual void cbSinkUpdated(const am_sinkID_t sinkID, const am_sinkClass_t sinkClassID, const std::vector& listMainSoundProperties) =0; /** * This callback is called when a source is updated. */ virtual void cbSourceUpdated(const am_sourceID_t sourceID, const am_sourceClass_t sourceClassID, const std::vector& listMainSoundProperties) =0; /** * This callback is called when a notificated value of a sink changes. */ virtual void cbSinkNotification(const am_sinkID_t sinkID, const am_NotificationPayload_s& notification) =0; /** * This callback is called when a notifcated value of a source changes. */ virtual void cbSourceNotification(const am_sourceID_t sourceID, const am_NotificationPayload_s& notification) =0; /** * This callback is triggered when a mainNotificationConfiguration is changed. */ virtual void cbMainSinkNotificationConfigurationChanged(const am_sinkID_t sinkID, const am_NotificationConfiguration_s& mainNotificationConfiguration) =0; /** * This callback is triggered when a mainNotificationConfiguration is changed. */ virtual void cbMainSourceNotificationConfigurationChanged(const am_sourceID_t sourceID, const am_NotificationConfiguration_s& mainNotificationConfiguration) =0; }; } #endif // !defined(EA_B654431C_A920_4376_9B2F_3FF803354EAD__INCLUDED_)