/** * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2014, BMW AG * * This file is part of GENIVI Project AudioManager. * * Contributions are licensed to the GENIVI Alliance under one or more * Contribution License Agreements. * * \copyright * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with * this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * * \author Christian Linke, christian.linke@bmw.de BMW 2011 - 2014 * * \file * For further information see http://projects.genivi.org/audio-manager * * THIS CODE HAS BEEN GENERATED BY ENTERPRISE ARCHITECT GENIVI MODEL. * PLEASE CHANGE ONLY IN ENTERPRISE ARCHITECT AND GENERATE AGAIN. */ #if !defined(EA_95D3C82A_0870_4fe0_A468_5AFF99D80A26__INCLUDED_) #define EA_95D3C82A_0870_4fe0_A468_5AFF99D80A26__INCLUDED_ #include #include #include namespace am { /** * a domain ID */ typedef uint16_t am_domainID_t; /** * a crossfader ID */ typedef uint16_t am_crossfaderID_t; /** * a connection ID */ typedef uint16_t am_connectionID_t; /** * a source ID */ typedef uint16_t am_sourceID_t; /** * a sink ID */ typedef uint16_t am_sinkID_t; /** * a converter ID */ typedef uint16_t am_converterID_t; /** * a gateway ID */ typedef uint16_t am_gatewayID_t; /** * a mainConnection ID */ typedef uint16_t am_mainConnectionID_t; /** * speed */ typedef uint16_t am_speed_t; /** * The unit is 0.1 db steps,The smallest value -3000 (=AM_MUTE). The minimum and * maximum can be limited by actual project. */ typedef int16_t am_volume_t; static const am_volume_t AM_MUTE = -3000; /** * This is the volume presented on the command interface. It is in the duty of the * Controller to change the volumes given here into meaningful values on the * routing interface. * The range of this type is customer specific. */ typedef int16_t am_mainVolume_t; typedef uint16_t am_sourceClass_t; typedef uint16_t am_sinkClass_t; /** * time in ms! */ typedef uint16_t am_time_t; /** * offset time that is introduced in milli seconds. */ typedef int16_t am_timeSync_t; /** * This type gives the information about reason for reason for Source/Sink change */ typedef uint16_t am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t; static const am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t AR_UNKNOWN = 0; /** new media was entered */ static const am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t AR_GENIVI_NEWMEDIA = 1; /** same media was entered */ static const am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t AR_GENIVI_SAMEMEDIA = 2; /** there is no media or media is removed */ static const am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t AR_GENIVI_NOMEDIA = 3; /** there was a temperature event */ static const am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t AR_GENIVI_TEMPERATURE = 4; /** there was a voltage event */ static const am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t AR_GENIVI_VOLTAGE = 5; /** fatal errors on reading or accessing media */ static const am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t AR_GENIVI_ERRORMEDIA = 6; /** * This is a custom specific identifier of property. It can be used to * differentiate between interrupt source/sink, main source/sink, etc. */ typedef uint16_t am_CustomClassProperty_t; static const am_CustomClassProperty_t CP_UNKNOWN = 0; static const am_CustomClassProperty_t CP_GENIVI_SOURCE_TYPE = 1; static const am_CustomClassProperty_t CP_GENIVI_SINK_TYPE = 2; /** * This type classifies the format in which data is exchanged within a connection. * The type itself is project specific although there are some standard formats * defined. */ typedef uint16_t am_CustomConnectionFormat_t; static const am_CustomConnectionFormat_t CF_UNKNOWN = 0; static const am_CustomConnectionFormat_t CF_GENIVI_MONO = 1; static const am_CustomConnectionFormat_t CF_GENIVI_STEREO = 2; static const am_CustomConnectionFormat_t CF_GENIVI_ANALOG = 3; static const am_CustomConnectionFormat_t CF_GENIVI_AUTO = 4; /** * Here are all SoundProperties that can be set via the CommandInterface. * This type is product specific and can be changed or extended. */ typedef uint16_t am_CustomMainSoundPropertyType_t; static const am_CustomMainSoundPropertyType_t MSP_UNKNOWN = 0; static const am_CustomMainSoundPropertyType_t MSP_GENIVI_TREBLE = 1; static const am_CustomMainSoundPropertyType_t MSP_GENIVI_MID = 2; static const am_CustomMainSoundPropertyType_t MSP_GENIVI_BASS = 3; /** * The notification types are project specific. */ typedef uint16_t am_CustomNotificationType_t; static const am_CustomNotificationType_t NT_UNKNOWN = 0; /** * The given ramp types here are just examples. For products, different ramp types * can be defined here. It is in the responsibility of the product to make sure * that the routing plugins are aware of the ramp types used. */ typedef uint16_t am_CustomRampType_t; static const am_CustomRampType_t RAMP_UNKNOWN = 0; /** sets directly the value without a ramp */ static const am_CustomRampType_t RAMP_GENIVI_DIRECT = 1; /** Sets the volume as fast as possible */ static const am_CustomRampType_t RAMP_GENIVI_NO_PLOP = 2; /** inverted exponential update, high gradient at the start - soft end */ static const am_CustomRampType_t RAMP_GENIVI_EXP_INV = 3; /** continues update of volume */ static const am_CustomRampType_t RAMP_GENIVI_LINEAR = 4; /** exponential update, soft start - high gradient at the end */ static const am_CustomRampType_t RAMP_GENIVI_EXP = 5; /** * Within genivi only the some example properties are defined. * For products these should be changed or extended. */ typedef uint16_t am_CustomSoundPropertyType_t; static const am_CustomSoundPropertyType_t SP_UNKNOWN = 0; static const am_CustomSoundPropertyType_t SP_GENIVI_TREBLE = 1; static const am_CustomSoundPropertyType_t SP_GENIVI_MID = 2; static const am_CustomSoundPropertyType_t SP_GENIVI_BASS = 3; /** * Describes the different system properties which are project specific. */ typedef uint16_t am_CustomSystemPropertyType_t; static const am_CustomSystemPropertyType_t SYP_UNKNOWN = 0; /** * describes the active sink of a crossfader. */ enum am_HotSink_e { /** * default */ HS_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * sinkA is active */ HS_SINKA = 1, /** * sinkB is active */ HS_SINKB = 2, /** * the crossfader is in the transition state */ HS_INTERMEDIATE = 3, HS_MAX }; /** * with the help of this enum, sinks and sources can report their availability * state */ enum am_Availability_e { /** * default */ A_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * The source / sink is available */ A_AVAILABLE = 1, /** * the source / sink is not available */ A_UNAVAILABLE = 2, A_MAX }; /** * represents the connection state */ enum am_ConnectionState_e { CS_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * This means the connection is just building up */ CS_CONNECTING = 1, /** * the connection is ready to be used */ CS_CONNECTED = 2, /** * the connection is in the course to be knocked down */ CS_DISCONNECTING = 3, /** * only relevant for connectionStatechanged. Is send after the connection was * removed */ CS_DISCONNECTED = 4, /** * this means the connection is still build up but unused at the moment */ CS_SUSPENDED = 5, CS_MAX }; enum am_DomainState_e { /** * default */ DS_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * the domain is controlled by the daemon */ DS_CONTROLLED = 1, /** * the domain is independent starting up */ DS_INDEPENDENT_STARTUP = 2, /** * the domain is independent running down */ DS_INDEPENDENT_RUNDOWN = 3, DS_MAX }; /** * This enum characterizes the data of the EarlyData_t */ enum am_EarlyDataType_e { /** * default */ ES_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * the source volume */ ED_SOURCE_VOLUME = 1, /** * the sink volume */ ED_SINK_VOLUME = 2, /** * a source property */ ED_SOURCE_PROPERTY = 3, /** * a sink property */ ED_SINK_PROPERTY = 4, /** * The interrupt state */ ED_INTERRUPT_STATE = 5, ED_MAX }; /** * the errors of the audiomanager. All possible errors are in here. This enum is * used widely as return parameter. */ enum am_Error_e { /** * no error - positive reply */ E_OK = 0, /** * default */ E_UNKNOWN = 1, /** * value out of range */ E_OUT_OF_RANGE = 2, /** * not used */ E_NOT_USED = 3, /** * a database error occurred */ E_DATABASE_ERROR = 4, /** * the desired object already exists */ E_ALREADY_EXISTS = 5, /** * there is no change */ E_NO_CHANGE = 6, /** * the desired action is not possible */ E_NOT_POSSIBLE = 7, /** * the desired object is non existent */ E_NON_EXISTENT = 8, /** * the asynchronous action was aborted */ E_ABORTED = 9, /** * This error is returned in case a connect is issued with a connectionFormat that * cannot be selected for the connection. This could be either due to the * capabilities of a source or a sink or gateway compatibilities for example */ E_WRONG_FORMAT = 10, E_MAX }; enum am_MuteState_e { /** * default */ MS_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * the source / sink is muted */ MS_MUTED = 1, /** * the source / sink is unmuted */ MS_UNMUTED = 2, MS_MAX }; /** * The source state reflects the state of the source */ enum am_SourceState_e { SS_UNKNNOWN = 0, /** * The source can be activly heared */ SS_ON = 1, /** * The source cannot be heared */ SS_OFF = 2, /** * The source is paused. Meaning it cannot be heared but should be prepared to * play again soon. */ SS_PAUSED = 3, SS_MAX }; /** * This enumeration is used to define the type of the action that is correlated to * a handle. */ enum am_Handle_e { H_UNKNOWN = 0, H_CONNECT = 1, H_DISCONNECT = 2, H_SETSOURCESTATE = 3, H_SETSINKVOLUME = 4, H_SETSOURCEVOLUME = 5, H_SETSINKSOUNDPROPERTY = 6, H_SETSOURCESOUNDPROPERTY = 7, H_SETSINKSOUNDPROPERTIES = 8, H_SETSOURCESOUNDPROPERTIES = 9, H_CROSSFADE = 10, H_SETVOLUMES = 11, H_SETSINKNOTIFICATION = 12, H_SETSOURCENOTIFICATION = 13, H_MAX }; enum am_InterruptState_e { /** * default */ IS_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * the interrupt state is off - no interrupt */ IS_OFF = 1, /** * the interrupt state is interrupted - the interrupt is active */ IS_INTERRUPTED = 2, IS_MAX }; /** * This datatype determines if a sourceID or a sinkID is used in the union * following */ enum am_VolumeType_e { VT_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * the following type is a sink */ VT_SINK = 1, /** * the following type is a source */ VT_SOURCE = 2, VT_MAX }; enum am_NotificationStatus_e { NS_UNKNOWN = 0, /** * No notification, the function is turned off */ NS_OFF = 1, /** * Periodic notifications are sent out. The period in ms is given by * am_NotificationParameter */ NS_PERIODIC = 2, /** * The notification is sent out when the minimum given by am_NotificationParameter * is reached. */ NS_MINIMUM = 3, /** * The notification is sent out when the maximum given by am_NotificationParameter * is reached. */ NS_MAXIMUM = 4, /** * The notification is sent out when a change happened. The Resolution of the * change is defined by am_NotificationParameter. */ NS_CHANGE = 5, NS_MAX }; /** * this describes the availability of a sink or a source together with the latest * change */ struct am_Availability_s { public: /** * the current availability state */ am_Availability_e availability; /** * the reason for the last change. This can be used to trigger events that deal * with state changes. */ am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t availabilityReason; }; /** * describes class properties */ struct am_ClassProperty_s { public: /** * the property as enum */ am_CustomClassProperty_t classProperty; /** * the value of the property */ int16_t value; }; /** * This struct describes the attribiutes of a crossfader. */ struct am_Crossfader_s { public: /** * This is the ID of the crossfader, it is unique in the system. There are 2 ways, * ID can be created: either it is assigned during the registration process (in a * dynamic context, uniqueness will be ensured by the AudioManager daemon), or it * is a fixed (the project has to ensure the uniqueness of the ID). */ am_crossfaderID_t crossfaderID; /** * The name of the crossfader. Must be unique in the whole system. */ std::string name; /** * The sinkID of the SinkA. Sinks shall be registered before registering the * crossfader. */ am_sinkID_t sinkID_A; /** * The sinkID of the SinkB. Sinks shall be registered before registering the * crossfader. */ am_sinkID_t sinkID_B; /** * The sourceID of the crossfader source. The source shall be registered before * the crossfader. */ am_sourceID_t sourceID; /** * This enum can have 3 states: * * HS_SINKA sinkA is the current hot one, sinkB is not audible * HS_SINKB sinkB is the current hot one, sinkB is not audible * HS_INTERMEDIATE the fader is stuck in between a cross-fading action. This * could be due to an abort or an error. Before using the crossfader, it must be * set to either HS_SINKA or HS_SINKB. */ am_HotSink_e hotSink; }; /** * This struct describes the attributes of a converter. */ struct am_Converter_s { public: /** * This is the ID of the converter, it is unique in the system. There are 2 ways, * ID can be created: either it is assigned during the registration process (in a * dynamic context, uniqueness will be ensured by the AudioManagerDaemon), or it * is a fixed (the project has to ensure the uniqueness of the ID). */ am_converterID_t converterID; /** * The name of the converter. Must be unique in the whole system. */ std::string name; /** * The sinkID of the convertersink-end. The sink is a full blown sink with * connectionFormats, sinkClassIDs etc... It makes sense to register the sinks of * a gateway as non-visible. Care needs to be taken that the connectionsFormats * match with the ones in the conversionMatrix. If the sink is located in the * controllingDomain, the ID needs to be retrieved by registering the sink before * registering the gateway. In case the sink is in a different domain, the ID * needs to be retrieved via peeking. */ am_sinkID_t sinkID; /** * The sourceID of the converter sink-end. The sink is a full blown source with * connectionFormats, sinkClassIDs etc... It makes sense to register the sources * of a gateway as non-visible. Care needs to be taken that the connectionsFormats * match with the ones in the conversionMatrix. If the source is located in the * controllingDomain, the ID needs to be retrieved by registering the source * before registering the gateway. In case the source is in a different domain, * the ID needs to be retrieved via peeking. */ am_sourceID_t sourceID; /** * This is the ID of the domain that registers the converter. */ am_domainID_t domainID; /** * This is the list of available formats on the source side of the converter. It * is not defined during the gateway registration but copied from the source * registration. */ std::vector listSourceFormats; /** * This is the list of available formats on the sink side of the gateway. It is * not defined during the converter registration but copied from the sink * registration. */ std::vector listSinkFormats; /** * This is matrix holding information about the conversion capability of the * converter, it's length is defined by the length(listSinkFormats) x * length(listSourceFormats). * If a SinkFormat can be converted into a SourceFormat, the vector will hold a 1, * if no conversion is possible, a 0. * The data is stored row orientated, where the rows are related to the * sinksFormats and the columns to the sourceFormats. The first value will hold * the conversion information from the first sourceFormat to the first sinkFormat * for example and the seventh value the information about the 3rd sinkFormat to * the 1st sourceFormat in case we would have 3 sourceFormats. * * This matrix * 110 011 000 111 001 * * reads as this: * Source * ** 1 2 3 * ********************* * S 1* 1 1 0 * i 2* 0 1 1 * n 3* 0 0 0 * k 4* 1 1 1 * 5* 0 0 1 */ std::vector convertionMatrix; }; /** * This struct describes the attributes of a gateway. */ struct am_Gateway_s { public: /** * This is the ID of the gateway, it is unique in the system. There are 2 ways, ID * can be created: either it is assigned during the registration process (in a * dynamic context, uniqueness will be ensured by the AudioManagerDaemon), or it * is a fixed (the project has to ensure the uniqueness of the ID). */ am_gatewayID_t gatewayID; /** * The name of the gateway. Must be unique in the whole system. */ std::string name; /** * The sinkID of the gateway sink-end. The sink is a full blown sink with * connectionFormats, sinkClassIDs etc... It makes sense to register the sinks of * a gateway as non-visible. Care needs to be taken that the connectionsFormats * match with the ones in the conversionMatrix. If the sink is located in the * controllingDomain, the ID needs to be retrieved by registering the sink before * registering the gateway. In case the sink is in a different domain, the ID * needs to be retrieved via peeking. */ am_sinkID_t sinkID; /** * The sourceID of the gateway sink-end. The sink is a full blown source with * connectionFormats, sinkClassIDs etc... It makes sense to register the sources * of a gateway as non-visible. Care needs to be taken that the connectionsFormats * match with the ones in the conversionMatrix. If the source is located in the * controllingDomain, the ID needs to be retrieved by registering the source * before registering the gateway. In case the source is in a different domain, * the ID needs to be retrieved via peeking. */ am_sourceID_t sourceID; /** * The ID of the sink. If the domain is the same like the controlling domain, the * ID is known due to registration. If the domain is different, the ID needs to be * retrieved via peeking. */ am_domainID_t domainSinkID; /** * The ID of the source. If the domain is the same like the controlling domain, * the ID is known due to registration. If the domain is different, the ID needs * to be retrieved via peeking. */ am_domainID_t domainSourceID; /** * This is the ID of the domain that registers the gateway. */ am_domainID_t controlDomainID; /** * This is the list of available formats on the source side of the gateway. It is * not defined during the gateway registration but copied from the source * registration. */ std::vector listSourceFormats; /** * This is the list of available formats on the sink side of the gateway. It is * not defined during the gateway registration but copied from the sink * registration. */ std::vector listSinkFormats; /** * This is matrix holding information about the conversion capability of the * gateway, it's length is defined by the length(listSinkFormats) x * length(listSourceFormats). * If a SinkFormat can be converted into a SourceFormat, the vector will hold a 1, * if no conversion is possible, a 0. * The data is stored row orientated, where the rows are related to the * sinksFormats and the columns to the sourceFormats. The first value will hold * the conversion information from the first sourceFormat to the first sinkFormat * for example and the seventh value the information about the 3rd sinkFormat to * the 1st sourceFormat in case we would have 3 sourceFormats. * * This matrix * 110 011 000 111 001 * * reads as this: * Source * ** 1 2 3 * ********************* * S 1* 1 1 0 * i 2* 0 1 1 * n 3* 0 0 0 * k 4* 1 1 1 * 5* 0 0 1 */ std::vector convertionMatrix; }; /** * This represents one "hopp" in a route */ struct am_RoutingElement_s { public: /** * the source ID */ am_sourceID_t sourceID; /** * the sinkID */ am_sinkID_t sinkID; /** * the domainID the routeElement is in */ am_domainID_t domainID; /** * the connectionformat that is used for the route */ am_CustomConnectionFormat_t connectionFormat; }; /** * a list of routing elements that lead from source to sink */ struct am_Route_s { public: /** * the sourceID where the route starts */ am_sourceID_t sourceID; /** * the sinkID where the route ends */ am_sinkID_t sinkID; /** * the actual route as list of routing elements */ std::vector route; }; /** * struct describing the sound property */ struct am_SoundProperty_s { public: /** * the type of the property - a project specific enum */ am_CustomSoundPropertyType_t type; /** * the actual value of the property */ int16_t value; }; /** * struct describing system properties */ struct am_SystemProperty_s { public: /** * the type that is set */ am_CustomSystemPropertyType_t type; /** * the value */ int16_t value; }; /** * struct describing sinkclasses */ struct am_SinkClass_s { public: /** * the ID of the sinkClass */ am_sinkClass_t sinkClassID; /** * the name of the sinkClass - must be unique in the system */ std::string name; /** * the list of the class properties. These are pairs of a project specific enum * describing the type of the value and an integer holding the real value. */ std::vector listClassProperties; }; /** * struct describing source classes */ struct am_SourceClass_s { public: /** * the source ID */ am_sourceClass_t sourceClassID; /** * the name of the sourceClass - must be unique in the system */ std::string name; /** * the list of the class properties. These are pairs of a project specific enum * describing the type of the value and an integer holding the real value. */ std::vector listClassProperties; }; /** * this type holds all information of sources relevant to the HMI */ struct am_SourceType_s { public: /** * This is the ID of the source, it is unique in the system. There are 2 ways, ID * can be created: either it is assigned during the registration process (in a * dynamic context, uniqueness will be ensured by the AudioManagerDaemon), or it * is a fixed (the project has to ensure the uniqueness of the ID). */ am_sourceID_t sourceID; /** * The name of the source. Must be unique in the whole system. */ std::string name; /** * the availability of the source */ am_Availability_s availability; /** * the sourceClassID, indicates the class the source is in. This information can * be used by the Controller to implement different behaviour for different * classes. */ am_sourceClass_t sourceClassID; }; /** * this type holds all information of sinks relevant to the HMI */ struct am_SinkType_s { public: /** * This is the ID of the sink, it is unique in the system. There are 2 ways, ID * can be created: either it is assigned during the registration process (in a * dynamic context, uniqueness will be ensured by the AudioManagerDaemon), or it * is a fixed (the project has to ensure the uniqueness of the ID). */ am_sinkID_t sinkID; /** * The name of the sink. Must be unique in the whole system. */ std::string name; /** * This attribute reflects the availability of the sink. There are several reasons * why a sink could be not available for the moment: for example the shutdown of a * sink because of overtemperature or over- & undervoltage. The availability * consists of two pieces of information: * * Availablility: the status itself, can be A_AVAILABLE, A_UNAVAILABLE or * A_UNKNOWN * AvailabilityReason: this informs about the last reason for a change in * availability. The reasons itself are product specific. */ am_Availability_s availability; /** * This is the representation of the Volume for the commandInterface. It is used * by the HMI to set the volume of a sink, the AudioManagerController has to * transform this into real source and sink volumes. */ am_mainVolume_t volume; am_MuteState_e muteState; /** * The sinkClassID references to a sinkClass. With the help of classification, * rules can be setup to define the system behaviour. */ am_sinkClass_t sinkClassID; }; /** * a handle is used for asynchronous operations and is uniquely assigned for each * of this operations */ struct am_Handle_s { public: /** * the handletype */ am_Handle_e handleType:6; /** * the handle as value */ uint16_t handle:10; }; /** * struct describung mainsound property */ struct am_MainSoundProperty_s { public: /** * the type of the property */ am_CustomMainSoundPropertyType_t type; /** * the actual value */ int16_t value; }; /** * this type holds all information of connections relevant to the HMI */ struct am_MainConnectionType_s { public: /** * the ID of the mainconnection */ am_mainConnectionID_t mainConnectionID; /** * the sourceID where the connection starts */ am_sourceID_t sourceID; /** * the sinkID where the connection ends */ am_sinkID_t sinkID; /** * the delay of the mainconnection */ am_timeSync_t delay; /** * the current connection state */ am_ConnectionState_e connectionState; }; /** * struct that holds attribiutes of a mainconnection */ struct am_MainConnection_s { public: /** * the assigned ID */ am_mainConnectionID_t mainConnectionID; /** * the current connection state */ am_ConnectionState_e connectionState; /** * the sinkID */ am_sinkID_t sinkID; /** * the sourceID */ am_sourceID_t sourceID; /** * the delay of the connection */ am_timeSync_t delay; /** * the list of sub connection IDs the mainconnection consists of */ std::vector listConnectionID; }; /** * This struct holds the payload of a notification. */ struct am_NotificationPayload_s { public: /** * This defines the notification type */ am_CustomNotificationType_t type; /** * This is finally the value of the notification. It's meaning depends on the * notificationType */ int16_t value; }; /** * This struct holds information about the configuration for notifications */ struct am_NotificationConfiguration_s { public: /** * The notification type of the notification */ am_CustomNotificationType_t type; /** * The Notification status. This can be periodic, min/max value based or even off * for example */ am_NotificationStatus_e status; /** * This gives additional information to the notification status. * Relation between notification status and the value: * NS_PERIODIC - the period in ms * NS_MINIMUM - the minimum value that triggers the notification * NS_MAXIMUM - the maximum value that triggers the notifcation * NS_CHANGE - the resolution of the change value */ int16_t parameter; }; /** * This struct describes the attribiutes of a sink */ struct am_Sink_s { public: /** * This is the ID of the sink, it is unique in the system. There are 2 ways, ID * can be created: either it is assigned during the registration process (in a * dynamic context, uniqueness will be ensured by the AudioManagerDaemon), or it * is a fixed (the project has to ensure the uniqueness of the ID). */ am_sinkID_t sinkID; /** * The name of the sink. Must be unique in the whole system. */ std::string name; /** * The domainID is the domain the sink belongs to. A sink can only be in one * domain. */ am_domainID_t domainID; /** * The sinkClassID references to a sinkClass. With the help of classification, * rules can be setup to define the system behaviour. */ am_sinkClass_t sinkClassID; /** * This is the volume of the sink. It is set by the AudioManagerController. */ am_volume_t volume; /** * This Boolean flag indicates whether a sink is visible to the commandInterface * or not. If the User must have the possibility to choose the source in the HMI, * it must be visible. But there are also good reasons for invisible sinks, for * example if the sink is part of a crossfader or gateway. HMI relevant changes in * visible sinks will be automatically reported by the daemon to the * commandInterface. */ bool visible; /** * This attribute reflects the availability of the sink. There are several reasons * why a sink could be not available for the moment: for example the shutdown of a * sink because of overtemperature or over- & undervoltage. The availability * consists of two pieces of information: * * Availablility: the status itself, can be A_AVAILABLE, A_UNAVAILABLE or * A_UNKNOWN * AvailabilityReason: this informs about the last reason for a change in * availability. The reasons itself are product specific. */ am_Availability_s available; /** * This attribute reflects the muteState of the sink. The information is not the * "real" state of the sink, but the HMI representation for he commandInterface * controlled by the AudioManagerController. */ am_MuteState_e muteState; /** * This is the representation of the Volume for the commandInterface. It is used * by the HMI to set the volume of a sink, the AudioManagerController has to * transform this into real source and sink volumes. */ am_mainVolume_t mainVolume; /** * This is the list of soundProperties, that the sink is capable of. The * soundProperties itself are project specific. For sinks, a possible * soundProperty could be for example settings. */ std::vector listSoundProperties; /** * This list holds information about the formats that the Source is capable of * supporting when delivering audio. */ std::vector listConnectionFormats; /** * This is the list of the available mainSoundProperties. The principle is the * same than with soundProperties, but they are only visible to the * CommandInterface. */ std::vector listMainSoundProperties; /** * This is the list of the MainNotificationConfigurations. These notifications * work on the level of command interface. */ std::vector listMainNotificationConfigurations; /** * This is the list of the NotificationConfigurations. These notifications work on * the level of RoutingPlugins. */ std::vector listNotificationConfigurations; }; /** * This struct describes the attribiutes of a source */ struct am_Source_s { public: /** * This is the ID of the source, it is unique in the system. There are 2 ways, ID * can be created: either it is assigned during the registration process (in a * dynamic context, uniqueness will be ensured by the AudioManagerDaemon), or it * is a fixed (the project has to ensure the uniqueness of the ID). */ am_sourceID_t sourceID; /** * The domainID is the domain the source belongs to. A source can only be in one * domain. */ am_domainID_t domainID; /** * The name of the source. Must be unique in the whole system. */ std::string name; /** * the sourceClassID, indicates the class the source is in. This information can * be used by the Controller to implement different behaviour for different * classes. */ am_sourceClass_t sourceClassID; /** * The source state is an indication towards the source if it is actively heard or * not. The source can use this information to implement features like automatic * spin down of CD's in case the CD is not the active source or AF following of a * tuner that is not actively heard. The source state is set by the * AudioManagerController.There are 3 possible states: * * SS_ON: the source is active * SS_OFF: the source is off * SS_PAUSED: the source is paused and not active. */ am_SourceState_e sourceState; /** * This is the volume of the source. It is set by the AudioManagerController. It * is used to adopt different audiolevels in a system and mixing of sources (e.g. * navigation hints & music). */ am_volume_t volume; /** * This Boolean flag indicates whether a source is visible to the commandInterface * or not. If the User must have the possibility to choose the source in the HMI, * it must be visible. But there are also good reasons for invisible sources, for * example if the source is part of a crossfader or gateway. HMI relevant changes * in visible sources will be automatically reported by the daemon to the * commandInterface. */ bool visible; /** * This attribute reflects the availability of the source. There are several * reasons why a source could be not available for the moment. For example a CD * player which has no CD entered in the slot can be unavailable, or a USB player * with no or unreadable stick attached. Other scenarios involve the shutdown of a * source because of overtemperature or over- & undervoltage. The availability * consists of two informations: * * Availablility: the status itself, can be A_AVAILABLE, A_UNAVAILABLE or * A_UNKNOWN * AvailabilityReason: this informs about the last reason for a change in * availability. The reasons itself are product specific. */ am_Availability_s available; /** * Some special sources can have special behaviors, the are so called "Low Level * Interrupts". Here the current status is documented. The information can be used * by the AudioManagerController to react to the changes by for example lowering * the volume of the mainSources. The two states are * * IS_OFF: the interrupt is not active at the moment * IS_INTERRUPTED: the interrupt is playing at the moment. */ am_InterruptState_e interruptState; /** * This is the list of soundProperties, that the source is capable of. The * soundProperties itself are project specific. For sources, a possible * soundProperty could be navigation volume offset, for example. */ std::vector listSoundProperties; /** * This list holds information about the formats that the Source is capable of * supporting when delivering audio. */ std::vector listConnectionFormats; /** * This is the list of the available mainSoundProperties. The principle is the * same than with soundProperties, but they are only visible to the * CommandInterface. */ std::vector listMainSoundProperties; /** * The list of MainNotificationConfigurations. These notifications work on the * level of CommandInterface. */ std::vector listMainNotificationConfigurations; /** * The list of MainNotificationConfigurations. These notifications work on the * level of RoutingInterface. */ std::vector listNotificationConfigurations; }; /** * This struct describes the attribiutes of a domain */ struct am_Domain_s { public: /** * the domain ID */ am_domainID_t domainID; /** * the name of the domain */ std::string name; /** * the busname. This is equal to a plugin name and is used to dispatch messages to * the elements of a plugin */ std::string busname; /** * the name of the node */ std::string nodename; /** * indicated if the domain is independent at startup or not */ bool early; /** * indicates if the domain registration is complete or not */ bool complete; /** * the current domain state */ am_DomainState_e state; }; /** * a connection */ struct am_Connection_s { public: /** * the assigned ID */ am_connectionID_t connectionID; /** * the source the audio flows from */ am_sourceID_t sourceID; /** * the sink the audio flows to */ am_sinkID_t sinkID; /** * the delay of the conneciton */ am_timeSync_t delay; /** * the used connectionformat */ am_CustomConnectionFormat_t connectionFormat; }; /** * data type depends of am_EarlyDataType_e: * volume_t in case of ED_SOURCE_VOLUME, ED_SINK_VOLUME * soundProperty_t in case of ED_SOURCE_PROPERTY, ED_SINK_PROPERTY */ union am_EarlyData_u { public: am_volume_t volume; am_SoundProperty_s soundProperty; am_InterruptState_e interruptState; }; /** * data type depends of am_EarlyDataType_e: * sourceID in case of ED_SOURCE_VOLUME, ED_SOURCE_PROPERTY * sinkID in case of ED_SINK_VOLUME, ED_SINK_PROPERTY */ union am_DataType_u { public: am_sinkID_t sink; am_sourceID_t source; }; struct am_EarlyData_s { public: am_EarlyDataType_e type; am_DataType_u sinksource; am_EarlyData_u data; }; /** * This types describe a mixed description for source and sinks volumes. */ struct am_Volumes_s { public: /** * describes the type of the volume: source or sink. */ am_VolumeType_e volumeType; /** * either sourceID or sinkID */ am_DataType_u volumeID; /** * The volume */ am_volume_t volume; /** * the ramp that shall be driven */ am_CustomRampType_t ramp; /** * the time for the ramp */ am_time_t time; }; } #endif // !defined(EA_95D3C82A_0870_4fe0_A468_5AFF99D80A26__INCLUDED_)